Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 16

by Jolynn Raymond

  Enid, was that her name? Alliana feared she would be a nasty old creature. Mikhal had said that humans scorned her because of her looks except when they needed her help. She must have been deeply wounded by humanity to have been driven into the arms of evil. Alliana couldn't imagine anything that would make her want to turn her back on her own kind, let alone care so deeply for Marishka and Mikhal the Merciless. While it was true her husband could be charming, there was no doubt about that, he was also a cruel hideous creature who had no bounds when it came to inflicting pain. Anyone who was the friend of those two had to have the blackest of hearts as well. Alliana was sure Enid would be bitter and cruel just like the rest of the evil beings she had encountered in the castle, but regardless of her temperament, Alliana knew Enid was simply one more thing she would have to endure. There was no way she could escape from this new life she’d been thrust into.

  Alliana was pulled from her musings by the opening of the chamber door. In walked a hunched over, ugly, old creature that Alliana assumed must be Enid. The thought of this woman touching her in intimate places was as repugnant as thoughts of her husband’s touch. Her hands were gnarled, with claw like fingernails. Her hair was long, scraggly, and gray in color. She had a sharp, pointed, bumpy nose and piercing bird eyes. She reminded Alliana of a vulture or other large bird that fed on carrion. Alliana guessed that she had to be near sixty years of age, and wondered how long she had been in league with Marishka and Mikhal.

  Despite her repulsive overall appearance, Alliana put a small smile on her face as the woman came towards the bed, knowing what was expected of her and knowing that she dared not let her husband down again. One false move and another child could be sacrificed for her bad behavior.

  "What's this Mikhal? A human! I had heard the rumors but didn’t believe it, and now I find her sitting in your bed like a royal Lady. I can’t believe you’d call me to tend to a human when you have spent the last hundred years slaughtering them. You know I’ve given up doctoring them.” She suddenly turned on Alliana, raising her walking stick and jabbing it in the air. “And stop smiling at me, you simpering idiot!" The way she snapped at Alliana made her cower into the pillows. "I know what you are thinking. I detest you as much as you detest me."

  Alliana gazed at the hag in astonishment. She was stunned that Enid would dare to speak to Mikhal like that even if they were friends. The bond they had must be great indeed. She let the smile slip from her face but wasn't foolish enough to let her revulsion show. How was she going to endure this woman's prodding and poking for the duration of her pregnancy?

  "It is good to see you too, Enid." Mikhal said with a genuine laugh as he went towards the midwife and hugged her. Alliana was dumbfounded by his sincere show of affection. She had never imagined he was capable of kindness or love. While it was true he showed tenderness to Marishka, theirs was an incestuous bond. That clearly wasn’t the case here.

  "Yes, I have taken a human to my bed, and as my mate, but not for the reasons you think. I do find her pleasurable but I have a greater purpose in mind. She now carries my heir and once he has become a man, he will be able to infiltrate the world to seek out and destroy the lesser race. Being half human will allow him to move among them undetected. This girl is simply a tool of destruction for her people, nothing more. How could you think I would care for her?" Mikhal looked at the hag with an authentic expression of hurt on his face, and Alliana’s heart broke.

  It wasn’t that his words were unexpected, or that she even thought he cared; it was just that yet another caustic jab at her fragile soul was having the desired effect. Little by little he was destroying all she was, and shattering the spirit that had once lived so fierce inside.

  Enid cackled and patted Mikhal on the back. "I should have known you would have a master plan. You are very wise, Mikhal. Very wise indeed."

  "She is but a brood mare that must be taken care of. There is the matter of my child and the fact that she is the Gypsy wench who is purported to have great powers coming to her when she turns eighteen.”

  His last statement caught Enid attention. “The Golden Child of Nicolae?” She looked at Mikhal in shock and he nodded a smug grin on his face. “Where did you get her? You have truly outdone yourself, my old friend.”

  “She was stupid enough to wander onto my land in search of rotten apples to fill her belly. I captured her as the thief she was and took her back to her camp to buy her for my bride. It was her coloring, and her fire that gave her away, that and the mark upon her breast. I have done well, haven’t I?”

