Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 22

by Jolynn Raymond

  Finally, sitting up on her knees, Alliana dusted herself off and wiped her eyes. She could see the village below her, and had the urgent need to interact with humanity again. The servants at the castle barely spoke to her aside from Thalia, and Alliana needed to be amongst her own kind once more.

  She rose and tore a strip of fabric from her petticoat, making a proper Gypsy dilko head wrap for her head, and began to walk down the road. Alliana knew she may very well not be welcome there, but she also knew she had to try. Her heart told her she had to try. Besides, the sun and the fresh air felt glorious, and she couldn’t possibly go back to the castle, not now, maybe not ever.

  Alliana approached the village cautiously, not knowing how the people there would react to her. If she were with her husband, they would shut themselves up tight until he commanded them to come out, but what would they do now when she was alone? She also knew there was the factor of her Gypsy blood to be dealt with. Her kind were disdained far and wide. Would being the Lady of their Lord make a difference in how they received her? It hadn’t changed the attitudes of the servants in the castle.

  When she got near, she stood in a copse of trees watching the serfs as they went about their work, longing to be there among them despite the extreme poverty that was evident. The people were poorly clothed and so very thin, but the children laughed and played nonetheless in the village square. The shops were open and the tenants were hawking and trading their wares. The mill was grinding the dried corn into flour; the sound of the anvil could be heard ringing out from the blacksmith’s shop. Two women were haggling over chickens in front of the butcher’s. Life was carrying on as usual while the terror of their existence slept.

  Alliana pulled the hood of her cloak over her head in an effort to better conceal her identity, wishing she had clothing that didn’t blatantly state that she was the Lady of the castle, and slowly made her way into the village. At first, no one noticed her, they were too consumed by their daily struggle to survive, but one by one, people stopped and stared at her, mouths open in a silent O that then became instant cries of alarm.

  Mother’s grabbed their children and rushed them towards the hovels they called home. The shutters on the widows of the shops began to slam shut in her face as she rushed forward; all the while proclaiming she had no intent on harming anyone. Doors closed firmly regardless of her pleas, and soon Alliana found herself in a place that seemed as lifeless as a graveyard.

  “I mean you no harm. Please. I only want to talk to you. I... Won’t someone just come out and listen to me?” No one responded, no one came, and finally Alliana sat down on the edge of the water cistern and hung her head in her hands. She was an outcast in the castle, living amongst evil and an outcast here among her own kind. They feared her because of her husband’s evil deeds, and couldn’t see her for the decent woman she was because of it. Totally dejected, once again feeling the weight of her terrible existence on her shoulders, Alliana gave way to the pain inside her and allowed her tears to flow.

  She needed compassion. Just a hint of it, from somewhere, from anywhere, and she was finding none. Her monster of a husband could put on his chivalrous facade, but it wasn’t real caring, Thalia was trying to become somewhat of a friend, but she was afraid to do anything but stay in her role of servant, the vampires would have her in the dungeon or dead, and the peasants were terrified to even speak to her. No one knew the pain in her heart, no one knew how she suffered and hurt, and she was so tired of it all, oh so tired.

  Not caring that she was crying in the middle of the village and making a spectacle of herself, Alliana let her emotions out and stayed firmly in her place by the well, oblivious of the time or those around her. Finally her cries touched the heart of someone, and she heard the sound of a harsh cry, followed by the creaking of a door. Looking up, Alliana saw a man peering out at her from the darkness.

  She swiped at her eyes and took a deep breath. What should she do? She’d come here to talk, to have a bit of contact with humanity, but if she moved forward the door might very well slam in her face. On the other hand, sitting here weeping like a child wouldn’t accomplish anything.

  She slowly rose to her feet, looking questioningly at the man who gazed out at her. He had a puzzled expression on his weathered face, one full of questions with a hint of fear. It was clear he was curious about her, but also worried about the danger she might bring to his family.

  “What do you want from us, Lady Arcos?”

  “Nothing but to talk.”

