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Cynical Heart (Heart Series)

Page 10

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  Chloe gasped and then laughed. “I can’t believe you said that, but you’re right, it could use a rest. And I will give it a rest right after I get tired of that hot Tyrone. Girl that man knows how to make a woman…” She paused. “Well you know girl. Oh I forgot, no you don’t!”

  She laughed and covered her mouth as Ishaan’s eyes narrowed on her.

  “Look here chick; don’t forget whose cutting your hair, alright? I might just slip and cut out a large chunk, and then that hot Tyrone will be rubbing on a bald spot in the back of your head!”

  Chloe gasped and stared at her friend with worried eyes.

  “Relax chick, I’m just joking,” Ishaan laughed. “I’m going to meet Jared in LA and I need you to keep an eye on my place while I’m gone. Can you do that for me?”

  “Of course baby, you know I got your back, but please Ish before you leave, please go to the mall and get some up to date clothes, okay? No one is wearing gauchos and cowl neck blouses anymore, and I doubt that they will be coming back in style anything soon.”

  Ishaan looked down at herself. Chloe was right, but she didn’t need to keep up with the latest fashion fad. With raising Jared and working her hair salon filling up most of her time, she didn’t have time for fashion. Hair was her thing. She could cut and style her butt off and knew the latest and greatest styles. She even had a few styles cuts she had designed of her own.

  “I don’t have money for that Clo, and you know that. What I have will have to do. Now get out of my chair so I can close up and get packed,” she ordered.

  Chloe was looking in the mirror at the back of her head, and when Ishaan laughed, Chloe gave her a sheepish smirk. “Just checking.”

  Dana found a seat in the last seminar of the convention on finance and royalties of the sports figure, and throughout the convention, it had become a habit with her that if Cab happened to be at the same seminar, she’d simply get up and leave, but not this time. Cab was there as well, but she had wanted to hear this speaker ever since the convention began and she wasn’t going anywhere. As the seminar got underway, it soon became apparent to Dana that maybe she should stuck to her newfound habit because every time her head turned in Cab’s direction he was staring at her, and it was really starting to get on her nerves. Just ignore him, she told herself. Soon after, by refocusing her attention on the speaker and hanging onto his every word, she did just that.

  After the seminar, her feet were killing her and were starting to swell, so she decided to change into the sneakers she kept in her bag. Unfortunately, slipping off her heels may have been a big mistake because her feet began to throb like a dull toothache. She tried to reach down to rub them but her belly stopped her, and she couldn’t even lift them up and put them on her lap. Exasperated, she closed her eyes and exhaled, then turned the chair beside her so she could rest her feet on it. When she bent down to take her sneakers out of her tote bag, she saw a pair of expensive Italian loafers stop and stand beside her. She looked up to see Cab looking down at her and rolled her eyes at him as she sat up. She was in no mood for Cab Howard right now.

  “Save the drama Cab. I’m really not in the mood for any more of your sarcastic remarks or clever innuendoes.” Dismissing him as if he were no longer there, she went back to trying to put her sneakers on.

  “I came over to see if you needed help,” he said gruffly.

  Dana looked at him like he was crazy. “No, but thanks for asking,” she said sarcastically. She returned to ignoring him.

  Cab moved on the other side of her, grabbed a chair, and sat down. Ignoring her ignoring him, he lifted her foot and put it on his lap.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She snapped.

  “Stop being a stubborn brat and let me help you!” He countered, hitting her up with a hardened glare.

  “Yeah sure, but only when you stop being such an asshole!”

  Cab ignored her comment. He took her foot in his hand and began massaging it. “Your feet are swollen,” he said, sounding genuinely concerned. With his head bent over, he rubbed her feet as if it were the most important thing in the world at that moment.

