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Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)

Page 12

by Angel Payne

He’d been resting a hand inside the top edge of her bikini bottoms. Now he dipped it lower, parting the trimmed curls at her apex, seeking the warmth of the hot grotto beyond. Lani moaned as the tip of his middle finger found the sensitive ring at her core.

  “Holy fuck, starshine. You’re soaking wet just from the idea of all this.”

  “Oh,” she squeaked in return. “Ohhhh gods, that’s…”

  “What?” He teased her vagina as he spoke over her harsh gasp. “What is it, Lani? Are you speaking for the pussy that wants to be fucked here, or the body that wants to be carried home and fucked in bed?” He rolled his finger, spreading her entrance wider, pushing in a second finger. Her body clamped on him in welcome, making him roll his eyes toward the trees in silent exigency at the friend he could still feel out there. Oh, yeah. T was still here. He heard his partner’s snicker on the breeze, a sound discernible only to him since Lani was oblivious, judging by the sexy bucks of her hips and the urgent trembles of her shoulders.

  “Kahaha.” Her voice bumped all over the entreaty. “Kellan, please!”

  He kissed her spine between her shoulder blades, and murmured, “I’m here, sweetheart. Right here. You just need to tell me what you need and when you want it. What’s it going to be?”

  Chapter Ten

  Lani had never taken funny drugs in her life—though she wondered if the herbal tea she’d iced down for dinner had been laced with some extra “limbo leaves” from one of the island’s “special” gardens. Her blood hummed in her ears and zinged through her clit. Her heart sprinted against her ribs. Her whole body felt transported, lost in a world where all she wanted was more of the dark-eyed man who commanded every beat of her blood…and the golden-eyed man who watched him doing it.

  Reality? Oh yeah, that. She stormed her mind for it, even scrabbled her hands at the ground, hoping the cool moss would help her get a grip on her mind again. No damn chance. She was helpless, a willing pawn of Kellan’s hands and voice and kisses. Powerless against needing his body, so huge and magnificent, looming against her. Defenseless against the thoughts, so carnal and naughty, of Tait witnessing everything they were doing.

  “Ohhhh, gods.” And she’d thought the events of this afternoon were her direct ticket to Hell? At this point, the demons had drilled a hole straight down and planned on throwing her in.

  “What is it, starshine?” Kellan’s lips were at her nape again. His hand tightened in her hair. He pumped his fingers deeper into her sex. “Talk to me, Lani. Tell me. Talk to me.”

  “I’m—I’m afraid.”

  “Of what?” He pressed closer, surrounding her in his warmth. He glided his mouth down her right shoulder. “Of this? Of us?”

  “N-no.” Crap. She sounded so small and unsure. This was insane. Small? The boobs and hips she inherited from Mom ensured that she didn’t do “small.” And she sure as hell didn’t do unsure. But here she was, stammering out, “I’m afraid of—of—oh, shit!”

  Her electrified gasp was a reaction to his teeth on the back of her arm—and the third finger he fitted into her vagina. God help her, the man had learned all of her sexual weak spots in just three days.

  “Afraid of what?” His murmur was shaded in a teasing tone. Smug bastard.

  “I’m afraid of what you’ll think of me…if I want this. If I—I like it.” She cried out in pleasure as he thrust his fingers farther in. “Ohhh, damn you!”

  His wicked chuckle thickened the air. “If you like it? Starshine, I think you’re past the point of ‘liking it’. Your pussy is dripping for me…coating me.” He scooped them around her tunnel in a tight circle, as if needing to swipe every drop. “You may even need this.”

  “Damn it!” her breath escaped on a quivering thread. “But I—I can’t—”

  “What?” he countered. “Need it? Want it? Like it? Why?” He felt amazing. All of him. His hand in her sex. His thighs framing hers. His mouth traveling the valley between her shoulder blades so he could tantalize the skin of her other arm. “Because it doesn’t make you a ‘good girl’?” He growled in answer to her desperate cry. “There’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. You are good, Lani. So beautiful, amazing, sexy…and so damn good for me. And now, even good for Tait, too.” He whipped her hair over, yanking her head to the other side before slamming his lips to her ear again. “Help me bring my friend back to life, Lani.” His rasp was a beautiful blend of command and appeal. “If we show T how life is celebrated, in the most perfect and primal way there is…if we help him remember how good it can be to feel like this…maybe he’ll wake up this time.”

