Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 33

by Jolynn Raymond

  "Yes, Master. As you wish. I will be there."

  "Of course you will, Lucian." Mikhal still felt a bit of anger rising from inside the lesser vampire who knelt before him, but he also felt the respect that was always there. He may not like his new orders, but he was resigned to carry them out, and Mikhal had faith in him to see that Alliana was well cared for and that no harm would befall her in his absence.

  Dismissing his first in command with a curt nod, Mikhal turned his horse and raced off into the night towards the castle. It would be dawn soon and there was much to do. Lucian picked himself up from off the ground and watched Mikhal ride away, a bit stunned by all that had just transpired. He mused over the conversation they had just had, at a loss as to what he would do with the time he was forced to spend with the Mistress.

  He had no fear that Mikhal would return and find he’d been disloyal, or that his Master would think he was after the throne because of something that happened while he was gone. That wasn’t what was troubling him about the evening’s conversation. He could deal with the castle, he could deal with the minions, and he could even handle Marishka in her mad rants. None of that mattered or concerned him. The one thing he wasn’t sure he could tolerate however was playing nursemaid for the Mistress. She was but a weak, whiney little thing, that had yet to accept her fate in life, and he wanted nothing to do with her. Yes, the next month or so would prove to be a very interesting and distasteful test of his loyalties, yes indeed.

  Him, serving the Mistress! Just the thought disgusted him. He had only actually spoken to her the one time and hadn’t been impressed at all. He hated humans, and only used them to satiate his lust or to feed. They were cattle, warm bodies to rut with or fill his belly, and that was all. Now he would have to do his best to be civil to her. She was after all, the mother of the new heir; he only hoped she wouldn't prove to be too repulsive.


  Mikhal had risen early that afternoon to make sure everything was in order for his journey. His horse stood ready in the stable, his saddlebags were packed, Enid had been given strict instructions regarding Marishka and Alliana, and now all that remained was telling his mate that he would be leaving her.

  He imagined that she would be thrilled, and knew he would ruin her feelings of relief and euphoria by revealing the exact reason for his quest. Because of that, he’d decided she needn’t know that he would be returning with Natalya in tow. Mikhal knew that when he did, Alliana would be furious, but he felt certain that over time, she would get over her anger. It would be soothed by the joy of having her closest friend at her side, especially during her pregnancy.

  He had decided that if she still felt Natalya should be released after his son was born, then they would speak of it, but not before. Let her hate him just a bit more for capturing her friend. In the end, she would be better off for the companionship this Natalya could provide, and his son would be healthier for it as well.

  He entered the chambers silently in case Alliana was resting, but found her propped up in bed. Thalia was urging her to eat the soup she was trying to spoon into her Mistress’s mouth, but Alliana was being stubborn and unresponsive. She lay there mostly unmoving, lips sealed in protest. Her skin, which had regained some of its color, still lacked the rosy bloom she’d had when he’d first brought her to his home, and her golden hair was becoming lack luster from lack of exercise, fresh air, and proper meals.

  The infection in her lungs had cleared, she had no trouble breathing any longer, but the shadows remained under her eyes, purple circles of anguish that seemed permanently imprinted upon her pale skin. In essence, she had lost her lust for life. Her heart beat, her lungs moved air in and out, but her soul had departed. The spirit had washed out of her along with her strength in the stream that night. What Mikhal hadn’t managed to kill inside her during the rape itself, had slowly died during her so called recovery, and seeing her like this, so lost and empty, tore his heart out.

  He approached the bed; shooing Thalia away, and immediately felt her revulsion. As always, it rocked him and filled him with sadness, but he was able to take a small bit of consolation from the fact that her fear of him had all but fled. Each day it seemed his tender feelings for his mate increased despite his demon’s denial, and each day her hatred of him doubled, no matter how gently he cared for her or how gallant he was, but at least she wasn’t terrified by the mere sight of him.

