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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

Page 7

by Jolynn Raymond

  “Thalia, My Lady.”

  The fact that the girl seemed to have an honest reverence for her when she spoke gave her hope, so Alliana pushed on. “Tell me, Thalia, are you like me? Are you human?”

  “Yes, My Lady.” The woman looked down, not meeting Alliana’s eyes, unsure what to say. Just because the Lady before her was human, didn’t mean she meant safety of any kind. She had the Master’s ear.

  While she was looking at the floor, Thalia spied Alliana’s discarded Gypsy clothing. Her face turned puzzled at the sight of them, and a frown of distaste creased her brow. The new Mistress was a thieving Gypsy. Lower than the poorest of peasants or serfs.

  Her sudden change of expression spoke volumes. Alliana realized that even among the human servants she was to be an outcast because of her ancestry. Her voice turned sharp, as self-preservation kicked in, pity for the young woman’s situation gone. She had power now and if the servants were going to treat her like dirt, then she’d use that power to make them change their ways. While it was true that part of her wanted to stay soft, to make friends so she wouldn’t be alone, her pride demanded she stand up for her heritage.

  “Lady Marishka said I wouldn’t be disturbed. Why are you here?” She snapped.

  “It wasn’t the Mistress who bade me to come. It was the Master. He woke me early this morning and said I was to be sure you didn’t awaken to a cold, dark chamber. I am to be your personal maid from now on.” The last words were said with just a hint of distaste, making Alliana wonder if the woman would rather serve the evil Master.

  “I see you find that to be an unpleasant task. Is it because of my bloodline?”

  Thalia didn’t answer. Her mouth was set in a grim line as she refused to look at Alliana.

  “Regardless of my birth or my heritage, I can assure you that I don’t wish to be here. I didn’t scheme to become Mistress of this castle in order to better my lot in life. I have no desire to be the broodmare to the devil. I was torn from my family and brought here against my will like everyone else. No matter what you may think of me, I have feelings and my heart has been broken just like yours. I am also now in a position determine the course of your life. If I were you, I would bear that in mind.”

  “Yes, My Lady.”

  “Good. Now I wish for you to finish your work and leave me alone.”

  “As you wish, My Lady. Would you like a tray from the kitchen?”

  “How long do I have until I must begin to prepare?”

  “A few hours.”

  “I’ll wait until then.”

  “Yes, My Lady.” Thalia finished her work, stoking the fire in the hearth and lighting the numerous candles around the room, then she hurried out. The fact that the Master’s new bride was a Gypsy disturbed her. All her life, Thalia had been taught to despise them, and now she was destined to treat one as if she were a great Lady. It was unthinkable. On the other hand, the new Lady Arcos claimed she didn’t want to be here anymore than Thalia herself did. They were both trapped by fate and held against their will by the worst of evils. The serving woman decided she would have to watch and wait, and find out the true character of her new Mistress.


  Her time of reprieve passed very quickly. During it, Alliana had gone through the gowns in the wardrobe, searching for just the right one. She knew she was going to have opposition from Marishka when she insisted on wearing it, because it was anything but traditional in the eyes of most of the world, but she didn’t care. Let the battle begin.

  Alliana went over to where the gown lay on the bed, and ran her hand over the fine material; she’d never worn anything so grand. It had a square neckline, cut low as fashionable gowns were, with white lace trimming the edge for a hint of modesty. The damask fabric was a deep wine red, the traditional color for a Gypsy woman’s wedding day. The sleeves were slim, hugging the arms until just below the elbow where they belled wide. White lace dripped from each one in a delicate waterfall that fell almost to the floor. The outer skirt was embroidered with small rosettes and was held open by two bows to reveal an under skirt of darker red velvet. It was an incredibly magnificent creation.