  She cut him off with a sob and a laugh mixed, with the same crazy mix of emotions as the source. His words were like a spell on her soul, though his fingers were still a thrumming taunt to her body. The combination ignited her, illuminating so much, setting her free. Her senses. Her soul. Her inhibitions.

  “Yes.” She smiled as the word left her lips. “Yes…yes!”

  Hell. Maybe that tea was spiked with giggle grass. None of this made sense. She should be running. Racing away and telling these men to go back to their own house. This woman, who was letting Kellan slide off both halves of her swimsuit, wasn’t her. This creature, cognizant of the man who now stepped through the bushes to get a better view of them, wasn’t her, either. But most of all, she didn’t recognize the woman’s heart that beat in time to both men’s harsh breaths, filled with the yearning to please them both, aching with the desire to serve them both.

  She shouldn’t want this. She couldn’t want it.

  It’s just sex.

  The refrain echoed in her head with perfect timing.

  Of course. She’d overthought everything. Why blow it so far out of proportion? This was just an episode of naughty fun. A fling to fulfill fantasies. All she had to do was keep words like heart, soul¸ and needs out of the equation. And damn, if she was going to punch her “Voyeur” box on the sexy fun card, why not indulge with a pair of the most magnificent men fate had ever dropped on this island?

  She sighed high and deep as Kellan guided her to roll over, stretching her flat to her bed in the moss. Gods, what an upgrade. The new position enabled her to watch him unzip his fly. A quick scan of the underbrush still didn’t reveal any sign of Tait, but she heard him breathing, perhaps from behind her, in heavier huffs. As Kellan shoved his pants down to his hips, the rasp of Tait’s zipper sliced the air, too.

  Before Kellan got completely naked, he reached into his back pocket and slipped out the square that had turned him into the condom makers’ favorite guy this week. She giggled as he dropped it to the ground next to her, but fell silent when he arched a brow. Maybe this was just sex, but he was definitely taking their performance as a responsibility.

  Well, then. Yes, sir.

  Her silent crack had a sarcastic edge for about a second…before it was silenced by wonderment.

  As he knelt there for a long moment, simply looking at her, only one word in any language came to her mind.


  He was her dark satyr now more than ever: beautiful, dark, and intense. Streams of moonlight played across his head, weaving silver strands into the spikes of his hair and mystery across his noble face. Years of being in Special Forces had turned his arms into collections of defined muscle, which he positioned at his sides in a commanding pose. They made a perfect frame for the perfect abs that laddered his abdomen. At their base was a pair of toned ridges that guided her gaze right…


  She gulped.

  His nest of dark pubic hair supported a breathtaking erection. His cock was already thick and dark with the force of his arousal, its crown agleam with the milk that attested to how much he wanted her. Kellan groaned beneath the weight of her stare, lifting a hand to share his pre-cum with the rest of his taut length. Lani shifted restlessly, a whimper escaping before she could help it.

  “You like this, starshine?” he asked from gritted teeth. “You enjoy seeing what you do to me, how badly my dick wa
nts to bury itself in your pretty cunt?” When she nodded and mewled again, his jaw took on even more rigid lines. “No,” he charged, “tell me. In words. Look at my face and say it.”

  Technically, the feat required her gaze to shift a few more inches. They might as well have been a cliff of Waimea. His stare gutted her heart like titanium—and kept going until it reached her sex. “I—” her throat went dry. She took a deep breath and started again. “I like it,” she said. “I—I love it. I love looking at your cock. You’re beautiful, Kellan. So perfectly formed. I want you inside me.”

  There was a rustle from the foliage behind her again. And a single, low groan. She recognized its timbre at once. Tait was there. She definitely felt him now. Staring at her nudity. Listening to her words. Watching her about to be fucked by another man…and from what she could discern by his voice, loving every second of it.

  “Show me.” Kellan’s mandate swung her attention back to him. He pumped his penis with his whole hand, expanding the girth he was going to pound into her soon. God, she hoped it would be soon. “Show me,” he repeated, “how much your body wants me. Spread your legs. That’s good. Wider. Yes, sweetheart. Perfect.”