  She didn’t care to hear his whispered words of kindness, how beautiful he thought she was, how sweet and brave. The one time he’d tried again to apologize for his actions she had silently flown into a rage, eyes flashing, filling with pain, lips drawing tightly into a hard line to hold back her screams, the knives of her temper flaying him alive inside as her eyes bore into him. Her reaction, the inner one, had been so violent and upsetting to them both, that he hadn’t dared to tell her again how sorry he was that he had hurt her.

  In the time since her frantic flight into the icy waters, Mikhal had come to realize that although it had been his right as a husband to satisfy his physical needs, he had no right to hurt her so emotionally. She was a living being who had feelings that had to be respected. His lust should have waited, and to have taken her in anger, raging with his beast in forefront, had been unforgivable.

  Yes, he knew that now, but it was too late. It was much too late to take it all back. The words spoken in anger, the demon in him doing his best to terrorize her into submission, the taking of her body against her will while her heart cracked in two. All of it was much too late to change now. All he could do was be here, day after day and show her that he was a man she could care for and trust, because he cared for her so very deeply and he’d sworn to himself that he’d let nothing hurt her again.

  Once again his demon snarled at these thoughts. It always raged when the man in him reacted to Alliana. It hated how he cared for her, how he felt tender emotions welling up even when he wasn’t buried deep inside her womb and tending to his mark of claim. His beast truly didn’t understand the emotions that he felt, but Mikhal now did. The man in him recognized and remembered all those things that flowed from the heart. Alliana’s emotions had opened up the part of him that had been sealed away when his Sire had turned him and tortured him for all those years.

  His demon may rave, and he himself may be frightened by the strength of what he felt for his mate, but deep inside, Mikhal the Merciless knew it was right. Caring for Alliana, yes, even loving her and wanting her to love him back, was right. She was his life’s mate, the mother of his son, and he would protect her and tend to her at all costs.

  He’d sat down in the chair where Thalia had been and even picked up the discarded soup bowl, holding it while he gazed at Alliana and let all his thoughts about how he felt for her flow through his mind, but she didn’t moved an inch. She didn’t give him any outward sign that she knew he was there, just lay upon the pillows in a semi catatonic state, but Mikhal knew differently.

  Her heart rate had sped up, he could hear it and see the pulse point jumping in her throat, and her hatred for him was screaming forth from her soul. He ignored it, as he always did now days, and set the soup aside, picking up her hand instead.

  “Alliana look at me.” No response. “Alliana, I need to speak to you about something and I insist you listen to me.” Nothing. Hating to frighten her but needing to get her attention, Mikhal issued a low growl and raised his voice. “You shall look at me woman. I know you are there. Do not try and play me for a fool.”

  Still nothing. Her heart rate had jumped even higher, her breath catching in her throat, and her eyes blinked in surprise, but she managed to hold off any outward reaction. Mikhal was in a way pleased by this slight show of spirit, but now wasn’t the time. He reached out and gently touched the mating mark on her neck, stroking it lightly, then held her neck in his hand and rubbed it with his thumb. Alliana’s jaw clenched as she fought to hold back her reaction, but in the end she couldn’t do it, not when he touched her there. />
  Her body went limp at his touch, warmth pooling in her belly in response to his stroking, but her voice came out cold and steely. “What do you want? Leave me be.”

  Fighting the liquid heat that was rising inside her, ignoring the tingling sensation emanating from her neck and shooting to her very core, she resisted the languid feelings his motions instilled. Her hand had come up, weak as she was, and batted at his strong arm to break his hold. Mikhal complied, not wishing to upset her now that he had her attention, and sat back, smiling gently, trying to make the unease that flowed from her soul go away.

  “I’m leaving tonight, my Dear and I’m not sure when I’ll be home. There is a matter I must tend to. It may take days; it may take a month or more.” The happiness, the first true happiness he’d felt flow from her since the night he’d been cursed with the empathy spell almost overwhelmed him. It made him joyful while at the same time filling him with sadness. That his mate hated him so much... Her joy was bittersweet.