  Dana stared at the top of his head and sighed. Why couldn’t he just believe her? Yes, she knew the situation was complicated, but she would never lie about her baby. When his thumbs began to massage the ball of her feet and hit that spot, she started to sigh, but quickly caught herself. Sad tears burned behind her eyes, and she tried to blink them away before he saw them, because even after all his insults she realized that she loved him. She didn’t know when or how she fell in love with him, but she did. Tears wavered in her eyes.

  “Please Cab,” she croaked.

  He lifted head. “Dana what’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

  “If you want to help me, just put on my shoes, please,” she said as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  Cab did as she asked and then rose to his feet.

  With tears now streaming down her face, Dana grabbed up her bag. “Thank you,” she moaned sadly, before turning to leave the room.

  Watching as she walked away, Cab couldn’t let her leave just yet. “Dana!” He called out to her. There was something that he needed to know, and he needed to know right now. Dana stopped walking and turned to face him.

  “Is it true that your ex fiancé was proven not to be the father of the baby?”

  “Does it really matter to you Cab? Because it certainly doesn’t matter to me. You’ve told me on more than one occasion exactly how you felt.” She walked out the door, leaving Cab standing there all alone.

  Cab rubbed his hand down his face. What had he done? This is his baby! The phone at his side vibrated, and when he looked at the screen, he rolled his eyes. Cassandra. She had been blowing up his phone nearly every hour on the hour, and just like all the other times, he sent her directly to voicemail. He sure would be glad when the convention ended because he was more than ready to go home. After all the seminars and meetings were done for the day, his brothers seemed to be avoiding him like the plague and going their own way. That was the reason why he moved out of the mansion and got a room at the hotel. He’d rather be alone in a room all by himself than to be sitting in a mansion surrounded by his family and be constantly ignored. Instead of getting out and enjoying whatever extra-curricular activities the convention had to offer, each night he went to his room alone and drank until he fell asleep. Although he’d never admit this to anyone, he was miserable without her. His family always believed that Dana was carrying his child… they were right. He sighed and left the room.

  When Cab walked into the den at the Bel Air mansion and flopped down on the sofa, Duke shook his head knowing that something was on his brother’s mind.

  “It’s a little early in the evening for you to have your ass on your shoulders Cab,” Duke said, looking up from the reports he was reading.

  “It’s never too early for that,” Cab countered. Once again, Duke shook his head.

  “What’s on your mind?” Duke asked.

  “Do you think I’m the father of Dana baby?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think Cab. Do you think you’re not?”

  Cab rubbed his hand down his face. “I am the father,” he stated, sounding sure of himself.

  Duke was taken aback. “What did you say?”

  “I said that I’m the father!” Cab repeated gruffly.

  “So when did this big turnabout occur? Just last night you…”

  “Yeah I know,” Cab interrupted. “Her ex was suing her for full custody and claiming that the baby was his, and slandered her online trying to make her look unfit. The courts ordered her to get a paternity test when the baby was born, but she couldn’t wait that long and risked an early paternity procedure that could have potentially put both her and the baby’s lives in danger. He was ruled not father, and when I see the bastard I’m going to punch him in the face,” Cab growled.

  “You are a hypocrite Cab,” Duke replied with disgust. “Maybe I should get Diz to punch
you in the face because you are no better than her ex. You slandered her just as much as he has.”

  “Yeah I did, and I regret every word of it. If I could just…”

  “It’s too late for all that Cab. If you are ready to be a father to your child, then you need to get on your knees and beg for her forgiveness.”

  The usually dour Cab’s face lit up. “Do you think that will work?”

  “No, but you need to do something. I would like to know who my niece or nephew are, and what you need to do first is recognize that you feel more for Dana than you want to admit. I don’t know how or when you two came together, and personally I don’t care, but I knew something was up when your complaints about her became a daily occurrence. It’s time to face your demons and let go of the past and stop letting Cassandra have power over your future happiness because you can’t trust women. Dana is not Cassandra, nor will she ever be.”

  “Hey,” Dana greeted when she opened the door to Diz.

  “Hey, how are ya?” He asked. Dana moved back to let him enter.

  “Oh, I’m fine,” she said despondently before sitting down.

