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Falcon's Run

Page 14

by Aimée Thurlo

“I do need you,” she whispered, then stood on tiptoes and brushed a gentle kiss on his lips.

  It had only been meant as a tender expression of gratitude but his reaction was fierce and swift. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her to him.

  A delicious fire coursed through her when he parted her lips and deepened the kiss. She didn’t resist. Giving in to temptation, she melted into him as he lay back on the couch and pulled her over him.

  With each heartbeat, his touch became rougher and his kiss burned hotter. Then to her complete surprise, he eased his hold and helped her sit up.

  Bewildered, it took her a moment to gather her wits. Taking a shaky breath, she looked into his eyes and saw the iron-willed control he held over himself.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, straightening her clothing and moving away from him. “You didn’t start this, and I can see you don’t want to...”

  “I don’t want to?” He laughed, a dark, edgy sound that sent its vibrations all through her. “I won’t take more because you’re not ready for what I have to offer.” He stood. “Abby, you’re a good person. You live in a world of light and hope, but my world’s rough and dirty. I can’t give you anything except moments, and you deserve more than that.”

  “I haven’t asked for promises. I need your strength and you softness. Why is that wrong? I know you have feelings for me. I can feel it in here,” she said, pointing to her heart.

  “I’m trying to protect you,” he said, his face tense, his mouth set, “but I’m just a man. Don’t push me.”

  “It doesn’t seem I can,” she said in an unsteady voice. “Maybe if I dressed differently—more feminine, showing myself off more...”

  “Abby, I’m trying to give you a break. I want you. I care about you more than I should. You need to be protected—even from me.”

  “You want me...” She said it slowly, savoring the words.

  “How could you doubt it?”

  “Then just let go. Show me what you feel.”

  Her words broke his control and he hauled her into his arms. He kissed her roughly, crushing her lips and drinking her in.

  She gasped as he left her mouth and rained kisses down the column of her throat. His hand tangled into her hair, urging her head back and exposing her to more of his kisses.

  With rough hands he worked her blouse open easily, then with the expertise of a man who’d been with many women, undid her bra in one fluid motion.

  When he pressed his mouth to the tip of her breast, her knees almost buckled, but he held her against him, letting his touch burn into her.

  She loved the feel of his calloused hands on her. To be wanted by this man who was all passion and courage...nothing could be better than that. Somehow she found herself braced against the wall as he removed the rest of her clothing, kissing all the areas he exposed.

  Preston found her hidden places, and she whimpered helplessly as sensations too powerful to resist washed over her. That burning...that need...

  “I can’t stand up anymore,” she said in a ragged voice. “I’m going to fall.”

  “Hold on to my shoulders,” he said, tasting her until she came apart.

  In one wonderful moment of pure pleasure, her world shattered. Too weak to stand, she would have fallen if he hadn’t risen to his feet and held her tightly against him.

  After several moments, her breathing evened.

  “That’s what’s in my heart,” he murmured.

  When she looked into his eyes, she saw the fire that still raged inside him. “Stop holding back. Let go,” she whispered. “I need to feel you inside me, taking and giving me everything.”

  He had no words. He was past thinking. He kissed her hard, his heart thundering.

  Feeling her tug at his clothing with trembling hands, he helped her, shrugging out of his shirt and then unbuckling his belt. Every time her fingertips brushed his skin he grew harder and moved closer to the edge.

  He could have taken her right there, but this was Abby. He wanted more. For her. For him. “Easy...” he murmured. “Bed?”

  “Down the hall, to the left.”

  “To the pink bedroom?”


  He lifted her into his arms and carried Abby to her room.

  He set her down gently on the bed, but before he could lie next to her, she held her hand out. “Wait. Can I just look at you?”

  “If that’s what you want,” he said, sucking in a breath as her gaze seared over him.

  “Your tattoo?”

  His laugh was a husky growl. He turned around to reveal that over the base of his spine was the word Naalzheehí.

  “It means hunter,” he said. “My brother Rick and I went out one night with Conner, a Special Forces buddy of ours. We came up with secret tribal war names for each other, like the Diné warriors of old. Conner’s uncle took care of the tattoos as part of a ritual.”

  “The hunter...but why place it there?” she asked with a bemused smile.

  “A war name is a source of power that must remain secret from all except those you trust. The spine symbolizes a man’s strength. It seemed fitting.”

  She held out her arms to him, inviting him onto the bed. “Tonight, you’re not a’re just...mine.”

  He lay over her, but she pushed him back gently, kissing him with infinite tenderness. Her caresses nearly broke him. No woman had ever treated him with this sweet care.

  Abby didn’t just leave a trail of moist kisses down his body—she loved him with each caress. Her touch was exquisite torture, and as she explored his body, trying to please him, fire coursed through his veins.

  “No more,” he said, sucking in a breath. Taking her in his arms, he rolled over, positioning her beneath him.

  As he slipped inside her softness, he heard her gasp. Somehow he forced himself to slow down, but when her fingers dug into his buttocks and she arched up, he was lost.

