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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

Page 28

by Paul Phipps

  Very good then. I’ll have my Yeoman come and get you when we are ready to resume.” Captain Welles said to them both.

  After Ansel and Ariadne had left to go the Wardroom and when the Admiral stopped staring at the ceiling while deep in thought and looked at his staff who were all staring right back at him. He grimaced and said. “This is where I earn my salary and justify having these stars. All right then, what are your immediate reactions to what Commander Webster and Ariadne have brought to us. Junior to senior, Lt. Phelps you first.”

  Lieutenant Phelps was a bit surprised but squared her shoulders and began. “I believe what they had to say. The video was good but what convinced me was that there were no attempts to justify anything that they did to gather the information from the Iranians, Especially since it was obvious that they have bugged the offices of the Iranian Grand Mullah himself.

  And Sir, I wish that I was sailing with them to stop those wanna-be mass murderers.” She ended up coldly.

  Thank you, Lieutenant Phelps, Lieutenant Frist?” The Admiral asked next.

  “Admiral, I’m totally convinced. But what terrified me is when they showed those two Analogues of Earth where similar Bio-Weapons had been used. The crumbling cities, the bones of the people lying scattered around. And they did say that even though those two worlds looked inhabitable now, it might take a couple of million years for them to be occupied by Human Beings once again. That’s one terrifying bio-weapon.

  It’s no wonder that they take Bio-weapons so seriously. Knowing what they have seen in their explorations. I would also.”

  “I agree with that sentiment. Lt. Commander Dickerson?”

  “Sir, I don’t know what we can do legally to help them. But just the two of them to do a blockade?” He said incredulously, “It boggles my mind. I’ve studied the reports of Task Force 7 and Task Force 9 when we were there for Operation Samson. They couldn’t do it with all the ships at their disposal.

  Of course, I must admit in all fairness, the Rules of Engagement were totally against them. They were set up to fail from the beginning.”

  “Very well, anything else Commander?”, The Admiral asked.

  “I noticed that they didn’t say anything about the two of them retrieving either the Physicians or The Bio-Weapon and its creators.” Commander Dickerson pointed out.

  “I believe that their job is to draw fire and attention. Someone else will be doing the retrieval I would be willing to bet.” Captain Welles said at that point.

  “And so we come to you Captain.” The Admiral said with a small smile.

  “I believe that we should do our best to ensure that the Epiphany has an able Captain while Commander Webster and Ariadne are absent. We also need to ensure that the TSN will have an equally able A.I. to take her place while she is absent.

  After those needs are addressed I would like to dump this on Admiral Caparelli’s desk. Until we get a legal order to go into Harm’s Way with Commander Webster and his companion we will have to grit our teeth and hope that the powers in Washington will let us off our leash.

  The TSN I believe has the lives of every man woman and child on this planet in their hands right now. And the rest of us are too damn busy watching television or waiting for the politician’s to do something in their own good time.” he finished heatedly.

  Admiral Crane got an even larger smile on his face and said, “Captain Welles, why don’t you let us know how you really feel?” Then he chuckled, “Maybe that wasn’t called for but I do think you have crystallized a few things for the rest of us to ponder. In the meantime… Lt. Frist please find out if the Potential Captains for the Epiphany have arrived on board yet? And bring them here if they are available.”

  “Aye, Aye Sir.” The Flag lieutenant replied and left the briefing to go do just that.

  * * *

  Lt. Frist has just escorted Captain Keppler, Captain Harris and Captain (Retired) Fuller to Admiral Cranes Staff Briefing room. They are looking around curiously as they are ushered in. Admiral Crane was standing near the door with his staff all standing respectfully along the far wall waiting while he greeted the three Navy Captains.

  “Good Morning Lady and Gentlemen, I trust your flight to the George H.W. Bush was long, noisy and uncomfortable as always?” Admiral Crane said with a wry grin.

  “Yes Sir, As always.”

  “Affirmative Sir”

  “Correct in all Ways, Sir.”

  “Are you ready for a very long day? Because quite frankly, no matter how I want to go about things in methodical Ship-Shape fashion, it’s not going to happen. So you are about to get thrown in the deep end of the pool without a life preserver. Any questions before we begin?”

  The three Captains looked at each other and it was obvious they had discussed things among themselves on the flight out. Captain Harris appeared to take the position of spokesman for them.

  “Admiral Crane, Nothing that we have been through over the last week really makes much sense. Mostly we have been asked questions by everyone including the President of the United States. So we are really in need of a comprehensive briefing about why we were dragged here and in the case of Captain Fuller, She was literally pulled off of the Cruise Ship she was on and was told that she was being reactivated and here she and we are.”

  “Hmmph, are you telling me that you don’t know why you are here?” Admiral Crane asked carefully.

  “The only thing we were each told is that we were being considered as Commanding Officer of a Naval Vessel. Since we each have had such commands before we know that this isn’t the normal way that the Navy does these things. So what happened? Did one of your CO’s die under unusual circumstances?”

