Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 37

by Jolynn Raymond

  Natalya struggled against his hold, her fists pounding his chest, as Danior lunged at Mikhal from behind. Mikhal pushed Natalya to the ground and grabbed the foolish man, jerking his head to the side as he vamped out and sank in his fangs, drinking deeply as cries of anguish filled the air around them. He felt Natalya’s hands clawing at his arms, felt her beating him on the back, heard her sobs, and stopped before draining the man dry, letting him fall to the cold hard ground at his feet, toeing him with his boot until he roused to prove he still lived.

  Natalya dropped to her knees at Danior’s side, tears of relief flooding her eyes as his faint moans reached her ears, and his eyes fluttered open. She then turned on Mikhal, eyes flashing, ready to flay him with her words, but he simply grasped her arms and lifted her up, pulling her to his chest, snarling.

  “No more. I could have killed him. Do you want me to finish what I began or do you wish for me to let him live?”

  Natalya shook her head, the tears she had held at bay streaming down her cheeks, pain and terror emanating from her soul. “Leave him be. Please. I will come.”

  Mikhal cupped her chin in his hand, and allowed his human persona to once again transform his face. He gazed at her with dark blue eyes, and then nodded his approval. “Very good. Come. All will be well and you shall be taken care of.” Taking Natalya by the arm he led her to his horse, mounted up and reached for her, pulling her up so she sat before him, encircled by his arms.

  Turning he looked at the Gypsy clan who were staring at him with woeful eyes and open-mouthed disbelief. They had just lost another of their beloved women to this monster, and this time they didn’t even know why. Without a word, Mikhal turned his horse towards the dark forest and dug his heels into its sides, racing off into the night with Natalya held tightly to him, satisfied that he now had the solution to at least one of his problems resolved.


  They rode for an hour in silence. Natalya refusing to both look at him or speak. Mikhal hadn’t made the attempt at conversation either, both from the lack of caring, and because he was tuned in to any more cries from Alliana. Thankfully, there were none, so he was able to relax just a bit. He sensed her pain, but the horrid terror and unbearable agony had diminished during the night. After a while, he turned his thoughts to more pressing matters and allowed some of the worry to leave him for the time being. Whatever had happened to her had been made somewhat better. She was alive and she wasn’t afraid, and if she couldn’t be completely all right, those simple things would have to do.

  He looked down at the woman sitting before him, felt her tension, her anger, and her fear of the unknown. Watched as the frosty plumes of her breath escaped from her mouth, listened to her heartbeat, felt the heat of her body even though she sat rigidly away from him. His beast responded to her as a creature to be feasted upon, but to his man she held no interest; his heart was captured by another. The Gypsy girl certainly was pretty in a sense though, that glorious copper hair shone even in the dark. Many a man would want her, many of his minions even more, and there in lay a problem that he would have to deal with before he took her back to the castle.

  He spoke suddenly, causing Natalya to flinch, his words cutting through the wall of silence that had built up between them like the sharpest of blades. “You wonder why I have taken you.”

  Natalya said nothing. Yes, of course she did, any fool would know that. It didn’t take an act of mind reading to guess her thoughts and fears.

  “Alliana has fallen ill. She lies in bed and barely eats. She does nothing, hardly speaks, rejects her needlework and books, refuses to do anything for pleasure. It isn’t healthy.”

  “She is unhappy.”

  The simple words, Natalya’s immediate assessment of Alliana’s feelings, angered him, and Mikhal gave a low growl. He didn’t need this Gypsy wench to tell him about his own wife, and having her sadness thrown in his face hurt his pride. Ignoring her statement took a huge act of willpower in his fight of man over beast, but he did it all the same, and continued as if he hadn’t heard her.

  “I am bringing you to the castle so she will have a companion. It will be your job to entertain her. You will make her smile, make her want to eat, do all the things you women do, talk and make those irritating twittering noises. You will do all these things with her, and my wife will once more be as she should.”

  Natalya turned her head and looked up at him incredulously. Was he insane as well as evil? He thought he could just fetch her and snap his fingers, and Alliana would be happy? “Your plan would be laughable if it weren’t completely absurd, and your arrogance knows no bounds.”