  She’d tried it on earlier, smoothing the tight fitting bodice over her tiny waist after struggling to fasten the multitude of hooks that went down the back, and felt like a queen when she’d been wearing it. The girl reflected in the polished glass had looked stunning. Alliana had simply stood there looking at herself, trying to grasp the idea that this was the type of clothing she’d be wearing from now on, but instead of the idea bringing happiness, it struck the cord of loneliness inside her once more, making the eyes of the girl in the mirror sad and haunted. In the end, Alliana had turned away and taken off the dress no one in her family would see her wed in, finding no pleasure in the beautiful gown of red.

  She’d put the oversized shirt back on and idled about for the remaining hour, wishing she could freeze time and stop the inevitable, but of course that wasn’t possible. In the end, a sharp knock on the door both startled and shocked her. Someone was actually affording her the courtesy of a knock. It had to be the serving woman Thalia. Alliana rose and bade her to enter, standing tall, chin held high.

  “I’ve come with your bath, My Lady. Mistress Marishka will be here in just a bit, and we are to get started with the wedding preparations.” One look at her new Mistress told the other woman Alliana was opposed to the suggestion. “If you so wish that is.”

  “No, I don’t so wish. The men may leave the bath, I know there is no use arguing, but then I’d just as soon be left alone.”

  “Mistress Marishka will be very displeased.” It was clear the thought thoroughly frightened the other woman and Alliana took a bit of pity on her.

  “Fetch a pitcher Thalia. You can help me wash my hair.”

  “Yes. My Lady.” Happy to be given a job that was at least somewhat in the realm of Marishka’s orders, Thalia left the room. The large doorway was soon filled with burly servants. Two men removed the tub from the night before, while another two brought in a replacement; this in turn were followed by boys hauling heavy buckets of steaming water across the room to fill the enormous copper cauldron.

  Alliana watched them as they worked, and shook her head in dismay. She knew she was going to have a fight on her hands the moment Marishka arrived. As if thinking of the bitch had summoned her, the lady vampire swept into the room carrying an elaborate white gown. She eyed the proceedings, happily noting that everyone was following orders, and then turned to Alliana, frowning immediately when she saw what the other woman was wearing. Not to be outdone by the stupid chit who was Mikhal’s new toy, Marishka quickly replaced her frown with a sneer as she wrinkled her nose in disdain.

  “Is there a reason you are wearing that? You look like a little guttersnipe. What, pray tell, was wrong with the nightgown I chose for you?”

  “It was indecent.”

  Marishka snorted with laughter. “You can’t be serious. There is no decency here. You’ll wear such things to bed each might and be stripped of them as well. You’re not very good at doing what you’re told are you?”

  “I’ll not take orders from a mad woman.”

  “I believe you’ll find my brother much more persuasive when he gives orders.” She turned as the men left the room, noting that everything was in place, and draped the gorgeous white gown over the back of a chair. “Where’s the servant girl? Did you send her away or is she being lazy?”

  “She went to fetch something so I can wash my hair.”

  “You will wash your hair in the tub.”

  Alliana clenched her teeth and took a deep breath. “No... I won’t. I’m quite clean. I washed last night. All I need to do is have Thalia help me with my hair.”

  “Mikhal wants you to have a bath and that is exactly what you’re going to do. I won’t displease my Mikhal. I promised him I’d have you ready.” Marishka put on a pout and looked as if she were about to stomp her foot in anger, completely unused to being de
nied. Her actions stunned Alliana. Did the woman actually think she’d give in to her childish rants?

  “It doesn’t matter to me what either of you wants, I’m not getting in that tub. We already had this discussion. I’ll not wear that dress you brought either. I’ve already picked one out. Mine is traditional.”

  Alliana went to where the red dress lay on the bed and ran her hand over the material. Marishka’s eyes widened in dismay, this would make her Mikhal most unhappy indeed, and she’d promised the girl would be ready. “You can’t be serious?”

  “I’m quite serious, adamant too. This is my wedding day and I’ll do things my way.” Thalia had come in during their argument and was watching the proceedings with a stunned horror. Didn’t the future Lady Arcos know to whom she was talking to? Didn’t she know the things Mikhal the Merciless was capable of?

  “Poor Mikhal has brought home an insane chit to be his wife. He won’t ever allow you to wear the color of a whore on your wedding day.”

