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Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Alicia White

  He wanted to go after her, but decided against it. It would be easy to track her down. He could follow her sweet scent all the way to her home. Cole laid his head against the glass and closed his eyes. Damn it. Why the hell did this happen to me? Why did fate bless me with a mate that hates me? Is it me or the wolf? Maybe she doesn’t want me because I’m a wolf. A strong arm gripped his shoulder and Cole jerked his head up, turning around quickly.

  “I’m sorry,” Thomas said. “I’m going to head home to talk with my sister. I’m sure I’ll be able to convince her to go to Minnesota.”

  “Really?” he arched a brow, wondering if he should get his hopes up. “How are you going to convince her?”

  “Would it be all right if I went with her? I’m not planning to move in with you all,” Thomas raised his arms in mock surrender. “I just think she might feel more comfortable. I’ll only stay as long as I’m needed.”

  Cole felt as if a lightbulb finally clicked on. Of course, it all makes sense now. She’s scared to leave her home and her clan. Exhaling slowly, Cole nodded. He was willing to let the whole clan join them in Minnesota if that would make Emily happy. For the most part bears and wolves got along, except when egos got in the way. He didn’t think that Gabe would mind, especially if it got their mate back home with them.

  “I’ll head out. Emily and I will be ready to go first thing in the morning.”

  Cole watched Thomas leave. He stood there for a moment and said a silent prayer, hoping that Thomas was telling the truth and that he did indeed have the power to change Emily’s mind. It was blatantly obvious that she didn’t want anything to do with them.

  “What are you thinking?” Charlie’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, and Cole could only shake his head.

  He had no idea what was even happening. In his experience, when mates found one another, they would lock themselves away for days marking each other and mating. God, he wanted her so bad. Even knowing she didn’t want them, he still craved her. Her scent called to him, and the wolf inside wanted to go after her and claim her. The internal battle was one that the man needed to win. She would never forgive him otherwise.

  “Cole…man, I wish I could read your mind.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to. I have no idea what to do. I really don’t. I’ve never heard of a mate rejection. It might make sense if she were human, but come on, she’s a shifter.” He tried to keep his cool, but the frustration was building within him.

  * * * *

  Emily ran through the forest, her mind a complete mess. How could her Alpha order her to leave? How could he be so cold and heartless? This was the only home she knew, the only place she had ever lived, and now she was expected to leave with two strange men, to a wolf pack. She was a bear! Didn’t anyone see the problem? Even her own brother was against her.

  Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision, and Emily slowed down. She was panting, crying, and wanted to yell at someone. Nobody ever listened to her. She was going to be forced out of her community. Her mates were wolves? How was that even possible? The future was looking bleaker by the moment. How could she fight this? Alpha Adam had spoken, which meant she was screwed.

  Taking deep breaths, Emily looked around. She was going to miss this place. Her heart felt heavy and her nose tingled as more tears came. The walk from the Alpha’s house to her own home wasn’t very far, but at this moment she wished it was longer. She was going to miss this place, her brother, and new friends that she had made. Wiping her face, Emily stepped out from the tree line. Her brother’s truck was already parked out front, and she dreaded having this conversation. How am I supposed to say good-bye to him?

  Taking each step slowly, one at a time, she made her way inside. Thomas was sitting in his favorite chair, his eyes on her, and Emily bit her lip. Long, silent minutes dragged by, and she tried to search for the right words. Now that she was looking at him, she knew there was no way she could leave him. He was her only family, besides the clan of course.

  “Emily, why are you so upset?” he asked, his voice gentle.

  “I’m never going to have a family.” Her eyes filled with tears and Thomas stood up, pulling her into his arms.

  “Sweetie, they’re your mates, and you do have a family. I’m your family, we all are.”

  She shook her head and wiped her tears on his shirt. He didn’t understand. Bears and wolves mating would never lead to having cubs. She had never heard of different species of shifters even being mates. This was just so crazy. Fate really fucked her over.

