Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 21

by Jolynn Raymond

  “It was but a little thing Mikhal, and he did it for me.” Big eyes, lashes damp with unshed tears batting up at him, forlorn look upon her face as her pout increased. Mikhal had seen it all before, and in the past her antics had worked to perfection, but now, she was but a spoiled child grating on his temper. He grit his teeth, a thunderous expression on his face, willing himself to calm down, his anger wasn’t aimed at Marishka after all, just her stupid minion.

  “Please Mikhal, he wasn’t plotting against you, only against that whore you have taken as a mate.”

  “He was plotting against my son, Marishka. My son! My mate holds our future security inside her womb my Dear, and anything done to her is treason against me. Your childe’s fate will be the same as any other; blood, pain, and agony to atone, if he reveals the name of his conspirator, blood, pain, agony, and death if he does not. Either way my love, I suspect you shan’t be seeing him for some time.”

  “NO! You can’t take him from me, Mikhal. He’s all I have left. I’ve lost everything since you’ve brought that bitch into this castle and now you would take the last remaining person who gives me happiness away as well. How can you be so cruel? How can you Mikhal?” The weeping began as she crumpled to the floor in a heap by her lover, her voice muffled by her sobs. When this produced no reaction from Mikhal, she looked up at him, eyes full of accusations.

  “You sit here so mighty and content with that whore in your bed, and here I am cold and alone. Alone Mikhal, all alone.” Now the wailing started in earnest. Marishka was using her entire arsenal of womanly wiles to get her way. “He’s mine Mikhal, mine. I shall see to it that he is punished. I shall get the name from him, but please don’t take him away.”

  Mikhal looked at her, a feeling akin to disgust going through him, and for the first time in his long life his eyes began to open just a little. Still though, she had to be treated with respect. She was his baby sister. “It must be done, Darling. He has to be made an example of. I cannot allow treason in my ranks. Your security lays in my hold over the minions as well, my love. This is as it has to be.” With his proclamation, Marishka’s eyes took on a mad gleam that Mikhal hadn’t seen in years, and it brought back the old pain of her madness, just as she intended it to. Finally her actions had hit a nerve and she knew it.

  “But the voices will come back. The voices will come and they’ll taunt me day and night. Whispering, whispering, never letting me rest. If I am alone the wicked evil ones will begin to torment me, calling, calling, calling. ‘Go out to the light, Marishka. Slash, and hurt, and burn, and lash, and cut deep with a knife.’ They like me to hurt myself Mikhal, they love my blood and pain. You know the voices will come back, Mikhal. They’ll come back and I’ll have to do as they say. Remember what they tell me, Mikhal? Do you remember? I can’t run from the voices, Mikhal. They only stay away if I play the dark games to keep them happy.”

  “Marishka. The voices went away long before you made this idiot.”

  “Yes, my Love, but then I had you. Alone I shall have to dance their dance and sing their song. I shall have to do, as they demand. ‘Go to the sunlight, Marishka. Go out, go out, go out and dance.’ They will begin to call me, Mikhal. The grass and the sky and the sun will seem so pretty, and I will dance upon the tree tops, whirling, twirling, so bright and hot, till the ground opens up and I am lost. So lost. Would you have me lost, my Mikhal?”

  Mikhal looked at her, calculating the truth of her words, then dismissed them. He loved her, loved her dearly, but Andor had to pay for what he’d done. If he allowed Andor’ act of treason to go without punishment, then he would appear weak in the eyes of his followers.

  “I shall care for you Darling. I shall keep the voices at bay until you make a new pet, but as for Andor, he must pay for his betrayal. In the meantime Darling, I shall have someone fetch Enid. She will be able to give you something to calm your nerves.”

  “Enid! What do I want with Enid? I am not your broodmare who needs tending from a midwife.”

  “Darling, I only meant that she is a dear friend and she can help you relax. Would you prefer I fetch you a new toy?”