  She smiled as he stepped into the wide V she’d created, close enough for her to see the engorged veins in his shaft. “It feels good to please you,” she whispered.

  He rewarded her with a gentle smile. “I know. I really do. But there’s someone else you’ve got to please tonight, remember?”

  She flashed a saucy smirk. “Oh, I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Good.” When his lips took on an audacious angle of their own, alarm skittered down her spine…and through her pussy. “Because I know for a fact that our ‘guest’ has special cravings from time to time.”

  “Cravings?” She gulped. “For what?”

  Kellan lowered to his knees. Just watching his quads do the work on that made her sex pulse all over again, not that she’d openly disclose that tidbit. Her gaze was drawn back to his face all too fast, anyhow. His intense study was a little unnerving. “He likes the sight of a woman receiving all the pleasure she can.”

  She grinned and wiggled her hips. “Sounds good to me.”

  “He likes to make sure of that by tying her down.”

  Her lips fell. “Excuse me?”

  He stuck out his lower lip in contemplation. “No movement, no temptation to get in the way of the pleasure. It does make poetic sense.”

  “I’m not a big fan of poetry.”

  Kellan chuckled. “Not asking you to be.” He lowered a kiss that was soft at first, but grew in sexy intent as he teased her tongue with the tip of his own. “Why don’t we just pretend?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Keeping his face just inches from hers, he reached to secure both her wrists in his hands. His lips stayed sinful and intentional as he stretched her arms straight out, making her feel like a splatted butterfly. “Keep them there,” he directed, “as long as you can.” He brought his own arms back in by trailing his fingertips along the inner flesh of her wrists and elbows, then across the sides of her breasts. As he slid his thumbs over her nipples, making her shiver and gasp, he murmured, “I have to admit, maybe T is onto something You’re pretty damn sexy like this, my captive island goddess.”

  She prepped a sarcastic comeback but it faded as he dipped his head, capturing one breast then the other in lingering kisses. Gods, how this man knew how to touch her, to make her quiver as he added his teeth to that treatment, tugging her nipples with insistence, teasing to the point where she wanted just a little more pain to stoke the fire deep in her pussy…

  She brought her arms up to seize his head, trying to urge him on.

  Kellan grabbed her wrists again. Lowered both of them again. “They call it ‘play bondage’ for a reason, sweetheart. Is that really all you could take?”

  The tender claws of his fingers made her gasp. “Was that really was your idea of ‘playing’?”

  He pinned her mouth beneath his in a merciless kiss, finally pulling up to trickle a wicked laugh along her cheek. “Welcome to my jungle gym.”

  She moaned low and long. The rough cuffs of his hands on her wrists…the stubbled needles of his jaw on her face…the consuming hulk of his body…if this was the big kids’ playground, she knew why no one ever wanted to leave.

  Kell kissed her again, harder and deeper. She opened willingly for him, letting him jam her mouth wide, possess her completely with his tongue. Less than a minute of contact, but oh, how it flipped a strange, permanent, amazing switch in her psyche. Fighting this was no longer an option she needed—or wanted. The realization stunned her. He was going to use her. Fuck her. Excite her. Satisfy her. Offer her, along with himself, as a gift to his friend, helping Tait build a bridge back to himself. And she was going to let him. Trust him. Expose herself to both of them in a surrender she’d never allowed a man before, by letting herself be completely helpless.

  Just the knowledge of it set her free.

  “Oh.” Her voice resounded in her ears, full and vibrant in its new amazement. As Kellan slipped his grip off her wrists again, she kept them locked down without effort. “Good girl,” he uttered, pushing the hair from her face and kissing her forehead. “You are my good girl, Lani. So beautiful for me. So open…for us.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. She wanted to say more but the words clogged in her throat. If they came out now, she’d mean them too much. Care about them too much. This is just sex. Just an erotic dream coming true. The increased huffs from the bushes behind them, accompanied by the rhythmic sounds of a hand pumping against flesh, embedded that affirmation deeper. She sighed in response, lifting her hips toward Kellan. Without taking his eyes from her, he seized the packet from the ground and freed the condom with one rip. His breaths quickened as he rolled it over his rigid red stalk.

