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Sex, Lies and Designer Shoes

Page 7

by Kimberly Van Meter

  He wasn’t a quitter or a cheater so he downed the shot as directed. He lost fair and square. But the game did stir more questions. Who was this guy who managed to steal CoCo’s heart? He gestured for another round, then turned to CoCo. “Okay, so who was the guy?”

  “Sorry, that’s not part of the game,” she said, grinning. “Your turn.”

  She wasn’t going to spill that intel. He could respect that even if he was burning to know the details. Why? He didn’t really know but he wanted a glimpse into the real CoCo, not the tabloid princess, and there was something burning in his chest that felt a lot like envy for the mystery guy who’d been given an all-access pass when everyone else had to stand outside. He cleared his throat and said, “I’ve never...committed a felony.”

  CoCo watched him from beneath a curtain of lush, dark lashes and then said, “True.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Hey, no fair trying to make me second-guess my decision.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t see that in the fine print.”

  A faint, playful scowl followed as she said, “Well, it’s there. No pressuring or making me second-guess. And yes, my answer stands. You’re not a bad boy, even if you try to come off as one.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah. Deep down, you’re just a softie.”

  That made him laugh. “Really? That’s how you see me? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re already drunk.”

  “Okay, so spill...true or false?”

  He relented. “True.” Her squeal of laughter lit up his insides and he was smiling before he could stop it. “But I came damn close once. That should count for something. If it weren’t for my brother pulling some strings...yeah, I might’ve had a felony on my record.”

  “Oooooh, such an almost bad boy.”

  “All right, all right, Giggles. Here’s your next one. I’ve never...worn women’s underwear.”

  “Oh, that has to be true,” she said.

  “False!” At her surprise, he said, “It was on a dare in high school and they were the head cheerleader’s bikini panties. And I rocked them, if I’m being honest.”

  “Okay, you got me there. Next question.”

  He thought long and hard. The whiskey shot was doing its job of loosening things up between them but he was having a bit too much fun. He grinned as he thought of his last statement. “I’ve never drank with a client.”

  “That’s totally false.”

  He met her confident stare and he said, “Nope. Sorry, princess. This is my first time.” And right about now, he had a good idea why he stood by that rule, because she was a heartbeat away from getting kissed.

  * * *

  HER HEART RACED and she leaned toward him, almost able to taste those luscious lips, but then Rian pulled back and the spell was broken. CoCo didn’t bother hiding her disappointment but she didn’t comment because she already knew what he was going to say and she didn’t want to hear it. Instead she gestured for another round but he put the kibosh on it.

  “We’ve had plenty. Rounds of whiskey are a recipe for bad decisions. It was a fun game, though.”

  She switched gears and slid from the bar stool. “Fine. I’m ready to go dancing now anyway.”

  “Dancing? I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, I do think so. In fact, I insist. We can pop over to my favorite club, Tinsel, and meet up with some friends of mine.”

  “That’s a double no,” he said sternly. “A nightclub is a logistical nightmare.”

  “Stop being such a worrywart. Everything will be fine. How could anything happen with hundreds of people watching?” She tugged at his shirt. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. I promise!” She ignored his protests and dragged him outside to hail a cab.

  “What are you doing? We drove here.”

  “Safety first. We’ve been drinking. And if we take a cab, we can drink some more. I suspect there’s a cool guy lurking beneath that suffocating layer of buzzkill you hide behind and I want to get to know that guy.”

  “Yeah, well, that guy isn’t on the clock,” he said, gracing her with a stern look that oddly made him ten times sexier. Maybe it was the whiskey talking but CoCo wouldn’t mind sampling those lips or caressing that firm, set jaw. “We should get back to the hotel.”

  “If we return to the hotel right now, these clothes are coming off. However, if you let me get a little club time, I swear I will docilely return to the hotel and promise to keep my hands to myself and my clothes on. Sound like a deal?” She waited with bated breath, half hoping he’d drag her back to the hotel, but when he grudgingly agreed with a black look, she smiled, happy to enjoy a win either way. “Great. You’ll love Tinsel. It’s filled with hotties almost every night.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind when I’m not being dragged there against my better judgment.”

