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Discovery_Taurian Empire

Page 18

by Nate Johnson

  Not happening, Nick thought to himself. No way were the humans abandoning this find. Especially with the Scraggs in the area. No, now it was just a matter of Grundal managing the chaos and change that was going to occur.

  The shuttle door cracked open and swung down, forming five stairs.

  Immediately, six Imperial Marines raced down the stairs. Fully armored, their helmets locked down, their rifles at port arms. Forming a semi-circle at the bottom of the steps. Ready for anything.

  Nick smiled to himself. That made it official, the Marines were here, they were rescued.

  Grundal started to move forward to greet them, but Nick held out a hand to stop him.

  “Make them come to you,” he whispered.

  Grundal stared at him for a long moment then nodded and fell in to stand next to Nick and wait.

  Every so often the Headman would glance at Nick, as if trying to understand him. Nick ignored Grundal’s probing looks and focused on the shuttle.

  Once the Marines were in place, Commander Jones in full Navy dress uniform stepped down from the shuttle. Black pants with a red stripe up the side, Black jacket with shiny brass buttons and three gold bands around the bottom of his jacket sleeves, a black shirt with black tie.

  The four medals on his chest twinkled in the bright sunlight.

  This wasn’t just a rescue mission. This was an official greeting between different species.

  Nick caught Grundal studying the Commander and had to smile. The Headman was impressed.

  The next man down the steps was even more impressive. Even Amanda gasped when she saw him. Her hand tightening in his.

  A tall man with a pepper and gray beard, dressed in Imperial robes that shimmered and shifted color as he moved, walked toward them, his eyes focused on the welcoming party as he stepped past the Marines.

  “Amanda?” he said with a hesitant tone, unable to believe what he was seeing. His eyes shifting from her face to the hand holding Nick’s.

  “Father?” she answered with a whisper.

  “My prayers have been answered,” he whispered.

  For a brief moment, they stared at each other, lost in their own galaxy, then the moment was broken as the man held out his arms.

  Amanda immediately dropped Nick’s hand and rushed into her father’s arms.

  There, that was the moment, Nick realized. The moment he had dreaded ever since he had stepped off the Endurance and into her world.

  Commander Jones smiled as he watched the happy reunion then broke away and approached Nick.

  “Petty Officer Barns,” he said, “You are out of uniform, and sorely in need of a haircut.”

  Nick’s heart sunk until he saw a small twinkle in the Commander’s eyes.

  Deciding to ignore the admonishment. He came to attention but withheld from saluting. As the Commander had reminded him, he was in civilian clothes.

  “Sir,” Nick said, “they are still alive, all three of them.”

  The Commander smiled and nodded. “I know, the Discovery has been monitoring. Not enough juice for life support but enough to maintain the sensors. We’ve run all the data.”

  Nick began to relax, then forced himself back into full brace as he waited for the next thing. At least that explained the attack on the Scraggs. They knew the situation. But what now? he wondered. What happens next? Was he in trouble or not?

  Clamping his jaw shut, he decided that it would be best if he reverted to the Petty Officer he used to be, and shut up unless asked a question. Things just worked better that way.

  “Daddy,” Amanda said, wrapping her arm through her father’s. “There is someone I want you to meet,” she added as she pulled him towards Nick.

  “Nick, my father, Director of Science Allister Rogers,” she said with a large smile. “Father, this is Nick Barns. Without him, we would have died a dozen times.”

  Nick caught the happiness in her smile and almost smiled himself until he saw her father’s look of concern. The man’s eyes bore into him as if trying to strip away his soul.

  Nodding quickly, Nick held out his hand. “Sir, it is nice to meet you. Amanda has told me so much about you and her family.”

  The man glanced down at Nick’s hand, then reluctantly reached out to shake it.

  “Nice to meet you, Petty Officer Barns,” he said. But, the entire time, he continued to stare at Nick as if he were a Montlake squirrel in the wrong nest.

