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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

Page 4

by Jolynn Raymond

  The horse slowed, winded, as they reached the steep incline leading the way to the castle, but Mikhal quickly slapped the reins back against its flank. He was hungry and needed to feed. His beast didn’t understand why the warm supple woman in his arms wouldn’t suit its purpose. Her blood was calling out to him. He could hear her frantic heartbeat over the pounding hooves of the horse; see the fluttering of her pulse in the tender hollow of her neck. Every moment that passed, became harder for him to resist her. On the outside he appeared to be a man, on the inside he was a snarling beast, ready to kill and to gorge, to sate the hunger that gnawed at his gut. Had she known the direction of his thoughts, the blood Mikhal so desperately wanted, would have turned to ice in Alliana’s veins.

  They climbed steadily up the steep hill, higher and higher into the blackness. Alliana curled her fingers under the edge of the saddle in front of her, trying to grip it, to hold herself erect and away from Mikhal, but the incline forced her backwards against the man she loathed. He knew of her desperation, knew how much she detested him, and the knowledge didn’t bother him in the least. Her discomfort gave him sick pleasure. He stroked her belly with the thumb of the hand gripping her waist, making her shiver with fear and revulsion. Mikhal the Merciless very much enjoyed tormenting others, and his soon to be bride wasn’t above such treatment. Her tortures would be subtle of course, nothing that would endanger her life. They would be insidious little things, done in a way so as not to mar the flesh, or do serious mental damage.

  As he stroked her, Alliana gave one last struggle, and then remembered what her maman had beseeched her to do. She’d told her to obey her husband in all things in order to survive, so like it or not, she knew she had to submit to his pawing. She also knew there would be much more of this along with other, more unpleasant things. Her friend Natalya had been married for two years, and had told her much about the marriage bed.

  Natalya had found pleasure with her husband, but Alliana couldn’t even imagine lying next to the man who was to be hers. The thought of the monster that held her doing the things Natalya spoke of, made her ill, but Alliana stilled and settled back against Mikhal anyway. What choice did she have? In response to her submissiveness, he immediately murmured ‘Good girl’ in her ear.

  Alliana whipped her head around, furious. Hair flying, words stolen by the wind, even as they left her mouth, but Mikhal heard them nonetheless. “I’m not... I... My maman said I had to...”

  Mikhal grinned, pleased at how riled up she was. He enjoyed making her claws come out, his wild little Gypsy bride. He slowed the horse so she could hear his reply. “Your maman is right little one. Be good and do all your husband commands. That advice will serve you well.”

  Alliana glared at him, her eyes flashing fire, her lips set in a grim frown. Mikhal smirked at her. He longed to kiss her hard and make that angry mouth soften under his. He leaned in to do just that and Alliana gasped, sensing his intention. She whipped her head back around and settled against him, her lips as far from his as she could get them. It was no use to argue further, in fact to do so would put her in peril of being mauled again. He was an arrogant devil who would have his way with her soon, but she intended to hold off the inevitable as long as possible.

  They settled into an uneasy silence as the darkness engulfed them, Mikhal pushing the horse onward at an even greater speed. He was desperately trying to fight off his demon. It was screaming at him to feed. Their little verbal exchange had his beast in frenzy. It was just as well the chit had turned to avoid his kiss. She quite easily could have found herself crushed in his arms as he slowly drained every last drop of blood from her body.

  Thankfully, Alliana was again spared knowledge of his dark thoughts. She was lost in her own misery, searching for a way out, but knowing there was none. Had she known how badly his demon wished to devour her, her misery would have been tenfold. Every moment was turning into hell for both of them. Finally, when she felt as if every tooth had been jarred loose, and she couldn’t continue another minute, a dark hulking shape loomed ahead in the night, allowing Alliana her first glimpse of Arcos Castle.

  As they raced upward, it became larger and larger, looming over them. It was a huge monstrosity, towering into the sky, and it instantly made her feel tiny and vulnerable. Her new home was a hulking shape of cold stone, silhouetted in the moonlight. How could she ever be expected to live in a place such as this? She tried to count the turrets as the crossed the moat, the horse’s hooves reverberating on the massive wooden slab that was the drawbridge, but they were too numerous. They passed through three outer ramparts, the walls thick and heavily reinforced. Each with hundreds of arrow slots, and huge wooden catapults set along the battlements and parapets, before finally coming to the inner keep. There was no way anyone would be able to rescue her from this place.