  She laughed. “Such a sourpuss. Oh! Here comes a cab. Let’s go,” she said, moving quickly to the cab and climbing in before he came to his senses.

  “This is a bad idea,” he muttered, mostly to himself until CoCo swung her long legs over his and stretched them out. He jerked his gaze away and she giggled. The fact that he continually pretended that he wasn’t affected by her charms was entertaining, even if it was a bit maddening. She wasn’t accustomed to being so blatantly ignored, much less rejected. It was a new thing—and while the novelty was something, she suspected she wouldn’t enjoy it becoming a trend.

  “Why do you pretend that you’re not attracted to me?” she asked boldly. “I can tell when a man is interested. You’re not fooling anyone.”

  “I don’t mess around with clients.”

  Ah, the rules again. She’d never met a man so consumed with toeing the line. “What if I wasn’t a client?”

  Rian swallowed but he kept his voice firm. “I don’t mess with party girls.”

  Her smile froze, her former good mood dimming a bit. “Is that what I am? A party girl?”

  Rian swung his gaze to meet hers. “Seems like it to me.”

  “Perhaps I’m more than that and you just haven’t chosen to see farther than your nose.”

  He graced her with a derisive look that stung a little. “Not likely, princess.”

  CoCo swung her legs off him and tugged at her dress. What did she care what Rian thought? His opinion meant little to her. Still, she couldn’t keep the hurt from her voice as she said, “Well, I guess I’d better live up to that reputation.”

  “Hey, don’t get hurt feelings now,” he said. “Who says there’s anything wrong with being a party girl? It’s the way you live your life.”

  Was he trying to comfort her after basically calling her out? She didn’t want his pity. Screw this. She needed a drink and a good time. She shrugged. “I’m fine. Just looking forward to getting out of this cab and having a cute bartender put a drink in my hand. Time to get this party started.”

  Rian looked primed to add something else but he held it back and she was glad. She didn’t want to hear any more condescension from that chronically handsome mug. He had the ability to make her feel bad and want to make a good impression at the same time, which wasn’t healthy. She didn’t need him. He was a temporary inconvenience. After this gig, he would be gone and she’d gladly say goodbye.

  The cab stopped in front of Tinsel and she bailed, almost leaving him behind. Gotta be quick on your feet if you want to keep up with this party girl. She graced a smile to the bouncer, who recognized her as a regular and let her past the rope, but when Rian tried to do the same, the bouncer gave him guff. She could’ve smoothed the way for him but a mean part of her wanted him to wait his happy ass outside while she found her friends.


  She sent him a short smile over her shoulder and then disappeared into the club, leaving him behind.


  GODDAMN HER. SHE’D purposefully left him behind. He shoved a few hundred-dollar bills into the bouncer’s hand and then entered the club, percolating with irritation that CoCo had blatantly ditched him. Had that been her plan all along or had he pissed her off with his comment in the cab and this was her way of punishing him? He wasn’t sure but he had a niggling sense that his comment had been the catalyst. She’d gone from playful and mischievous to cool and distant in a matter of seconds after he’d made his party-girl comment. He didn’t understand why that had made her mad. For crying out loud, it’d been her idea to go out to a club, which clearly supported his statement.

  He stalked into the throbbing din, immediately assaulted by the raucous noise that passed itself off as music, and wound his way through the writhing crowd. Yeah, this was a huge mistake. Already his intuition was clanging like a bell at how much of a security nightmare this place was. Multiple areas for someone to hide out and the dim lighting, coupled with the strobing, gave him an instant headache.

