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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

Page 15

by Paul Phipps

  Admiral Crane laughed and said, “Roland just wants a chance to talk to more humans.”

  “I take it that you’ve met this ‘Roland’ before?” Admiral Saunders said to Admiral Crane.

  “Why yes, Admiral I have. Roland was the TSN Scout that we used to do our initial transfer of personnel to the Epiphany. I enjoyed the trip immensely especially the slow trip back that gave me plenty of time to inspect Task Force 14 from the air.” He then looked at each of his captains with a steely glint in his eyes. “We will be discussing that inspection later on.”

  “Very well then, if asked I will indicate that the TSN will be available for an immediate meeting.” Secretary Dunbar said.

  Admiral Saunders took over at that point with a question of his own. “Commander Webster why won’t you accept any Navy personnel without screening them yourself first?”

  Ansel mentally had to shift gears and then, “Admiral Saunders, do you allow just anyone to become a crewmember of one of your ballistic missile submarines, How about as Aircrew on your multi-million dollar aircraft?”

  “You do have a point there, don’t you.” Admiral Saunders said with a smile. “Alright then what are your reasons then?”

  “Admiral, do you want me to be blunt about it or not?” Ansel inquired.

  “Whichever is more comfortable for you, will do me fine.” The Admiral said with his first true smile of evening.”

  “Very well then, the Epiphany contains some technology that the TSN WILL NOT allow to leave our control. On the other hand we will allow the Navy to benefit from its availability. As an example of one of these technologies I am going to use is our food replicator. This device uses an energy input and basic raw materials to build, or as we call it replicate, common food items such as beef, chicken, cereal grains, etc. The more advanced ones can create an entire meal from scratch.”

  “That sounds like a very useful technology to me. What makes it so dangerous to be out of TSN oversight and control?” Admiral Saunders asked.

  “That useful piece of technology will completely destroy your economy Admiral. Think about how many of your people are involved in the production of basic food stuffs, processing, delivery and final sale to the public. Now what happens to your economy if they no longer have work but still need to consume electrical power and other commodities. How many family farms and small businesses will be lost? Already 46% of the American population is on some sort of Government assistance. This will mean that close to 78% will be in that situation. Your taxpayers and industrial Tax Base will completely collapse.

  You might be looking at Civil War III. And there are other such useful technologies on board the Epiphany. Do you want me to continue or will you accept that there are sufficient and justifiable reasons for the TSN to screen all potential crew for the Epiphany.”

  All of the Officers listening to Ansel turned white as sheets. Admiral Saunders, suddenly broke into a sweat and Secretary Dunbar went wide-eyed.

  “All right, I think you’ve made a point there, Commander.” Admiral Caparelli said.

  “Yes Sir, I hope that I have. I know that you heard Admiral Webster say that Seeker’s mandate from Gho ‘L’Gamesh was to nurture and protect mankind. Well we mean to do just that. And part of that nurturing and protection is not to destroy your economies or your way of life.

  In some ways if you want to get clinical, Earth and its various countries and styles of government is a giant laboratory. We are here to protect you from outside threats. We are also here to protect you from committing racial suicide. Everything else though…. Well, you get a chance to grow up and mature now.”

  “Mature? Are you saying that we are children?”, Secretary Dunbar glared at Ansel.

  “Mr. Secretary, compared to Gho ‘L’Gamesh and Seeker we are all infants in diapers if you look at us chronologically. As she explained herself to me once, the human race in this dimensional analogue is either the most improbable group of survivalists in all the Universes or they are just the luckiest. I pressed her more fully and she said that we are like children playing with fire and just haven’t been burned yet. And like a good mother she is torn between letting us get burned to learn our lesson and taking the fire away and telling us we are being bad.

  My Uncle has convinced her that we are just adolescents that are pushing the boundaries and that we will grow up eventually. We just need to be watched carefully that we don’t do something fatal.”

  “Well, that reassures me to no end.” Secretary Dunbar said sarcastically.

  Ansel gave him a very serious look and said, “It should, the TSN as a whole, believes in us, that is, the human race. And I for one, am not going to let them down.”

  Secretary Dunbar got a confused look on his face and then looked at Commander Ansel Webster searchingly. What he saw there did not match up with the mental image he had been going on. And if he was so wrong about that, what else was he wrong about?

  Admiral Caparelli sat watching the interplay between the two and decided it was time to move the conversation elsewhere.

  “Thank you for that clarification. It does answer some questions that I had. Now moving on, I expect that part of the problem with the Chinese and their moving their own Aircraft Carrier Task Forces around is that they are curious and worried about what we have come up that their intelligence services have failed to keep them apprised of.

  If we announce what has occurred and the existence of the Epiphany is confirmation of that. I expect that they will demand to be ‘let in’. What will the TSN do if the President accedes to that sort of demand?”

