Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 32

by Jolynn Raymond

  He looked at her, exasperated, eyes flashing, fighting for control. “And what, pray tell, is wrong with my decision?” Mikhal had reached his limit. He was in no way used to having such forward conversations with servants. What could possibly be wrong with bringing in a village girl to befriend his wife?

  “If you force someone to come here, they will hold that against the Mistress. Forgive me Sire, but you cannot simply order humans to be friends. Theirs would be a bond forged because of fear. The girl would not trust the Mistress, and she would resent her for her captivity. We have to like each other, have similarities, and grow to care for each other on our own.”

  “You are being extremely forward Thalia. I assume you are aware that under any other circumstance this would not be tolerated. If it weren’t for my deep concern for my wife, you’d find yourself far below where you now stand in the blackest pits of my dungeon.”

  “Oh, yes, My Lord. Please Master, I only wish to help the Mistress. Forgive me. I am only trying to explain how we humans see things.”

  “Tell me, has Alliana ever mentioned someone from her past? A person she was close to in her clan? A girl who was her friend?”

  Now Thalia was well and truly stuck. Her blood turned to ice in her veins and her tongue became a dry lump in her mouth at his question. If she spoke the name that had immediately come to mind, she would be damning that woman to a life within these castle walls. If she didn’t, she sensed the Master would somehow know at once that she was withholding something from him, and would merely torture the name from her lips.

  Knowing she had no choice but to forsake the one woman whom Alliana had called friend, Thalia lowered her head as tears welled up in her eyes. “Natalya, My Lord. The name of the Mistress’s friend is Natalya.”

  Mikhal nodded slowly and smiled a chilling smile as a plan formed in his mind, pleased that the answer to his problems could be close at hand. He would fetch this Natalya and bring her to the castle to be with Alliana. He would bring her here and she would bring his Alliana back to him.

  Oh, he knew there would be opposition, Alliana herself would most likely demand that he release the woman, but Mikhal would hold firm, and over time Alliana would be happy for his resolve. Yes, this plan would work, and he didn’t care what this Natalya cost or whom was upset by her taking. All that matter was his wife and son.

  “Thank you, Thalia. You are to look after my wife now. I must see to the matter of finding Natalya. You are certain they were close friends?”

  “Yes, My Lord. She spoke of her frequently. They’ve played together since they were babes.”

  “Very good. Enid will be here for my wife’s daily examination in a bit. Afterwards, see to it that she eats something. I don’t care if you have to feed it to her morsel by morsel, just make sure she and my son get some sustenance.”

  “I understand, My Lord.”

  “You’ve been very helpful today Thalia. It will do you well if your information aids in the Mistress’s recovery.”

  “Thank you, My Lord.” Thalia spoke the words but her heart was still filled with dread for the girl Alliana had called Natalya. What had she done? The question gnawed at her heart, but even as it did, another filled her mind. What could she have done? Nothing was the answer to that. There was simply nothing she could have done while saving herself at the same time. Besides, she was here to serve her Mistress, and to make her Master happy. Nothing could be done for the Gypsy woman who would now find herself trapped along with the rest of them. It was Mikhal the Merciless’s wish; therefore it would be done.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Mikhal strode down the castle corridor away from his wife’s chambers with renewed purpose, the name Natalya filling his head. These past two weeks had left him feeling lost and helpless, and they were emotions that were extremely foreign and unsettling to him. He hadn’t known what to do to make Alliana happier when she’d first fallen ill from her pregnancy, then he’d been at a lost on how to help his mate heal or even have a desire to live after her flight to the stream. To make matters worse, his frustrations had only been multiplied because he hadn’t been able to issue an order to make things right as he had always done in the past, but now, now he had his sights set on the solution for what had been troubling her. Natalya.

  Yes Natalya. He would fetch this Gypsy wench and all would be right with his world again. Alliana would be content and he could get on with the business of running his kingdom without the distraction of her overwhelming grief. Her friend would come and Alliana would regain her love of life, and both she and his son would become healthy once more. It was a simple matter really, and could be carried out with the power and swiftness of his plots.