  The man looked at her as if she’d sprouted horns. Why would the grand Lady wish to speak to the serfs of the village? Suddenly a tiny face appeared from behind the man’s knee, and big brown eyes looked out at her from the safety of the man who stood blocking the door.

  Alliana’s heart melted immediately at the sight of the child, here was one who was still pure, still human, and untouched by evil. She knelt down, a smile on her face, wishing to gaze upon the little girl. As she did so, a scream pierced the air in the cottage and the child was yanked backwards by swift hands, but in that moment, Alliana saw something she couldn’t believe.

  There had been a brief flash of gold shining in the dimness of the cottage doorway before the child was pulled away. A golden medallion had been around the child’s neck, Alliana was sure of it, but was it possible? Could it actually be possible that it was her medallion? It stood to reason that it was. Where else could the child of a serf have gotten a golden necklace? Alliana had imagined her necklace had been ground into the mud by the wheels of the wagons and the horse’s hooves the fateful night she was taken, but now, she wasn’t certain it had been.

  She rose, shocked, and moved forward, but the man became wary of her actions and slammed the door shut in her face. Those in the village were all too aware of the castle inhabitant’s love for small children.

  “NO! Please. The medallion. Was the child wearing a necklace? Please. Where did you get that? I need to see it.”

  As before her pleas fell on deaf ears, as did the pounding of her fists on the door. Alliana begged, and tried to explain, but it only caused a greater fear to rise up inside the family in the house. If their child indeed had something that belonged to Lady Arcos, they would all surely be thrown in the dungeon.


  Finally the man answered her through the thick wood, but it was not with the words she longed to hear. “If you value our lives and mean us no harm as you say, you will leave us in peace and return to the castle before your husband comes looking for you. It grows late, and the time of his rising is near.”

  Alliana, shocked, looked around her and realized the man spoke the truth. It would be dark soon, and when Mikhal came to visit her, he would find an empty bed. That wouldn’t bode well for the villagers, or for her. Knowing time was of the essence, but hating to leave her precious medallion behind, Alliana looked from the closed door to the darkening sky once more, then fled into the fading light, vowing to find a way to return to claim what was hers.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Alliana rushed up the stone staircase, fleeing against time, and raced into her chambers, closing the door behind her. She slumped against it, relief flooding her. No one but the servants had seen her return, the vampires were all still abed, her guard off to parts unknown. It seemed as if her trip to the village might go undetected, and it was certainly something she was going to keep mum about.

  She had devised a plan while returning home and it involved gaining the friendship of those who toiled her husband’s land. It also involved frequent visits. She wasn't sure if Mikhal would protest her planned daily trips to bring comfort to those less fortunate but she suspected he might, so it was imperative that her actions remain a secret; either way though, she intended to go. She simply had to gain their trust and find out if the child she’d seen had in fact been wearing her lost medallion.

  Standing slowly, winded by her frantic flight home, she reached to unclasp the hook of her cloak, and went forward i
nto her room, thankful she’d made it back before her husband’s nightly call. The fire blazed in the hearth and the candles were lit as usual, but then her senses picked up something that felt amiss. She froze, looking up, eyes searching, and then spotted him.

  Mikhal the Merciless was sitting casually in a chair, his posture one of relaxation. One foot propped on the knee of the other leg, hands draped over the chair arms, head tilted back slightly as he observed her through partially hooded eyes. He appeared calm, but his eyes betrayed his true feelings. They shone with the fire of rage and Alliana knew she was in for the battle of her life.

  "Where have you been, my sweet wife?” He had been beside himself with worry when he’d discovered she was gone, but impotent to do anything because of the killing sun. Now she would pay for hurting him so.

  “You left your guard quite perplexed. Minions aren’t all that smart, but they are loyal, and he wasn’t sure what to make of your little ‘walk’, especially when you didn’t return. Think of how I felt when Lucian woke me and I sat here for hours unable to go searching for you. I even questioned your servant girl, though she had no answers, much to my dismay and hers."