  Anger and disbelief made her words sharper than wise, and part of Natalya knew she was dancing with death, but she pushed onward all the same despite the low growl coming from deep inside the vampire who held her. “Tell me, My Lord, does Alliana know you are bringing me to her? I know her well, and I can assure you she won’t be as happy to see me as you think. Her heart will break that I too, am to be imprisoned in your grand castle.”

  Mikhal was not at all amused by her sarcasm or her boldness. What right did this poor Gypsy girl have to question him? What made her think that she could disparage his home? She should consider herself lucky. She was being brought to his castle full of servants where she would be well fed, kept warm, clothed in fine gowns just as Alliana was. She would be united with her friend, and she would be above the reach of everyone who dwelt there, including Marishka, and yet she scoffed at him and dared to suggest his actions wouldn’t make Alliana happy.

  The slap that Mikhal delivered to the side of her head, boxing her ear came swift and sharp, and the sound of it cut through the silence of the night like the crack of a whip. The blow stunned Natalya, her head snapping from the force, before recovering and gathering her dignity as best she could. She turned and stared him straight in the eyes with determination and icy fury; she would not be cowed by this monster that had done so much to ruin the life of her dearest friend.

  “You are insolent and that simply won’t be tolerated woman. I can see now why you and my wife are kindred spirits, but having one outspoken woman in the castle is quite enough. In the future you shall keep your opinions to yourself and mind your tongue. I don’t imagine your boldness pleased your husband, and it doesn’t please me. Now be silent. This is important. There is something I must do and you had better appreciate the fact that I am taking the time to explain it first, for it will be unpleasant.”

  Natalya stiffened in his arms, sitting straighter than ever, trying to increase the gap between them. Mikhal could hear her heart beat faster and felt the fear come off her in waves. It mixed with her rage making a potent brew of scents for his demon but again he fought off the beast that lay just beneath the surface.

  Mikhal stared at her, enjoying her rage and fear for a moment before proceeding. He’d taken her by surprise with his proclamation and it had frightened her good and proper. Silenced that barbed tongue that she wielded like a dagger. Served her right to sit there like a cage animal ensnared by her worst nightmare, unsure of what was about to take place. He simply wouldn’t allow her to have a sharp tongue where he was concerned, and if fear was what silenced her, then so be it.

  He pulled his horse to a stop and tightened his arms around her slowly, and Natalya began to twist and turn, fearing that he was about to rape her. Mikhal could feel her terror increase with each second he held her and his demon laughed, loving her fear, but then his man spoke up, telling him that with this woman he needed to be gentle. It would be better to have her on his side. She had Alliana’s ear, and she could very well help him win Alliana’s heart.

  “You needn’t be afraid Natalya. I’m not going to hurt you, and I certainly am not going to rape you; the golden haired woman who lies ill in my bed has stolen my heart. You have nothing to fear.”

  “I am to trust the words of evil?” The words were spat out, dripping with malice and disbelief. “You have stolen me from my home, wounded
my husband, and told me you must do something I will find unpleasant. Would you not be afraid?”

  “Silence your tongue and listen to me, woman.” Mikhal couldn’t help the snarl that accompanied his words. She was so stubborn. Why must she be so bold? His demon wouldn’t tolerate it, and he knew he needed to remain calm for what he was about to do.

  “As I said, I am taking you to live in my castle, and when we arrive, I must ensure that you are safe there. Many minions, lesser vampires, live there with me, and many will not come to recognize you as my wife’s companion. You and she will spend most of your time away from them, and therein lays the danger. If you were to venture out someday, you could be mistaken as one of the humans that reside in my realm for the sole purpose of feeding. You could be thought of as one of our cattle.”

  Natalya blanched at his words, her already pale skin becoming even more so in the moonlight. Her eyes grew large with horror and bile filled her throat at the thought of living in a place where the humans were there to feed on.

  Mikhal, feeling her fear and revulsion, pushed back the joy his demon felt at her response, and continued, wanting to calm her. This was for Alliana. Alliana would be happier if Natalya arrived in a safe, sane, state.

