Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken Page 38

by Jolynn Raymond

  Brought back to reality by his actions, the rational part of Marishka’s brain took over again, and she was somewhat dismayed to find Alliana curled up in a ball at her feet. She looked down at the still form, tilting her head to the side, and then swayed gently as a small smile appeared on her face. Deep inside she knew there would be trouble because of what she had done, but right now the sight of her hated enemy all beaten and hurt was enough to give her lovely shivers of pleasure. Her insane laughter rang out as joy filled her. Marishka clapped her hands, and then pointed downward at Alliana’s crumpled body.

  “Oh dear, the poor little Gypsy fell down; such a pity to be sure. It ‘twas but a few lashes. They told me she deserved it.” The icy look she received from Mikhal’s first in command made a pout appear upon Marishka’s face and she stamped her foot in frustration. How could he be angry with her? She’d only played just a little. “The voices, Lucian...”

  “I care not about your voices, you stupid woman. What is the meaning of this? How dare you beat the Master’s mate? You are a vindictive, insane, spoiled creature and I wouldn’t lift a finger to stop you if your voices told you take a stroll outside at midday."

  "How dare you say those things to me? You are a disgrace to your kind, favoring that human over me. My Mikhal will know of your traitorous ways when he returns. The Gypsy whore deserved to be chastised for not eating her supper. Mikhal would surely have wanted the food forced down her throat then had her whipped as well. Do not dare to judge and insult me, for I am the true Mistress of this castle, and I shall see to this ‘thing’ until my Mikhal returns. As for you, I should have you tossed in the dungeons. It would serve you right for speaking to me so. Perhaps that is just what I shall do. Retrieve my beloved Andor and be rid of you."

  "Do not dare to threaten me, Marishka. You may be Mistress, but you have committed a horrendous act upon Lord Arcos’s mate. A mate is not to be harmed. That is our law. Perhaps your voices told you otherwise and allowed you to do such a thing, but your dear brother won’t see that as a reason to allow you to go unpunished. Look at her, Marishka. Do you think your brother would be happy to find her beaten and lying on the cold stone floor?"

  “She is not truly hurt, she is merely pretending for sympathy. The chit knows you will pamper and coddle her. Get up you Gypsy whore. You fool no one. Get up or I shall give you more of my special punishment."

  With those words, Marishka rushed forward and gave Alliana a sharp kick in the shoulder. The lightning fast move caught Lucian off guard. He wasn’t prepared for the continued violence her insanity allowed. To harm a protected mate simply wasn’t done.

  Alliana groaned but didn’t move. She was fighting her return to consciousness. Her whole body was on fire and she wanted to stay lost in the blissful blackness that offered her just a scrap of comfort.

  "I said get up, you stupid girl."

  Before Marishka could make another move to harm Alliana, Lucian raised the leather strap and brought it down upon her shoulders with all the strength he possessed. She shrieked in pain and turned on him in full game face, shocked that he would dare to do such a thing, but he didn’t back down from her, he didn’t even flinch. His job was to protect his Master’s mate, and if that meant using force against Mikhal’s demented sister then so be it.

  He knew he needed to get Marishka out of Alliana’s chamber so he could tend to Alliana properly, and was hoping to do so without harming his former Mistress too badly, but if the insane bitch didn’t begin to cooperate he’d toss her out by her ears. He faced her, ready to fight and defend Mikhal the Merciless’s mate regardless of Marishka’s wishes, enraging the crazy vampiress even further.

  She snarled at him, her human facade long gone, teeth snapping, eyes flashing, enraged, set to tear him to pieces. "How dare you? How dare you!"

  "How dare I? How dare you? Leave here Marishka; go back to your chambers. Leave now or I shall have you escorted back against your will, and once you are there, you had better start hoping that Alliana survives and Mikhal’s son is alive and well, because if they die, not even your blood bond with the Master will save your hide. Were you anyone but his sister, I would drive a stake into your heart myself this instant. See to it that you never come to the Mistress’s chambers again. Enid, get her out of my sight. Fill her with one of your potions so she won’t be a menace to anyone."

