Stalking the Others
Page 23
No one else I’d ever shared a bed with had had this kind of patience or self-control, and it was blowing my mind that he was pushing me well past the point of readiness without taking his own pleasure. Not that I really minded now. Sort of. Playing the role of patient, passive bed partner was new to me, and I wasn’t adjusting too well.
Eventually, he took pity on me, sliding his way down my body as he agonizingly slowly drew my panties off. He didn’t let me help, one hand pressing against my stomach to hold me down as I moved to rise with him. That implacable hold was driving me crazy. All I could do was grip the sheets and writhe in the hopes of finding some form—any form—of release.
Once the flimsy scrap of material was discarded, I was left naked under his hungry gaze. A gasp was torn from my throat as he settled between my legs, his fangs scraping in harsh counterpoint to the brush of silken strands of hair against my inner thighs.
“Last chance to turn back, little hunter,” he said, eyeing me as I so lewdly sprawled for him. “Do you really want this?”
What the hell did he think I’d been asking for? Fuck whatever it was I’d been worried about before. The itch I felt wasn’t going to be scratched by itself.
“Please, Royce,” I begged, then gasped, jerking at the hips as a single fingertip traced the apex between my legs. “Please, don’t stop!”
The devilish glint to his eye wasn’t lost on me, but that wasn’t my concern. He settled into a painfully slow thrusting of first one, then two fingers, his cold, calculating gaze at odds with the gentle way he touched me. Getting to know what I liked, exactly where he needed to touch those secret places to send me spiraling down into mindless need. Playing my desires against me. Using me.
I didn’t care.
I thrashed and cried for more, but he didn’t give it to me right away. When I tried to help him along, he took both of my wrists in one hand so I couldn’t touch him, or myself, pinning me in place so all I could do was twist and writhe against him, and cry out for more. Playing me like a fiddle, he wasn’t satisfied until I was pleading for him to speed up, to move faster, harder, to finish what he had started, damn it.
He played me right to the very edge of the precipice, and then withdrew.
I could have screamed.
Instead I cried. I’d never been such an emotional wreck during sex before, but he didn’t seem bothered by it in the least. He ignored my tears of frustration, my futile attempts to free my wrists, and the blind thrusting of my hips as I begged for him to fill that emptiness inside me. Still, he had that gleam in his eye, the one that spoke of things to come—and when his mouth settled over the nub hidden between the slickened folds of my sex, I came with such force, I couldn’t move for what felt like hours.
He didn’t wait for me to recover. Instead, his attentions were focused on lapping up the traces of my desire while the fingers of his free hand were soon exploring, prodding, stoking the flames back up from embers to a blind, needy conflagration, screaming for release into the wider world.
I’m pretty sure the second time I did scream. My throat felt raw, but I was so shocked by the heady rush, I wasn’t totally sure what had happened. Only that there were stars in my vision, and that he’d moved away, leaving an empty ache behind. Bereft of his touch—and his punishing hold—I was too involved in moving with the rolling waves of ecstasy still pulsing in uneven tremors through my body to do anything so coherent as to pay any notice to where he’d gone.
It was a good thing he was giving me a breather. I wasn’t sure I could handle much more. I didn’t try to rise, left boneless and gasping for every breath as I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for whatever was to come next. My heart was racing, my skin hypersensitive, and only now did I realize that all of the places he had sucked and kissed on my body were still tingling with the ghost of sensation. As if he were still touching me—working his way inside me—and it heightened the sensitivity of my skin to every breath of air, every stroke of silk sheets, even the pulse of blood in my veins. It was the strangest thing; not at all unpleasant, just unexpected. Maybe a side effect from having been bound to him before.
It didn’t take long for him to return. All of a sudden, he was there, his mouth on mine, and I could taste myself on his lips. His fingers curled around mine, pinning my hands at either side this time as he delved deep, his fangs occasionally pricking my lips and tongue in a shockingly pleasant way. It might have been the eroticism of the moment, but I couldn’t recall ever feeling such a deep pang of longing or so needed as when his tongue plundered my mouth, like he was starved for the taste of me, sending renewed sparks of desire pulsing through my bloodstream.
He held himself over me, taking the time to ensure I was breathless before one questing hand drifted from mine and stole between our bodies again. As he rubbed between my legs in preparation for another assault, slickened fingers nudging my thighs apart, I reached up to embrace him—and very nearly recoiled at the feel of his cool, bare flesh.
That was soon forgotten; he eased his body against mine, settled between my legs so the tip of his arousal rubbed incessantly between the folds at the junction of my thighs. He finally released my mouth, but I’m pretty sure he only did that so he could listen to me cry out when a single finger briefly slid inside me. Christ, it felt glorious, particularly with this newfound sensitivity to his touch. His chuckle at the dismayed sound I made when he shifted his hand away might have pissed me off if I hadn’t been so busy trying to get down to business. His arms around me were all the support I needed, but he wouldn’t let me arch up and take him inside, withdrawing at the hips as soon as I attempted it.