  "I want to be sure that you are well taken care of in my absence. Enid will of course be visiting you regularly, but I know the two of you don’t enjoy each other’s company. It doesn’t matter though; we all must make sacrifices for the sake of your health and my son. As much as you dislike her Alliana, she did save your life.”

  At this, Alliana’s eyes flared. Mikhal knew his wife wished she had died that night. He cocked his head, gazing at her intently, holding back his own anger at her wish to be rid of him in that way. “She also saved your hands and feet. You should be grateful for that at least, my dear. Don’t forget it when you are tempted unleash that temper of yours that I know still resides inside you.”

  Alliana didn’t respond to his last comment. She pulled herself inward, her stare turning dull. Mikhal knew he had pushed too hard and instantly regretted it. It wasn’t that he always planned to spoil her and allow tantrums. God knew he didn’t want her to end up like Marishka; it was just that he knew she was far too fragile right now for him to reprimand her in any way. There would be no more slaughtering of innocent children in her name, and there would be no more raping in fury, but she would be told when her temper must be kept under control. He was still Master, even if he was her mate.

  “Alliana, don’t.” He reached out for the mark and she shied away, looking at him like he wanted her to. “Thalia will stay to keep your spirits up of course, and Lucian will be very near as well in order to ensure your safety. I have assigned him to tend you and see to your well-being."

  As if on cue, Lucian knocked. Mikhal bade him to enter, and Alliana quickly shifted her eyes to stare at the minion in stunned disbelief. She then turned her astonished eyes back on Mikhal. What did he mean? Was she being passed to a new Master in his absence? She had thought she would be able to have just a small bit of freedom with Mikhal gone. The overwhelming sense of disappointment that came crashing down on her at his news was almost too much. Tears threatened and a sob lay heavy in her chest. How could he? Couldn’t one little thing go right in her world? Couldn’t she be allowed one little speck of enjoyment?

  Mikhal felt her reaction and looked at her in confusion. What was wrong? He felt her sadness, her disappointment, and her stunned disbelief and couldn’t understand why she was feeling this way. True she and Lucian had never gotten to know each other, but this couldn’t be so very horrifying. It wasn’t as if he’d told her Enid would be at her side night and day.

  "Alliana, please. Don’t worry, sweet. He is only here to make sure that no harm comes to you in my absence. You are mine and always will be in every sense. He will simply take over some of the things that I have been doing for you and I will allow Thalia to be at your side throughout the time I am away. Lucian will see that you eat as you should, and he will carry you to the window to view the stars, or to your bath."

  At this Alliana had to gasp. He couldn’t be serious? She couldn’t stand the thought of this arrogant demon seeing her body. How could Mikhal wish such a thing? He snarled fiercely at any servant who dared allow his eyes to linger on her when they brought up wood or water and now he wished for Lucian to see her unclothed?

  "No. No, I won’t." The words were whispered, but Alliana knew they would have a powerful impact and she fully expected them to drive Mikhal into a rage. She was having the audacity to question and defy him in front of his lead demon and a servant. Yes he had been nothing but kind to her since she’d run to the stream, but now she knew she was tempting fate and playing with fire.

  "That’s enough, Alliana." Mikhal hissed at her as his demon raged inside. She had been correct that questioning his orders in front of others would trigger a fierce reaction. The beast in him screamed out that he should strike her and subdue this insolent wench before him, but the man struggled for calm.

  His eyes slid from her face to her stomach, and while there was no evidence of his child there, even the demon inside him knew the babe lay curled up in her womb. He took in an unneeded breath and exhaled slowly, then gently caressed her cheek, making her shiver.

  "I fully intend for you to be covered in a bed linen when Lucian puts you in your bath. It would not be fitting for him to see my mate unclothed. As you can see, Lucian, she is not overly bright. Although it may be difficult, you will have to do your best to make allowances.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Mikhal was damning himself and damning his demon for the rage it had felt over her simple words. It was the beast that had spoken the demeaning bits meant to break her. He looked at Alliana now, saw her outrage, felt her hatred and revulsion, and hated himself as well. If he ever hoped to win her heart, he would have to control his beast at all times.