  Diz sat beside her. He knew something was troubling her and it probably had something to do with his stupid brother. “What happened?”

  “Nothing, just tired and suffering with mommy hormones,” she said, trying to force herself to smile.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes Diz I’m fine. Listen, are you going to the Gala at the end of the convention?”

  “Yes. Duke is making it mandatory. How about you?”

  “If it mandatory, then I guess I’ll be there,” she said, once again trying to force herself to smile. “Do you have a date yet?”

  “Don’t worry Dee. I have no problem in that department, trust me” he bragged.

  Dana smiled this time. “Zoey and Cat call Satch ‘the Pimp’, because of the many women he dates, sometimes two at a time,” she laughed.

  Diz shrugged with a chuckle. “With Satch being such a pretty boy, he has always attracted woman, young and old. I think it’s not only his looks, but his charming persona. The ladies that he dates have to understand that he doesn’t do drama, and if they can’t get along, he leaves them alone.”

  Dana shook her head. “You Howard men are a trip. Makes me wonder what you and Jelly’s vices are with women.”

  “Well if it’s any consolation, I’m getting tired of friends with benefits relationship. I think Yaz and Duke are rubbing off on me. I like the idea of coming home to one woman that I can cherish.”

  “Oh, so you are ready to settle down?” She asked.

  “Yep. Will you marry me?” Diz joked.

  “Oh Diz,” she blushed.

  “What about you? Do you have an escort?”

  “I don’t want one. To be honest, I plan on staying just long enough to make an appearance, and maybe do a little networking. I don’t want to keep Cabri out too late,” she said rubbing her belly.

  Diz smiled and rubbed her stomach. “A little girl huh?”

  Dana nodded. “Hi Cabri, it Uncle Diz,” Dana laughed, shaking her head.

  They talked for a little longer, and when Diz left, her phone rang.

  “Hi Cat, what’s up?” She said happily.

  “We are having a girl’s night sleep over. Wanna join us?”

  Dana chuckled. “Of course I do. I’ll be right over with my overnight bag. Who’s all going to be there?”

  “It’s just Zo, you, and me,”

  “Great, I’ll be right over.”

  Chapter 8

  The girls were laying on large pillows on the floor in pajamas, giggling up a storm. The pitcher of margarita they consumed went straight to their heads, except for the pregnant one of course, who had a virgin margarita. Dana laughed along with her new friends, something that she had never had before, and it truly was an indescribable feeling. They each told when they had their first kiss and first time, and after Zoey and Cat told Dana that their husbands were their one and only, they looked to Dana to fess up next, and she wasted no time getting right to the particulars.

  “Well, Cliff was my first, and to be honest I still don’t know why I allowed it to happen. He was handsome and suave, and just by the look of him, you would think that he really had it going on. Let me tell you girls something: never, ever judge a book by its cover. Our first time was our last time, and after that, I used every excuse I could think of so it never happened again.”

  She paused for a moment to sip her margarita before continuing with a big smile on her face. “And then there was Cab. Cab was the only other man I have ever been with, and when we met, there was an instant attraction. He took me to dinner, took me dancing, and then he took… well, let’s just say that the rest is history,” she said rubbing her belly. “I’ll say this for those Howard boys though; they sure are virile,” she giggled.

  “I agree with you on that one,” Cat joined in. “I got pregnant my first time as well, and I didn’t even remember it, so trust me Dana when I say that I know exactly what you mean about those Howard boys. Ellington does this thing with his…”

  “Please, please, please my ears! My ears are bleeding!” Zoey cried out, covering her ears with both hands. “I don’t want to hear anything about what those virile Howard boys can do with any parts of their bodies!” Cat and Dana fell over laughing hysterically.

