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Twins’ Slave

Page 5

by M. Garnet

  Bleak restrained himself from throwing tablets across the room. He had not gone back to the cabin since he had taken her. He wasn’t sure why. He didn’t feel shame for what he had done, he just didn’t know how to go forward at this point with her. He needed his brother. He slowly shook his head. “I knew when she was able to catch me with a blow, that she was all trouble. Now, what the fuck do I do with this situation?”

  Baloko continued to examine his belt buckle as if he had never seen it before, but he did speak. “Well, a higher officer laying claim would solve the problem.”

  Bleak looked at his Sub-Commander if a stare could kill. Baloko would be sitting without any skin left on his body. However, Baloko didn’t respond, as he apparently found the buckle so fascinating.

  Bleak let out a long hiss. “I am of the rare twin.”

  “Hey, friend, I know.” At last, Baloko looked up into the green eyes of the Commander. “A fact that the Governing Body has long taken advantage of, to their shame. They know that Twinned Dissnue share everything, including thoughts when they are close enough, which is why they try to keep you two apart. It is why they use this as a tool to keep both of you working for them. As for the female in your cabin, well, she is a rare gem. Someone is going to own her, it might as well be you and your twin.”

  Bleak leaned back. He closed his eyes. “Baloko, this female came from a world that doesn’t believe in slaves.”

  “Yea, well, most slaves are not volunteers, they either adapt or die. She seems too strong to die to me, so I think she will adapt. Unfortunately, I also think she will give you more headaches, but mixed in there is probably a lot of pleasure. Now, don’t come across that desk at me, but watching her on that vid, I was ready to go to that room myself. I had a hard member that I had to have the female in my cabin suck off in a position you don’t want me to tell you about.”

  Bleak sat back and rubbed his chin. “Okay, find me a single slave chain. I will take her into the slave market to get a bracelet put on her. My brother will be surprised, because I will get there as fast as any courier would.”

  * * * *

  She had cut off another set of slacks that was a soft green. It seemed to bring out the green in her hazel eyes. She was still uncomfortable in the outfit as the material was revealing, but she sat on the bed waiting. She had finally eaten from the third tray that had been brought to the cabin. The young guard had told her that they were landing, that she should get ready, as everyone would be going into the slave market.

  It still seemed like a long time until he came into the room. He didn’t say anything, just stripped, took a shower, did something to remove the traces of his beard, then dressed in what looked like a more formal military look. There was a stripe down the pants with a jacket over the shirt that had a lot of buttons. He closed the jacket up to the top. The belt he put on was wider at his waist, but it still had a holster for his weapon, which he checked, sliding it into place.

  When he was ready, he looked over at her, seeming to take a deep breath. He had brought in a cloth bag that he laid on one of the pull-out tables. He tipped it up and a long silver chain tumbled out along with other items.

  “We are going to the slave auction. I will need to chain you to me, or else someone will consider you free trade. You would then be stripped, tied to a post, and sold to the highest bidder. Stand up.”

  Slave auction. So, it was going to happen, finally. She had somewhat convinced herself that maybe this really wasn’t going to literally come to pass. Still, she wasn’t going to let him see her tears or her fear. He had seen her shame and humiliation when her body had responded to him, but she would not show him anything as she was put on display to be sold. She moved to the edge of the bunk to stand. She tried not to flinch as he approached to attach the chain around her waist, leaving one long length hanging down to the floor. The chain was cold to the touch, but he had not hooked it too tight. It rested on her hipbones.

  “Do you know what this is and what purpose it serves?” He held up at object.

  She looked up from the chain to what he was holding.

  It only took a moment to recognize it. She had never had to use one as a peace officer on her job, but she had seen them, and this one was not that different, even though it had been developed by an alien culture.

  She answered almost in a whisper. “Where we come from, it is called a ball gag.” She could not help herself as she also saw hand restraints on the tray. A small shiver passed through her.

  “It is not unusual for slaves to be restrained. You have a choice. Behave or be restrained.” He put the gag with the wrist restraints into the bag that he tied it to his belt. He then approached her and reached down to pull up the chain. When he found the end of it, he hooked it to his belt. “What is your choice?”

  She was still looking at the chain attached to his belt, but then looked up at his face. She knew the attachment was not that much. It could probably be broken if she wanted to fight him, but then in the end, she would lose the battle. “No gag.”

  He turned away and pulled her as he went to the door.


  He stopped when she spoke. He looked down at her over his shoulder as she caught the chain in her hands. “Is it okay if I hold the chain instead of being drug by my waist?”

  He nodded permission as he opened the door. She followed, taking fast steps to keep up with him, hanging onto the chain as he went through the ship down to one of the exit ramps. The full legs of the soft material of the pants swirled around her feet as she rushed to keep up with him, holding the chain about a foot behind him.

  There were vehicles of some type waiting. She actually hung onto the chain closer to him as she watched the loading of the rest of the people who had been taken with her. She began to feel bad that she had on clothes, even though revealing, as the others were all naked, including the women. She saw the Sub-Commander standing, giving orders. She saw Shanna, a chain attaching her to the Sub-Commander. But she had on only a chemise that barely covered the female vee between her legs. Her hands were restrained behind her back. The chain was around her neck and hooked to his belt. Like the Commander, he was dressed in a more formal uniform. Unlike Lorelei, Shanna was actually smiling.

