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Be My Valentine: The McClendon Holiday Series, Book 3

Page 23

by Sean D. Young

  Nikki stood to her feet. “Does that mean you’ll come see us sometime?”

  “I don’t see why not. Please keep in touch and send me pictures so that I can see how Katrina is doing. I know you don’t want to be on social media because of Terrance,” Patrice said.

  Nikki threw her arms around her waist. “I can never forget you or repay you for your kindness. No one has ever done so much for me and my baby.”

  Patrice squeezed her tightly. “I’m so glad I could help you.”

  Nikki withdrew from her and grinned. “You helped me find my daddy.”

  “Did you find out anything else about him?” Patrice asked.

  “Only that he is a successful businessman.”

  The buzzer on the intercom sounded, startling them both. They looked at each other.

  “This is it,” Patrice said, walking to the door.

  She didn’t notice until she was almost to the door that Nikki hadn’t followed her. She wouldn’t worry about it right now. She figured it was nerves that had gotten to her.

  “Who is it?” Patrice asked, pressing the button.

  “Leroy Howard,” the man said.

  Patrice gave him access and within the next few minutes, he was standing at her front door. “Mr. Howard,” she said, opening the door wider.

  Leroy stepped inside the entryway, holding his fedora hat. He was a very attractive tall, dark-skinned man with a bald head. He was well dressed in a business suit and tie. His shoes looked very expensive and Patrice saw one gold ring on his third right finger that had a significantly large diamond in the middle. He was holding two large shopping bags. He sat them on the floor.

  Reaching out with his right hand, he greeted her. “Ms. McClendon?”

  Patrice nodded and took his hand. “Yes, sir. I’m Patrice. Won’t you come in and have a seat.”

  He followed her into the living room and took a seat on the sofa. “I can’t thank you enough for helping my daughter, Nicole.” He adjusted the bags to the outside of the arm of the sofa.

  “I’m glad I was able to do it.”

  Patrice could tell that Leroy was nervous because he continued to turn his hat around in his hands.

  “When was the last time you saw your daughter?”

  “I’ll never forget the day. She was eight years old and we were at her grandmother’s house. I’d stopped by to leave money for her mother. I promised Nicole that I would be back for her, but I knew that I was leaving town for good.”

  Patrice slid to the edge of the couch. “What prompted you to tell her that?”

  “I was really messed up back then. I thought that if I told her that, she wouldn’t be sad, but would always look forward to seeing me.” Leroy dropped his head.

  “I see,” Patrice said. She could tell that he was remorseful for his actions in the past.

  Finally, he sat up straight. “I’m going to make up for all of that now. I’m grateful to have the chance that most people don’t get.” Leroy moved closer to the end of sofa. “Ms. McClendon,” he said.

  “Please call me Patrice.”

  “Patrice, do you know anything more about this fellow that she was seeing. My grandbaby’s father?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean?”

  “Is he still harassing my baby?”

  Patrice shook her head. “I don’t think so. I believe that Nikki is ready to start her life over in a new place.”

  “When the woman from the agency called me and told me her situation, I knew I couldn’t leave her here alone,” Leroy said. “But you better believe I’ll be on the lookout for him. He’ll never touch her again as long as I’m alive.”

  Patrice appreciated Leroy’s determination to keep his daughter safe. She’d always felt safe knowing that her father, Russell McClendon, would move heaven and earth if he could for one of his girls. There was nothing like the relationship between a father and his daughter. She was elated that Nikki could now experience that joy with her own father.

  Suddenly, Patrice saw his eyes sparkling with tears. She reached over to touch his arm. “Are you okay, Mr. Howard?”

  “I had no idea that her mother had passed on,” he said, his voice cracking as he spoke. “It broke my heart when I heard the news the other day. The woman from the agency told me.”

  “Nikki said that she’d died a couple years ago.”

  A heavy sigh hit the air and Patrice saw his shoulders slump. “Yes, she was a wonderful woman,” he said, shaking his head. She always took great care of our little girl.”

  At that moment Nikki came into the room with Katrina on her hip. Patrice could see Leroy’s face soften and in that instant his eyes watered even more. She followed his gaze as it never left Nikki’s. With tears streaming down her face, Nikki put Katrina on her feet and she ran over to her father. Leroy jumped up and met his daughter, holding her tightly, both shedding tears.

  Patrice concluded that this meeting healed some wounds that seemed like they would never heal. She was so happy for their family.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Patrice called her mother to thank her for all her help in getting Nikki back with her father. Everyone seemed to be happy and Nikki promised that she would be in touch once they’d got settled. With that mission accomplished, Patrice didn’t have to worry about the pair anymore. She believed that Leroy Howard was going to support and protect his daughter.

  Attempting not to be too anxious about her dinner with Jacques, Patrice prepared her list of questions that she wanted to ask him. Staying focused on business would probably be the only way she would make it this evening. It would be hard sitting that close to him and not having him touch her. She’d gotten use to him caressing her, being affectionate with her.