  “Listen, I have some news that might cheer you up.” Thomas patted her back, and Emily looked up, wanting to see his face. Had Adam changed his mind? Was he sending the wolves home without her?

  “What?” she asked cautiously, trying to keep her excitement under control.

  “Your mates invited me to go to their pack with you. They were hoping that it might help you to feel more comfortable.”

  “They did?” she asked skeptically. She wasn’t sure if she should believe him.

  “Yeah, they want you to be happy, Emily. Why not give them a chance? I’ll be there with you. You aren’t going alone.”

  Exhaling loudly, she ran her options through her mind but soon realized that she had none. She could either continue to argue and throw a tantrum or follow orders and literally go into the wolves’ den. She didn’t want to cry to her brother. She couldn’t anymore. She was an adult, and adults did what they had to do. The little girl buried under the surface would have to let go. She was no longer in control of the situation.

  All she could think about was her previous experience with a wolf. She shook her head, remembering how young and naive she’d been. It was her secret, and she was too embarrassed to discuss it with anyone. She didn’t want to see her brother’s pity. How many bears fell in love with another species, prepared to run away, only to be left brokenhearted? How many teenagers gave away their innocence because of a lie? Love…She scoffed. This wasn’t love. It was a mating based on fate.

  Chapter 4

  Thomas saw resignation on his baby sister’s face. It was difficult to see her so upset. He didn’t really understand why she was against Cole and Charlie. They seemed like good guys. They tried all through dinner to get her attention, and he could see the longing on their faces. Fate was never wrong.

  For some reason, even though they were wolves, they were chosen to be the perfect mates for Emily. That’s the reason he gave her mates credit for his idea. He wanted her to see something positive. If she thought they had invited him, then she might lighten her heart toward them. Maybe even accept them, eventually.

  Adam’s words had been a bit harsh, and truthfully, Emily never responded well to orders. She would follow them, but she would kick and scream the whole time. It was true that they both had never been away from their clan or their home. He had wanted to venture out in the past, to find his mate, but he hated the idea of leaving Emily at home, alone.

  “Let’s go and pack,” he said gently and hoped that she would agree without more tears.

  “How are we going to pack up the whole house?” she asked and looked around their small home.

  Pictures littered the walls and there were small knickknacks everywhere. He knew that she loved this place, always had. Emily kept it nice and tidy, and she loved to decorate. There were small figurines and art pieces in every nook and cranny. Thomas realized immediately that she would never feel completely at home anywhere unless she had all of her stuff.

  “We’ll pack only clothes and toiletries, for now. When we get there and settle in, I’ll ask Adam to have all your things packed and sent or I can always pack it up and send it you when I get back home. Does that work?” He was willing to do pretty much anything to prevent Emily from passing up this once in a lifetime opportunity.

  “The only reason I’m being agreeable, is because you’re coming with me. I hate the idea of being alone with a pack of wolves.” She arched her brow, acting as if she rea
lly had a choice. When the Alpha gave a command, everyone followed his orders. Her defiance was cute, though, and he liked her better with a bit of an attitude versus crying.

  “Emily, you’re their mate. The pack will accept you, I promise. It wouldn’t matter if you were a bunny shifter. They would want you regardless.”

  “Thank God I’m not,” she scoffed. “I’d be wolf food.” Turning away from him, she stomped down the hall toward her bedroom and closed the door.

  Thomas stood in the entryway and shook his head. He didn’t have much time. He’d promised Cole that he would have Emily packed and ready to go the following morning. He wasn’t as upset as Emily was about leaving. He had been needing an adventure for some time, although he wasn’t positive that they would be accepted among the wolves. They were bears after all, and although there hadn’t been a lot of tension, the recent events with the Youngblood brothers and their mate, Emma, could create some unnecessary problems.