  Mikhal was preening like a rooster again, and Alliana wanted to gag at his smug arrogance. It also galled her that they were discussing her as if she were not even present. She wisely held her tongue though, knowing she couldn’t withstand another punishment. Mikhal was, as usual, completely oblivious to any of her feelings, not that he would have cared anyway, as he continued to speak to his old friend about his plans.

  “Can I rely on you, Enid? Will you see to the healthy birth of my son?”

  “Of course, Mikhal. Of course I will. You can trust old Enid.”

  “Thank you, Sweet. Will you also keep me informed of how much I can torment her without endangering the baby? She apparently became ill at the evening's banquet and actually retched at my feet. I was forced to carry her up here in front of my men. It was somewhat disconcerting. If this was a trick to humiliate me, she will have to be punished to whatever extreme is possible. The Seer told me only this morning that I would indeed have an heir, but now all does not seem well. Please take a look and tell me what ails her. I know I can trust you, dear Enid. You have been a loyal friend. I know your touch and care will be able to save my son."

  "What ails her is that she is a human who has found herself in circumstances not to her liking."

  Alliana let out a cry of protest and struggled into a sitting position. "That is not true, My Lord. I was truly ill. I am still feeling queasy and lightheaded. It was the sight of the food that made me sick. I swear it. This was no trick. I have done everything I could to make you happy with me, Sire. Please believe me."

  "Silence, Alliana." Mikhal hissed. Losing control of his temper, he crossed the room and grasped her face tightly in his hand, squeezing it with anger.

  "I told you that Enid was to be shown respect. Calling her a liar does not seem respectful to me, my Dear. You will hold your tongue unless asked a question. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, My Lord."

  "Please try to be patient like I am, Enid. She has her faults like any human, but she will learn proper behavior in time. I beg you to forgive her breech of manners. I assure you she will be reprimanded more severely later. Say that you will still care for her."

  "Very well. Let's get on with this. Tell me girl, has there been any bleeding? Any pain or cramping?"

  "No, the only blood and sharp pain was when... I mean I was... "

  "This is no time for modesty, girl, what do I care if you bled when he took you the first time. We all know you aren't virginal anymore. Answer my questions! I mean besides then. She is an imbecile, Mikhal."

  Alliana's eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared with anger, but she kept her hostility in check. Her jaw still ached from where Mikhal had squeezed it a minute ago. Mad as she was, she was no fool.

  "I only experienced the vomiting and faintness. I felt as though I needed air. The room became too hot, and when I saw the meat drippings on the plate...” Alliana shuddered and gagged involuntarily. "Please forgive me, but the food was truly repulsive. I didn't want to vomit in front of the minions. His Lordship wasn’t the only one embarrassed by my actions. I found it quite humiliating as well. I tried to run outside to save him from shame, truly I did, but when I stood up I became dizzy and was overcome."

  "Humph. Stupid, weak little chit; lay back and let me examine you, girl."

  Alliana meekly lay upon the pillows, though her mind was screaming at her to stop the old hag from touching her. What else could she do? She squeeze
d her eyes shut as she felt Enid's fingers violate her and then press on her abdomen. Thankfully, the process only lasted a few seconds.

  "There isn't much I can tell at this point Mikhal. Her belly is tight but there are no spasms or blood to indicate that your son has been harmed. This may be a difficult pregnancy. Her weak human body will struggle to sustain your powerful son. The dizziness and nausea are unusual this early but her body is probably trying to dislodge your seed. You two are from different kinds. Magick was used to make this pregnancy possible, and she will need great care and extra herbs to sustain the new life inside her. We will have to watch her closely.

  “I'm afraid that if you truly want this girl to bear your son, you will have to treat her gently. Little pinches or slaps, and light whippings won't hurt, but I would wait to bed her again until your seed takes a firmer hold. Give it a week or so, I will tell you when it is safe. Until then, you will have to satisfy your lust elsewhere. I will make my potions tonight and return in the morning. It is in my power to give you your heir, My Lord. We will simply have to keep a constant eye on the Gypsy wench."