  Alliana advanced on him, outraged and terrified by the thought of Thalia being harmed, but stopped well out of reach. “What did you do to Thalia? She knew nothing of this. I dismissed her after my noon meal and told her I wanted to be left alone.” Alliana wanted to fly at him, screaming her rage, but she knew she had to remain calm; she didn’t want her maid to be harmed further.

  “She shall live. She was stronger than I thought. Perhaps a few nightmares may haunt her, but she took my questioning well overall. Now tell me where you went.”

  The thought of lying briefly entered her mind but she discarded it quickly, knowing he probably already knew she’d gone far from behind the castle walls. He had most likely already questioned the servants, perhaps even sent a few to spy on her, and would move to the villagers soon enough. The last thing she wanted was for him to take out his anger on them.

  Alliana pulled herself up tall and tried to put on a casual demeanor. She was determined to act as if she'd committed no crime. "To the village." She'd offer no explanation, or show any fear. He’d get no groveling from her.

  "And why pray tell have you been there, Sweet? I don't recall giving you permission to leave the castle, and what is that on your head. It looks like Gypsy garb. I expressly forbid you to dress yourself in those types of rags."

  Alliana reached to remove the dilko, but quick as lightening Mikhal was up, closing the space between them and grasping her wrist in a painful grip, pulling her to him and snatching the cloth from her head with a fierce snarl. He flung the torn piece of petticoat to the floor and moved to hold her by her upper arms, shaking her as he looked down into her eyes, an expression of pure rage contorting his face.

  “How dare you leave this castle and put my son in danger? How dare you wander around unprotected? How dare you wear that scrap that tells of your filthy past? How dare you... leave me!” He shook her as the words of anger flew from his lips making her teeth chatter, and her head spin.

  She tried to pull away but he held her fast, and when that didn’t work she raised her hands and beat upon his chest. “Let me go. Stop it, you monster. I did nothing wrong.”

  “Nothing? NOTHING! There are those who would see you dead, you little fool.”

  Alliana narrowed her eyes and glared up at him, fire shooting from her gaze as well. She had had enough. “But I thought My Great Lord was so powerful that none would dare to touch me? Do you not control all you see? Can you not manage your kingdom, Mikhal?”

  Her words hit a nerve deep in Mikhal’s core and set off his feelings of frustration over the situation with Marishka, Andor, and the treason in his ranks. Now this upstart bitch before him had decided to taunt him as well. Well he would show her who ruled her world.

  One arm snaked around her body pulling her against his hard chest as the other hand reached up to tangle itself in her tresses. He yanked back her head and looked in her eyes. They blazed with a heat of fury that matched his own. He would teach her a lesson about domination and control, one she would never forget. She was his, and she would do as he said, no matter what she wanted.

  “You may question how I rule my kingdom, Alliana, but never, ever, mistake how I rule you. I control you Pet. Each and every inch of you and you will be mine for eternity.” Growling fiercely, Mikhal deliberately allowed his beast to emerge because he knew it would spark terror in her soul. His chiseled features that were so very handsome faded away to be replaced by the monster that always lurked within.

  Alliana screamed and struggled, but Mikhal held her fast and brought his lips down harshly on her mouth, the edge of his razor sharp fang cutting her tender lip. He kissed her hard, and then pulled back and slid his tongue over the trail of blood, amber eyes glowing as she struggled and screamed.

  Incredibly strong hands reached up and tore her gown from her shoulders, sending the fastenings flying, baring her arms and upper body, before yanking it down over her hips, leaving her in only her petticoat. Alliana began to fight him anew, twisting and kicking with tiny slipper clad feet, but he held one arm with a strength she couldn’t possibly match and disposed of the rest of her clothing, leaving her naked and vulnerable before his salivating beast.

  Some of the fight in her spirit departed as horror filled her; he couldn’t rape her in his demon form. She couldn’t bear it. The tone of her voice changed to one of pleading, as her fear overrode her pride. “No... Mikhal please. Not like this. Please. Change back.”