  Ansel looked at the Admiral and said firmly, “As for being given our technology, not only no but ‘hell no’. President Richardson does not own TSN technology. As I have stated before it will not be allowed to leave our control. If Chinese Nationals or any other countries individuals can pass the TSN entrance exams and our version of boot camp they will be welcomed.

  Because of the Epiphany’s position as a TSN Auxiliary serving with the U.S. Navy I sincerely doubt that the Navy will want foreign Nationals serving on one their ships. But if you do allow it then they still have to pass the TSN screening process. And I really doubt that any spies or saboteurs will make it through that process”

  “I hear a definitive answer. How refreshing.” Admiral Saunders said with a deadpan face. “What if they decide that a pre-emptive strike is in their best interests? What Then?”

  “You mean one of those, ‘we had to take it so that everyone could share in the goodies’ interests?” Ansel replied straight faced.

  “Yes, one of those.” Admiral Saunders replied.

  “Please don’t see this as Hubris,” Ansel started off, “We haven’t had a chance to demonstrate some of our capabilities to you yet but our rail guns can shoot sub-orbital and hit their programmed target with its on-board terminal tracking package at a range of 250 miles plus or minus.

  Our version of the F-47N can go Mach 6 on Supercruise and has two 48mm Rail Guns with a shared set of ammunition magazines. They can use our Capacitor Dart munitions with the terminal guidance package, normal ballistic ammunition and some special stuff we worked up.

  They also are not equipped for missile usage, the rail guns are much more efficient with a possible range of 325 miles using a sub-orbital trajectory, when fired at 85,000 feet.

  There are several more little goodies but those two are our long range punch.

  We will take them out before they know what hit them.”

  Admiral Saunders goggled a little bit and then sat back in his chair. Secretary Dunbar took over at that point.

  “Being more of a political type and only having a general handle as to what the Navy can do, makes me think that you and your ship outclass everything else afloat. But what if they decide to go Nuclear on you?”

  “Mr. Secretary, a very good question indeed. We wouldn’t survive a nuclear strike. But then every ship of theirs would be sunk and the Victory would be paying a visit to their home c
ountry. “ Ansel replied with equanimity.

  Admiral Crane then spoke up. “I’m afraid to ask, who or what is the Victory?”

  “You saw the Lucky of course?” Ansel said with a slight smile.

  “Obviously, Commander.”

  “The Victory is the Lucky only about 100 times larger.”

  “You mean you have a ship that is 500 miles in Length!” Captain Steele of the Cape St. Georges blurted out.

  “Yes Captain Steele, we have three of them.” Ansel told him.

  In the quiet that followed there was a hushed, “Ooohhh Man.”

  Captain Welles broke the mood with a question of his own. “Your version of the F-47N, will you allow it to be utilized by other Naval Air Squadrons or will it be reserved to the Squadrons attached to the Epiphany?”

  “A good question. Will the Navy accept our version or will they declare it an Experimental or Non-standard Aircraft and therefore unsuitable for use in Naval Aviation? Or on the other hand will they accept it but only if modified to use current Naval Air Munitions?

  Really, when you get down to it. It’s up to you and your bureaucracy that you have built up.” Ansel answered him seriously.

  The meeting continued for another 45 minutes and then Admiral Caparelli brought it to a close by saying:

  “Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for all of the information and suggestions about the future of the Navy and how we can benefit mutually with a partnership with the TSN.

  Commander Webster thank you for all of the information you have given us this evening. I would like you to demonstrate your capabilities as soon as possible with some live fire exercises. I will contact you with details on Admiral Webster meeting the President as necessary.

  Now it is up to us here in this room to prepare a briefing that will be believed by the Joint Chiefs as well as the Secretary of Defense and the President.

  Until next time.” And then the transmission was cut.

  Admiral Crane stood up and did a small stretch.

  “My, that was an interesting meeting wasn’t it?”, He said to the room at large. “Please take a half hour break and meet back here at,” He looked at the clock on the wall, “2030L. I suggest a large cup of coffee we probably won’t get out of here until after midnight.”

  He then turned and headed for the door with most of the officers following him.

  Ansel turned to Captain Steele, “Captain Steele I could use a bit of advice.”

  Captain Steele looked at him and then smiled, “Commander Webster, advice is free of charge.”

  “That’s good, I think I have maxed out my charge card this evening.” Ansel said with feeling.

  Everyone within hearing distance just started laughing. After a few minutes, Captain Steele raised his hand and wiped his eyes. “Ok, Ok, I don’t know about the rest of you but I needed that laugh. Alright now, Commander what do you want my advice on?”

  “Quite frankly, I am extraordinarily proud of Epiphany and I want to show her in the best light to her new Captain. I want to set up a SHOOTEX the likes of which will be hard to beat. I have some ideas but I really want to bounce them off of an experienced officer. I was very proud to serve on your ship and I would like to tap into your experience.” Ansel said.

  Captain Steele looked at Ansel closely and after a few moments, shook his head slowly in the positive. “I’ll do my best to help you out. Let’s hear your ideas.”