  He had no doubts that Cole and Charlie would protect Emily at all costs, even if they had to go against their own pack. She was their mate. He wasn’t worried about his own safety, as Thomas could protect himself. Emily was tender-hearted though. She acted big and tough, but deep down she was mush. If she didn’t feel accepted, she would want to return home immediately.

  Saying a quick prayer that everything would go smoothly, Thomas headed to his own bedroom and started packing. He hoped that his earlier promise to Emily was true and the pack would accept her. Even if they didn’t right away, he truly believed that after a short period of time, they would. She was a really wonderful person and anyone who took the time to get to know her would realize that as well.

  * * * *

  Emily stood inside her bedroom and looked around, trying to memorize every detail. She was going to miss this place. It had always been her hideaway, comforting and peaceful. Opening her dresser drawers, she took out piles of folded clothing and put them on top of her queen-size bed. She hated the idea of leaving any of her things behind, but Thomas was right. They couldn’t take everything with them right now, and besides, if it didn’t work out, she would only have to pack a few things.

  Leaning down, Emily reached under her bed and pulled out an old suitcase that looked brand new. She had probably only used the thing a handful of times, maybe. After unzipping it, she threw it open and started placing her clothing inside. Before she knew it, the suitcase was full. Her heart hurt just thinking that she might never live in this house again or be able to sleep in her own bed.

  The whole situation sucked. Adam had been right, she’d been waiting for her mates to come and claim her since she was a young girl. She dreamed about it growing up and then watched as the Novikov and Youngblood men claim their women. They had all grown up together, and if she were honest with herself, she had hoped that maybe when they hit puberty, she would be claimed by one of them. Life would’ve been so much easier if fate had chosen a shifter from her own clan.

  Throwing herself onto her bed, she stared at the ceiling. What would it be like to live with a wolf pack? Did they run and hunt together? Did they work and play together? Would she be accepted or would some of the pack shun her for being a bear? Would the recent attack on Emma and the death of one of their own make them hate her? Her heart rate picked up and she felt the room spin, making her feel sick to her stomach.

  God, I’m so scared. What if everyone there hates me? How long will Thomas stay to protect me? What if Cole and Charlie never really love me, but instead claim me because of fate? Tears filled her eyes and she tried to control her emotions. She didn’t want to feel weak. Turning to her side, she stared out the window. Night settled over the land like a blanket, making her feel safe. She really loved Alaska. The sky was clear, giving her a perfect view of the bright moon and twinkling stars.

  She remembered all those nights many years ago when she would shift with her other clan members and run free through the snow, hunting and chasing after one another. Those were the best times of her life. It was before Adam and Brandon claimed Chloe, before Nathan, Ethan, Lucas, and Ryan claimed Katie. Long ago, before they were adults and had responsibilities. Closing her eyes, she let the memories play out in her mind.

  Tears tracked down her cheeks, and Emily wiped them away. She needed to get out for a bit and run. That was the only remedy when she couldn’t sleep. Rolling off her bed, she tiptoed to her bedroom door and strained her hearing. She didn’t want Thomas to stop her. The TV was on and the rest of the house remained silent.

  Deciding not to chance running into him, Emily went to the window and shoved it open. The cool air blasted in, making her shiver with anticipation. She quickly took off her clothes and jumped out the window. Once she hit the icy ground, she shifted into her bear form, becoming warm instantly. The outside climate didn’t bother her at all. She trotted toward the tree line and silently became one with the forest. She spent a great deal of time moving through the trees. She felt itchy, irritated, and knew that she needed to work the extra energy off before going to bed.

  It had been a while since she’d gone on her annual trip with Thomas. The two of them would pack their camping gear and head north toward the ocean. They would spend weeks swimming, hunting for seals and sea lions, and living in their bear forms. Those trips always made her feel free.

  Lifting her snout up, she inhaled deep and categorized all the different scents. Reindeer. That was exactly what she needed. It wasn’t her favorite meal, but she wouldn’t complain. Following her nose, Emily stalked her prey.