  “No, Alliana. You have shunned me since the day I brought you to my home. No matter how I’ve tried, no matter how I treat you, all you can see is the monster in me, so this is what you shall get. You married a beast Love, now you shall bed the evil creature that you always accuse me of being.”

  “You are a filthy vile thing and I hate you. Do you think I can ever forget what you’ve done to me? How could I? What of my family? What of my heartbreak and pain? What of the little boy who’s cries still echo in my nightmares, and what about the horrible thing you are about to do right now? How can you expect me to forgive you and see you as a man? I can’t Mikhal, and I never will. If you do this I swear my heart shall remain cold for the eternity you intend to keep me.”

  Unchecked tears ran down Alliana’s cheeks as she stared up at him with terror filled eyes that begged him for mercy and understanding, but Mikhal wouldn’t be swayed. His beast was in control, his heart an unbeating block of ice in his chest.

  “That my Love is not my concern. Your insignificant human emotions are nothing to my kind. Your body will melt all the same.”


  Mikhal laughed deep in his chest and pulled her struggling body to his. She could feel his manhood growing hard as she fought him, and knew her anger and fear only served to excite him, but she couldn’t stop herself. Rage roared through her at all the injustice that had been done to her. She clawed at him, drawing blood, and slapped him hard across the face when he pulled back from her vicious attack in surprise.

  His demon snarled, it loved the fight and anticipated the struggle that was to come. He snatched her arm in a crushing grip and dragged her across the room, throwing her on the bed and tearing off his own clothes, power, ecstasy, and lust surging through him.

  This was what his demon wanted, this was what it had been yearning for and hadn’t been able to have. All those women, all those useless pitiful wenches who he’d tried unsuccessfully to take in an attempt to compensate for his lust and anger towards his wife were now a thing of the past. Here was the real thing and she was about to be punished for all she had done to him. The time for failure was over because his mate was before him and he was going to take her in any manner he saw fit.

  “I’ve lusted after you Pet. Lusted and raged. Your behavior has mystified me. It has angered me and made me weak, but no more. No more. You question my control Pet, question my ho
ld on my kingdom; well there will be no question come morning. I am your Master and I own every inch of you, and now you shall feel the wrath of my ownership. You are mine, Alliana, body and soul.”

  “Your son...” It was a last futile effort to save her from the rape that was to come, and even as she said them, Alliana knew the words would fall on deaf ears.

  “Enid declared it safe to bed you Sweet, but I was being gallant and waiting until you had softened towards me. Pity for you, you decided to be such a cold unfeeling bitch.” Part of Mikhal knew this wasn’t how he wanted to take her again. He’d thought of gentle kisses and caresses to bring out the passionate woman he knew dwelled deep in her soul, but his pride and his beast had been wounded by her continued rejection, and when she’d questioned his ability to rule, he’d lost all reason.

  Alliana scooted back against the headboard as far as possible and watched him with huge terrified eyes. She knew it would do no good to run, though her mind screamed at her to do just that. Her heart was pounding frantically and her blood was roaring in her ears as the demon that was her husband stood before her spitting rage in all his naked glory. His body was man, all man, sleek and perfect and ready to take his bride, but his face was pure demon. His evil glowing eyes made him look like Satan himself had risen from the depth of hell and was waiting beside her bed to rape away her soul.

  “Mine.” He advanced slowly towards her in measured steps, letting her fear mount as the monster that dwelled deep within him took full rein. She was his mate, and he knew that his beast wouldn’t truly harm her, so he had no worries there. This was what he needed, what he craved, total and complete dominance over the girl who had scorned and taunted him. The male animal in him had to put his female in her place.

  He snarled, showing his fangs, eyes flashing with an unholy light as he fell upon her on the bed. Alliana screamed and fought him as he pinned her hands over her head, the weight of him crushing her into the mattress. He was hard and cold and fierce, and it terrified her deep in the depths of her soul that he planned on taking her in this way. Before had been bad, but at least he’d been human and she’d been able to fool her about his true origins. Now the mask was gone, and she knew that evil himself would be violating her to her core.


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