  “Sir,” Nick said as they quickly dropped each other’s hand. “This is Grundal, Headman of the Eundai,” gesturing formally at the Eundai leader next to him.

  Then, switching to the local language, Nick said, “Grundal, may I introduce Director Alister Rogers of the Taurian Imperial Court, and also Amanda’s father.”

  Grundal’s eyes opened in surprise at the last statement as he looked back and forth between the two of them, then out at the Marines standing at full attention, their rifles still at port arms.

  “He is of high status?” Grundal asked Nick.

  “Yes, very high status.”

  Grundal thought for a moment, then nodded to himself as if Nick had just confirmed his worst fear.

  “Welcome,” the Headman said.

  Nick quickly translated as his attention was drawn to a commotion behind them.

  Doctor Simpson and Professor Robinson were trying to push themselves through the crowd of Eundai. Nick almost laughed to himself. A few weeks ago, the Eundai would have parted like the red sea for the humans. But now, they were viewed as one of them. So no special treatment. It was each Eundai and or Human for themselves.

  “Director,” Doctor Simpson called out as she rushed toward them. “Thank God you are here. I can explain everything.”

  The Director’s eyebrow rose in surprise, then he smiled slightly and said, “Of course, Doctor, We have a lot to discuss, and I look forward to your explanations. Especially the subject of hatch sealant and system abuses. But it must wait a moment. As you can see, I am being greeted by the leader of the Eundai. An event I had hoped to avoid.”

  The look the Director shot her could have soured milk.

  The Doctor slid to a quick halt, her shoulders slumped as she sighed heavily. It was as if someone had let the air out of her world.

  Turning back to the Eundai, the Director bowed his head then whispered for Amanda to translate for him.

  “What did he say?” Grundal asked Nick.

  Nick took a quick breath, “He has requested that Amanda translate for him.” Nick whispered back.

  The Grundal brought himself up to full height and squared his shoulders giving the Director a long stare. A tense moment hung in the air, then the Eundai leader nodded for Amanda to continue.

  Nick swallowed hard and stepped back. This was now Imperial court business. None of his concern. Yet, a smoldering hole of disappointment ate at the bottom of his gut.

  Sighing, he asked Commander Jones, “What now, Sir?”

  The Commander shrugged his shoulders. “Now, we get you, and the others checked out by medical. They write their papers and teach their classes. You? I guess you answer a thousand questions and then go back to the engines. I can keep you off watch for a couple of days. But that starboard thruster is still acting up.”

  Nick nodded, he had expected no less.

  “We’re do back at Montlake by the end of the month, maybe the Skipper will let you tear it down then?” the Commander added.

  Sighing heavily, Nick turned and looked at the group of gathered Eundai. Almost the entire city had spilled through the gate to get a glimpse of the new humans.

  He was going to miss them, he realized. Jed, Everst, Gryopic, all of them. He thought of those who hadn’t made it. The cantankerous Grynd. The stoic blacksmith, Glander. And all the others they had buried.

  Yes, he was going to miss them.

  Gritting his teeth, he waited with Commander Jones while the two leaders talked back and forth. Amanda standing between them, her brow set in concentration as she translated back
and forth.

  He was going to miss her as well. Probably more than anything else in this galaxy and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Not now, Not for another two years. The Navy had him locked up.

  If that wasn’t enough. There wasn’t exactly a lot he could offer a woman like Amanda.

  At last, the two leaders shook hands and nodded. Director Rogers smiled and walked over to Commander Jones.

  “That’s it for this go round,” the Director said. “We are to come back tomorrow and continue. I don’t need to tell you how vital it is we lock things in place as soon as possible. But I think we need to get our people up to the Endurance and checked out. I need to discuss some things with my staff before we go forward.”

  Commander Jones saluted smartly and said, “Aye, aye, Sir.”

  “Sir,” Nick interrupted, “Can I say goodbye to Grundal.”

  The Commander glanced at the Director who reluctantly nodded yes.