“Please! Stop playing and fuck me already,” I demanded, not caring how crude my request was, nor that he was laughing at my frantic attempts to seal us together, hip to hip.
“Ah, you still know enough to use words to beg. You’re not ready.”
And he taught me that there were whole new plateaus of frustration and pleasure to be reached before I was.
I’m not quite sure how long it took for me to grow mindless enough with desire that he felt it was the right time, only that once it was, I thought I might just explode from the intense need rushing through my veins. Orgasms shook me, one right after another as his thick length pressed inside, at first feeling like too much, far too much, before the friction between us brought me to new heights of gratification.
His hands always found the right place to touch, sometimes cupping my cheeks as his tongue delved into my mouth to match the thrusting of his hips, other times cradling me in his arms as though he was afraid I’d turn into smoke and drift away if he didn’t hold me close. It was fierce and gentle and possessive all at once, overwhelmingly so.
I did my best to reciprocate, touching as much of him as I could while pinned under his weight by stroking rippling muscles that put me in mind of satin-covered steel. Some of that smooth, cool skin was marred with traces of scars like my own. Well, that might explain his ready acceptance of my physical imperfections.
A low, inhuman growl rumbling in his throat briefly sent a shock of terror through me. I withdrew with a gasp, panic and the claustrophobic sensation of being trapped settling in like old friends. Then, surprise, surprise, he grabbed my hands to put them back to where I’d found a death grip on his ass a moment before—and what a fine ass it was, solid as bedrock—because he was obviously enjoying my encouraging squeezes. That’s when I figured out he wasn’t growling so much as purring, and I met his questing mouth with renewed enthusiasm as I obliged his unspoken demand.
At one point, I was dimly aware of his fingers tangling in my hair, drawing my head back, followed by a sudden pressure at my neck. My nails scored his shoulders, digging deep furrows as that pressure turned into a pinprick—barely noticed considering what was happening between my legs—that exploded into synapse-frying fireworks against every nerve ending in my body, arching outward from my throat. It left me breathless and shaking as his churning hips sped up to the agonizi
ngly pleasurable speed of a well-timed piston. It was every tingling ache under my skin from his earlier exploration magnified by a thousandfold, heightening the experience to the point where I was nearly certain my heart was ready to explode in my chest. It was a ferociously satisfying age before he slowed, his thrusts becoming uneven, but still sending shudders of fulfillment through me.
Sometime later, his tongue laved my throat, the simple motion radiating pleasant tingles that rocked me all the way to my toes. Sometime after he’d stopped sucking at that sweet spot on my neck, my heart had started again. The shivers that raced down my spine had me spasming around his length in an attempt to hold him there even as he drew away.
I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe, and tears leaked unbidden from the corners of my eyes. Though there was a measure of soreness, he had held that incredible strength of his in check and done exactly as he’d promised—left me unharmed. Sated, for all of that, and maybe a little bruised, definitely worn out, but not damaged.
He gathered me up in his arms, and I shook against him. Not from fear, but from an inability to keep still as aftershocks of bliss raced through my body. In exhaustion, I lay my head against his shoulder, tucking my hands under my cheek and focusing on steadying my breathing so I wouldn’t pass out. He tilted my head up only long enough to kiss away my tears before letting me collapse in a sprawl against him.
At first, I couldn’t figure out why he felt so much warmer—but the unspeakably pleasurable way my throat throbbed when I brushed my fingertips over the spot he’d latched onto during those last moments answered that question. Just touching it was enough to make me squirm, tingles of ecstasy radiating outward from the tiny bite marks when pressure was put on them. His soft laughter at my discovery was too genuinely pleased for me to take offense, and I was too worn out and felt too good to be upset about it.
Royce ran soothing fingers through my hair, calming my racing heart and making it clear that he didn’t intend to leave my side. Whether this was a temporary reprieve or the end of today’s lesson, the vampire was right. I’d never be able to match the intensity of his lovemaking with another. No one else had ever known me—even bothered to make the effort to know me—as well as he had.
Forevermore, I was ruined for anyone else. I was his.
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Every part of me ached. Though I was wrapped up in blankets, curled up on my side in bed, I was cold, too. Maybe it was my own shivering that stirred me out of sleep. Whatever it was, I didn’t want to move right away.
Then something cool and spidery shifted under the covers, brushing over my stomach.
Startled, I screamed and twisted away, flailing at the sheets to bat it off. It only tightened against me, yanking me back against a hard, male body.
A clearly naked—quite hard—male body.
“Shush, now. You’ll wake the whole building.”
The initial rush of fright became a rush of a different sort. I wasn’t being woken up by Chaz or Jack or one of the other White Hats. And I was all kinds of naked under these covers.
Momentary confusion became crystal clarity as memories of all the many ways Royce had explored my body the previous night came back to me. The surge of aggression and need that pulsed through my blood sang of a keen desire to leave my mark on the vampire the way he had left his own on my neck and other places last night. He didn’t resist as I twisted around and bit his shoulder, my nails digging deep into his upper arm and tangling in his hair.