  "Don't worry dear Enid. I will be keeping a very close eye on her. My son means everything to me. If she does anything to put him in jeopardy, she will be praying for her God to take her life. What should be done about her for now?"

  "Have the servant make sure she is comfortable. I want her to rest and to eat. Some broth and bread should be palatable. She must consume something to sustain your son's needs while he develops. I will have a boy bring a tonic tonight to help her sleep. She will be fine until I have a chance to make the rest of what I need in the morning. Check her often for bleeding. It is a bad sign and will signal the loss of the babe. There is no reason why he can't grow strong in her womb as long as we tend to her. Do not worry my friend. As I said, I will deliver you a healthy heir."

  "Thank you Enid. I will be up to greet you when you arrive in tomorrow. You, Thalia, do as she said. I want my wife comfortable and fed immediately, so she may rest."

  After the midwife and Thalia left the bedchamber Mikhal reached for Alliana. She flinched and pulled back from him, fearing that he was going to slap her for her alleged rudeness to Enid, but his face gentled at her expression of terror.

  "Alliana, I am simply going to change you into a night shift and dressing gown. You do deserve a sharp slap for your disrespect, but I will let it go for now. You are ill and not yourself. I will also forgive you for your display of weakness in front of my men and your harshness towards Enid. I will not tolerate disobedience from you but you must be protected and I will allow some coddling. What is good for you is good for my son.”

  Alliana turned away, angered by his words. It mattered not to him how she felt, or how humiliated she had been. It was all him, and the embarrassment he’d been subjected to. As for Enid, well she was to be yet another stone of oppression, pressing upon Alliana’s heart. Her husband had shown her nothing but cruelty in the midwife’s presence. The pair of them was nothing but callous, unfeeling, vile creatures, and she hated them all the more for it.

  Feeling the touch of his hand on her chin, Alliana flinched, and then realized it was with gentle fingers that he was turning her to look at him. “Come now, Pet. Don’t be cross. I explained to you how things must be in public.”

  “So I am to swallow my pride and be subjected to all the humiliation you care to bestow on me whenever there are others around? Forgive me if that doesn’t appease my anger. Do you realize how cruel and cutting your words are? Is your heart so very cold and long dead that you’ve forgotten what it was like to feel? Look into my eyes and know the pain you inflict, My Lord. See me for who I am and know my suffering at your hands is beyond a doubt the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life.”


  The one word was said with hesitation, Alliana could swear she sensed confusion inside him but wouldn’t trust her feelings, wouldn’t accept that he might truly be in doubt instead of simply being an evil soulless beast who constantly taunted her with purpose and delight.

  “It matters naught. Here I am and here I shall stay. I know that. I know I must also do whatever you ask of me. My only request is that you find it in your being to show a little kindness towards me at all times, for when you go from evil tyrant to gentle husband in the blink of an eye it tears me apart with uncertainty and anger. I am always on edge, never knowing what’s to come. Will it be a harsh blow or a gentle kiss? Shall I flinch away in fear or can I relax for just a moment? It is too much to bear, My Lord. It truly is.”

  Her little speech done, not knowing if it would cause her immeasurable pain in the form of an unspeakable act of evil, Alliana bowed her head and bit her lip to stop its trembling. He again tilted her head up, ever so gently and placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “I will try to do better Pet. You are the mother of my son and as such should be accorded a certain amount of dignity. See that you don’t push me too far though. You came very close just now, but as I have said before, I admire your fire. That and my son are the only things preventing me from slapping you senseless at the moment. I do care for you in my own way, Alliana, and I do my best to treat you well. That should be more than enough to pacify you. Now come here so I can help you change. Enid said you were to be made comfortable.”

  Alliana looked at him warily and edged closer. He lifted her from the bed, and then gently placed her on her feet. She stood on shaking legs so he could unfasten her gown, only swaying once from dizziness. Mikhal wrapped an arm around her waist and steadied her until it passed, his face turning confused as he held her. When she was naked, he lifted Alliana up and laid her on the bed once more, then unable to resist, Mikhal lightly ran his hands over her body, pausing to gently fondle her breasts. Through it all Alliana lay still as a stone.