  Admiral Crane looked at them and had a look of surprise on his face. “What did Admiral Caparelli tell you?”

  “The Admiral interviewed each of us and was very apologetic that he could not give us any details on our potential command or the situation out here. But he did want to tell us that we were each specifically requested and that the request in itself was a great honor. And that whoever was eventually assigned to the Command slot was in for the ride of his life and that he envied us.”

  The other two Navy Captains nodded in agreement with Captain Harris.

  “Did you hear the President’s address last evening?” Admiral Crane inquired hopefully.

  “No Sir, we didn’t. He gave an address to Congress?” Captain Keppler asked.

  “No Captain Keppler, He gave an address to the Nation and in many ways to the World. We are on the cusp of a brand new world. And where you are is the leading edge. Please come with me.” Admiral Crane led the three Captains to the Flag Bridge. They were in turn followed by the Admiral’s Staff. Once there he directed their attention to the Epiphany sailing two miles away from the George H.W. Bush.

  The three Captains attention was grabbed by the Epiphany and they all moved to the Window and looked her over.

  Captain Fuller looked over her shoulder at Admiral Crane and said, “She’s beautiful, what is her name?”

  “She’s named Epiphany.” Captain Welles spoke up. “It’s quite an apt name as you will find out.”

  Captain Keppler never turned away from the Window and asked, “Who built her, she is obviously not a U.S. Design and where was she built?”

  Admiral Crane answered slowly, “Those a very good questions, if you can wait a few minutes. I’ll have someone come here who can answer them and far better than I could.” He turned to his Flag Lieutenant, “Please escort Commander Webster and Ariadne here.”

  “Aye Aye Sir” The Flag Lieutenant said and moved out quickly.

  Captain Harris was looking her over very carefully and then asked, “I see the two Islands but am I also seeing two lateral Launch and landing Strips?”

  Just then there was a multiple launch of the F-47N Fafnirs, ten of them within 20 seconds. They curved to the north and were gone from view in seconds.

  “What are those aircraft, I know all of the Navy�
�s planes and I don’t recognize those.” Captain Harris said sharply.

  Captain Welles replied, “Those? Those are F-47N Fafnir’s. Pretty aren’t they?”

  Captain Harris turned quickly and said, “Ok, What’s going on here? I do my best to keep up with naval affairs Worldwide, No one and I mean No one has planes like those. And that Aircraft Carrier, to my eye I would say that she is a stealthy design. What is her Radar Cross Section?”

  Admiral Crane indicated the Lt. Commander Dickerson should answer the questions.

  “Captain Harris, The planes are brand new and so is the Carrier. Her RCS is equivalent to a World War II PT Boat. As to how we acquired them… When Commander Webster arrives he’ll be able to tell you to your satisfaction.”

  Captain Harris nodded his head and turned to continue gazing at the Epiphany. Approximately five minutes later Ft. Frist opened the door to the Flag Bridge and escorted Commander Ansel Webster and Ariadne in.

  Admiral Crane was watching Ansel as he came in and saw that Ansel didn’t know the three Captains, but almost instantly he figured out who they were and gave a relieved smile to Ariadne. Who in turn smiled back at him. They turned in unison to face Admiral Crane.

  “Thank you for being so prompt Commander, I would like to introduce you to Captains Keppler, Harris and Fuller. Captains this is Commander Ansel Webster and Ariadne of the Terran Space Navy.”

  Captain Keppler was to first to register what had been said. “Excuse me; did I hear Terran Space Navy?

  Ansel replied, “Yes Captain…”He looked at the Name Tag on the Uniform Jacket, “Keppler, Terran Space Navy.” Ansel noted the confusion on the three Captains faces and turned to Admiral Crane and glanced at Captain Welles too. “The Captains haven’t been briefed about us have they?”

  They both shook their heads. And Ansel looked at the three again. Then smiled sadly and took a deep breath. “I apologize that you weren’t informed about the Terran Space Navy. May I also understand that you weren’t briefed about the Epiphany either?”

  The three just looked at him and then nodded their heads almost in unison. Ansel then looked to Admiral Crane and asked. “Admiral would you mind if I took the Captains over to the Epiphany where I can give them a comprehensive briefing and attempt to bring them up to speed.”

  “Certainly, I think you are well equipped to do so. Total emersion might be best in this instance.”

  “Thank you sir, we’ll get back to you later today then.” Ansel looked at Ariadne, “Please have a Seahawk sent over for us.” At that point he asked the three Captains. “I apologize once again, I imagine that you are all getting tired of being shuffled from one place to another or thrown on one aircraft or another. If your belongings are available we can get them now. Otherwise I am sure that Captain Welles will have them transshipped shortly for you.”

  They just stared at this forceful young Commander who just took over the situation and started to move it in the direction of his choice. And he didn’t give them a moment to reconsider as he ushered them toward the flight deck and in mere minutes the Helicopter had landed and they were onboard and buckled in and inflight once again.