  “Never mind that. You will have nothing to fear, and will most likely never witness such a thing. What I am trying to tell you now is, there is something I must do to you to mark you. I must make all in the castle know that you are mine and that you are under my protection. You must be claimed. A claimed human cannot be fed upon or abused, except by their Master.”

  “So I trade my freedom for my safety. The beasts cannot feed upon my flesh, but you yourself may partake?”

  “I would never touch you. It would trouble my wife, and as I stated before, I have no interest in you.” Mikhal sighed, weary of the conversation, he wasn’t used to explaining his action to a human. This had gone on long enough.

  “I shall bite you as I did your husband, but I won’t drink as much, then I shall lick the wound to close it. The bathing of my tongue will make scars appear over the punctures, marking you as mine, protecting you from the others. You may feel a bit weak and it will burn at first, but it will be over soon enough. It is simply something I must do. Do not struggle or cry out, you shall only make things worse for yourself, and make the demon inside me wish to silence you by tearing your throat out.”

  Natalya stared at him in disbelief. He was going to drink her blood and he wanted her to simply be obedient, sitting still and silent while he did it? Was he mad? She had heard rumors about his sister, but was he demented as well? On the other hand, what choice did she have? She was alone in the woods, far from home, with the king of evil himself, and he had complete control over her. The best thing to do was to be strong and show him she couldn’t be cowered.

  Things were just going from bad to worse as the minutes passed, every bit of her tea reading was coming true, and there was nothing she could do to change the hands of fate. She’d been taught that since she was a small child, just learning the ways of the magicks from Alliana’s godmother, and the best thing she could do was accept her destiny with the bravery that she knew dwelled within.

  Gazing at Mikhal with all the hatred she felt for him, holding nothing back from her eyes, she gave a curt nod and tilted her head. She would be silent, she would be strong, and she would endure this for Alliana. He was taking her to Alliana, and though she would have to dwell in the castle of darkness away from her family, at least she would be there for her dearest friend.

  If he were right about nothing else, if she found that even this little act of gallantry was all lies, she would make at least some of his words the truth. She would make the act of his bringing her to the castle and the claim that her presence would cheer her friend, a fact. Her poor, poor Alliana lay ill and had lost the will to live, and if it took baring her throat to a madman to save her, so help her, Natalya was going to do it.

  Mikhal gazed at the slim column of flesh presented for his taking, and his demon roared to the surface. He battled it back just a bit, allowing the man to take a rational hold. ‘Just a bit.’ he told himself. ‘Just a few mouthfuls and that’s all you get.’ He couldn’t squeeze her, couldn’t shake her, couldn’t growl, couldn’t let himself get carried away. This had to be done delicately.

  Lowering his head, Mikhal felt Natalya’s fear increase, and it made it all the harder to keep his demon under control. He paused, hovering above her neck, eyes closed, trying to push back the beast within, but he could hear the pounding of Natalya’s heart, and the scent of her fear filled his nostrils. He forced an image of Alliana into his head, one of her lying in bed, hurt and alone, and it made the man in him cry out, overriding his demon just enough so it was safe to do what had to be done.

  Dipping his head, he flicked his tongue over her tender, succulent neck, and then bit down hard, wrapping Natalya tightly in his arms as her body jerked in pain. She fought for just a moment, as self-preservation kicked in, but then thankfully lay still as stone. He took a few mouthfuls, savoring the rich coppery taste flowing over his tongue, powerless to stop the pleasure he felt from such an act, then closed his eyes and pulled back just a bit, lapping at Natalya’s neck, sealing his bite, creating the mark that would claim her as his, and make her untouchable to all who came near her.

  “It is done. You will be safe in the castle. We must be on our way” Natalya slowly opened her eyes, looking up at him briefly, and then turning away in disgust. Her blood was smeared across his chin exposing the deceit of his handsome human facade. Her stomach churned and her limbs lay heavy at her side as he once again started his horse towards home, both of them slipping into silence once more.