  Marishka’s eyes narrowed as her brows furrowed and her face filled with fury at Lucian’s tone and disrespectful words. She wasn’t used to being treated like this and she didn’t like it one little bit. "You wouldn’t dare lay a hand on me because Mikhal would deliver you into a fate worse than hell for harming me. We shall see who is the one being reprimanded when my Mikhal returns."

  "GO!" Lucian roared as Marishka made her grand exit from the room with Enid at her heels. At the doorway she paused to look back at the vampire, eyes glowing with unbridled rage.

  "You will pay for your treason, Lucian. Mark my words, arrogant one. You will be made to pay."

  Thalia had rushed to Alliana’s side as soon as Lucian had gotten the strap away from Marishka. She had knelt beside Alliana, feeling totally helpless as Lucian and Marishka argued, too terrified to try and move her. Thalia ran her hand gently over Alliana’s forehead and murmured soft words meant to sooth her, but Alliana cringed from her touch, lost in her world of pain.

  Alliana had crimson welts on her arms, legs, back, and chest where the strap had fallen and tiny blisters were rising on her delicate skin. Some of the blows had been vicious enough to cut her, and blood was seeping through her woolen night shift. Thalia began to sob softly at the sight of her wounds, her shaking hands hovering over Alliana. She didn’t know what to do, didn’t know where to start to make things better. Thalia was afraid to touch the poor woman for fear of hurting her Mistress even further. She felt gentle hands on her shoulders, and looked up to find Lucian standing over them, and her eyes pleaded with him to help. He answered her plea with a curt nod and knelt beside Alliana as well.

  "Get some fresh cloths to cover the bed and then fetch some hot water. Are there any medicinal supplies in the kitchen, salves or herbal balms? What about in the midwife’s bag? Is that where Enid keeps the tonics for pain?"

  Thalia nodded. She had watched Enid take things out of her bag time after time, and had stolen a peek inside of it as well when the old hag hadn’t been around. She quickly fetched the linens from the cabinet and smoothed them out on the bed, then hurried for the door. Lucian gathered Alliana in his arms and picked her up as gently as he could. She cried out as he made contact with her welts but there was nothing to be done about it.

  "I am sorry, Mistress. There is nowhere to hold you where you are not injured. I assure you that I will do my best to see to you are made as comfortable as possible."

  Lucian gently lay Alliana down on the bed. Her eyes fluttered open and she emitted another pitiful cry as the reality of her situation came flooding back to her and the pain washed over her in waves. She tossed her head back and forth on the pillow, and griped the sheets with tight fists, grimacing in agony as tears flowed from her eyes.

  Lucian reached out and traced the red slash on her face, cursing under his breath.

  Damn Marishka to the depths of hell! What was she thinking? “Hold on, Mistress, I need to remove your shift. You are bleeding and Thalia will have to bathe your wounds and cover them with liniment. I fear that this will be painful."

  Lucian moved to gather the hem of her nightgown in his hands and his eyes spied a stain of blood where none should be. Alliana’s nightgown was spotless around her belly for even in her rage, Marishka had known not to whip Alliana there, but still, there was a spot of blood where Alliana’s thighs met. The demented bitch had indeed either whipped her vulnerable stomach once or twice, or Alliana was bleeding from her womb. He lifted her shift and found no bright red welt to indicate that Alliana had been whipped across her belly, leaving him to face the stark reality of the situation. The Master’s son was in
danger. Lucian growled in fury and his eyes blazed amber fire.

  "I will have her head for this! Thalia! Get in here woman. Thalia!"

  Thalia had been climbing the stairs followed by a servant carrying a bucket of water. She jumped when she heard Lucian yell, and quickly scurried into the bedchamber.

  "Find that nasty old hag and tell her to get to the Mistress’s chamber at once. Lady Arcos is bleeding from her womb and is in danger of losing the Master’s heir. Enid had better pray that she is able to stop this. She should have been tending Marishka, not allowing her to go on a mad rampage. This is as much her fault as it is the Master’s sister. Go now; fetch her before it is too late.