  Nick caught Amanda giving him a sad smile. She was beginning to get it, he realized. This would probably be his last time here on Eundai. She and the two Docs would probably be heavily involved from this point forward. But the situation didn’t call for a Machinist Mate.

  “Grundal,” Nick said, holding out his hand. “We are leaving now, and I do not know if I will be allowed to return. I wanted to say thank you. For everything.”

  The Eundai leader took his hand in a firm grip and stared into his eyes, then over at the Director. His eyebrow twitched as he contemplated the situation.

  Sighing, he put both hands on Nick’s shoulder and said, “Nick of Taurus, you are always welcome here on Eundai, You will always be of high status among my people.”

  Nick smiled, nodded, and reluctantly started to turn away, when he suddenly turned back to Grundal, leaned closer and whispered, “My tool bag is at the forge, don’t let them know that you have it.”

  Grundal’s eyes opened in surprise at Nick’s gift.

  “Don’t worry,” Nick added. “I’ll claim it as a combat loss, they might issue me another one.”

  Grundal smiled, “I am going to miss you Nick of Taurus.”

  “And I you, my friend,” Nick said as they once again shook hands and slapped each other on the shoulder.

  Sighing, Nick turned and stepped up into the shuttle. His heart felt as empty as deep space. But hey. That’s the life of an Imperial Navy Machinist Mate.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The Commander had been right, Nick thought. He had kept him off watches for a couple of days of rest and recuperation just like he’d promised. Of course, Nick had spent the last two days being pricked and prodded by the med techs, answering a thousand questions from his shipmates, and filling out paperwork to replace his lost tools.

  Captain Jarvis had wanted a detailed written statement about everything that had happened. And the Chief gave him a hard time about being off on liberty while the rest of the crew worked their butts off.

  Life was back to normal.

  Amanda and the others were living up in officer country. He was back aft in the Engineering department. About as far away as a person could get on a starship.

  Both physically and mentally.

  Everything was different no matter how much they stayed the same. An emptiness sat inside of him. An emptiness that he didn’t know if he was ever going to be able to fix.

  “Hey,” Thompson asked as he handed him the monitoring tablet, “Is it true that those Eundai women don’t wear tops?”

  Nick shook his head, some things never change. Like this starboard thruster. You would think someone would have fixed it by now.

  “Yes, it’s true,” he said as he studied the numbers on the screen, “but it’s not the same thing.”

  Thompson shook his head, unable to fathom the idea of half-naked females not being hot on any planet.

  From the corner of his eye, he caught Stevenson and Thompson exchanging a look. A look that he was seeing quite frequently. A look that said, they didn’t understand him. He’d lived with the Eundai. He’d been a part of something that they had not. A look that hinted at his outsider status.

  Gritting his teeth, he ignored them and concentrated on the tablet. Maybe if he lost himself in his work, he could begin to put it all behind him. Probably not, but he could try.

  Nick started to run a diagnostic run on the Port forward thruster when the overhead 1MC crackled into life.

  “Now! Petty Officer Barns, lay to the Captain’s Cabin.”

  His stomach fell as both Thompson and Stevenson gave him that look again.

  “I probably forgot to cross a T or dot an I, on that tool requisition form,” Nick said as he handed the tablet back to Thompson.

  “They’d be calling you to Supply for that. Not the cabin,” Stevens said.

  Nick shrugged his shoulders, what could he say.

  As he made his way forward, he repeatedly saw fellow shipmates, friends, looking at him and shaking their head. What had he gotten himself into this time, they seemed to be saying. That or, how had he screwed up?

  No one looked at him as if they wanted to trade places with him.

  His stomach twisted into a knot. How could he explain what had happened on Eundai? He had told them the story, over and over. But deep down, they didn’t really believe him. Their eyes showed him the doubt and disbelief.

  No Imperial Petty Officer was going to lead a contact mission with intelligent beings. Just wasn’t going to happen.