  What was there to say really; to Mikhal she was but an end to a means, just a pawn in his world to make his wife happy. To Natalya, he was nothing but the purest of evil, a despicable beast who certainly didn’t bear talking to, so why use the little strength she had left spewing useless words of hatred and rage? It was best if she allowed her thoughts to turn to Alliana. Alliana needed her, and though she would be trapped in a place akin to hell, it was where her friend was imprisoned. Alliana was sick, lost, and alone, and hell or not, Natalya intended to help her, one way or another.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  As Mikhal was riding off into the night with Natalya, Thalia was racing down the corridor, a minion and Enid at her heels. She barged into Lucian’s chamber, startling the vampire, who rose with a snarl. No one was to disturb him in such a way. He had made it clear to all that he wished some time alone, and whoever dared to deny him his peace was going to be very sorry.

  Lucian reeled around from his place at the desk ready to kill the intruder, but his expression turned to one of shock as Thalia flung herself at his feet and began to beg for mercy.

  "Sir, Marishka is beating my Mistress. Please help. She is whipping her with a strap. Please. The Mistress and her child are in danger."

  Enid cried out in fury at the servant’s audacity. How dare she come here and plead mercy? The wench had no right to interfere in the Gypsy whore’s punishment. This one had crossed the line, and had to be chastised as well. Enid grabbed Thalia, pulling her away from Lucian, causing her to fall backwards onto the floor. She delivered a sharp kick to Thalia’s side, and was poised to hit the servant woman with the handle of her cane, when Lucian shoved her backwards, foiling her plan.

  Enid shrieked, stunned by his actions, and turned on him with wild eyes. "Don’t do it, Lucian, don’t you dare. She has defied the Master’s orders and should be beaten like all disobedient servants are. The Gypsy bitch deserves to be punished as well. She failed to eat, and is trying to starve the Master’s son. Go against me and I will serve your head to Mikhal on a platter. You have been far too lenient with the both of them."

  Lucian simply snorted at the midwife in disbelief, openly scoffing at her threat.

  "Do not ever tell me what to do, Enid. I am in charge here. The Master left me with the jo
b of ruling his castle, and watching over the Mistress. I shall make all decisions in the matters concerning both. All the minions were ordered to obey me, as were the servants. Both the Mistress and Thalia were following my orders tonight, and I advise you to do so as well. You are not above my commands old woman, and I place no value on your opinions."

  His voice was quiet, yet deadly sinister as he spoke to the enraged midwife, leaving no room for doubt that he meant every word. Lucian then pulled Thalia to her feet and took her by the arm, preparing to escort her back to Alliana’s chamber to see for himself what was taking place. "I am going to see to the Mistress. I suggest you follow me. If anything serious has been done to her and I can’t tend her myself, you shall do the job until your fingers bleed if necessary to make certain both she and the Master’s son are well."

  Lucian and Thalia arrived in Alliana’s chamber as Marishka was finishing Alliana’s beating. He shouted for Marishka to stop immediately, shocked at what he was seeing. How could Enid have been so dense as to allow this to happen? He had expected to find Marishka and Alliana engaged in a battle of words with a blow or two by Marishka thrown into the mix because of her lunacy, but this was too much even for one as mad as she. Alliana had been beaten senseless and he could hardly comprehend the extent of her injuries. Alliana was the Master’s mate, she wore his mark, it should have offered her protection, but Marishka’s insanity must have given her the means to do the forbidden.

  His shouts garnered him no reply and he advanced on her, calling out again for her to stop, but Marishka ignored him, and brought the strap down one more time for good measure before her anger was spent. The wild look in her eyes and the ghastly grin upon her face gave testament to her mental state, and just looking at her sickened Lucian.

  Lucian jerked the belt from her hands and roughly shoved her aside, not caring if she were the other Mistress of the castle. Let the consequences fall as they may. He was entrusted with Alliana’s safety, and things had gone horribly wrong. He knew at once that Mikhal would be furious, and he was ready to take whatever consequences came his way for allowing this to happen. Marishka and Enid were not alone in the realm of blame here. He should have been protecting Alliana regardless of her wish to be alone.


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