  “I want nothing from you. Do you hear me? Nothing. I hate you, Mikhal. You’re a beast, a vile, evil beast. I thought you loved me.”

  “I do Pet, but traitors must be punished.” That said, Mikhal ordered Andor to his feet. The minion stood on shaky legs, clutching his ribs, and followed his Master out of Marishka’s bedchamber. Part of him wanted to rise up and attack the bastard before him, but he knew it still wasn’t time. He would endure his punishment and wait for Marishka to convince her brother to release him, and when he did, Andor would turn his Lady’s ire into a full-blown rage against her brother, one he would use to knock Mikhal the Merciless from his lofty pedestal.

  Marishka watched them go, her cries of anguish filling the chamber, knowing there was nothing she could do, and that it would be a very long time until she saw her lover again. She was torn between her jealousy and anger towards Mikhal, and her lingering loyalty for her brother. It wasn’t that she cared for Andor so very much; it was the fact that Mikhal had dared to take away something that was hers. Marishka screamed and stamped her feet, flinging her arms over her head in a fit of rage as her perfect little world began to come crashing down around her.


  Slowly, time passed at the castle, leaving Alliana unawares of the drama unfolding around her. Mikhal had placed Lucian in charge of making sure Marishka didn’t disturb his wife, and as of yet, the head minion had done his job well. The new Lady Arcos had no idea that Andor was at that very moment being tortured by Mikhal’s best inquisitor, and Enid was giving Marishka potions and milk of poppy on a daily basis to keep her calmer.

  Mikhal spent as much time as his schedule allowed with Marishka each night, sitting with her, bringing her presents, dining with her, taking her for strolls in the moonlight, all so the voices they both feared would be kept at bay along with his conscience. She had calmed considerably, and had even begun playing with the pets he provided her with, but she would still pout and fuss at least once a night over the fact that her favorite childe was locked away and that the beautiful blonde girl whom he’d taken as his mate still resided in the castle.

  His investigation into who had been in the woods plotting treason with Andor continued to leave Mikhal at a loss. The Seer declared he could only see future events, not past, and Mikhal couldn’t say for sure if it was the truth one way or another. He knew little of magick, that was Marishka’s game, and she of course was not talking on that subject. He could hardly broach it in fact, without a tearful drama ensuing in which she begged him anew to release Andor.

  As for Alliana, she had been confined to her new quarters for two weeks and was beginning to feel trapped. She was a free spirit, used to the fresh air and outdoors, and being held within the walls of the castle for such a long period of time was becoming quite oppressive. Though she now had the option of sitting in the tower room to enjoy the sunshine while she and Thalia made laughable attempts at fine embroidery, or was able to read books of poetry provided by her husband, the long hours trapped in the two rooms were grating on her nerves.

  Mikhal came at dusk each day when he awoke, to sit by her side. He would attempt to make light conversation, enquire about her health, hold her hand, caress her cheek, and even place gentle kisses on her lips, but it did nothing to melt her heart. Alliana felt she could live for eternity and never find it inside herself to feel anything but disgust for Mikhal the Merciless. There were no flutters in the pit of her belly like there had been when he had lapped at her neck, and for that she was grateful. It was enough to turn a blind eye to his handsome face and skillful charms. She knew very well that his touch could make her weak; it was something she feared. Satan himself could be gallant, so his chivalrous actions were easier to rebuff because she saw through his disguise.

  For his part, Mikhal refrained from a repeat scene of when he had bitten her gently and lappe
d at his mark of claim. It had stirred up such deep and powerful feelings in them both that to do so again was unwise. The rush of lust the mere act had invoked had caught him off guard, and he knew it wasn’t time for that. If he were honest with himself, Mikhal had to admit that simply being near his mate was enough to cause the blood to surge to his loins without adding the almost irresistible temptation of the mating pull. Each day he brought her a tray of tempting foods. Pastries and other sweets made by the cook to tempt her along with the more hearty fare prescribed by Enid, and little by little, Alliana's appetite returned along with her health. The golden glow once again graced her skin and the cheekiness that Mikhal loved, in spite of himself, returned to her tongue.