  "And you" Lucian motioned for the slave with the water. "Pour the water into that bowl and bring me those cloths." The servant did as he was bid, casting curious glances at Alliana, knowing the other humans would be very interested in knowing that the Master’s evil brat might be in danger. He would have a tale to tell tonight. Lucian saw his curiosity and glowered at him.

  "I don’t think it is fitting to stare so openly at the Mistress while she is in pain and in a state of undress. If I hear one peep about the goings on in this chamber tonight, I shall tear your throat out. Now get out of here."

  "Yes Sir. Forgive me, Sir. I shan’t utter a word."

  Lucian went back to his tending of Alliana, dismissing the servant from his mind the moment the man left the room. She was fully awake now and she watched him, her bright green eyes shining with pain.

  "It will be okay Alli..., forgive me Mistress, I forget myself. I meant no disrespect."

  Alliana grit her teeth against the pain and watched Lucian with curiosity as he dipped a cloth in the warm water and bathed the tears from her face. Why was he being so nice? He could have simply rescued her and left her to be tended by Thalia, yet he was being gentle, kind and very respectful when he didn’t have to be.

  "I’m going to cut your nightgown off instead of pulling it over your head. I think that way would be best. I realize it will broach your modesty, My Lady, but it has to come off. The blood is beginning to dry and the gown will adhere to your skin."

  He pulled the material that had been bunched up on her thighs down to smooth it and swiftly parted the woolen nightgown with his knife. He then carefully pulled the remnants to the side and looked at her to assess her wounds while Alliana kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  Her chest was a mass of crisscrossed crimson welts. The same type of welts covered her arms and legs. The gown had done nothing to protect her skin. Lucian did his best to keep his face passive but his heart went out to Alliana. No woman should be beaten like this, be she a human or a vampire, especially when she was with child.

  As he gazed at her, Alliana’s eyes opened and she looked at him, pouring all of her heartache and anguish into her gaze, begging him to have pity, to take mercy and give credence to her request. “Let me die.”

  “No, Mistress, that I cannot do. You shall live through this and your son will as well. You simply need to be tended. The balms and potions will ease the pain and in a few days you shall be well."

  Alliana’s eyes filled with such disappointment that Lucian felt just a small stab of pity for her, but he knew he couldn’t honor her request. His loyalties lay with his Master, and letting Mikhal the Merciless’s mate die was not an option.


  Alliana hated to beg, but she hurt everywhere. Her heart was shattered, her soul was empty, there was no reason to go on and this could be the only chance she had for her death wish. Moments ago, when Marishka had been beating her, she had felt a fierce protective mother’s love for her child, and had embraced the will to live. Now, she felt terrified and alone, and the reality of her situation, of her life in this hell, came rushing back. Those emotions combined with the pain were simply too much to bear.

  Lucian shook his head, denying her yet again, and then looked at her wounds once more. Alliana blushed as his eyes traveled over her body. She knew he wasn’t looking at her with lust, but her nakedness shamed her all the same. He helped her sit up and she hissed in pain as the skin across her back stretched the welts, and she then let out a sharp cry as a new pain assaulted her body. Her eyes widened in surprise and she grabbed her stomach, and then looked at Lucian with fear.

  "What is it, Mistress?"

  Alliana winced, her words coming out through clenched teeth as she put a hand on her lower stomach. "A pain, here in my belly, sharp."

  "The babe may be in danger. There was some bleeding ... from there. I have sent for Enid.

  "I won’t let that hideous old woman touch me! She allowed Marishka to beat me."

  "Forgive me, Mistress, but Enid will know best how to save your son."

  "It is because of Enid that I am in this condition! I ... ahh..."

  Alliana held her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut. Why was this happening? Why did she care? She should be happy that Mikhal’s evil brat was in danger but she wasn’t, all she felt was fear, fear and the renewed spark of love for her child.

  “I want him to live, I do, but please, call for someone else. Anyone else.”

  "Enid will tend you, but I will remain by your side. I can assure you that she will not lift one finger to harm you, when she is done, Thalia will bathe and dress your wounds. You will not have to suffer the old hag’s touch for long."