  Alliana gave a snort of laughter. “You, the woman who belongs in an asylum, is calling me mad. I will do as my family would want.”

  “Oohhh! I’ve had enough. Mikhal will hear of your behavior. I hope he kills you slowly for upsetting me so. He’s going to punish you, my little bitch, and I’m going to ask him if I can watch. Perhaps he’ll give up this whole wedding folly and give you to me when he’s done.”

  That said, Marishka swept out the door in search of her brother who always made things right. How dare the Gypsy wench defy and annoy her like this? Mikhal would show her. He’d make it all better and the girl would be sorry.

  Alliana stared after Marishka, knowing she’d upset her, but not finding it in herself to care. She’d been through too much in the past day and if she was indeed going to have to marry the essence of evil, he could at least make a few concessions. Heavy footsteps rang out in the hallway only minutes after Marishka’s departure, making Alliana’s heart drop. Marishka hadn’t taken long to run crying to her beloved brother.

  The door swung open with a bang, making her jump in spite of herself. Mikhal glared at Thalia who shrank back from him. “Leave us. I’ll ring for you when my bride is in need of your assistance.”

  “Yes, My Lord.” She scurried away; grateful she wasn’t the one on the receiving end of his temper. Mikhal crossed the room and stopped directly in front of Alliana. Her chin was held high and she was trying valiantly to fight back the trembling, which was overtaking her. Her eyes held a bit of defiance along with the very apparent fear, and he silently commended her for it. The woman he’d chosen to be his mate was strong and he admired her for that. She needed to learn to do as she was told though. Defiance had its place, and now wasn’t the time.

  He grasped her under her chin and squeezed, any tenderness he’d shown the night before was completely lacking now. It was time to discipline his wayward female. A low growl issued forth from deep in his chest and his dark blue eyes flashed amber. “Alliana... I am very displeased. You know that don’t you?”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Are you refusing my commands to anger me sweet, or is there another reason?”

  “No, My Lord. Not to anger you. I simply cannot comply. The baths you wish me to take are marime’ and the dress Marishka chose is not appropriate for a Gypsy woman on her wedding day.”

  He slapped her then, hard, and she stumbled backward in shock, clutching her cheek. After a moment, she regained her composure and hugged her arms close around her, raising her chin just a bit, the fire of defiance burning in her eyes along with the sheer of unshed tears.

  Mikhal was incensed. “I told you last night to forget your ridiculous Gypsy ways. You’re mine now and that way of life is gone forever. You’ll live under my roof and abide by my wishes. I won’t hear of it again. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

  He’d come to stand just inches from her during his tirade and Alliana looked up at him, her entire body quaking. She shook her head almost imperceptibly, but he saw it. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard. “Don’t you ever dare to tell me ‘no’, Alliana! You’ll do as I say.”

  She tore herself from his grasp and ran from him, moving to the far side of the bed. “You’re a monster. You’ve taken everything from me, taken all that is dear to my heart, and thrown me into this prison. I refuse to let you take what’s left of my soul. You can’t steal away my beliefs.”

  He paced towards her slowly, stalking her like a wildcat. Golden haired grace with flashing blue eyes, all sleek muscles ready to spring. “You may keep your precious beliefs tucked in your heart, but that is where they shall stay. Keep them buried deep and out of my sight or suffer the consequences. I’ll not have you carrying on in your old ways. You are my bride, and the mother of my son. That is your new legacy. Now get in the tub Alliana and I shall call Thalia in to help you.”


  “Don’t make me hurt you, my dear. It would be such a shame to mar that pretty face on your wedding day.”

  “Do what you wish. I won’t get in the water.”

  He lunged for her, catching her easily around the waist. Alliana beat her tiny fists against his chest, but Mikhal crushed her to him, trapping them between their bodies. He yanked her head back by her hair and snarled, before bringing his lips down on hers in a punishing kiss. Alliana struggled madly against him until she felt his hardening desire pressing into her belly. This stilled her immediately and filled her with terror.

