Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 15

by Jolynn Raymond

  Throughout the great hall the vampires moved about, eating, drinking, and laughing loudly. Though they fed on humans for sustenance, they still enjoyed the taste of food from time to time, and loved to indulge in the wine and brandy that flowed freely. From time to time, they would pause to grab or slap the poor helpless human servants who were forced to move among them, delivering them food and drink, and every so often a sharp cry could be heard as one was dragged out of the main chamber and into the courtyard. Alliana’s head was swimming with the horror of it all.

  "See there, Pet, I gave specific instructions that the men were not to violate the humans here in the great hall in front of my new bride. I knew it would upset you and I am concerned about your delicate condition."

  Various sharp retorts concerning the hideousness of the night’s activities and his supposed concern for her feelings rose up in her mind, but Alliana wisely held her tongue. She was well aware of the punishment she could receive for inciting Mikhal’s anger. He was already upset over the matter of Marishka, and said sister, was sulking at the end of the banquet table for all it was worth. Mikhal had been watching her from his high placed chair since the woman had come downstairs, hoping she’d snap out of her sulk, but although Andor offered up all manner of sweets for her liking, the minion still hadn’t pulled Marishka from her foul mood.

  "Thank you, Sire. It was very kind of you to think of me." The words stuck in her throat, threatening to choke her, but she managed to speak. Alliana knew self-preservation and the safety of those around her was vital at all costs.

  "That’s a good Pet. You are learning to be obedient.” He smiled at her and patted her on the head, then took Alliana’s face in his hands and rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. "I see you have already learned that it is best to do everything possible to please me haven’t you?"

  "Yes My Lord."

  He continued to stroke her cheeks as he gazed at her, please with her behavior and submissiveness. Then Mikhal let his hand slide down and trace the neckline of her dress, lightly grazing the tops of her breasts. To Mikhal’s great pleasure she did not even flinch. Marishka on the other hand, threw a heavy goblet to the floor in a fit of ire at his lustful display.

  Mikhal glanced up at his sister, and then back at Alliana, torn between the two women who filled his life, then turned back to his bride. He did find her ever so delightful. "Perhaps I will be more lenient with you than I had first intended. You have behaved very well thus far this evening and overall in our marriage. I am most pleased with you Alliana, and when I am pleased I can be most indulgent. Perhaps I shall grace your neck with some pretty baubles. Would you like that, Sweet?"

  Alliana looked at him, stunned. How could he ever think to appease her with simple promises of kindness or jewels after all that had happened? Never mind the fact that she was still basically a prisoner here and carried a demon child in her belly.

  "I can see by the look on your face, my Sweet, that you don’t believe me but I can give you anything your hearts desires Pet. You’ll see. You can be my pampered pet, my Dear, just behave.”

  Still, she looked at him in shocked horror. He honestly didn’t understand. He thought she doubted his ability to give her trinkets for good behavior. That wasn’t it at all. She knew he could reward her just like he did his horses when they performed to his satisfaction. That didn’t change the fact that nothing he could do would ever make the hate in her heart go away. He honestly had no idea of the depths of her loathing for him. It went beyond his comprehension. He could give her all the riches in the world and it wouldn’t even begin to crack the ice surrounding her heart.

  Again he looked at her bewildered. What did she want and why was she looking at him like that? Marishka always melted at the promise of a present. Never mind, he didn’t have the time or inclination to figure his new bride out.

  “All this merriment has made me ravenous. Come along my dear, we are going to the table to eat."

  Mikhal took Alliana by the arm and started to lead her to the huge banquet table where there were two high-backed chairs waiting for them. The vampires opened a path and cheered as their Master and his bride passed through the crowd. Everywhere she looked, Alliana saw glowing eyes leering at her, and sharp teeth glistening with drool as the demons stared at her and licked their lips. A scream rose up from the front of the hall as a hapless woman fought her assailant making Alliana shiver.