  Mikhal looked at her, his eyes pleading forgiveness, but Alliana’s were hard, as steel, and Mikhal knew he was lucky she hadn’t simply slipped away into a catatonic state. It would do no good to try and talk to her now. It was simply best to leave her alone. Perhaps his absence would help to improve her health.

  “As I was saying, you will take over my duties as far as my wife is concerned. When you are not in the bedchamber with her, make sure you are nearby. Do not crowd her, but keep watch, and allow no one to enter. The safety of my son and the health of my wife are to come before everything. I am depending on you, Lucian. I cannot put this much trust in anyone else. Nothing is more important to me than the life of my family, absolutely nothing. Is that understood?"

  "Perfectly, Sire. The Mistress and the new lord will be in excellent hands." Lucian once again bowed before Mikhal and Alliana showing reverence and respect, but avoiding Alliana’s eyes all the same.

  "Very well then, I will be off. Good bye, Alliana." Mikhal kissed her briefly, a feather soft press of his lips upon hers. He knew she would be repulsed by the gesture, but he couldn’t leave her without one last little touch of intimacy. To know that he might not see her for over a month broke his heart.

  "See that you listen to Lucian and Enid, Alliana. You are to eat and get some fresh air when I am gone. I wish to see the bloom back in your cheeks when I return.”

  Alliana didn’t respond, inside her was a mixture of disgust left over from the kiss, joy at knowing he was leaving the castle, and dread because she would be under the watchful eyes of Enid and Lucian. Mikhal felt it all and sympathized with her, but ignored her feelings all the same. He looked at her one last time, taking in how empty and lost she looked, how fragile, and pushed her emotions away, vowing to find Natalya. Determined to go and bring back the woman who was friends with his wife and bring the sparkle of life back to her eyes and the sound of laughter to her lips.

  "Take care of them, Lucian. Life as you know it will be over if anything should happen while I’m gone. Remember that."

  "Yes, Sire. Do not worry, My Lord. They are in good hands. Have a safe journey."

  “I intend to. A safe and successful one.”

  At that, Mikhal left without another glance at the room’s occupants, and made his way to his own quarters to fetch his cloak and the bag of silve
r he had made ready. He intended to purchase this Natalya woman at any cost, and if that failed, he would simply take her.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Mikhal walked his mount across the courtyard in preparation for his journey. The animal’s hooves crunched in the snow, breaking the stillness as it passed through the thick walls of the castle keep. The sun had set just moments ago, and the last blood red vestiges of its light still tinged the winter sky and turned the frosty field before him a multitude of hues.

  He squinted into the distance, searching, thinking, focusing on his plan. The light of the dying sun was not strong enough to kill, because it had already set, but even this much of the fading orb was harsh on his sensitive eyes, so he raised a hand to shade them as he gazed out over the landscape. The country before him was harsh and cold, barren and stark, but they were out there somewhere. Alliana’s clan was out there, and Mikhal knew he had to find them.

  He pressed his knees into his horse’s flanks, urging it across the drawbridge, and onto the vast field of snow that surrounded the castle, and then paused once more. Sitting stone still, he scented the air and opened his mind, feeling for something, anything that would tell him where to start.

  Alliana’s blood ran in his, and his in hers, therefore the blood of her parents filled him as well. True, it was but a small connection, but combined with his keen sense of smell and tracking abilities, he should be able to locate her clan wherever they may have wandered to.

  Mikhal didn’t think they would have gone far, not really. Alliana’s maman and papa could no more have left their daughter in the hands of a monster for the rest of her days, than he could leave her now, and the countryside surrounding his castle was where the clan called home. They wouldn’t have strayed from what was familiar. No, they would be within a few days ride, forty or fifty miles at most, but which way, and would they be constantly on the move making tracking more difficult?


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