  As usual, Mikhal refused to dwell on the deeper feelings of relief and happiness that the thought of a smiling, content Alliana brought to him. His demon still protested any sentiments that rose in his heart that were aimed at his mate. It proclaimed that he should protect her, and nothing more, but the man in him wanted, no needed, to see the spark return to her eyes. He needed to feel her joy, because maybe, just maybe, if she began to feel happiness, she could forgive him for what he had done to her and there would be room in her heart for love.

  “Enough!” The demon in him was so outraged by these thoughts that he actually snarled the word out loud. “She is my mate and the child is my heir. That is all. Love is for pitiful gutless fools.” He turned a corner to find a minion standing pressed against the wall, gazing at him uncertainly. He’d heard his Master and was unsure as to how to react. Mikhal narrowed his gaze and glared at the lesser vampire, then passed him without a word.

  He arrived at his destination moments later, and gave a single knock before immediately opening the door of Lucian’s chambers. His first in command looked up, startled but not surprised at Mikhal’s sudden entrance. Mikhal the Merciless extended courtesy to no one at the castle.

  Upon seeing his Master, Lucian slowly rose from his bed, making no attempt to clothe his sleek and powerful form as he did so. He’d been nearing his climax with the wench who now lay whimpering in terror on the bed, and had it been anyone else who had disturbed him, he’d have turned him to dust without a second thought. The woman made more sniveling sounds and he turned, snarling, irritated, and then turned back to Mikhal, completely unfazed by her fear. She’d been a pleasant distraction for the night, but he was finished with her anyway, and her life would be ending as soon as he found out what his Master desired of him. His lust was mostly sated, and now it was time to fill his belly. He bowed his head in a show of welcome and respect for Mikhal, and then looked up curiously.


  “Your services are needed, Lucian, and as we aren’t able to discuss the matter here,” Mikhal glanced at the woman who had pulled the furs to her chin to cover her nakedness. “You are to meet me in my chambers at once.”

  “Very good, My Lord. Give me but a moment to dress.”

  “Do not keep me waiting.” Mikhal looked at the wench meaningfully as he spoke, making it clear there would be no time for continued dalliances.


  Lucian arrived at Mikhal’s chambers looking a bit mystified by his Master’s apparent urgency. Things had been fairly quiet at the castle since the night the Mistress had become injured, and his curiosity was piqued as to what had happened to agitate Mikhal the Merciless. He took a quick knee as he entered, then rose and approached the hearth where Mikhal was pacing.

  “Sire. You require my services? I am here to do your bidding as always.”

  “Yes, Lucian, I do, and it is in a very important matter.” Mikhal had stopped his monotonous steps while speaking to his first in command, but still, he looked around his chambers as if he were a caged beast. The walls were confining now that he had a mission. True, he couldn’t go just yet, but he suddenly felt the need to be free. “Let’s take a ride while I tell you what I require of you.”

  Lucian, sensing his Master’s tension, merely nodded and went to
the door, opening it for Mikhal, then following him out and down to the stables. He was here to follow the commands of his Lord and Master, and if he wanted to ride, ride they would.

  As soon as they were mounted, Mikhal dug his heels into his steed and shot off across the courtyard into the darkness. The moon was low in the sky, and gave little light, but it mattered naught; both Mikhal and Lucian shared the gift of enhanced sight. They could see as well as any other creature that prowled the darkness.

  Mikhal rode like the wind, rejoicing in the feeling of having a mission, something to grasp onto that dispelled the oppressive feelings of despair that had pressed down upon his shoulders like a leaden weight these past two weeks. Tomorrow at dusk he would leave to find Natalya. Tomorrow he would begin his quest to save his wife and son.