  He clamped his hands over hers and held her as he took her and finished what was meant to be.

  His breathing evened slowly. He wasn’t sure how long he’d lain on top of her when he finally shifted and gathered her against him. Seeing the dreamy and contented look on her face, he smiled.

  “You were right,” she said.

  “About what?”

  “Pink, you don’t like the color, but it didn’t matter.”

  He laughed. “I had more important things on my mind.”

  “Will you stay, even if I fall asleep?”

  “Yes. Just close your eyes and listen to my heartbeat.” He brushed a kiss over her forehead and held her.

  * * *

  HE WOKE UP hours later and watched her sleep. As a disposable kid and a cop, he’d seen too much of life to believe anything called love could ever last. Sure, Abby needed him now, but after harmony was restored, there’d be no room in her life for a cop. All he could bring to the mix was darkness.

  Some things were just not meant to be. He tightened his hold on her. Happiness was elusive, and that meant you needed to live moment by moment.

  This was as good as it got. For tonight, she was his.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Abby woke up in Preston’s arms. They’d made love, rested, then made love again. Now it was close to dawn and her life, with all its demands, would soon call to her.

  She stirred slightly and gazed at him. Though she’d fallen in love with Preston, she knew his feelings for her were more...complicated. He’d made love to her with his body but had kept at least a part of his heart out of her reach. That was something that might never change.

  Yet no matter what, he’d still cared enough for her to risk his job, something she knew meant everything to him. The knowledge filled her with a fierce sense of protectiveness and love.
  He opened his eyes. “Checking me out—again?”

  She laughed. “I’m worried about you.”

  He laughed. “You destroyed me last night, but I think I can still function.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” she said, poking him in the ribs. “Be serious.”

  “I was,” he said, laughing.

  “Your superiors will be angry.”

  “I wasn’t planning to tell them,” Preston said.

  “What if they find out?”

  “I’ll say you needed protection, and I volunteered.”

  “I can talk to the mayor if you get into trouble. He’s one of our biggest donors and he loves the ranch.” She sat up and met his gaze. “If you have a problem, I’ll help you. I promise.”

  “Stop worrying.” He checked his watch and gave her a quick kiss. “I need to stop by my place and get a clean change of clothes, then I’ll have to go by the station. I’ll get Kyle to come over while I’m gone. One of us will be here from now on.”

  “If your brother says no—”

  He kissed her again. “My brother won’t say no to me. We’re there for each other. End of story.”

  He got up, pulled on his jeans, then fished out his cell phone from his shirt pocket and dialed Kyle. “I need you at the ranch,” he said. “I want round-the-clock protection for Abby.” He listened to Kyle’s response, then hung up. “All set. He’ll be here in thirty.”

  “I’ll make some coffee,” she said, then realizing she was naked, tugged at the sheet.

  He laughed. “You’re shy now?”

  “It’s daylight.”

  “And?” he pressed.

  “My body’s not perfect.”

  “It is to me,” he said, pulling the sheet away from her. “Just perfect.”

  She laughed, still self-conscious as his gaze took her in slowly and thoroughly. “Detective, we both work for a living, so we better get going. Behave.” She reached for her robe, then hurried to the kitchen. “Eggs? Toast?”

  “No, just juice and coffee.”

  He came into the kitchen moments later, phone to his ear. “Coffee?” he mouthed.

  She handed him a cup, and he continued speaking to whomever was on the other line.

  “I’ll be in to question him shortly.”

  Preston placed the phone back in his shirt pocket, came closer and parted her robe so he could gaze at her. “As I said, beautiful.”

  She felt her knees go weak.

  “I have to go,” he said, giving her a slow, deep kiss. “Think of me.”

  With that, he was gone. Abby leaned back against the counter and took a breath. It was like standing in the middle of a tornado. Everything around her was falling apart, but in the center, for a moment, there was love.

  * * *

  ABBY WAS OUT feeding the animals less than fifteen minutes later. It was seven in the morning and already she was running behind. Usually by this time she would have had at least two volunteers present but, today, no one was around.

  After mucking out the llama and donkey stalls and feeding the animals, she heard a truck pulling up near the barn. She glanced over and saw Michelle.

  “Where do you want me to start?” Michelle asked, hurrying over to meet her.

  “I’ve gotten the llamas and donkeys taken care of, except for topping off their water troughs. The camels and horses are still waiting their turn.”

  Michelle looked around. “Where are the volunteers? It’s summer. Monroe and a handful of kids should have been here by now.”

  “I know, but I suspect word got out that we had problems again yesterday,” she said, updating her.

  “I haven’t seen or read the news, but reporters monitor police channels so I’m willing to bet that’s how the story got out.” Michelle took a deep breath. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something, Abby. Are you planning to sell the ranch? I saw Stan looking around the place a few days ago, and he told me he was working up an offer for you.”

  “Stan did make me a fair offer, but I’m not selling, Michelle. I’m making my stand here. The ranch and I obviously have enemies, but we still have a lot of friends.”

  As she glanced back at the house she saw Kyle. He appeared to be casually looking at the animals, but she knew he was here ready to help in case of trouble. Taking comfort from the thought, she got back to work.