  “You can hear him, too, can’t you, starshine? He needs to see me fuck you. Take you hard. Bury myself to the balls in you. Kind of like—this.”

  With his hands clawing her hips, he pulled her body forward as he thrust hard, invading her fully in one plunge.

  “Ahhh!” Lani arched her back and screamed it to the sky, hating him and loving him in the same surreal moment. She kept her arms stretched out because honestly, there was no other choice. She had no strength. All the energy in her body flowed toward the cave that was captive to Kellan’s thick, hot cock.

  “Holy fuck,” he rasped. “You’re taking me so deep, Lani. It’s so good. So damn…”

  He cut himself off with a groan. The air was filled with the violent sound of his balls against her ass. Lani bit back her scream, using the violent energy to clamp her body tighter around his shaft. His cock grew in its demand for release; her clit throbbed in its lust for completion. She curled her hands into the moss, borrowing the strength of Mother Earth to keep from losing control. It was hard, so damn hard not to let his lunges stimulate her to orgasm, especially as he pumped even harder. His thrusts coincided with the increase in Tait’s frantic cadence. Both men growled in the throes of their primal need.

  “My sweet starshine. You have no idea how beautiful you look right now. Neither of us can keep our eyes off of you. Such perfect tits, bouncing every time I fuck into you. Such an obedient body, spread wide in surrender. Such a gleaming, wet pussy, clamping me so tight…”

  “Kellan,” she managed to whimper. “Oh gods, Kellan!”

  “You want to come, don’t you, sweetheart? You’re so close…”

  “Yes. Ohhhh, yes!”

  “But you won’t, will you? Not until I’m ready. Until we’re ready. Say it for me, sweetheart. Focus on me and say it.”

  “I—I won’t come until you’re both ready.”

  “That’s our girl. Our good, sweet girl.”

  A strong wind suddenly kicked up, sending untamed energy through the forest. Lani breathed in deeply, smelling hibiscus, papaya, and pineapple…and salt, sweat, and sex. She moaned, joining the symphony of harsh
male grunts that consumed the clearing. Screw the ganja; this was a high that couldn’t be paralleled: the beautiful, feral energy of two warriors with cocks that needed to explode…because of her. She still couldn’t see Tait, but she guessed his body and face were a lot like Kellan’s now: taut with passion, focused on release, eyes fixed on her open nudity with unbridled lust. Just thinking of it made her vagina clench with wet, wild need.

  “Kellan! Please!”

  Like a miracle, a snarl erupted from the bushes, seeming to concur with her urgency. Thank you, Tait!

  Kellan gave her a tight nod. Finally. “Yeah. Surrender to it, starshine. Scream for us, baby. Come hard for us.”

  As if she needed it, he slicked a thumb over her distended clit. The single contact, along with Tait’s long groan, sent her spinning into a vortex of pure bliss. Her entire pussy convulsed, consuming her with blistering joy. The euphoria increased upon hearing Tait groan in the throes of his own climax.

  “Damn,” Kellan growled a moment later. “Damn, sweetheart. You’re going to make me blow like—” His roar practically shook the fruit out of the trees. “Goddamnit, Lani. Yesssss.”

  She exulted in how his cock expanded against her walls, stretching her even tighter before his cum left him in a long climax. Lani wrapped her legs around his waist before succumbing to the urge, too intense now, to touch him again, too. He groaned his approval, dropping his head in order to claim her in a deep kiss that made her wish for the power to freeze time.

  Fulfillment rushed through her like a tsunami, lifting out all the garbage of her life, making it feel like floating pieces of nothing. For the first time in a long time, her mind was actually free. Without a care. Without a decision that extended beyond what part of his back she wanted to explore next with her “unshackled” hands.

  For the first time in a long time, she was…happy.

  Any second, she expected the inevitable. Her brain was going to echo with the screech of mental brakes. Loud ones. There’d be a cogent explanation for them. This was all just post-orgasm endorphins at work, combined with the extra electricity generated from the wind. She could once more tell herself this had been solely about sex—hell, she wondered how much longer Tait was even going to continue hanging out—but why? She refused to acknowledge logic again right now. The bastard needed to go take a long break.


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