  "Such a pity all this soft flesh will go without my attentions. Don't worry Pet, I will be back in your bed as soon as Enid says it is safe."

  Mikhal bent down, kissing her gently, and then he ran his hands over her once more. He finally left her and chose a nightgown from the armoire that had been filled with feminine things for the times she spent in his chambers. It was a lacy, but modest thing, and for that Alliana was grateful. He dressed her like a child, and then held her in one powerful arm as he pulled the covers back. She submissively held onto him, shocked anew but not appeased by his tenderness.

  All the tenderness in the world couldn’t warm her heart. Alliana knew it was all done for the child that grew within her. He had spoken of payback earlier, and on that he couldn't have been more correct. Mikhal was going to experience payback, only it wouldn't be what he had in mind. Alliana fully intended to pay him back for every ounce of pain he had inflicted on her, physically and emotionally, and when she did, he would be the one praying for death. She didn’t know how and she didn’t know when. But she vowed that she would all the same.

  When he was through and stepped back, she affixed a sweet smile on her face and thanked him as he tucked the coverlets around her and propped her up with pillows.

  “You’re lovely, you know.” He leaned over to brush his lips across hers in the most tender but intimate of gestures, and was rudely interrupted by the slamming of the door as it hit the wall. A low growl issued from deep within Mikhal’s chest, and he rose without turning.

  “Whoever dared to enter this room in such a manner better have a good reason.”

  “Oh Mikhal, don’t get angry, it’s just me. I came to see what was ailing the little whore. Has Enid seen her? I dare say your bride is trying to make a fool of you.”

  Mikhal was in no mood for Marishka and her pouting. He had yet to speak with her about her conduct at the banquet or her abuse of his wife, but now wasn’t the proper time. “If you’ve come to disturb my wife I will have to ask you to leave Marishka, Dear. She’s in a delicate way and needs rest.”

  “That girl is no more delicate than one of the bitches in the kennel. It’s where she belongs too.” Marishk
a waltzed over to the side of the bed, bottom lip sticking out, eyes glittering dangerously, and made a move to get close to Alliana. Mikhal growled his displeasure, eyes flashing, saying in no uncertain terms that her actions were not a good idea, but Marishka wasn’t impressed. She’d gotten her way around Mikhal all her life, and she wasn’t about to let the bitch in his bed change all that.

  “Oh stop it. Just because you made the little slut your mate doesn’t mean you have to be so protective.” Marishka had every intention of downplaying the true significance of his actions. “She’s a human, Mikhal. Honestly.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Mikhal, tapping her foot with an irritation that rivaled his own, and then turned her scorching gaze on Alliana who answered back with a burning look of fury. Alliana hadn’t forgotten the screams of the little boy.

  “Marishka, like it or not, Alliana is my mate. I did it for the safety of my son, and I expect you to stay away from both of them. I assure you that the feelings of protectiveness inside me for him are quite real, and very dangerous.”

  “Ooh! She’s nothing but a little Gypsy whore, Mikhal. You’ll regret the day you took her to your bed.”

  “She’s my wife and the mother of my son, Marishka, and she will remain as such. Now if you’re through with your caustic remarks I’m asking you to leave. Your help would be very much appreciated, but your sarcastic words are not. Enid said Alliana needs rest in order to assure the health of the babe. You and I shall talk later.”

  Marishka was incensed. Never had Mikhal treated her with such disregard, and it was all because of the bitch in his bed. She whirled on her heel, a shriek of rage flying from her lips, as she stormed out of the room, slamming the door in her wake. Mikhal, showed no reaction, but ached to go after Marishka so he could pacify her.

  He quietly kissed Alliana on the forehead once more, then turned and left, wanting to avoid another discussion about everything that was wrong with him and her new life in the castle. He was sure Marishka’s tirade would have gotten Alliana all riled up and he could only deal with one irate woman at a time.


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