  Onward he rode as if the beasts of hell were nipping at his heels, until his horse was winded and the overwhelming surge of adrenaline had subsided from his body. Pulling up the reins of his horse, he slowed, and motioned for Lucian to join him at his side. The two then slowly made their way across a snow-covered field as Mikhal began to tell Lucian of his new duty.

  "Lucian, I will be setting forth to scour the countryside for the Mistress’s Gypsy clan tomorrow. I have had to spend far too much time with my wife to ensure the health of my son in the past two months, and it’s time I checked on their whereabouts.” Mikhal wanted to reveal some things to his first in command while hiding the effect his emotions for Alliana were having on him at the same time. He trusted Lucian, but felt it wise that no one know of the warm feeling that stirred within him every time he gazed down at her.

  “There are things you may have heard rumors about in the time since I brought her here, and I want you to hear the facts straight from me.”

  “I have never questioned you, My Lord.”

  Irritation rose up in Mikhal at being interrupted, but it was tempered by the fact that he knew Lucian was speaking the truth. He could feel the man’s loyalty emanating from within.

  “I am aware of that Lucian, more aware than you know. Tell me, do you know of the tale that has been told about my wife? The one that tells of her magick?”

  “Yes, Sire. She is the Golden Child of Nicolae and is to receive great power when she comes of age.” Mikhal looked at him with a level gaze. “Forgive me, My Lord. We do not spread tales about the Mistress, but there was quite a fervor when you brought her home and things were whispered. Besides, her coloring is not that of the other Gypsies.”

  “You believe in these tales?”

  “I believe that you have a very good reason for taking a human as a mate. The story makes sense, she looks the part.”

  “Yes it does and she does, and it is the reason why I brought her here. It is also the reason I must leave. As you know, the Mistress is ill. She has yet to recover from her accident a fortnight ago. I do not, as of yet, know when she is to turn eighteen, and am unable to get the information from her in this state. She is too ill for any proper questioning. If my wife reaches maturity and I am not aware of it, it would be possible for her to hide her powers from me and perhaps harm my son.”

  “And so you are going to find the Gypsies and extract the knowledge from them. A wise course, My Lord.”

  “How very astute of you.” Mikhal’s response was said with a kind of dry humor that Lucian found a bit disconcerting. There was something else troubling his Master, he could tell, but of course he would never question him about it. Mikhal suddenly looked at him, sensing Lucian’s unease, debating if he should reveal the details of the curse to his first in command. The man had been loyal, but he was also the first one who would be in position to take over the castle. Marishka was raving mad, and the rest of the minions would soon tire of Andor’s foolishness if he were to be leader. In the end, Mikhal decided he would wait and see how Lucian reacted to his next decree.

  “I shall leave at dusk, and I don’t know when I shall return. I have excellent tracking ability, and I doubt they would go far while I have their Golden Child, but it could take me a month or more.”

  “You can entrust the running of the castle and the serfs to me, My Lord. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know that Lucian, that is not why we are here. There is something else. I am going to entrust you to care for my wife as well. You will be in charge of her, and see to it that no harm comes to my mate in my absence."

  Lucian snapped his head up and looked at Mikhal, shock and displeasure clearly evident on his face. "But Sire, I know nothing of the Mistress. Why?"

  "Silence!" Mikhal reached out in a flash and grasped the startled minion’s arm, yanking him from his mount and throwing him violently to the ground. He landed with a thud at the feet of Mikhal's horse, his eyes full of the anger he could no longer contain. Mikhal felt Lucian’s fury hit him full force and stared at his first in command, an unspoken challenge in his eyes. The last ones who had dared to displease him had been turned to dust, staked in the courtyard to slowly await their fate. Would Lucian be next for a similar punishment?

  Lucian looked away, knowing he had to be silent, wanting to serve his Master, but still reeling at Mikhal’s request nevertheless. Why him? Why did he have to take care of the human Mistress? It was too much. He was the first in command, not a nursemaid!