  Alliana’s knees weakened and her body began to tremble as they continued, the horror of her surroundings closing in. Mikhal glanced at her with a harsh look and slipped his arm around her waist to support her. By the time they made it to the chairs Alliana was literally shaking. The trauma of the last three days was beginning to take its toll on her and her head began to spin.

  "Sit down Alliana. What seems to be the problem?"

  Alliana looked at him with frightened eyes and shook her head. She couldn’t speak.

  "You, bring the Mistress some wine at once. Perhaps you just need some food and drink, my Dear."

  In truth, Mikhal knew nothing of women and pregnancies and Alliana’s rapid breathing and ashen skin worried him. He had been a vampire for a century and any knowledge he had once had of humans had long since left him. A servant brought wine and Mikhal held it up for Alliana to drink. She grasped the goblet with both hands and raised it towards her mouth, but her hands were shaking so violently that the red liquid splashed over the side and onto the white linen tablecloth, staining it blood red.

  "My Dear, whatever is the matter with you?" Mikhal hissed in Alliana’s ear, his voice low and menacing.

  "Forgive me, My Lord. The excitement of the day is having an effect on me. I’m afraid I’m not feeling well."

  "If you think a few pitiful panting gasps, and some trembling are going to keep you from being present for the rest of the celebration you are mistaken my Pet. You will stop this nonsense at once and put a smile back on your face. I demand it! I cannot believe I had thoughts of being lenient with you. Your behavior has merited a severe punishment. You will pay for this little act of rebellion. You are making me look like a fool in front of my men."

  Alliana took a couple of deep breaths and tried to smile. Her hands were shaking and she was light headed, but she did her best to follow Mikhal’s command. She again picked up the wine goblet and brought it to her lips, and though she spilled some more of the drink, she was able to down the entire chalice in a few quick swallows. Mikhal glared at her and took the goblet from her shaking hands.

  "I will not have you gulping down your wine like some lush my Dear. You are a Lady. Try to act like one."

  A servant came towards them carrying large platters of food for each of them. She placed them on the table and smiled at Mikhal, trying to win his approval. All the humans in the castle knew their lives depended on pleasing the Master. If one could catch his eye and make him happy, perhaps it could save them from a life of hell. Mikhal was in no mood for groveling and quickly shooed the woman away.

  "I must say that you are looking a bit pale, Pet. Perhaps it is not entirely an attempt to trick me. I want you to eat everything on your plate. I think the food will make you feel stronger."

  Alliana looked at the meal with disgust. The platter was full of rare meat that was almost dripping with blood. Her stomach recoiled and she knew if she didn’t get away from the sight and smell of the food that she would vomit. She twisted in her chair and pushed back away from the table. Mikhal grabbed her wrist, and wrenched it painfully, infuriated with her behavior.

  "Alliana! What is the matter with you? Sit down and eat your supper at once. I demand it!" The low growl issued forth from deep within him, and though Alliana’s body tingled and the need to obey rose up inside her, the need to flee won out.

  Alliana shook her head mutely and brought her free hand up to cover her mouth. Her eyes were huge as she looked at him in panic. Alliana knew full well that he would do unspeakable things to her if she retched on the table. Taking a few panting breaths
she summoned up her courage and tried to speak.

  "Please My Lord. I am not trying to be difficult. I don’t feel well. Please ... I have to ... I can’t stay ... I’m sick."

  “Alliana I don’t claim to know much about women and their condition when they are with child, but I do know it’s much too soon for you to become ill like this.”

  Alliana shook her head, confused, ready to vomit. “Perhaps... perhaps because he isn’t of me.” That said Alliana tugged her hand free with all her strength and rose from her chair, intent on running from the room.

  When she stood, her head began to spin and bile rose up from her stomach. She fell to her knees gagging, and vomited on the floor at his feet, splashing his gleaming boots in the process. Mikhal gathered her hair in his hand and pulled her head up. She looked at him with tears streaming from her eyes and spittle running down her chin. His eyes flashed an unbelievable fire and Alliana began to shake uncontrollably, knowing that Mikhal had been pushed beyond his limit of control by her behavior.