  As they entered the courtyard, she gazed at the castle itself. It was different than the outer defensive reaches. The stones used to build it were smoother, carved with precision. The archways and roofline held carved faces and those of gargoyles. Some of the windows held a faint glow but that did nothing to make the place welcoming. Most were shuttered tight. There were other changes here as well. Where the outer areas had been dark, comprised of dirt, crude bricks, and mortar, the inner circle held elegant statues, sculpted topiary, and a pool surrounded by benches and the last flowers of fall.

  The artistry was exquisite, but she found no beauty here. This was the home of evil. Torches hung from wall sconces, turning the grounds light as day. Servants were busy everywhere, scurrying about, doing their work. Alliana was stunned by all the activity until she remembered the whispered tales of the vampires. They only came out at night. Sunlight was one of their few weaknesses. A certain means of death. As she began to search her brain for more little tidbits on her captor’s failings, a young boy came forward, taking the reins of their mount from Mikhal.

  “Welcome home, My Lord.”

  Mikhal dismounted, ignoring the boy’s greeting, gazing about instead, surveying his domain. The hapless boy moved to help Alliana from the horse, and Mikhal was on him in a flash, teeth barred, a fierce snarl issuing from his lips. He threw the stunned child backwards, across the courtyard, as one word filled the air. “Mine”.

  Alliana was mortified. His actions and fierce protectiveness left her completely speechless. She looked at the poor boy in dismay, wanting to vent her anger on Mikhal, but knowing it was unthinkable.

  As she watched him, the child got to his knees and bent over in a position of submissiveness. It was clear he expected to be punished severely. Again she felt a stab of pity, but then a thought struck her. Was he human? Alliana wondered if all the servants here were vampires, or if there were humans too? How was she ever to be able to tell the difference?

  Mikhal turned back to Alliana and she shrank from him. His viciousness had frightened and appalled her. She knew she had to go to him but her body wouldn’t obey.

  “Alliana.” He said her name in a low sinister voice, a clear warning, making it known she’d better not dare embarrass him in public. She tried to hold out her arms but they wouldn’t move. He scowled, then grasped her firmly about the waist and pulled her to him, burying his face in her neck for one scant second, giving her a sharp nip.

  “Defiance will lead to punishment, Alliana.” He then shoved her away before his beast could do as it wished, and grabbed her wrist in a crushing grip, dragging her forward.


  His strides were long and Alliana had to scurry to keep up. She stumbled on the rough cobblestones, and he turned, scowling, and then resumed pulling her towards the castle. The vampire in him had reached the point where it couldn’t be denied. He had to get the girl out of his sight and feed, and he had to do it now.

  A huge set of wooden doors swung open before them, held by impeccably dressed footmen who bowed to their Master. The doors were taller than any Alliana had ever seen. They made her feel terribly insignificant as she crossed throug
h them and over the threshold. The sound they made as they clanged shut behind her was deafening and sent chills down her spine. She was truly trapped in the lair of the devil.

  Mikhal gripped her elbow and began leading her across the great room, giving her little chance to assess her new surroundings. She caught glimpses of sumptuous furnishing. Finely crafted chairs, and a massive banquet table. A huge chandelier holding at least a hundred candles hung overhead. Thick rugs covered the floor beneath her feet, and beautiful tapestries adorned the walls. There was an enormous fireplace at each end of the room, and both held a blaze upon their hearth to ward off the early chill. She slowed just a bit as she looked around, and Mikhal growled, jerking her, as he moved towards the immense stone staircase that graced one wall.

  “Marishka!” Mikhal called as he gazed upward. When there was no response from above, Mikhal cursed under his breath and continued to pull Alliana to the stairs. “Marishka, come down here at once.”

  Just as they reached the bottom step, a woman in a sapphire blue damask gown, glided into view. Alliana’s eyes widened as she looked upward at the sister who had inspired almost as many tales of horror as Mikhal the Merciless himself.