  The worst time of the day for Alliana health wise, were the mornings, and she was thankful that her husband was never present to witness her retching. She knew he would make an undo fuss over her if he were aware that she became so ill at times, and she certainly didn’t want more attention from either him or that witch Enid. As of yet, she had not reverted to his schedule of sleeping at daybreak and awaking at dusk either. It served her purpose to be able to claim fatigue after an hour or so of his daily visit, thus gaining her, her privacy once again.

  Now, on her fourteenth day of confinement, Alliana was feeling quite well, and quite restless. Thalia had recently left with her midday tray, and Alliana had told her maid that she wished some time to be by herself. The woman had given her a questioning look, but hadn't spoken. They had become friends of sorts, being thrown together in circumstances such as these, but still the servant wouldn't dare to question her Lady's actions.

  Alliana could hear the winter birds singing, and the wind as it rustled the branches of the trees. She made her way up to the tower room and stood in front of the window, gazing out with longing, a lump of homesickness forming in her throat. The wagons would be circled there, fires burning near each one as her family and friends hustled about completing the chores of the day. There would be hunting and tending of the livestock, cooking and washing, repairing the wagons and gathering wood. Later on, on such a clear and vibrant day, her papa would bring out his fiddle and the clan would dance around their fires as the sky turned from pink to midnight blue and the stars began to twinkle overhead.

  Alliana knew that on such a glorious day as this she would have slipped away after her chores had been completed and gone off to daydream in the forest, much to her families dismay. She would have most likely been gone for hours, not returning until her wanderlust had been sated and the dancing had begun, but instead, here she sat. Trapped like the proverbial bird in the gilded cage, her heart longing to soar with those that could take flight.

  Suddenly, she could stand it no longer, and though she was well aware that it would be cold outside, Alliana knew she had to go beyond the oppressive walls of the castle and truly be able to feel the sun and the wind. Mikhal had promised her that no one would harm her, and if she could just get beyond the castle walls, all the vampires would be asleep. She could do it, she had to do it, or Alliana knew she would go insane. She had to be out from under the dark cloud of evil that permeated the very walls within which she dwelled. She imagined her husband might be angered by her actions, but she was certain if she didn’t venture far, she would be able to pacify him if he became aware of her actions.

  Racing down the tower room stairs, Alliana went to her wardrobe and dug through the gowns to find one that wasn’t so very fancy, finally settling on a pale blue brocade, she pulled off her dressing robe and night gown and hurriedly donned her under things, stockings, and gown, struggling with the tiny hooks at the back but finally making her fingers obey using the well of determination inside her.

  She then removed the warmest of the fur cloaks, and fastened it around her throat, pulling it close around her. Satisfied that she was protected from the cold and that she wasn’t putting her child in the least bit of danger, Alliana headed for the door, head held high, ready to take down anyone who tried to stop her.

  She paused outside the door to her chambers, and then turned, only to come face to face with a guard. Her eyes turned stormy and dangerous as she looked at the minion. So her husband had been guarding her had he? Well she would just see about that.

  The minion took a step back, quite unsure as how he was to proceed. Lucian had given him the position much to his dismay, stating firmly that no one but the servant girl was to be allowed into the Mistress’s chambers. The problem was, he had said nothing about Lady Arcos coming out, and while it was known that the new Lady was a human, she was also to be shown a bit of respect because she was the Master’s mate. Thinking it best to be submissive to a point and see what she planned, he bowed his head.


  Alliana, for her part, chose to play the role of the haughty Mistress, and see where it got her. “Why were you lurking about outside my chambers?”

  “Forgive me, Mistress. I was not lurking. I was simply standing at my post.”

  Would he allow her to leave? Was he there to keep others out or to keep her in? “Well you may take your leave. I won’t be in my chambers for at least an hour. I wish to go for a stroll. Be gone with you now. I have no need of your services.”