  After everyone was loaded into the large vehicle, the man with Shanna came over. She was led by Bleak to a vehicle that had a side that opened with several rows of seats. Bleak pushed her into one. He shoved her over so that he could sit beside her. She knew that Shanna and her big guy got in behind them, but she sat still, not saying anything. She did not turn around. She didn’t want to take a chance on the restraints. She glanced at the big guy beside her, but he was staring straight ahead, so she looked out the windows.

  She was not impressed. There were no tall buildings, no modernistic structures, no sleek stores. Everything was thrown together. There were too many people, half tossed together, shelters leaning against each other. In the background, over the tops of the rough shelters, she saw what looked like different types of space vehicles. Some were tall, some were thin and sleek. There were others, knobby, dark, and scarred with added items she couldn’t identify.

  The further they drove, the more crowded it got with vehicles, foot traffic and all types of small moving equipment. She began to see some people in chains. The people in the crowds were of every type every size, but all seemed to have some things in common. They were all humanoid, similar in two legs, two arms, two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Beyond that, the differences could not be counted, starting with sizes, from one foot tall to some who would have towered over her companion.

  The skin colors were unbelievable. It would have been impossible to start listing them because there were shades in each color. The two men in her vehicle were close in color to her, but were darker as if tanned—but she realized there were no tan lines when he stripped down. There were yellows—from pale, hard-to-tell yellow to bright, hard-to-look-at yellow and brown around the wrinkle
s at the nose and fingers.

  There were shades of blues, shades of greens and shades of purple. Still more common were the pale shades that she would call human, pink or flesh tones in the various values from the dark tones of the large men with her to many as pale as she was. Finally, the press of traffic became so tight that the driver stopped. He opened the doors.

  “Sorry, Commander, this is as close as we can get.”

  Bleak nodded. “Thanks, we will walk.” He got out and she hurried so that there wouldn’t be a pull from the chain. She worried about walking barefoot through this crowd, but was grateful that Bleak seemed to move slowly. She was watching what was in the booths. She tried to see what was being sold along the streets, and she knew she had no idea what most of the items were.

  She began to see slaves, some in chains, most naked. Lots in long lines, chained together. They looked despondent and worn out. Most were larger that she along with her fellow people that had been taken from her planet. Suddenly, there was a large man with two men who were obviously bodyguards blocking their way.

  “Pardon, Great Sir, but that is my sale area there. I see your slave, not claimed. I would pay a good price for her. What are you asking?” One of his guards walked around her. She moved closer to Bleak pressing against his back.

  “This one is not for sale.” Bleak’s voice was in a deep almost a growl. “Tell your man if he touches her, he will lose an arm.”

  She noticed the Sub-Commander had moved up close.

  “Sir, I didn’t mean an insult. You understand the item is very unusual. I see you recognize the value. I have the means to pay a better price than what others might offer. Name your price.”

  A crowd was gathering. His guards had taken a position of each side of him. From the crowd, another man stepped forward. “Commander, I see you have just returned with a great prize. I can pay more than this scum. What is the price you have in mind?”

  The two men started arguing as to who had the right to bid or buy at the position on the street. Suddenly, Bleak stepped forward with Baloko at his shoulder. Both women stayed close behind the men, peering around the large shapes shielding them. She saw that Bleak had his weapon under the chin of the first man.

  “I will say this slow, since you seem to be slow in understanding. The item is not for sale. Now, step back before you are reported for doing business outside of your proper areas.”

  The man raised his hands and stepped back with his guards. Both the Commander and the Sub-Commander turned. They pushed through the watching crowd, then moved on with a purpose.

  She heard the excitement of a crowd around an area at one side. It didn’t take a sign to tell her that an actual auction was taking place. Over the heads of the crowd, she could see the shoulders of a very muscular man from the waist up as he was tied to a post. He must be the one that they were bidding for, with a lot of excitement. She stumbled as the chain was pulled—she understood that she had gotten slowed down. She hurried to stay within a step or two of the end of her chain.

  They went into an actual small dark building, which seemed to be a type of metal working shop using lasers or something that engraved metal. The smell of hot metal attended by the bright flashes of the tools caused her to move closer to Bleak.

  “We need a couple of bracelets. Top quality.” That last statement brought the right kind of attention. A man came out of the back room. He came over to Lorelei. Bleak unlooked her chain from his belt. The man took her left wrist and placed a gadget around it. He looked down at it closely, then removed it. He rose back up looking closely at her.

  “This item is truly high quality. Worthy of the best we can produce. Do we add gemstones?” He reached out as if to stroke her hair but there was a large hand around his wrist. She saw a grimace of pain on his face, then Bleak pulled his hand back.

  “Sorry, sir, no disrespect, just so unusual. What house design goes on the bracelet?”

  Bleak removed a large ring he wore. He placed it in the hand of the shop owner. The man went over to a small bright light to use a gadget she guessed would enlarge the ring for his eyes.