“Easy, now. We have all night.” The rumble of his laughter vibrated through my body, my hot skin pressed to his cold. It was only when he took hold of the wrist I’d locked on his arm and rolled so he was on top that it struck me how easily he overpowered me.
Which served as another—this time unpleasant—reminder. The belt was gone. I wasn’t turning Other.
I was human. I was nothing.
No. Not nothing. I was a legally bound and contracted vampire’s toy.
I withdrew and shut my mouth with a snap, my initial rush of terror twisting into a different kind of fear. Wriggling uncomfortably, I pushed at Royce’s chest with my free hand, wincing as the pressure of his body rubbing against mine revealed a whole slew of hurts from my battle with Wesley—and more than likely from the far more pleasurable activities that came thereafter.
Royce didn’t let go, settling on his side to wrap both arms around me instead, one hand coming up to tweak one of my nipples. “Much as I enjoy that delightful squirming you’re doing, you might try relaxing. You’re safe here.”
The sight of the bruises from last night’s “festivities” had pushed me into a dark place filled with panic and despair, one that drove me to tears when I couldn’t pry his hands off. I didn’t mean to cry, but the sick, light-headed feeling combined with the undeniable weakness in my limbs brought on such a wave of shame, I couldn’t help myself.
He pulled me around to face him, one hand cupping my cheek while the other kept me pinned against his side.
“What is it? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
I couldn’t tell him I was crying for what I’d lost. Even if I wanted to, I wasn’t sure I could explain it to him. My whole life had been defined by how I lived it, and that had not included being bound to, sleeping with, or becoming willing food for vampires. It was more than the blood he’d taken—it was a piece of me that I couldn’t ever have back. It made me into the thing my father despised so much; no longer fit to be part of my own family.
Royce’s brows lowered, eyes and hands searching my body for signs of damage. Aside from old scars and the plethora of bruises I’d acquired last night, he wasn’t going to find anything. I was too choked up to tell him as much, and too freaked out to do anything more intelligent than frantically try to put some distance between us.
Though he was clearly puzzled by my behavior, Royce didn’t push me for answers. Once satisfied that my distress hadn’t been caused by something physical, he drew me even tighter against him, pinning me still. Though I strained away at first, he brushed his fingers through my hair and whispered half-heard endearments in my ear until my tears and uneasy squirming eased away. I buried my face against his chest and tried to get a hold of myself, to cling to the thought that my life wasn’t over now, just changed—drastically, irrevocably changed.
I was his property now, and not just on paper.
He owned me, body and soul. Not only had I abandoned my morals and common sense last night, I’d liked it. Liked the feel of his lips and tongue and fingers and other parts so intimately pressed against mine, all over, inside me, all while he drank my blood. What the hell was wrong with me that I’d liked being wrapped in Death’s arms and pounded into the mattress while my life was siphoned away a sip at a time?
Though I didn’t want to be that twisted, ugly thing in my mind, I couldn’t help myself. A shudder of longing crawled down my spine as his fingers swept over the place he’d bitten me last night. Desire bloomed, and I fought it, pushing his hand away before that need could fire up my blood enough for him to notice. Images of all of the ways he could take advantage of me while I was unable to defend myself whirled through my head like a maelstrom of horror-show terrors, a painful reminder that now I was just a blood whore, a plaything, and that I’d willingly put my life in his hands.
He pulled back, pinpoint sparks of red reflecting in his eyes as he studied me. Growing panic was pushing me in the direction of hyperventilating; I was too afraid to move again—he might realize why I wanted him to stop.
“Shiarra, don’t make me drag answers out of you. What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. My hurt wasn’t of the physical variety.
“Tell me,” he commanded, “what’s wrong.”
The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them. “My dad was right. I’m not a Waynest anymor
e. Not myself anymore. Just another vampire’s puppet.”
My eyes popped open and I slapped my hands over my mouth before I could say anything more damning. Royce’s expression was unreadable, his gaze burning into mine.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered from behind my hands.
I couldn’t tell by his expression if he was angry with me for being honest with him, but it was far too late to take the words back, and I’d never been good at hiding my thoughts from him. Especially when he was staring at me so intently, like he could see right past my eyes to the darkest thoughts buried in the back of my mind. Like he knew all the horrible things I didn’t want anybody to know. He might not judge me for them—but that didn’t mean I wanted him to know every thought inside my head as intimately as he’d come to learn the secrets of my body last night.
Not wanting to meet his gaze, I buried my face against his chest, practically vibrating with tension. Maybe he got the picture that his actions were only making things worse. His voice, when he finally spoke, was strangely gentle, and made me feel like an even bigger fool for finding comfort in it.
“Even after last night? You still think that I was only using you, or would abandon you once I got what I wanted?”
I nodded, not trusting my voice. He kept running his fingers through my hair and down my back, not saying anything for a time. It took a while, but after the worst of my trembling tapered off, he slid a hand between us and nudged my chin up so he could peer into my eyes.
“What is it you fear has changed about you? What do you feel I have taken from you?”