  "Please Sire, please ... I did not mean to embarrass you. I ... I'm sorry. Please. It’s not my fault."

  Alliana passed a trembling hand over her mouth, and wiped her tears from her face with the other, then she tried to rise, but Mikhal tightened his grip on her hair, holding her head back and down. The nausea was welling up inside again and she knew she had to get out of the room.

  "Please Sire, I need some air. I’m begging you to let me out of here."

  The entire hall had fallen silent except for Marishka’s shrill laughter. Mikhal eyes were furious blazing orbs as he looked down upon Alliana. His first instinct was to rip out her throat, his second, to toss her to his men, but the look in her eyes stayed his hand. She appeared truly ill and frightened. Perhaps she had no control over her actions. He released her hair and grasped her elbow, intending to help her rise. As she tried to stand, a merciful blackness overcame her and she fainted. If it weren’t for his hold on her elbow, she would have fallen to the floor in a heap.

  Mikhal reached for her as she collapsed a bewildered expression on his face. He scooped her up in his arms and looked down upon her with concern and anger. He felt out of control and the feeling was totally foreign to him. He’d always had complete dominance on those around him. Once he commanded things, people did it without hesitation. He was at a loss at how to deal with Alliana. She was extremely pale and as limp as a rag doll in his arms. It was obvious that she was not trying to trick him. Something was wrong and she was truly ill.

  Lucian stepped forward from the crowd of silent observers and quickly bowed in a show of respect. He knew Mikhal was feeling humiliated in front of his minions and he wanted to give his Master a way out of the situation.

  "Sire, it appears that the evening’s festivities were too much for Lady Arcos in her delicate condition. If you wish I would see to the rest of the celebration while you tend to her needs. I would be happy to send for the midwife. Perhaps she will know what the problem is. Human are such feeble creatures, who would have thought she could not tolerate a simple banquet."

  "Thank you Lucian. That will be fine. See that everyone enjoys themselves."

  Alliana let out a moan of distress and Mikhal was again torn between worry and anger. The pull of the mating ritual was stirring deep inside him as well, and the fact surprised him. He hadn’t expected to be governed by it, not really. She was but a mere human there to serve his purpose. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to feel drawn to her. He wasn’t supposed to care. Mikhal pushed the unfamiliar feelings aside and tapped into his anger once more. It was an emotion he was more in tune with.

  This wasn’t how the evening was to have progressed. He had planned to display Alliana like the trophy she was, to his men all evening, embarrassing her in front of his people and hers, but the wench had managed to turn the tables. She was to have suffered like the rest of her kind at his hands, but now she lay limp and ill in his arms and any thoughts of revenge and punishment would have to be forgotten. The health of his son was the most important thing in the world to Mikhal, and that meant keeping his bride healthy too. He strode to the stairs, and walked up the first few steps, so he was above the crowd.

  "Men, I expect you to carry on with our victory celebration well into the night. Unfortunately, I will not be able to join you. It seems as though my wife will need some attention due to her delicate condition. My son is apparently making his presence known, and nothing must come before his well-being. Please excuse me while I see to them."

  Chapter Twelve

  Mikhal carried Alliana up the long flight of stone stairs and into his bedchamber. Walking straight to the bed, he gently laid her down and pushed the hair from her forehead, still unsure if he should be furious or concerned. Her eyes fluttered open weakly, and when his face came into focus, a look of terror came over her.

  "Forgive me, My Lord. I ... I did not mean ... "

  Her whispered words trailed away and she squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to look at her tormentor. Alliana fully expected to be beaten or raped at any second. What had she done? How many would die because of her this time? Alliana knew she would pay dearly for becoming ill in front of Mikhal's army, even though it had been no fault of her own. He had looked so very mortified in the grand hall, and she would be the one to pay for his humiliation. The seconds ticked by as she held her breathe, waiting for her punishment to begin, dreading the first stinging slap. When nothing happened, she dared to peek at her husband.