  * * *

  PRESTON SAT AT the breakfast counter and sipped a strong cup of coffee. He’d stopped by his house to get some more clothes, passed by the station and was now at his brother Daniel’s place.

  “Paul says he’s going to cut his honeymoon short and help us out,” Daniel said.

  Preston shook his head. “He shouldn’t do that. He’s been through enough and deserves time off. Tell him to stay put next time you hear from him.”

  “I will, but he may not listen. Gene’s sticking around, too. He’s still in the shower, I think. We’re with you, bro. I also spoke to Rick last night via a video connection. He really wanted to come, too, but he can’t swing it. He did say that he plans to be home in a few months, and this time he’s going to stay,” Daniel said.

  “We all know he’s in the FBI, currently overseas, but do you realize that you’re the only one who has any idea what he does?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not like he confided in me. I found out by accident.”

  “How the heck did you do that?” Preston asked.

  Daniel shook his head. “Can’t say. I got a few calls afterward though. Glad I had DOD clearance.”

  Gene walked into the room shirtless, barefooted and holding a mug of steaming coffee. “This coffee will wake up the dead. By the time I finish, I’ll be ready to work. Where do you need me today?”

  Preston smiled. That was the thing about being one of Hosteen Silver’s foster sons. You never had to ask for backup. It was there the moment trouble appeared, sometimes before.

  “I’d like to toss some ideas around first. I still don’t have a handle on this case. Someone wants Abby to shut down the ranch, but there’s nothing there that’s particularly valuable and worth all the trouble. All I’ve got is an admitted purchase offer from her accountant who wants to resell the property to a corporation that may or may not be coming to the area,” he said. “Basically, I’ve got zip.”

  “All this time you’ve been searching for evidence linked to the murder, but let’s try a different angle,” Daniel said. “Let’s look at the ranch through the eyes of the intruder. He wasn’t after Abby, so where was he heading? We need to walk around those areas and see what’s there.”

  “Good idea,” Gene said.

  “Let’s go to the ranch and take a closer look.” Preston stood and checked that he had his phone and weapon in place. “Time to go.” Confidence high, he walked to the door. When Hosteen’s boys came together, nothing stood in their way for long. Abby didn’t realize it yet, but the best of the best were on her side.

  * * *

  PRESTON ARRIVED AT the ranch minutes ahead of Daniel and Gene. As he stepped out of the SUV he saw Kyle standing in the shade by the barn and tying knots with a lead rope. It was all very casual, but Preston knew it was his brother’s way of standing guard without seeming to do so.

  Seeing Abby in one of the empty stalls, Preston went to join her. “You’ve only got three helpers today?” he asked, glancing at Bobby, Monroe and Michelle, who were grooming horses.

  She nodded, brushing hay off her sleeves, then fastening her hair into a ponytail. “Monroe just showed up, but he’ll have to leave soon. The bad publicity is killing me, Preston. Rod said he’s going to free Ilse’s time so she can come help more often, but I’m barely holding my own right now.”

  “Things will turn around soon,” he said, resisting the urge to take her hand and reas
sure her with his touch.

  Seeing Daniel and Gene walking up the sidewalk, Abby greeted them with a smile. “What’s going on, guys?”

  “We’re going to join forces and figure out why someone’s targeting the ranch. One possibility is that there’s something here someone considers a threat or wants so much they’re willing to kill to get it. We’re going to look around and see what we can find,” Preston said.

  Bobby came around the corner of a stack of hay bales and walked over to join Preston. “I’m back now, so I can help you. I’ll notice if anything’s been added or taken away recently.”

  “Good idea. It’ll give us an extra set of eyes familiar with the place. Come on then,” Preston said, leading the way inside the barn storage areas.

  “What’s behind that closed door?” Gene asked, pointing.

  “Leather bridles, tack, saddles, things like that,” Abby said.

  Preston tried the door handle. “It’s not locked,” he said, looking at Abby.

  “It’s not meant to be. We keep the leather in that room to keep it clean. A lot of hay and dust flies around when we’re mucking out the stalls, and I like things in top condition and clean when we saddle up for the kids.”

  Preston opened the door and Bobby, standing beside him, sucked in his breath.

  “My bridles!” Abby said. “He’s cut them to pieces, and look at the cinches. They’re ruined! We need this tack so the kids can ride. It took years to accumulate all this. Why does this person hate me so much?”

  “I don’t think it’s personal, Abby,” Preston said. “This is about making you miserable so you’ll leave.”

  “But why?”

  “Once we have the motive, we’ll probably be able to ID the suspect,” Preston said.

  “We didn’t put any of the cameras inside the barn, but there’s one outside,” Daniel said. “Let’s see who came in and out of this building.” He went outside and, after a moment, brought back a flash drive and attached it to his tablet PC. Unfortunately, once the nighttime images appeared, the subjects on the screen were much harder to see.

  “I want to link to my computer, so I can enhance the images, but the Wi-Fi here is too weak,” Daniel said.


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