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Werewolf Love Story

Page 8

by H. T. Night

  I looked at Josiah and he seemed to have an insane amount of poise for a kid his age. He sat there with the confidence of three grown men. “Are you thirsty?” I asked

  “I don't drink this stuff,” Josiah laughed. They are just caffeinated shakes.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more. You’re better off getting a shake; you would have less of a chance at heart attack.”

  Josiah’s eyes lit up, “But I love their cake lollypops. They are only like 150 calories. It's like God himself baked them.”

  “God himself? He would make some cook!” I laughed.

  “Dude, you have got to try one. I had a mouth orgasm the first time I had one. My sister likes rocky road, but I'm in lust with the birthday cake one.”

  “Let's do it,” I said. “I need to splurge now and then.” I got up and walked over to the counter where a there was a cute blonde putting out items behind the display area. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me.

  “I would like two cake lollipops, one Rocky Road and one birthday cake.”

  “Oh, I love the Rocky Road,” the young blondee girl said. “They are to die for.”

  “Apparently so, my friend claims they were made by Jesus himself.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” she said, smiling. “Maybe an angel or wise man.”

  “There you go, I guess everyone agrees that there is some divine intervention taking place when these things get made.”

  “You just might be right.” She rang me up and I paid for the lollipops and put a two dollar tip in the jar. The cute ones get me every time. I took the Rocky Road and gave the birthday cake to my new friend.

  “Thanks, man” he said. “I’ll get you next time.” Josiah took a bite out of his birthday cake lollipop and closed his eyes and had what I swore to be a spiritual experience. He ate each bite slowly, savoring each nibble as if it was his last meal. When he finished, he looked up at me and said, “Better than sex.”

  “What do you know about sex? You’re like fourteen years old.”

  “I'm sixteen,” Josiah said, proudly, “or I will be in a week.”

  “And you know about sex?”

  “I know about orgasms!” he proclaimed out loud.

  “I believe that. You probably spend more time alone than a monk.”

  Josiah was quiet and grinned, “I do have a wild imagination. Trust me, if I wanted to I would have plenty of options.”

  “Why don't you want to?”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I want to real bad. I'm just not quite sure what my hang up is.”

  “Maybe cause you’re twelve years old.”

  “I’m sixteen!”

  I looked at this strange, honest kid and had to just smile. “Does Josiah want to wait until he's in love?”

  “What's wrong with that?” he answered, indignantly.

  He did! I had to admit I was impressed. I wasn’t about to give a teenager a hard time about being abstinent. I just smiled at him and said, “There's nothing wrong with it. When you’re ready, you'll know.”

  “Everyone says that.”

  I thought about that statement for a second. “Actually, you won't entirely know. It will just sort of happen one night and the whole time you will be having an out-of-of body experience.”

  “Is that the way it happened with you?”

  “It was definitely an out-of-body experience. I was just a kid fumbling around in back of a truck up in the mountains.” I thought about that moment and said, “She didn't know it was my first time.”

  “She didn't?”


  “Why didn't you tell her?”

  “I didn’t want to her to think I was inexperienced.”

  “Would that have been such a big deal?”

  “It seemed big at the time but I have always regretted not telling her.”

  “Why is that?” Josiah's eyes were now locked in on me and we were definitely having a ‘bro moment.’

  “I don't know. I guess I wanted her to know I was going to remember her for the rest of my life. I thought she should know she experienced something I will never forget. She didn't know any of that. Instead, she walked away assuming I was just a player and used her to get my rocks off.”

  “Well, you did get your rocks off!”


  “But what?”

  “It was a defining moment. I should have told her”

  Josiah's eyes never stopped looking at me the whole time I spoke. He was like an apprentice soaking up all the wisdom of his master. Then Josiah looked outside through the window. “Hey, my sister is here!”

  I looked out the window and saw a small, white Toyota Corolla pull up. She parked the car and stepped out of the driver side. I had just taken my first bite of my rocky road lollipop, and it literally fell out of my mouth the second I saw Josiah’s sister.. Josiah's sister was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had beautiful, long blonde hair and amazing blue eyes like her brother. She was about five feet five inches tall and was wearing a light blue tank top with white shorts. Her legs were long and curvy. She had an amazing body, but what was more amazing was her smile. I was absolutely swept off my feet. It was the first time in my life I had fallen for someone and had not yet spoken a word to her.

  Josiah and I got up and walked to the door and she met us at the entrance. She walked up to Josiah and said, “Let me see your hands.” Josiah put his hands in his sweatshirt pocket. “Take them out, you little turd.” Josiah reluctantly took out his hands and showed them to his sister. They were swollen and he had a couple of knuckles that were cut up. “You can't even go for a jog without fighting?”

  “They started it,” he said, like a petulant six year-old.

  “They always start it,” she said, disappointed.

  I decided I needed to defend my young friend. “They really did start it,” I said. “I was there. He was only defending himself.”

  Josiah’s sister looked at me and her eyes lit up. “Who are you?”

  “Just an innocent bystander who would have helped your brother out, but he took care of business on his own.”