  “Privately might be best, a couple of them are pretty far out there. Perhaps Lt. Commander Thomas and I might come to Cape St. Georges tomorrow afternoon or you and Lt. Commander Banks would be welcome on the Epiphany, your choice.”

  Captain Steele looked at his Executive Officer and raised his eye brows in question.

  Commander Banks just smiled and said, “Personally, I want to look at your miracle ship in person, Commander Webster. I vote to come on over for a visit.”

  Captain Steele nodded and turned to face Ansel, “We’ll be there 1300L, Ok with you Commander?”

  “We’ll be awaiting your visit with full honors.” Ansel replied. Then he stood up and headed for the door himself. It was time to drain and get a full cup of hot tea. It promised to be a long evening ahead.

  * * *

  Pentagon – 2100L Saturday, November 7, 2026

  “Yes Mr. Secretary”, Secretary of the Navy Dunbar was talking to the Secretary of Defense Anderson, “Yes, I know it’s almost nine o’clock on a Saturday evening, Yes I know you are at an important Cocktail reception for the new ambassador for Saudi Arabia.

  Do you want to hear what I have to say or do you want to find out through CNN?”

  He took the phone away from his ear and the others in the room could hear the Secretary of Defense snarling at Dunbar. Dunbar on the other hand just had a look of resignation on his face, he had heard it all before. Secretary Anderson could be extraordinarily polite and patient with those he thought were ‘Important’ while being ‘short’ to those he thought were ‘below’ him.

  The Air Force was Secretary Anderson’s fair haired children with the Navy and Marines being way down the list behind the Army. It’s just the way it was in the highly politicized Pentagon of Post-Civil War Washington. The Navy hadn’t had much of any role in stopping the War whereas the Air Force and Army had.

  He placed the earpiece back to his ear and listened. The others in the room watched his face as a panoply of emotions passed over it. Finally he said, “Yes Mr. Secretary, I’ll just call the other Secretaries’ and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in. I’ll have the Secretary of the Air Force call you afterwards with what we’ve come up with. Enjoy your party Sir.”

  He turned to Admiral Caparelli and said, “I believe that you got the basics from that call?”

  “I think so Mr. Secretary. I’ll handle getting the rest of the Joint Chiefs in and you’ll handle the other Under Secretaries. I suggest that we don’t let anybody else try to put us off either.”

  “Let’s get to it then.”

  Pentagon – 2310L Saturday, November 7, 2026

  The Joint Chiefs and the three Under Secretaries of Defense were all present. None of them looked pleased although they were all curious.

  Air Force General Owens who also was the current head of the Joint Chiefs opened the meeting with the standard words about the time and place and who was requesting this unusual meeting.

  “Admiral Caparelli, you have the floor”, General Owens stated.

  “Thank you General Owens, The Navy has been in contact with an extra-terrestrial force that calls itself the Terran Space Navy.” Admiral Caparelli stated with no inflection in his voice.

  “What do you mean by contact, Admiral Caparelli?” Secretary of the Air Force Watkins said with a disbelieving tone to his voice.

  Admiral Caparelli gave a wintry smile and asked Captain Eagleton to show video Clip #1. Everyone watched the video from the George H.W. Bush of the TSN Star Fighter Carrier Lucky breaking through the clouds and coming down to a rest of 1000 feet over the ocean.

  “Good effects there, Industrial Light and Magic?”, General Owens said.

  “You would think so wouldn’t you?.” Admiral Caparelli said with a laugh. Then he was serious, “In fact I wish it was just Special Effects. It would make my life a lot easier. Captain Eagleton, #2 and then Admiral Websters’ initial address to Admiral Crane please.”

  Next 20 minutes were taken up with that footage. Then Caparelli said in to the silence.

  “Still think it is a bunch of Special Effects?”

  “One human only? A bunch of machines running a massive space fleet? Forgive me Admiral, but did you forget to take your Meds today?” Secretary Watkins asked.

  “I’ll ignore the insult Mr. Secretary.” Admiral Caparelli said with a glance, “I and Secretary Dunbar have held off bringing this up to you because of the fantastical nature of a Terran Space Navy. We needed to gather real proof.

  There’s a lot more to tell you and you had best keep an open mind. And let me be the first
to say we are not going to be able to hide this or deny that it happened. The TSN has gone out of its way to insure that.

  Captain Eagleton, please show the Construction of the Epiphany and her Launch.”

  A time lapse video of the construction of the Epiphany was shown and then a video of the Lucky resting on the ocean’s surface and then lifting off leaving the Air Craft Carrier Epiphany on the Ocean.

  “Gentlemen, this is the TSN Auxiliary that the Terran Space Navy has given to the United States Navy to use. Her name is Epiphany, she’s 2500 feet long and 750 Feet wide. And she’s too darn big to hide from the public, especially since the Chinese have twigged on to her existence and are sending three of their Carrier Battle Groups to investigate.”


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