  His face was a mask of fury, but she could see just a hint of worry in his eyes as well. While it was true that she had disgraced him, he was torn between punishing her, and the health of his son. At the moment, the child was the only thing that was keeping her from being beaten to death.

  Up until this point, Mikhal had readily allowed his rage to mask any tenderness the act of mating had instilled. It was an emotion he was much more comfortable dealing with. But though he tried to hold fast to his outrage, his anger slowly seeped away. The thunderous expression left his face, as worry over rode his ire. He reached out and ran a hand over her stomach, thinking of his child who lay nestled in her womb.

  "Is my son making his presence known, my dear?"

  Alliana stared at him a moment, her eyes, green luminous pools of terror, bottom lip trembling, struggling for the words that would pacify him. "I cannot say, My Lord. I only know that the sight and smell of the food, was too much for me to bear. I know nothing of being with child. I did not mean for this to happen. I was trying to do as I was told. I truly did my best."

  "I believe you were Pet, but just to be sure, the midwife will examine you. She is an old witch hag who is one of Marishka’s magick cronies, and although she isn’t a vampire, don’t expect to find any sympathy laying in her heart for you. Humans have treated her badly all her life because of her looks and her magickal gifts, only seeking her out when they needed to birth a babe or cure an illness. They scorned her the rest of the time, now she sees fit to scorn them.

  “Marishka took to her immediately because of her talents and her hatred of people, and welcomed her into our fold with open arms. She has been living in a tiny cottage on my land for many years now, and refused to even come to the wedding. She despises humans. Keep that in mind if you ever find yourself wondering where her loyalties lie.

  “I have managed to capture her heart, through no actions of my own, and she has taken me under her wing like a mother hen. We are old friends. I trust her without question, as does Marishka. She will know the truth of the matter with you. Her name is Enid and you shall show her great respect. If you do anything to upset her there will be severe consequences.

  “I’ve decided that Enid will tend to you throughout your pregnancy, my Dear. I know she will keep my son in the best of health. She is wise in the ways of birthing, and she is extremely faithful to me, which is why she has been chosen to care for you. If you are truly ill, you will be cared for gently, but, if this has been a trick,
you had better start praying for mercy, because Enid will also tell me exactly how far I can go to cause you pain without putting my son in danger."

  "Then I am certain I have nothing to worry about, My Lord, for I did no trickery. May I please have some water? My throat aches, and my mouth is sour."

  Mikhal frowned, but motioned to Thalia nonetheless. "You, girl, fetch my wife some water and check on the whereabouts of the midwife."

  Thalia did as Mikhal asked then hurriedly left the room, grateful to be far from his brooding presence. She too had expected him to beat the Mistress within an inch of her life, and was shocked at the reprieve he’d shown Alliana.

  Thalia returned a few minutes later, and cautiously approached the bed. "Sire, I’ve been informed that the midwife is on her way to the castle. One of your men was sent to fetch her. I have brought water and a cool cloth for Lady Arcos. May I please tend to her?" Thalia knew she was putting her own safety at risk to help Alliana, but the other woman looked so utterly despondent and ill. She couldn’t help but want to ease her suffering.

  Mikhal scowled at Thalia but stepped aside. He had yet to be completely convinced that Alliana had not pulled some form of a hoax, and he was hesitant to let her receive any comfort before knowing she truly deserved it. On the other hand, her retching had been real enough, and he didn't think she had feigned her fainting spell. Still, the whole ordeal had been unsettling and he was looking forward to Enid’s assurances.

  Thalia gently lifted Alliana's head and placed pillows under her to prop her up. Alliana gave her maid a grateful smile, and reached for the goblet of cold water. As the servant woman wiped her hot brow with the cool cloth, Alliana sipped the water slowly; contemplating the information Mikhal had given her about the midwife.


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