  Even though Patrice understood that her meeting with Jacques would be strictly business, she wanted to pick out something nice to wear. She still had to work with him for the success of her fragrance, something she’d never lost sight of since the beginning. She trusted him to do the things she couldn’t do and maybe that was a mistake, but it was done now. She’d have to continue to believe that he would do the right thing for the sake of the business. Jacques was a professional and he was still the creator of the fragrance, so his career could be helped from this venture as well as hers.

  By the time Jacques buzzed the intercom, she was just zipping up her high-heeled gray suede boots. She gave him access and heard him coming down the hall.

  Butterflies swarmed in her stomach and all of a sudden she was warm all over. She hoped she wasn’t getting sick, but she knew better than that. For some reason, the nearness of him always made her warm, but now it wasn’t just that. Thinking about Jacques made her warm and her body tingly.

  She heard a knock. “It’s open,” she yelled as she pulled her coat from the closet.

  Because both the closet and front door were back to back, when she closed the closet, she came face to face with Jacques.

  Their eyes met and held with neither of them saying a word until Jacques reached down and gently grabbed her hand.

  “How have you been?” he asked, caressing her knuckles.

  “I’m good, and you?” she said, trying to avoid looking him in the eyes.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked, moving closer to her.

  Patrice nodded. Jacques smiled and eased her coat from her hand. He held it up, so she could slip into it.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Moving away from him, she cleared her throat. “I just need to get my purse and we can leave.”

  Walking swiftly, she went back to her bedroom and picked up her purse from the bed. Being in another room also gave her a chance to take a much-needed breather. She seemed to be holding her breath when she was around him.

  Inhaling deeply, Patrice then exhaled loudly before she walked back into the front of the apartment where he stood
waiting for her. “I’m ready now,” she said to him, swiping her keys from the counter, then opening the front door.

  This should be interesting.

  Jacques realized that tonight wouldn’t be easy. The strain and stress filled the space inside the car. He started to make small talk, but there were so many other things that really needed to be said to her. He vowed that before the night was over, he would share everything with her. Hopefully, once she had full disclosure, they could recapture the happiness they’d begun to share. At this point, his life would be empty without her in it.

  Jacques took her to Spiaggia, an upscale downtown Italian restaurant on Michigan Avenue. They made their way up the escalator and then entered the sexy and modern eatery. Jacques looked around at the sleek space that had rich dark wood, crystal chandeliers and gorgeous fabrics. This was definitely the right place.

  Stepping to the hostess, he asked if the hostess could seat them in a private area and she showed them to a space that was over in an alcove. It proved to be very private with just enough lighting.

  “Patrice, you really look beautiful,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  Her misery needed to end and he was the person who had to do it. He wanted the bubbly woman he fell in love with back.

  “Would you like some wine or something, Patrice?”

  “No, I don’t think so,” she said, reading the menu that was on the table. “So, how was your trip to New York?”

  The server came to take their order. “Why don’t we order first before I get into that?”

  “Fine with me,” she responded.

  “What are you going to have?” he asked.

  “I’ll have the ravioli stuffed with fois gras,” Patrice said, handing her menu to the server.

  “Did you want anything else?” Jacques asked.

  “No, I think that will be enough. I don’t really have an appetite.”

  Jacques knew why she didn’t, but all of that was about to change. He gave the server his order of tender veal chops paired with apple radishes. The server took his menu and left the table. He gave his attention back to Patrice.

  “My trip was fruitful,” he said, lifting his water glass from the table. “Very, very much so.”

  “Oh,” Patrice added.

  “In fact, I have some things to share with you,” he said excited about her reaction to his news.

  Twisting her mouth to the side, she finally looked up at him. “I can’t wait to hear,” she said, flatly.

  Jacques wouldn’t let her expression throw him off because he knew why she was behaving that way. She felt as if he’d abandoned her by going off to New York without telling her. But it wasn’t true. Their communication was not good at that time, but for right now he decided to change the subject.

  “By the way, did Nikki’s father show up today?” He was genuinely concerned about the woman and her child.

  “Yes, he did and I was really happy for their family. Mr. Howard now has the opportunity to do right by Nikki and make up for some lost father/daughter time.”

  “That is great. People don’t always have a chance to get it right,” Jacques said, hoping that she would give him a chance to do so as well.

  “You’re so right. He didn’t even know that her mother had died. I felt so bad for him, watching the tears form in his eyes.”

  “I can understand, especially since he’d been separated or divorced from the woman since their daughter was young.”

  “I didn’t know Nikki’s mother and there is a possibility that she and Leroy loved each other, but just didn’t get along. That happens as well.”

  Jacques had the understanding that everything Patrice was saying was directed toward him. “It does happen, it’s true.”

  “Turns out that he is a successful businessman in Milwaukee,” Patrice said.

  “Great and you helped her find him. I’m sure she was grateful to you for everything you did for her.”