  She was lovely, a stark contrast of darkness and light; huge, expressive eyes, crowned by dark brows, in a flawless face, a small mouth with pouty lips, as sensuous as her brothers. Her hair shone like glossy raven wings, blue black as midnight, as it spilled down her back in carefully arranged ringlets. Her skin was as pale as the moonlight making her appear somewhat fragile, but Alliana knew this was a misconception. Her dress was finely fashioned, with tiny, darker blue flowers embroidered over every inch of the sapphire overskirt. The dark richness of it made her milky skin seem even paler in comparison. She placed one bejeweled hand on the stone banister and descended towards them, smiling serenely at Mikhal.

  “You’re home, and you’ve brought me a present.”

  Mikhal stopped at the foot of the stairs, taking a step back, and curling an arm around Alliana’s waist to pull her to him protectively. The action was unexpected, and did not go over well with Marishka. Jealousy flashed in her eyes, quickly replaced by anger. The blonde girl wasn’t for her at all. She began to pout, and glared at Alliana, before dismissing her and turning her eyes back to her brother.

  “Naughty Mikhal. I had to have dinner alone. You know I hate it when you leave me here like this.” Marishka cocked her head to the side as her pout became more pronounced. She reached out to toy with one of Alliana’s wild locks, still intrigued by the golden beauty, but a low growl from Mikhal stopped her. Marishka looked up with wounded eyes then hissed at Alliana, eyes full of venom.

  “So she’s your toy is she? I was hoping she was to be a late snack. Can’t we all play together?”

  “No Marishka, we can’t. This one’s special. That means you keep your hands and teeth to yourself. No one plays with Alliana but me. You are not to touch one hair on her head, Marishka, I mean it.”

  Marishka stamped her foot, her dark eyes glimmering with anger and resentment. She looked Alliana over from head to toe, then again looked at Mikhal, pouting. “But she’s pretty, Mikhal. I want her. Let me play too.”

  “Marishka...” The low warning growl was back, though not nearly so fierce as it had been. Marishka crossed her arms over her chest at his reprimand and huffed in irritation, clearly displeased and not used to being denied her way. Alliana was immediately reminded of a sassy spoiled child. Unfortunately, this one was very dangerous.

  “Oh don’t be cross, sweet. Why is she so special anyway? I’ll admit she’s lovely under those hideous clothes and layers of grime, but she’s really no different than any of the others. Can’t I to play too? Pretty please? You’ve been so neglectful lately. I’ve been so alone. You never come see me anymore.”

  “Spare me the dramatics, Marishka. You’ve a stable full of grooms, a castle full of guards, and dozens of serving girls and maids to toy with. How could you possibly be lonely? You’re pouting will do no good this time, luv. Alliana is mine.”

  Marishka stomped her foot again, then whirled on her toes, skirts belling about her, showing her back, and her disdain for Mikhal’s decision, preparing to walk out on him. Alliana stared at her and wondered about the exchange of words between the two. She’d used the word play several times. What exactly did ‘play’ mean to this bloodthirsty bitch and exactly what type of ‘play’ did the two of them engage in? She couldn’t possibly mean sexually, could she? They were brother and sister. The thought revolted her.

  Mikhal sighed and set Alliana from him, reaching for Marishka’s arm. He turned her gently then kissed her forehead. “Listen darling, I don’t mean to upset you, but this is how it must be. You will do as I say in this matter. I insist. This one is to be my bride. She is to have special powers when she gets a bit older, and I want you to make it possible for her to give me a son. Can you do that for me, sweet?”

  The pout was instantly gone from Marishka’s face, replaced by a look of happiness. Things had suddenly been made right. It was okay for Mikhal to toy with his new pet if she could be part of the scheme.

  Marishka gave Mikhal a kiss, one that Alliana wasn’t sure was so sisterly, and Mikhal didn’t protest. He seemed quite pleased that he’d managed to cheer her. The entire exchange, while nauseating, made Alliana certain that she’d found one of Mikhal the Merciless’s weaknesses. Either he truly cared for Marishka, or he was very, very good at placating her. It was something to bear in mind.