  Mikhal raised his head and smirked at her, delighted by her reaction. There were many ways to subdue his wild Gypsy, and this one was definitely the most enjoyable. Knowing she was helpless and terrified, aroused by her fear and his power to dominate her, he brought his lips back down upon hers, laughter rumbling deep in his chest as he did so.

  His laughter stopped abruptly as his lips bruised her tender ones, punishing her for her disobedience. The kiss went on and on, stealing her breath away, his tongue slipping in to dance over hers when she opened her mouth to finally gasp for air. Her knees became weak and her senses whirled as an unfamiliar warm sensation began to pool in the pit of her stomach in response to his talented mouth. Fear, loathing, and heat combining together in a confusing, jumbled, mix, swirling inside her head, overwhelming her. He chuckled deep in his throat when he sensed this change inside her then finally broke off the assault and latched his blunt teeth onto her throat, growling, and then licking the soft hollow where her pulse beat like a hummingbird’s wings.

  When he felt her sag against him, Mikhal held her back away from him and tore the shirt from her body. Alliana screamed, certain she was going to be defiled, but Mikhal scooped her up instead, knowing he dare not gaze upon her naked form, and promptly dropped her in the tub. She landed, sputtering in outrage, but stayed put. She had no desire to be touched by him again, especially now that she was unclothed.

  He then strode to the bed and picked up the crimson dress, tearing at it, until it was a pile of red rags on the floor. “Only whores wear red on their wedding day Alliana. I’ll not have my bride branded a whore. The next time I see you, I expect you to be clean and dressed in the gown Marishka has chosen for you. I advise you to do as you’re told; next time I won’t go nearly so easy on you. I’ll be back in an hour to escort you to the chapel myself. Poor Marishka is too distressed to deal with you any further today.”

  Mikhal stormed out of the room leaving Alliana sitting in the warm water with tears running down her face. She had survived the ordeal relatively unscathed, but all her morals were going to be compromised. She felt dirty, sitting in the bath. All her life she’d been taught that it was forbidden, and now she would be denied the right of wearing the traditional color on her wedding day too. It was just as well her family wasn’t there to witness her shame. She’d been a fool to think she could win a battle against Mikhal the Merciless, but she was proud of herself for not cowering either.

  Thalia returned while Alliana was still sitting motionless in the water. As before,
she had a haughty demeanor but Alliana ignored her. She knew that the woman hated her for being a Gypsy and was probably aware as well that she would carry a child who could do great harm to human kind. When he was grown, her son would have a combination of both races and might be able to move about both in daylight and night using Alliana’s unknown powers and those of his vampire kind, killing as he wished, causing even more bloodshed that his father before him.

  Alliana was acutely aware of her new position. What woman would want to be the whore of the Master Vampire? She would have given everything to be in the shoes of her new servant. All the riches, clothing, food, and attention that would now be hers, couldn't compare to the feeling of his cold touch and the knowledge that his seed would be growing inside her.

  Thalia kept her eyes downcast as she moved into the room in a show of submission, but Alliana had a suspicion that it was done more to conceal the disdain her new maid was feeling for her, than as any real show of respect. Unfortunately for both women, had they spoken, things might have been different between them. Truth be known, Thalia actually had a kernel of respect for the new Mistress growing inside her. The girl had stood up to Marishka, and had managed to escape from a heated encounter with Mikhal the Merciless, apparently unscathed.

  “Don’t just stand there, Thalia, we’ve no time for laziness. Lord Mikhal will be back in an hour.” Alliana knew she sounded cruel, but her pride was wounded and she assumed Thalia still thought the worst of her.

  “Forgive me, My Lady.

  "You are forgiven, but be sure that it doesn't happen again. Help me with my bath. I’m… I’m not used to taking one. What are all those things?” Alliana gestured to the salts, soaps, and oils on the pedestal table.

  “They will make you smell nice and turn your skin soft as silk. There’s lavender oil or violet salt.”

  “I’d like the lavender, and soap, and you will wash my hair as well." Alliana still felt horrid to be in the tub, but she also felt a desperate need to wash Mikhal’s touch from her body.


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