  “I bet he did.” She looked at me and seemed a little embarrassed. I couldn’t tell if she liked me or if she was just shy. “So, did you bring him here from where ever the fight took place?”

  “Actually, no. My car ran out of gas by the freeway and he and I walked here.”

  “What kind of car do you have?”

  “It's a black Mustang parked on D street”

  “Oh, I saw that beauty,” she said. “I noticed it off the freeway and was so jealous.”

  “It's a nice car.” I couldn’t keep my eyes off this woman and she seemed to not be able to quit looking at me either. “So, Josiah's sister? Do you have a name?”

  “Yeah, I do. It's Maya.”

  “Maya? That’s a pretty name.”

  She smiled. “Well, thank you, Mr. uh....”

  “Mister? How old do you think I am?”

  “I’m actually not sure. You could be anywhere from 21 and 30 years old.

  “Thirty?” I was horrified.

  She quickly stated, “A very handsome, dignified thirty.”

  “Well, I'm a very handsome and sexy 22 years old.”

  She looked me over and said, “Oh, are we?”

  “Just fishing for a compliment,” I said, smiling at her. I looked over at Josiah and he seemed to be very put off that I was flirting with his sister seconds after I met her.

  Maya again looked me over and said, “Well, the fact I said handsome and dignified is all I can give you at the present moment. If you’re sexy, that remains to be seen.”

  “Are you two done?” Josiah finally asked. “I told Tommy we would take him to get some gas and give him a lift back to his car.

  “Well, Tommy,” Maya said, “Aren’t you just the damsel in distress. I'll just have to jump on my white horse and bring you to go get some gas.” She then smiled at me in a way that com
pletely melted my heart. I had never been more attracted to a woman in my life. She then turned around and slowly walked back to her car. Josiah and I followed behind her. Something tells me I just made two very good friends. At least I was hoping so.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They took me to a gas station and I bought another container. I wasn’t about to let Josiah try to steal one. That wasn’t the kind of impression I wanted to give to Maya and plus shoplifting was never my style. After we got the gas, they took me back to my Mustang and I poured about a gallon into the gas tank.

  I thanked them both and asked if I could have either of their numbers. They practically fought over who gave me their digits first. I took both their pieces of paper and placed them on the passenger seat of my Mustang. I said goodbye and it was weird, I wanted to hug them both. I felt like I had known both of them my entire life. I decided against hugging them and waved and got into my car. I drove back to the gas station to put more gas in my car so I could make it back to my apartment. I’d decided I had no longer wanted to go to the farmer’s markets so I decided to just head back to the apartment.

  As I drove back home I couldn't quit thinking about my experience with Maya and Josiah. I have had a strong desire to want to mentor Josiah and help guide him in the right direction. And with Maya, well… I had lots of desires when it came to her. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. It seemed like she liked me, but what did I know. Whenever I’m generally attracted to a girl for all the right reasons I tend to blow it. With girls I’m not that interested in I can be charming and sexy, but when I actually do like a girl I usually act and say all the wrong things. It’s like I try too hard.

  I don’t think I ever felt as initially infatuated with a woman in my life as I am with Maya. I looked down on my passenger seat at Maya’s cell number on the white strip of paper. I had such genuine feelings for her. I knew I needed to play this right. Once again I looked down at the number on the seat. Dammit, Tommy! Play this right! Don't be that guy! Don't be the guy that calls a girl seconds after meeting her. Come on Tommy! Get it together! Do not call her the second you get back home! Don’t do it!

  I got home and apparently both Patrick and Sasha were still sleeping. I had left my phone on the floor near the couch. I walked over to it and picked it up.

  Don't do it! It’s too soon!

  I sat there with the cell phone in one hand and her number on a piece of paper in the other. I weighed the pros and cons but in the end I knew what I was going to do regardless.

  I began dialing her number and I paused before I pressed the last number.

  Who calls a girl he likes minutes after meeting them?

  I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down.

  I do.

  I pressed the last number it rang once.

  “Hello,” a woman’s voice said.

  I coughed, and then I said, “Hey, it's Tommy.”

  “Five minutes ago, Tommy?” Maya said, as adorable as I had ever heard a woman speak.

  “It’s been more like twenty-five if anyone is counting, but that would be me. I just wanted to call back and say.... thank you again for taking me to get gas.”

  “It wasn't a problem; I was going to pick my brother up anyway. He likes to run way far from home and then have me pick him up.”

  “Josiah's a good kid.”

  “Yeah, he is,” she said. “He's the best little brother a girl could ask for.”

  I smiled. I liked the fact they had family. That's something I never had. I heard Josiah yelling in the background. “Tell him how hot you think he is!”

  What? Did he say what I thought he said?

  I could hear panic in Maya’s voice, “Hold on Tommy.” I could hear her hand over the phone. “Josiah, shut up!” And then I heard a smacking sound.

  “Ouch! That hurt!” Josiah laughed.

  “Then shut your mouth,” Maya whispered, but I could hear every word. “Hey I’m back,” she said. “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” I asked, acting like I hadn’t just heard the greatest thing in my life.