  He kept his eyes peeled for CoCo and like a magnet his gaze was drawn straight to that smoking body in that impossibly tight dress. She was surrounded by guys, all trying to buy her a drink, and she was playing them like a bluegrass fiddler. It was almost entertaining to watch—except when one guy’s hand crept too close to her ass for Rian’s comfort and he had to smother the urge to permanently remove the guy’s hand.

  This was a game to her. She was playing him as easily as she played every guy, that was apparent. So calm down, cowboy, he told himself. Instead of rushing to extricate her from the crowd, he kept her in his line of sight and let her play her game without him. Finding an empty booth, he slid in, watching as CoCo laughed prettily and flirted with every single man trying to butter her up.

  Suddenly, a slinky redhead joined him, her dress nearly as tight as CoCo’s, except it appeared to be made from lace and was pretty much see-through. “Fancy seeing you here, handsome,” she said with a perky grin. “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

  He tried hard to jog his memory but he was still trying to keep one eye on CoCo and failed. “Sorry. Remind me,” he said with a brief smile.

  “I’m Stella. I saw you at CoCo’s party the other night. Did you two hook up?” she asked with casual interest and he couldn’t stop the glower, but she didn’t take offense. “I just figured you were her new boy toy or something. She’s always got someone on the hook, you know?”

  Yeah, that didn’t surprise him. “It’s not like that.”

  “Oh? Do tell. What is it like?”

  “I’m just helping her family out right now.”

  Stella smiled at the intrigue and sidled closer, her drink in hand. “Then that means you’re single and ready to mingle? That’s the best news I’ve heard all night.”

  There was no doubt that Stella was stunning and ordinarily, Rian wouldn’t cry in his beer if this hot number curled up on his lap, but he wasn’t buying what she was selling. He wanted to say it was because he was working a job but there was a nagging sense that his reluctance went deeper than that. “You and CoCo are close?” he guessed.

  Stella twined her fingers together and said in a singsong voice, “Besties, baby.” She offered a sip of her drink and after a moment’s hesitation, he took it. She smiled and pushed it toward him. “You look thirsty. Go ahead.”

  He was thirsty and if he went to the bar, he’d lose his vantage point. He figured one drink wasn’t going to put him over the edge. “Thanks,” he said, swallowing the rest of what tasted like rum and Coke. Best friends, huh? Maybe she’d know more about who was targeting the Abelli family. “How long have you been close?”

  Stella pretended to think, then said, “This conversation is boring. Let’s dance.” And then she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. He caught CoCo’s gaze just as Stella looped her arms around his neck, pressing her lithe body against his, startling him with how boldly she ground against him. Holy hell. This woman was aggressive. And then she cupped his groin! He stiffened in shock. “That’s some equipment you’re working with,” she purred. “I wouldn’t mind taking you out for a spin.” He was seconds away from extricating himself from the woman’s grip when CoCo appeared, eyes blazing.

  “I thought you were on the clock,” she said, throwing his words back at him before glaring at Stella.

  “What? You didn’t call dibs,” Stella said defensively. “And he was sitting all by himself, like a sad puppy. I felt obligated to show him a good time. I mean, look at him...he’s a full-course meal. Maybe we can share?”

  “Stella, stop embarrassing yourself. He’s not available.”

  “Says who? I don’t see a ring on his finger.”

  “Says me.”

  Was it terrible that he was mildly entertained by the fact that two hot women were bickering over him? Okay, his ego was entertained, but his brain told him to nip everything in the bud before things got out of hand. “All right, all right, it was just some harmless fun. Everyone back to your corners.”

  CoCo hit him with an openly cranky look. “Yeah, it looked harmless. Looked to me like you and Stella were about to hump each other’s brains out right here on the dance floor.”

  “Oh, please. Like I would do that,” Stella said, bored and irritated at the same time. “And what is your problem? Who shoved the mega-stick up your butt tonight? Prudey CoCo is no fun, whatsoever.” Without waiting for a reply, Stella stalked off, leaving CoCo and Rian amid the dancing crowd.

  “You wouldn’t dance with me but you’ll dance with her?” she asked, crossing her arms and glaring.