  Alliana closed her eyes as tears seeped from the corners of her lids. She would do it for her son. She would endure the revolting touch of the midwife, only for his sake.

  "Very well, but could I please have something to cover myself? I would prefer to have the cloth rub my skin rather than lie here bare before that horrid woman. She will get pleasure from seeing Marishka’s handiwork."

  "Of course, Mistress, forgive me."

  Lucian went to the chest and removed a bathing sheet. He draped it over Alliana’s shoulders as gently as possible, and she gave him a grateful smile. The smile turned to a cold look of hatred however, when she saw Enid come through the doorway.

  "I see she is still trying to charm you with sweet smiles, you stupid vampire."

  "Shut your mouth hag, and tend to the Mistress. She has been having pains and has bled from her womb. If she loses Lord Arcos’s son your life will be worthless and your precious Marishka will find herself in the dungeon. Sister or no, she will pay for her crime."

  Enid could not quite mask the fear in her expression. She had known that Marishka had gone too far when she had beat the Gypsy whore, but she certainly understood how Marishka’s temper had gotten away from her. If Mikhal’s wife lost his son however, her life would indeed be worthless. He would never forgive her, no matter how close their bond was.

  Pushing back her fears, Enid quickly put a look of smugness on her face to cover her anxiety, and fetched the needed supplies. She had no intention of showing her fear or doubt to this upstart minion.

  "This trouble could be from the beating, or from her lack of eating. Who can tell either way?"

  "I fell while trying to escape Marishka’s wrath and landed upon the stone floor. What do you think caused the injury to my child?"

  "Silence! You forget yourself."

  Before Alliana could respond she was gripped with another pain. She cried out as it shot through her abdomen and circled around to her back. Enid looked at her and scoffed, then turned to Lucian, still seeking to minimize the effects of Marishka’s actions. "She is probably faking to gain your sympathy."

  "She already has my sympathy, and she did not fake the blood. Get on with your work."

  Enid spread Alliana legs and proceeded to examine her frowning in dismay at the sight of the crimson stain that smeared her inner thighs and seeped into the bed sheet beneath her. It wasn’t flowing heavily, but combined with the pains it was certainly enough to worry the midwife. She mixed up some herbs with oil and then soaked a rag with the mixture, placing the cloth tightly between Alliana’s legs to stop the flow of blood. The midwife then pulled a bottle
of tonic from her medicinal bag.

  "Her body has only just begun to prepare itself for delivering the child. The poultice will stop the bleeding and this tonic will stop her labor. Both will keep the child from coming early. There is nothing to worry about."

  Alliana dutifully downed two spoonfuls of the nasty concoction and lay back upon the pillows, wincing as her tender back touched the bed.

  "Time will tell where our worries should lie. Can you give her white poppy oil for the pain? Is it safe?"

  "Aye it is safe, but she doesn’t need it or deserve it. You coddle her, Lucian. The Gypsy earned the whipping she got and the pain it is causing now."

  "Damn it, hag! Give her the potion. The Master never gave orders for her to be left in pain. He wanted her safe and protected you imbecile."

  "Alright Lucian, she will get it, but I am telling Mikhal every bit of your part in this when he returns. You allowed her to skip her meal and you left her alone. Those will be crimes in his eyes as well. Do you think he will be blind to the fact that Marishka wouldn’t have had a chance to be at her, or even have had a reason to punish her if you had been doing your job?"

  "Enough Enid. He shall hear both sides of this tale, and make his own judgments. I do not fear what is my just due. I accept full responsibility for leaving my Mistress alone, and am willing take the beating as Lord Arcos sees fit. You on the other hand have deluded yourself into thinking you won’t be punished at all; I wonder who shall be in more pain when our Lord and Master returns, you fool. Now give the Mistress the potion, and leave us."

  Alliana gratefully swallowed the second dose of herbal mixture, knowing it would soon spread a blissful numbness throughout her body, and then she silently watched Enid leave. The pain from her welts would soon be gone and the pain in her stomach had ceased, meaning her child would most likely live. She was safe now.


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