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The Golden Horde (The Revelations Cycle Book 4)

Page 33

by Chris Kennedy

  “Terra Stands Alone: Book Three of The Theogony” – Available Now

  “The Search for Gram: Book One of the Codex Regius” – Available Now

  “Can’t Look Back: Book One of the War for Dominance” – Available Now

  “Beyond the Shroud of the Universe: Book Five of The Theogony” – Available Now

  “The Dark Star War” – Available Now

  “Self-Publishing for Profit” – Available Now

  * * * * *

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  The following is an

  Excerpt from Book One of the Omega Wars:

  A Fiery Sunset


  Chris Kennedy and

  Mark Wandrey

  Available from Seventh Seal Press

  Winter 2017

  eBook, Paperback, and Audio

  Excerpt from “A Fiery Sunset:”

  Avander Pharmaceuticals, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Earth

  “Dr. Avander will see you now,” said the Veetch. The alien obviously thought he was stupid, Major Good decided, as it flipped one of its left hands to indicate the enormous mahogany door behind it that sported the nameplate, “Dr. Ezekiel Avander, CEO.” As it was the only door beside the one he came in, Good really didn’t need a lot of decision-making skill to figure that out.

  Apparently, showing in visitors wasn’t part of the alien’s job description, as it went back to what it was doing without getting up. Nice.

  Major Good walked to the door and turned the handle. The solid mahogany door was every bit the feature-piece it appeared to be and required a decent portion of his augmented strength to open. It probably was meant to overawe visitors. Good, however, found it slightly annoying.

  “Dr. Avander?” he asked as he entered the room. The office was as ostentatious on the inside as he had guessed it would be from looking at the exterior. Luxuriously-appointed furnishings were tastefully positioned throughout the room, with bookcases artfully filled with a variety of works, from classical masterpieces to the latest treatises on the art and practice of war. It was a tribute to an extremely wealthy man who had equally eclectic tastes.

  The other feature of the room was a massive desk that matched the entrance door, on which sat a forest of slates and monitors, to the extent that the man behind them was only glimpsed in portions and slices. From what Good could see, the man appeared in constant motion, working on a great portion of the devices in front of him, nearly simultaneously.

  “Yes?” came a distant voice from behind the monitors.

  “I’m Major Good,” the intel officer replied. “I’m here to talk with you about why you haven’t returned our calls.”

  The motion behind the monitors ceased, and a hand slid a number of the monitors out of the way so Good could see the man behind them. Whatever Good had expected from the merc-turned-CEO, this wasn’t it. The man wore a faded leather jacket, and a giant stogie hung from the corner of his mouth. Lines from his implants trailed off to four of the slates. Although the man was closing in on 150 years old, he looked no older than 55, and appeared in top physical shape. The piercing blue eyes stared at Good for a moment as if looking into his soul, then the man smiled and waved him to one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

  “Please sit,” the man said, “and call me Zeke.”

  “Hi, Zeke,” Major Good replied; “we’ve called you a bunch, and you haven’t returned any of our calls.”

  “There’s a damned good reason why, too.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m not interested,” Zeke said, and he started to pull the monitors back into their earlier positions.

  “One second,” Good said. “Can I ask why you’re not interested? Your planet has been assaulted by aliens, and all you want to do is to sit here and run your empire? Trying to milk a few more credits from old men and women in search of the Fountain of Youth?”

  “Look,” Zeke said, “I enjoyed my time with The Golden Horde, and I think I did very well for you. Certainly, my service helped garner some extra credits for the company. Now, I may not have the intelligence facilities the Horde does, but my network runs pretty deep, and I’m kept passingly familiar with anything important going on, anywhere on this planet, that might affect business. I am well aware of the aliens on Earth and their intentions. I’m not, however, interested in coming back to work for the Horde; I have enough to do here.”

  “What could be more important than joining the resistance?”

  Zeke cocked his head and looked piercingly at the major again. “Do you know what we do here?” he finally asked.

  “You help old people live another day through a variety of treatments and enhancements.”

  “I help people live longer,” Zeke said. “I help them beat diseases that are untreatable anywhere else on this planet. I do this by working at the cellular level, fixing things that have previously been unfixable by mankind. I give people life!”

  Zeke turned one of the monitors so Good could see the image of a virus on it. “I can also take life,” he continued, his voice quiet, “just as easily as I can give it. You are running around recruiting people for a war that is already underway, a war that I am already fighting. Only my company can tailor viruses to do the things we want. To attack the creatures I want. Why am I not interested in coming back to the Horde? Because I’m far more valuable here.”

  * * * * *

  Find out more about Chris Kennedy and get the free Four Horsemen prequel,

  “Shattered Crucible” at:

  The following is an

  Excerpt from Peacemaker:



  Kevin Ikenberry

  Available from Seventh Seal Press

  August 25, 2017

  eBook, Paperback, and Audio

  Excerpt from “Peacemaker:”

  Bringing down Ch’tek, with the unwitting help of her ex-husband, had taken nearly six months to plan and execute. For this new mission, she’d have no preparation time beyond the 170-hour transit from Sol to the Araf’s emergence point. Even with a mediator to assist with her lack of diplomatic aplomb, the situation couldn’t be worse.

  Did you expect it to be easy?

  She snorted at the thought and tapped the bulge in her breast pocket reassuringly. It had been worth it to finally get Elly and whatever secret her father left behind. Seven years old and cowering in the jamb of her bedroom door, she’d heard her father burst in from a mission two days early and rummage through the house collecting every spare weapon he could find. Her mother argued; her shrill voice had risen in volume and pitch until it brought tears to Jessica’s eyes.

  James Edward Francis had been a decorated starship pilot with more than 2,000 interstellar jumps under his belt. Everyone outside their family called him Snowman. She didn’t know until years later it was a callsign. She closed her eyes, every detail of the last time she had seen him as vibrant as if it hadn’t been 20 years before.

  “I love you, bulldog,” he’d said. “You stay tough, and I’ll be home soon.”

  “Where are you going?”

  His breath hitched. “Far away, Jess. And I’ll miss you, but I’ll be home soon.”

  He’d squeezed her one last time. With her face pressed into his neck she could smell his Old Spice aftershave. His skin was always warm, and his beard tickled her ear. “Okay, Daddy.”

  They separated, and he moved quickly to the door, leveling a finger at his estranged wife. “Make sure she gets Elly! When she’s ready!”

  Jessica opened her eyes and tossed back
a healthy swallow of whiskey. She’d been trying to get ready all her life. Whatever her Daddy left behind in that chipset was enough for her mother to fearfully hide it for decades. The technology looked like nothing she’d ever seen.

  * * * * *

  Find out more about Kevin Ikenberry and get the free Four Horsemen prequel,

  “Shattered Crucible” at:

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  About the Author

  Titles by Chris Kennedy

  Connect with Chris Kennedy Online

  Excerpt from Book One of the Omega Wars:

  Excerpt from Peacemaker:




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