  A grin found him and he didn’t stop it even though he knew it would likely make things worse. “You seemed busy on your own.” And then he reached out and pulled her abruptly into his arms, shocking her. Now, this was a whole new level of bad idea but it felt pretty good. “Is this better?” he asked.

  Molded against him CoCo softened a little, and it did something to his insides that he didn’t trust but craved more of. When Stella moved against him, it had felt dirty. But when CoCo did felt like the most incredible thing in the world. His hands framed her hips as they moved together, the music entering his bloodstream like an aphrodisiac, winding around his senses and squeezing in a sensual way that immediately put him on alert.

  “I don’t feel right,” he admitted, though everything was beginning to come alive in the most incredible way, from the feel of CoCo in his arms to the epic throb of the music. He growled as lust pounded in his veins and he pulled CoCo more tightly against him. “You’re killing me.”

  She drew a sharp breath and lifted her lips, sealing her mouth to his, and he lost all sense of control.

  This was all sorts of bad.

  And he couldn’t seem to care enough to stop.

  * * *

  A WILD THRILL raced through CoCo as Rian’s tongue invaded her mouth in a possessive sweep that nearly knocked the strength out of her knees. Good God, he was a good kisser, she thought as he dominated her senses and held her as if the world were coming to an end and they were the last two people on earth. Everything about the moment was surreal and incredibly hot but there was also something vaguely disturbing about it, too. Rian wasn’t acting like himself. Or was he? She wasn’t sure. She couldn’t quite tell. Usually he had a rigid sense of duty that clung to him but right now, he was an overcooked noodle, all loose and easy, which was a nice change but something didn’t feel right. She gripped his face and stared into his eyes. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I can literally feel the music in my bones,” he said with a sense of perplexed wonder. “I don’t think that’s normal. I don’t even like this kind of music but right now, it’s pretty amazing.”

  “Did Stella give you something?” she asked, straining to hear Rian amid the din of the music. His hips swiveled in time to the beat a
nd she lost her train of thought for a moment. He had the sexiest moves! She couldn’t help but imagine those hips thrusting against her, penetrating her with the cock that Stella had put her grubby hands on.

  Focus, CoCo. If Stella had doped Rian, she’d kill the woman. “Rian, pay attention...did Stella give you something, like a pill?”

  He shook his head but the faint troubled frown as he searched his memory gave her a bad feeling. “Her drink. She gave me her drink. Rum and Coke, I think. Why?”

  Damn her. Stella had no doubt put Molly in the drink for herself but then, when she’d given Rian her drink, he’d gotten dosed instead. “Rian...I think you’ve been dosed with Molly,” she said with a worried groan. This was all sorts of bad. “I’m sorry! I could kill her for this. We should take you back to the hotel before things get out of hand.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, rubbing at his eyes. “She drugged me?”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Weird. Like I want to...”

  He didn’t need to finish his sentence. She could see it in his eyes and it took her breath away. A part of her wanted desperately to strip him bare and ride him as if there was no tomorrow but she knew that Rian wasn’t thinking clearly and it wasn’t right.

  “We should go,” CoCo said, using the last bit of willpower she had to do the right thing.

  “The music...the lights...” he groaned as he pulled her back into his arms. “Incredible.”

  “It’s the drug. It heightens your senses,” she said, winding her fingers through his hair, unable to stop herself from moving with him, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. It was too easy to imagine how well they’d fit without the barrier of clothes between them. The tantalizing scent of his body toyed with her good intentions and she lost herself to the sensual awareness buzzing between them. “You smell so good,” she murmured, burying her nose against his chest, loving how strong and firm he felt.

  “This is bad,” he said with a tinge of panic that snapped her out of her sexual haze. He shook his head as if trying to clear his mind but she knew that wasn’t going to help. The drug had to run its course. “I want to bury myself inside you,” he said baldly, his gaze hot and bothered, his touch urgent.


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