  When she released him, she let out a peal of chilling laughter and spun around, dancing on her toes. Mikhal beamed at her, thrilled with her delight. “My Mikhal is so very wise and wicked, and I shall do just as he asks. I can give you your son, brother dear. I can do whatever you wish. I adore babies.”


  “Oh I know. Not in that way, silly, a baby like us. How wonderful; but what about her? Can I have her then?”

  “No, she’s special, luv. I’ll tell you all about it after I have a decent meal. It’s really been quite an interesting evening. Now would you be a dear and do a few things for me?”

  “Of course Darling.”

  Alliana watched the continued exchange, listening and fuming. They were speaking as if she wasn’t there at all, and it both sickened and angered her. She was the one who would bear this child, and she was the one who would be held here against her will for what could be years. Again Alliana wanted to scream and fight at the injustice being done to her, but she wisely held her tongue. It was clear she had no friend in Marishka. Any move she made against Mikhal would reflect very badly in his sister’s eyes.

  “I need you to have a minion take her upstairs. Let her bathe, put her in some decent clothing, feed her, and let her sleep. I’ll not be taking her tonight. It’s too late for me to get everything together so the wedding will have to wait until tomorrow at dusk. Do you think you can make her presentable, Marishka?”

  “Of course I can. Pretty little thing she is.” Marishka looked Alliana over again with a gleam in her eye that Alliana didn’t care for in the least.

  “Right then. Remember, no touching.”

  “Not even a teensy bit?”

  “None, Marishka.”

  “Oh all right. But if she takes up all your time, I won’t be happy.”

  “I’d never see you unhappy, Sweet. Just do this one little thing for me and I shall fetch you someone succulent from the village. I promise.”

  “Anyone I like?”

  “Yes, Marishka. We can parade them all out for your choosing if it makes you happy. Now, do be a dear, and pay attention to what needs to be done.” He grasped her gently under the chin and tilted her head up, so her eyes were locked with his, staring deeply just as he’d done to Alliana when they’d been on the horse.

  “Have someone fetch a priest or whatever those idiots in the village call the religious man. He’s to come at once. There may be things that have to be done that I’m not aware of. I plan on marryin
g her properly according to human laws. It shall be done so the records show that my son is the rightful heir to Arcos Castle. I also need the jeweler to make a wedding band with our crest. It can be sparkly and gaudy with baubles, but it must have our crest in the middle. Do you understand, dear?”

  “Of course, Darling. I can do all of that. I’ll gather the minions at once. One can take Alliana upstairs and see the needed things are fetched, while I see to the other plans. I’ll check on her later. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll make sure your bride is all set for tomorrow night.”

  “Thank you, Luv.” Mikhal kissed her on the forehead and turned her from him, sending her on her way. Marishka disappeared through one of the large stone archways and soon a large, dark haired man appeared in her place. “Good evening, My Lord. Miss Marishka told me I was to see to your needs.”

  Mikhal gave a grimace of disgust as he looked over the minion Marishka had sent. Why did Marishka have to choose Andor? He was her latest toy and Mikhal despised him. She’d turned him a fortnight ago, and he’d been underfoot ever since. Mikhal found him stupid and dull, but knew all he could do was wait for Marishka to tire of the lout. When it came to his sister, Mikhal had no willpower. He could never deny her when she batted her eyes and put on a pout. She held the only spot of tenderness in his heart.

  "Andor, you are to take Alliana to her chambers. It would be in your best interest to see that she doesn’t slip out of your sight."

  "Yes, My Lord. I understand, Sire.” Andor took Alliana by the arm and led her a few paces from Mikhal, thinking it was going to be a very fun evening. He moved much too close, pressing up against her side, looking in her eyes, leering at her. Humans were cattle in this realm, and therefore treated as such. Used and despised.

  Reaching out, he moved his hand over her breast, squeezing cruelly until she cried out. Then grabbed a handful of her hair, snapping at her to ‘shut up’. In two strides Mikhal was there, snarling. He slashed at the arm that held Alliana’s hair with razor sharp claws, leaving a gaping wound in Andor’ arm, pushing Alliana out of harm’s way.


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