  "Lucian, you have less than a second to get your anger under control and beg me for forgiveness. If you fail to appease me, I shall tear your throat out... or worse." Mikhal’s tone was menacing, and it was clear he meant every word. He favored this vampire who had sworn allegiance to him, but any rage directed towards him when he spoke of Alliana, made Mikhal furious. He was entrusting her, his precious mate, into Lucian’s care, and the minion should see it as the honor it was, not an unthinkable chore.

  Lucian lifted his battered body off the ground and knelt in front of his Sire, bowing his head in a show of submission as he ground out the words Mikhal wanted to hear. Just as Mikhal felt the desire for respect and obedience from Lucian, Lucian felt the need for trust from his master. Mikhal had chosen him to be at his side from among all the rest after the battle ended those hundred years ago, and it was by his Master’s side that he wished to remain.

  Mikhal’s first in command was not normally a man who took to groveling. He was fiercely proud and strong, virile, handsome, and in control at all times. Any other, man or vampire, would have had his throat torn out for daring to suggest that Lucian bow and apologize for his rage, but his Master’s desires were different. Lucian honored Mikhal the Merciless, and with that honor came respect. He valued his position and meant to hold onto it, no matter what.

  "Master, I beg you to forgive my insolence. I don't know what I was thinking. I should never question you. You know what is best, and I live to serve you. Please pardon my behavior. I have acted like a fool this morning. Be it your wish, Sire, I shall bare my back for you to flog me.”

  "Very well, Lucian, I will accept your apology for now, and we will hold off on the flogging, but mind your rage in the future. While it is true that I need you for many important tasks, but be advised, the only thing that has saved your neck is that you are the best officer I have ever had. Even so, I have a limit to my patience. Even you can be replaced.”

  “Yes, My Lord. Thank you, My Lord.”

  “So be it. You may rise, there are plans to be made before I leave.” Mikhal had fully intended to tell Lucian of the curse that had been placed on him by Marishka and the Mage when they had left the castle, but now he thought better of it. Let the secret remain. It would do him well when he returned, and aid him in finding out how well his first in command had really done while he was away. As of yet, he’d felt no sense of hatred or treason from the lesser vampire, but a month or two in charge may make him greedy for more power. Time would tell.

  “Mount up. I must return to the castle so I may prepare for my quest and get some needed rest. I expect you to meet me in my wife’s chambers just before dusk.”

  "Forgive me, Sire, but I truly know
nothing of being a hand maiden. I am not seeking to shirk my duties. I just feel perhaps..."

  "Fool!" Mikhal struck out at Lucian yet again, this time sending him flying backward into the dirt with a sharp blow. "You are not to act as a handmaiden. You are to protect her and my son. You will see to it that proper care is taken to ensure their health, and you will see to it that the Mistress follows all the instruction given her by the midwife.

  “Need I remind you that my wife is a human? She was brought here against her will and has yet to accept her fate. She has been unhappy and ill as of late, and she must be watched. There are certain things that must be done that I do not want to entrust a male servant with. Delicate tasks. I know I can trust you to be near her without molesting her, and you have too much respect for me to want to harm her. Any bloodlust you feel will be tempered by your wish to serve me. That can’t be said for all who reside here in the castle. You should consider it an honor to be chosen to guard the health of my wife and new son."

  "Yes Sire, forgive me, Sire. I understand and will take care of them both. I will protect your heir and the Mistress with my life."

  "Yes you shall, Lucian, for if anything were to happen in my absence, your life would be the exact thing that would be sacrificed. The more we speak, the more I think that my absence will test your loyalties. I trust I will be satisfied with you upon my return, but for your own sake, you had better be certain that I am."

  "You will be, Sire. I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. You will find no hint of an uprising. I live to serve you. In the meantime, the Mistress will be carefully tended."

  "I know she will be Lucian, and there will be many watching to make sure she is. As I said, you are to meet me in her chambers just before dusk. I will leave as soon as darkness falls. I feel the need to reintroduce you to her. You met so briefly at the wedding banquet, and I wish for her to feel comfortable in your presence."


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