  Sighing, he stopped in front of the cabin’s hatch and took a calming breath. Reaching up, he rapped his knuckles against the door twice and held his breath.

  “Enter,” Captain Jarvis’s booming voice beckoned.

  Nick opened the hatch and stepped into the Captain’s quarters. He was surprised to see Director Rogers standing next to the Captain with a heavy scowl on his face. Commander Jones stood on the other side of the Captain looking like he wanted to strangle someone.

  This could not be good, Nick thought.

  Amanda stood next to her father. Dressed in green Imperial robes. A long bolt of blue Eundai cloth shimmered on the Captain’s desk and in the corner, a carved Eundai staff. Nick wondered if it was some kind of peace offerings from the Eundai or had the Empire purchased them. And if so with what?

  Ignoring the questions running through his head, he glanced at Amanda. She smiled at him, and his heart hitched for just a moment. Her hair was up, and the robes fell around her, somehow emphasizing her female form while lending her dignity and class.

  But, if he was honest with himself. He thought she looked better in an Eundai serape.

  “Barns,” The Captain barked, making Nick pull his eyes away from Amanda.

  “Reporting as ordered, Sir,” Nick said as he came to attention.

  The Captain studied him for a long moment then slowly shook his head. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Sir?” Nick asked completely at a loss for what was going on.

  “It seems,” the Director said, stepping forward, “that you have made quite an impression on Grundal.”

  Nick caught the disdain in the Director’s voice and wondered why the man didn’t like him. What had he done to piss him off? Then, Amanda smiled at him again, and he knew.

  Holding his tongue, Nick remained quiet, he hadn’t been asked a question. No need to answer and give the man more reason to be upset.

  “Grundal has demanded that he be allowed to talk to you,” the Director said as he shook his head at the obvious silliness of the idea. “As you know, we have been in negotiations for the last three days. I thought we were making progress, when suddenly, he refused to go any further until he had talked to you.”

  “Me?” Nick asked, “Why me?”

  “I don’t know,” the Director continued. “But he has refused to even see me until you are present. You and Amanda.”

  Nick quickly glanced over at her. She raised an eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders in the universal declaration of not
understanding either.

  “You will go down with the next shuttle,” Captain Jarvis said. “Full dress uniform. Not that stupid cloth thing you wore before. You are a Petty Officer in the Imperial Navy, you will look like one.”

  “Yes Sir,” Nick said as he furiously tried to figure out what was going on. His mind raced as he tried to hold back a smile. He was getting to go down to Eundai again. Why didn’t matter?

  “I’ll inform the Chief that you are off watch rotation for now.”

  Nick snorted, “He’s going to love that,”

  Captain Jarvis laughed, “I know, but he’s my problem, not yours. You just make this Grundal happy, so we can get on with things and get on our way home.”

  “Yes Sir,” Nick said as he frantically tried to remember what condition his dress uniform was in.


  Nick pulled at the collar of his dress shirt and shifted his shoulder in his jacket. He didn’t remember it being this tight.

  Sighing, he took a seat in the back of the shuttle and waited.

  Rowlings, the coxswain, glanced back him from the control position and shook his head.

  “You’ve got to tell me what your secret is, Barns.”

  “Just unlucky I guess,” Nick answered.

  Rowlings laughed, “Yeah, I’ve been down four times, and they won’t even let me off to check the skids. You get to hang out with the brass and the pretty scientist. What a rough life.”

  Nick laughed, “Some of us were born special.”

  Rowlings smiled and returned to running his checks.

  A quick shadow at the door alerted Nick as he watched the Director and Commander Jones enter and immediately take the seats directly behind the Coxswain.

  No Imperial Marines, Nick realized. They must feel pretty secure with the Eundai.

  As Nick continued to wait, his mind drifted off as he tried to understand what Grundal wanted with him. What possible difference could he make?

  His thoughts were interrupted by Amanda stepping up into the shuttle. His heart jumped at the sight of her. Just knowing she was near made him forget about everything else in the Galaxy.


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