  “Yes, and she said as much to me before she left. Her father even offered me money for allowing her to stay at my place. Of course, I refused. I didn’t do it to be compensated.”

  “It was a kind gesture and maybe Nikki will get the chance to pay-it-forward with some other person.”

  Jacques was truly happy for Nikki and he hoped that she had a prosperous life. With that issue resolved, it was time for him to divulge all the details of their business deal to Patrice.

  The more Jacques thought about what he was getting ready to tell her, the more excited he’d become. Just before he left New York, he’d received the first bottle of the fragrance straight off the assembly line. He wanted to give it to her tonight.

  The food had been presented to them and the server removed himself.

  Jacques said, “Patrice, I have a great deal to share with you tonight.”

  “Oh,” Patrice replied. “Is it business or about us?”

  “Both,” Jacques said. “Let me begin by saying I’ve learned a lot about myself since I met you.” Jacques suddenly felt a bit nervous. He straightened his blue and silver paisley bow tie before continuing. “I discovered how deeply I could feel about a woman and how uncharacteristically I could behave…sometimes selfishly. I admit that I can be overprotective, but I do realize that you are quite capable of taking care of yourself. In fact, I’m proud of the way you stuck with Nikki until she was able to resolve her problems,” he said, reaching across the table to capture her hand. “I’m ready for us to move forward.”

  Patrice pulled her hand away slowly. “When we spoke on the phone and you told me you were in New York, I thought that you had decided to go back to work for Fairchild,” Patrice said.

  “I went back to Fairchild to finish Angela’s fragrance,” he said.

  “Oh, Jacques that’s great news,” Patrice said.

  Jacques reached across the table again and squeezed her hand, giving her all the details of how he completed the scent. By the time he told her there would be a second launch in New York City she was ecstatic. When he told her that there would be worldwide distribution, tears stained the white tablecloth.

  “Our food is going to get cold, Jacques.”

  “It will keep, I want you to have something,” he said, reaching into his pocket. He whipped out an attractive and shiny purple bottle adorned with Swarovski crystals and placed it in front of her.

  For a long moment, she sat silently, staring at the bottle as if it might disappear.

  Jacques leaned forward. “It’s real, baby. You can touch it,” he said, pushing the decorative bottle over to her.

  Patrice lifted the purple bottle with both hands as gently as a mother picking up her newborn child.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say anything, baby?”

  Patrice hesitated before opening her mouth. “All I can say is,” her voice trembling. “Thank you, thank you so much. My dream has come to fruition and it’s in my hands.”

  “My dream has come to fruition as well and she’s in the seat across from me.

  “Now, there is one other thing. In order for me to secure this deal, there was one caveat.”

  Patrice tensed up. She bit her lip, nodded for him to continue.

  “I will do some contract work for Fairchild. In fact, I’ve already started.”

  “Jacques, I had so hoped—”

  He didn’t give a chance to finish her sentence. “I am living permanently in Chicago. Besides the work that I do for Fairchild, you and I are going to pursue other projects.”

  “You mean, you and I go into business together?”

  “That is exactly what I’m saying, if you are in agreement.”

  “I agree, I agree,” she said, grinning.

  “That’s the business agreement. Now, let’s talk about the personal,” he said, removing a card from his jacket pocket and
handing it to her. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”

  “It’s not Valentine’s Day, Jacques. Why are you playing with me like that?”

  “Open it,” he urged her.

  Patrice slid the beautiful colored card with red roses and gold ribbon on the front. It read: “To my Darling, Sweetheart.” She lifted her eyes and glanced over at him.

  “Keep reading,” he said knowing that so far, his plan for her was working.

  Slowly, Patrice turned the page and read the words on it. She looked over at him and stood. Jacques got up as well and she met him with a kiss. Jacques was happy that she did it on her own without him asking her to.

  “This is so, so lovely Jacques,” Patrice said, picking up her napkin, dabbing her eyes.

  “Well, baby, you haven’t seen nothing yet. I would like you to take this as well,” Jacques said, reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket. He removed a small beautifully wrapped box.

  He opened it and moved it in front of her.

  She threw her hand to her chest, her breath caught in her throat.

  “If you’re ready I’d like to take our relationship to the next level. I’ve had a lot of time to think and I’d rather have you in my corner than not. I’m going to work on not being so clingy,” he said, chuckling.

  “Jacques, I am going to work on my own flaws just as hard.”

  “That mouth of yours?” he joked.

  They both laughed.

  Patrice nodded. “Yes, this mouth of mine,” she said, pointing.

  Jacques shook his head. “That will never happen, but I love you anyway.”

  “I love you too, Jacques,” she got up and went over to where he was sitting and kissed him on the lips.

  The violinist strolled over and played a beautiful piece. Patrice couldn’t help but rest her head on Jacques’s shoulders as they listened to the sweet music play.

  “Can we eat now?” she asked.

  “I’m sure it’s probably cold,” he said, knowing that she’d told him that in the beginning. He didn’t care because he was just glad he’d gotten his favorite girl back.


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