  After everyone had settled down, Cat got to the other business that the three of them were there to talk about. “Okay girls it’s time to discuss the gala in two days,” she announced. “Now I’ve called my grandmother’s stylist, and she is bringing over a selection of several different styles of gowns for us to try on, and even a few for Preggo here. She and her staff will be here at two in the afternoon, but first we have a morning appointment with the best spa in Beverly Hills for a full body service. After that we then come back here, and the stylist will have the best hair and makeup team waiting for us.”

  Dana and Zoey start squealing and dancing around like a couple of teenage girls going to their first prom, when all three of them heard the limo pull into the circular driveway and park. They ran to the door and pulled it open, only to see four drunken men climbing out laughing loudly.

  Satch and Jelly had other plans and would meet up with them later, but as for the drunks staggering around in front of them right now, Cat ran out and grabbed Duke, Zoey had Yaz, and Dana didn’t attempt to grab Cab until he almost fell over in the hedges. Diz, who was the least drunk of the four and needed no assistance, stood to the side and watched the comedy unfold. As the group slowly made their way to the front door of the estate, each lady had an arm wrapped around a drunken man’s waist.

  “Ellington Howard I cannot believe that you got drunk!” Cat angrily reprimanded.

  Duke looked down at his wife. “”I lub you, booodaful,” he slurred, puckering up his lips for a kiss.

  “Oh my goodness! What were you drinking?” Cat snapped as she leaned away. “I know one thing mister, you are not getting in that bed until you have brushed your teeth!”

  “Yazair Bryant! I can’t believe that you are drunk! Do I have to put your butt in a cold shower?” Zoey scolded.

  “Shtatch n Yelly made us do it. Dey say me and Duck is whit pungs,” Yaz slurred incoherently. “Whit pungs, you believe dat Sssassy!”

  “What are you talking about nitwit?” Zoey snapped.

  “Whit pungs! Whit pungs!” He repeated indignantly, as if she should have automatically known what he was talking about.

  Diz stood aside and watched as the ladies managed their men. “He’s saying whipped punks. Satch and Jelly joined us tonight. They started teasing Duke and Yaz because the two of them were saying that they’d rather be home with their wives. So Satch called them a couple of whipped punks and challenged them to a drinking game. I don’t think I have to tell you this, but the whipped punks lost. When Satch and Jelly got up and left, it was my responsibility to see to it that these three got home safely, and having done so
, I am now going to say goodnight and good luck.”

  Zoey looked at her highly inebriated husband and frowned. “I swear, sometimes you guys act just like little boys!” She said, shaking her head and helping him to their room.

  “So what’s his story?” Dana asked, nudging her head towards Cab.

  Diz shrugged. “I don’t really know. He sat at the bar brooding the whole time we were there, and he was tossing down drinks like they were water.”

  Dana switched from wrapping an arm around Cab’s waist, to holding Cab by the hand. In her present condition, there was no way she could continue to hold his big body up.

  “Come on Cab,” she said pulling him with her.

  “Will you be still Dana? You’re making my head spin!” He shouted. “Oww, my head,” he groaned letting go of Dana’s hand to grab hold of his head.

  “Serves you right you drunk!” She snapped, roughly taking his hand and pulling him along again. When he froze in his tracks and pulled her to a stop, Dana looked up at him and could have sworn that those beautiful bronze eyes were crossed.

  She chuckled. “Come on now before I leave you standing here by yourself!” She turned her head, when she heard doors slamming shut. She could only imagine the reaming Duke and Yaz were receiving right about now. She looked around for Diz, but he was gone, and that left her standing there alone with Cab.

  “Come on Cab,” she ordered reclaiming his hand. He followed like a puppy in her charge, and Dana could feel his eyes on her back as she led him away. She looked over her shoulder and he had a sultry grin on his face.

  She stopped. “What?”

  “Did I ever tell you how beautiful I think you are?”

  Dana rolled her eyes. “Oh please!” She snapped, turning back around and pulling him along.

  “It’s true,” he said before going silent.

  They had reached the top of the stairs, and when Dana suddenly realized that she didn’t know which room was his, she dropped his hand.

  “I guess you can take it from here,” she said moving pass him.


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