  “Sire, I am honored, a Commander in the Council service and a Twinned Dissnue. I, myself, will see this is put on the bracelet, immediately. It explains the quality of the item that it will be placed upon. It will take only a sesnee of time.”

  She looked up, surprised the translator couldn’t give a meaning to the time unit, but evidently, it wasn’t for very long as Bleak seemed satisfied. He nodded at the man then indicated Baloko. “My Sub-Commander also needs a bracelet.”

  The shop owner really smiled, two for one. Evidently, from his reactions, these men were really important. She wasn’t sure what this was all about. She guessed it had something to do with more than slaves, because these men were important they got special attention instead of standing in line. The shop owner started working on her bracelet as one of his assistants worked with Baloko. He took the restraints off Shanna so they could measure her.

  The shop owner had his assistants close the doors. She knew he was making the shop closed to other patrons. He had others bring out chairs and drinks for them as they waited. Okay, the guys were important, probably rich. No matter where you went, money, or whatever passed for money, would always talk loudly.

  With the fancy equipment, it didn’t take long to finish the bracelets. He brought hers out, first handing Bleak back his ring.

  “Commander, shall we use restraints, or I can call guards in?” Bleak frowned down at the shop owner. Bleak moved behind her. He took hold of her around the waist as he grabbed her arm above the wrist and held her.

  “This is going to hurt for only a short time.” He spoke above her head. She glanced up first then looked at the beautiful bracelet laying on a soft piece of cloth. It looked to be gold. There was an engraving with some type of intricate animal with two heads, each head facing in a different direction. The animal was raised up on its hind legs with its tail curled between its legs, its front paws showing deadly claws. Ranging outward was a receding series of circles that she knew when the two pieces of the bracelet was put together would have the circles go almost around the expanse of gold.

  She wasn’t sure what to expect or why he was holding her so tightly. Did he think she was going to run? The shop owner placed the bottom of the bracelet under her wrist and carefully placed the top over her wrist, cautiously lining up the two ends. He gave a quick push. She heard a snap as the ends joined. She felt a bite into her arm. She felt a jolt of electricity, but it didn’t stop. The bite went deeper and the bolt of pain sank deeper. She actually screamed. She had been hit once in training with a Taser. That had been bad, but this was worse. She actually needed him holding her up or she would be on the floor. She squeezed her eyes shut on the tears. She tried to draw in air and finally the pain started to recede, but her arm felt numb.

  He continued to hold her. She was grateful, because she knew she couldn’t stand yet. Behind him, she heard Shanna screaming over and over then silence. She guessed the girl had passed out, and she didn’t blame her.

  “Can you stand now?” She drew in a breath then nodded yes. He let go as he started taking off her chain.

  Finally, with one strong hand and one weak hand she clutched his arms. “What is this all about?”

  The shop owner was handing him a small gold gadget about the size of a woman’s compact. “That is a slave bracelet. This controls how far the owner allows the slave to move apart. It also allows the slave to be found and to be punished. It is placed on a slave when they become the possession of someone.”

  She stepped back on weak legs and staggered. “Well, who do I belong to?” She couldn’t look at him she was looking at the bracelet as she rubbed her arm.

  “You already know the answer to that, but if you need it spelled out—the bracelet and what it holds is mine.” He turned to Baloko. “You ready? Let’s get out of here.”

  The Sub-Commander was ca
rrying Shanna, who was still passed out. Lorelei just followed as close as possible. It only took her another ten steps to cut her foot on something sharp.

  “Wait.” She called out as the men moved off. She tried to hobble after them, but looking down she saw the bloody footprint she was leaving. The next thing she knew she was up in his arms. For a change, it was comfortable, not over his shoulder. She was in so much shock, her body from the pain of the attachment of the bracelet and her mind with the fact that the one person she was hoping she would never see again she was now going to be his slave. His slave. She had thought it could not get much worse. It just did. His slave. She was now at the bottom of the well.

  Chapter Six

  They went to a place to stay. It was not a nice hotel or whatever. It was a place at the edge of the military base where the Rangers could stay in safety. He left her in the room, then returned with a carton that she guessed she could call a first aid kit.

  “I need to settle things with my Sub-Com, then find out how things are going with Com Cen. I want you to stay here. I will bring you some food. The paste in that tube will heal your foot.”

  She cleaned up her foot. She found that the paste worked wonders. She almost saw the cut healing. She took a shower. She was sorry she had no clean clothes, but she had an idea. He had a couple of soft bags sitting on a table. She looked in one and found several of his soft shirts. She searched until she found one without any of the marks on it. She slipped it over her head. It was large. It fell down almost to her knees and that was exactly what she needed.

  It was hours her time before he returned with several white boxes. He stopped to look at her in his shirt.

  “I am a little short of clothes. Are you poor, where you can’t afford clothes for your slave? Surely, there is some type of proper apparel that I can wear without breaking rules.”

  He set the boxes down. “Actually, I am very rich, so I have brought you food. Also, I happen to like what you have put on—it covers you up, but I think it will let me get to you easy.” He turned his back on her.


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