  “Oh good,” she said. “My brother was just being a pain in the butt. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “No, I'm an only child. I was raised by my grandparents.”


  “Well, mainly my grandmother.”

  “Oh okay,” Maya hesitated.

  “It's okay. My grandmother is an amazing woman.”

  “She must be.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Cause you seem like a really great person. She raised you well.”

  I had the biggest, goofiest grin on my face. “Maya, I was thinking… would you like to go to the movies tonight?”

  “Tonight?” she seemed confused.

  “Or we can go tomorrow night?”

  “No, tonight is good.”


  “Yeah!” she confirmed.

  “Great! Text me your address and I’ll pick you up around 8:00.”

  “Ok, I will do that.”

  “Awesome. I’ll see you in a couple of hours then.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” she said.

  “And Maya?”


  One more thing.”

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “Tell Josiah I think his sister is pretty hot herself.”

  Maya laughed, embarrassed. “Okay, I'll tell him.” she said, and I heard her smack him again.

  “I'll see you tonight at 8:00.”

  I walked into my bedroom and Patrick and Sasha were sleeping on my bed. Sasha apparently got up at some point and decided to lay next to Patrick. They were kind of close. Their heads were facing each other about two inches apart. They were either kissing or talking before they both fell asleep. Considering Patrick was about as smooth as a drunken sailor on leave, I didn't think he got any action. A part of me almost wishes they would hook up. Now that I have met Maya, there is no way I'd be doing any random make out sessions with Sasha anymore.

  It was 6:00 pm. I had about an hour before I was going to leave for my date. I decided to go into the cage and do a workout. I banged out 500 pushups and 500 sit ups. After my sit ups, my abs felt like they were about to explode. I got up, out of the cage and peeled off my shirt.

  I tightened up my six packs. I hadn't been eating much as of late, so my abs were out and about. It doesn't matter how big my chest and arms got I knew the ladies like stomach muscles and that is why I always worked them double-time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The sleeping beauties were still sleeping when I left. I left them both a note that said I had gone out for the night, and I could be back real late. I liked the fact I was accountable to someone. I hadn’t felt that since I left home.

  It took a half hour to get to Josiah and Maya's house. They lived near Cal State San Bernardino College in the better part of town. I pulled up to their house and I felt as nervous as I’ve been in a very long time. I parked my Mustang next to a giant tree in their front yard and got out. I was dressed semi casual wearing a black short sleeve button down shirt with a pair of black jeans. I had on my best pair of loafers; they looked good and were comfortable for walking.

  I checked myself in my driver side mirror, making sure my fly wasn’t open and I had no boogers in my nose. Then, I casually walked up the driveway and knocked on the door.

  A silver haired man with a spectacular handlebar mustache answered the door. He was fit for his age, and I was guessing he was about fifty years old.

  “Hello, there,” the older gentleman said to me.

  “How are you doing, sir?” I said, completely thrown off by the fact that a dad answered the door. It's a mom, a brother, it's never a dad. The dad usually is usually sitting in an easy chair, eye balling me like a king on his throne.

  “I'm good,” he said. “Tommy? Is it?”

  “Yeah, that's right.” I said, a bit awkward. I didn’
t want to sound too confident out of respect for the fact I was taking his daughter out and didn’t want to appear to be a smooth customer.

  He stuck out his handd and I gave him a firm hand shake. “Nice grip. I'm Daniel, Daniel Reign. Come in. Maya is almost ready.”

  I entered their house and looked around. It was something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. The house fit every description of a good, old-fashion country home. There were paintings of cowboys on the wall, a throw rug in the middle of the floor, and all the furniture looked to be handpicked from an antique shop. There was even an apple pie aroma in the house which showed that someone was obviously baking.

  And sure enough, a short, buxom woman came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was probably the most beautiful 50 year old woman I had ever seen. I was a little thrown off by how pretty a mom could be. I definitely saw where Josiah and Maya got their good looks from.

  “Hi, Tommy,” the curvy woman said.

  “Hello, Mrs. Reign,” I said blushing. I was never very good at this, but this was highly awkward considering how normal everything was. For God’s sake I had a werewolf and a vampire spooning in my bed at my apartment, for crying out loud.

  “Have a seat, Tommy,” Mrs. Reign said. I walked over and sat on their brown couch. As I sat, my entire body sunk into it like a hammock.

  “Wow, this is probably the single most comfortable couch I’ve ever sat on.”

  “Exactly! Tommy!” Daniel stated, with an exclamation point. “Margaret wants me to get rid of it.” Margaret was apparently Mrs. Reign's first name.

  “It's ugly, Dan. And it's filthy,” This was obviously a daily argument they have. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute they were.

  “So Tommy what do you do? Are you in college?” Daniel asked as he packed himself a pipe.

  “Actually no. I'm a professional athlete.”

  Daniel eyes grew large. “An athlete? What kind?”

  “I’m a fighter.”

  “You mean like a Sugar Ray Leonard kind of fighter?”

  “Well, not exactly,” I said. “There's a new professional fighting sport called mixed martial arts.”


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