  “Forgive me, Mistress. My job is to see no harm comes to you. Perhaps it would be best if I accompany you on your walk.”

  “You wish to join me in the sun and fresh air? Somehow I think not.” For this, the flustered minion had no answer, and Alliana jumped on his confusion. “Leave me be or I shall inform my husband that you were being an irritant! He gets very angry when I am distressed. It is not good for his son. I shall summon you here when I return. Then you may resume your job. I assure you my husband told me I would be quite safe within the walls of his home, and I am certain no one will harm me outside.”

  Without another word, and without looking back, Alliana marched off down the hall in search of the grand staircase, determined to maintain her haughty air with anyone else she might encounter. If it worked with one, perhaps she would have luck with all.

  The twists and turns of the castle corridors were confusing, but she eventually found what she was looking for without encountering any other foes. As Alliana began to descend the huge stone staircase, she heard weeping coming from the shadows of the grand hall. Looking about for the sound of the pitiful soul in need, guessing the one filled with sorrow had to be human; she stepped down the last step and turned her head from side to side.

  “Where are you? I won’t hurt you.” No one answered, as more weeping filled the air. “Please come out. I’m... I’m not one of them. I won’t hurt you.”

  Alliana began to move through the great hall, listening to the sound that broke her heart, and following the sobbing until she came to one of the huge hearths. It was cold and full of ash, having no one to warm, and Alliana knelt down before it, knowing the cries were coming from within. Peering into the darkness, she could make out a small huddled shape pressed against the back corner of the massive fireplace.

  “There, there now, come out. Why are you hiding?”

  The figure shrank back as she reached for it.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  The figure nodded.

  “Then you know I can help, please come out.”

  The figure shook its head in denial.

  “Tell me who is hurting you? Is it Marishka?”

  At the sound of the hated name, the sob’s caught in the child’s throat and it nodded, and then turned towards Alliana. Though it was dim, Alliana could see the features of the small boy who had been made to pay for her misdeeds on the night of her wedding. Her hand flew to her mouth as a cry of shock rose in her throat.

  “Oh! She didn’t do it. She didn’t harm you. She didn’t kill you.”

  Suddenly, the child in the darkness hissed at Alliana and lashed out at her hand. She pulled it back a mere fraction of a second before sharp talons would have shredded her skin, stumbling back in shock as the small boy who had been gi
ven to Marishka came flying out at her. “My Mistress hurts me every night.”

  The boy hissed at her again as his eyes glowed amber, telling of his true self. His features shifted as his fangs protruded from his mouth, much to Alliana’s horror. She shrank away, shaking her head, repulsed and terrified, filled with guilt and anguish. “No.”

  “Yes. She hurts me and hurts me every night because I’m her good little boy now, and it’s all because of you. You say you can help me but you can’t. You can’t ever help me. I hate you. She’s my mummy now, and I hate you.”

  Alliana turned and ran towards the huge set of double doors, throwing open the bolt and tugging one open, rushing into the safety of the sunlight. She couldn’t stop, couldn’t think, couldn’t let the horror of what she’d just seen sink in or it would drive her insane. Instead she ran.

  Servants in the courtyard shouted after her, but she ignored them, and none were bold enough to stop the Mistress. Some would seek out one of the minions and tell of her flight, some would cheer her on, but all let her go.

  Alliana raced away from the castle, down the road towards the village. She ran and ran, the icy wind chilling her lungs and sending a stitch as sharp as any blade into her side, but still she couldn’t stop. Finally, she stumbled on some loose gravel and fell to her knees, palms scraping the dirt as she fell forward. She lay there stunned, out of breath, dazed, her precious sunlight beating down on her, and began to sob. The new Lady of Arcos Castle, lay in the dirt and sobbed her heart out for the little boy, for the loss of her family, and for all the injustice that had fallen upon her, until there were no more tears to cry.


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