  Emily watched through unblinking eyes as a reindeer strolled into the clearing. She sat back and waited for the perfect opportunity to attack. She’d done this before, but it was a lot more fun when her other clan mates were around. She laid her huge body down against the snow-covered ground and tried to blend in, camouflaging herself. The stillness around, fueled her predatory desires. Nothing moved. The night was silent. This might very well be her last hunt in these woods. She pushed that thought away and focused on the moment.

  She tensed, preparing herself for the kill. This was what she needed, a challenge, a run, a fight. This moment. This hunt. The battle between her and the future. This deer meant nothing, she just wanted to get out her aggression, fear, and hurt. Her brother, Alpha, and those two wolves that claimed her didn’t understand.

  Her eyes narrowed as the reindeer’s head lifted, his nostrils flared, and his body tensed as he smelled the air. She knew that he sensed her, or at least sensed that it was being hunted. The wind changed and it wasn’t in her favor. Staring at her prey, Emily’s muscles quivered and her heart raced with anticipation. Polar bears only could expend short blasts of energy to run. If she didn’t attack and kill, then her prey would get away. She needed to go now. Otherwise, the moment would be lost.

  She ran toward the large animal. His strength was no match to hers, but he could move with more agility. She put all her strength into this moment, pushing herself harder and faster. She needed this. She needed to fight, to rip something apart and feel a moment of victory. She was sick and tired of everyone telling her what to do, where to go, and how to live. She just wanted some fucking peace. Digging her big paws into the ground, she felt powerful. Her blood pumped through her system, echoing in her ears, but she wouldn’t stop until she won.

  The peak moment finally arrived. It was now or never. Her dagger-like claws grabbed onto a thick hind leg, and her breath caught at the sensation when she punctured through the hide. The noise rang out, drowning the other noises in the forest. It was almost as if someone hit the mute button, silencing everything. The only thing she could hear was her own blood pounding through her head.

  After a few minutes, she was finally able to get her breathing under control. Taking a deep breath, a familiar smell penetrated the air. Strong and powerful, it threw her off balance. She turned, almost stumbling back, letting the reindeer free. It ran, but Emily stilled. She lifted her nose and tested the air once more, watching the night carefu
lly, the fur on the back of her neck bristling. She knew what was coming, and she wished she was wrong.

  Strutting with way too much confidence, two wolves approached her without caution. Dark brown fur, muscles rippling, the twin wolves came toward her, moving together as one. Emily stood in awe, staring as the magnificent creatures approached her. They smelled the same, a deadly combination that affected her bear more than the woman. Actually, that was a lie, she admitted a moment later. The woman craved them, too, and that just pissed her off.

  She held herself immobile when every fiber of her being screamed at her to go to them, to rub against them, to let them claim her. It was an overwhelming desire to roll over and offer them her submission, which was an absolutely ridiculous picture in her mind. In the next moment, she wanted to shift and allow these two powerful beasts to mount her. That thought teased her mind and pushed her desires higher. Fuck! These wolves are affecting me.

  The sweet smell of her own arousal filled her nose, causing her heart to trip in fear. Because she knew that they had detected it as well, knew without a shadow of a doubt that those damn wolves wouldn’t let her get away. She stepped back, keeping both of them in her sights. Their muscles twitched, eyes narrowing, gleaming with carnal intent. They came closer and Emily felt the breath slam from her chest. Her heart raced as her body quivered with the sensations that flooded through her.

  Deep, low, masculine twin growls rumbled from their powerful chests, resonating with dominance, demanding her submission. Emily trembled at the sound, sexual heat flaring in the pit of her stomach at the demand. Mouths opened, white teeth gleaming, red tongues hanging out of their mouths. It looked as if they were grinning at her. The confidence and arrogance irritated her. Who the hell do they think they are? The question was answered in the next second. Mates.


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