  “Lieutenant Soames please give our guests a once around the Epiphany before landing. And be nice, one of them will probably be your new Commanding Officer very soon.” Ansel told the pilot with a grin.

  * * *

  As the Seahawk was approaching the Flight Deck Lt. Commander Thomas, Captain Johansson and Commander Bastin were waiting for them to disembark. Ariadne had obviously let them know they were on their way back with the Candidates for Commanding Officer.

  While Ansel was introducing the three Captains to the welcoming party, Ariadne slipped off and took the Body-Sim to their Cabin. She was going to have a ton of work and the Body-Sim although fun to wear and interact with Humans, was time consuming.

  Ansel and his three current officers led the way to the well-appointed Captain’s cabin that was located on the Deck Level below the Bridge. After he gave a quick tour of the amenities he led then all into a large Conference room that would also serve as a Dining Area if the Captain chose to use it as such.

  Once in there he pointedly left the Head of the table unoccupied and had the three candidate Captains take the left side of the Table while he and Captain Johansson, Commander Bastin and Lt. Commander Thomas took the right side.

  “By now everyone is a bit disoriented. Which is the normal state of affairs around here isn’t it Evana?” Ansel stated with one his trademark grins.

  “Yes Sir, you could say that. Although I do try to keep make some semblance of order with the chaos you seem to leave behind you.” She said cheekily.

  “And we do appreciate it Commander Thomas. Even us poor fly-boys are grateful for all you do for us.” Captain Johansson added.

  “Now let us try once again to bring order and light to chaos and darkness.” Ansel intoned, “Captain Harris, I believe that you are senior, yes?”

  “Yes, Commander Webster I am.” Captain Harris said with at least the attempt of a pleasant expression.

  “Thank you, will you please act as spokesman then for yourself and your fellow candidates?”

  He looked to his left and right and Captain Keppler and Captain Fuller. They both nodded once to indicate their willingness for him to assume that role. “Yes, Commander Webster, I will do so.”

  “Good, Let us continue then. I gather from your body language and other indications that you have really no idea what you have gotten into. Therefore we will start off by having you ask questions of us and we will use that to guide where this introductory briefing will go.

  Now I must introduce you to a little toy that the TSN uses to insure that all parties in a meeting know that the truth is being spoken.” Ansel indicated the Verifier pyramid that was inset in the center of the Conference table. “This is a verifier as long as the person speaking is telling the truth as they perceive it to be, it will glow with a pulsing blue color, very soothing color isn’t it. A falsehood will result in a reddish color. Let me demonstrate…. The TSN uniform is predominately black. The United States Navy Uniform is a purplish color and the carpeting in this room is a hideous shade of Orange and the table is a synthetic polymer that resembles Teak.” The Verifier went from blue to red then a dark red and then returned to a cheery blue color.

  Ansel then indicated that Captain Harris could try it for himself.

  Captain Harris was looking at the Verifier and then grinned a crooked smile. “I see that you are full of surprises Commander, Normally I hate surprises, but I do like this one.” The Verifier glowed blue for the most part but had a muted color on the phrase ‘normally I hate surprises’ then went back to a brighter blue color.

  He then continued, “Why are we here, I mean why are the Three of us here? Obviously you are the Captain of this vessel. Or at least you certainly act like it.” He said pointedly looking at Ansel.

  Ansel nodded his head and said, “I imagine that it looks like that to you. The manning of the Epiphany is to put it bluntly, weird. I will attempt to clear that up for you. The Epiphany is a newly created Aircraft Carrier. She was created on board the Star Fighter Carrier Lucky of the Terran Space Navy. It took just about two hours to do. That included all planes and munitions.”

  As Ansel was speaking he was watching the three Captains across the table from him closely.

  “I see by your expressions that you think I’m nuts. Captain Johansson the Commander of the Task Force 14 Air Group was present and watched the whole thing. Captain Johansson?” Ansel indicated that he wanted him to enter the conversation.

  “Captain Harris, Commander Webster is completely correct in what he has said so far. The Epiphany was designed and ‘created’ right in front of myself and several other Officers and men of the U.S. Navy who had been invited on board the TSN Lucky for an ‘introductory visit’.

  “I’m looking at this verifier thing and it shows that you are telling us nothing but the truth.” He sighed h
eavily and leaned back in his chair. “Please go on, my headache is going to be a doozy.”

  Ansel then said, “Epiphany please have Doc Fleming come to the Cabin with an assortment of Headache medications.”

  “Certainly Commander, I have notified him and he said he will get some together and bring them up. Remote analysis indicates that Captain Harris is also in need of a stimulant and Captain Fuller and Captain Keppler are famished but are being too polite to say anything about it.” Epiphany said primly

  The three Captains jumped slightly in their seats and glanced quickly around the room trying to spot the speaker.

  “Thank you for reminding me that I didn’t provide refreshments. I am duly chastised.” Ansel told her.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen I do apologize. In my hurry to get a Captain for the Ship I have forgotten my host duties.” He then arose from the table and went to the catering unit and turned around and asked what each person wanted to eat or drink.


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