Twins’ Slave

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Twins’ Slave Page 11

by M. Garnet

  She did open her eyes when a hand went around one breast. The hot large hand began to play with the tight point that had formed. It seemed that her breast had just begged for the hand that took control of it, the hand first enjoying the full feel of the flesh in the mound, then a finger and thumb around the point, turning a twist. There was a little pain that she felt bring a sharp instant flash of heat, in tune with the lightning over the waters, from the breast to the center of her womanhood to the fingers teasing her clit.

  She closed her eyes when the rain got too much for her to see, but when the moist fingers came back to her anus, moving around it slowly, she stiffened between the two hard bodies. “No, no.” She wasn’t sure if she said the words out loud, because the next words were “Yes, yes.” She knew that was out loud.

  A finger was inserted into the tight area. She clinched all her lower muscles, hips, thighs, stomach and anything in between.

  Leant moved her legs, spreading her more and then she felt his large cock against her opening. He rubbed it on the moisture, slipping the head in and she shuddered, but he stopped with the small penetration. “Let your muscles relax, it will not hurt as much. Rapture will set in, let it take over.” He was whispering, his hot breath on her ear, the water rolling down his hair and onto her neck. He moved into her only a short and slow push, but still not far into the depth of her channel, which was actually gripping what was inside her at this point.

  She felt a second finger inserted at her anus. The two moved and were stretching her in an area that was not used to being stretched. Again, just as her muscles had started to relax, she couldn’t help it, she jerked everything tight, rejecting the movement.

  Again Leant whispered, his hot breath almost setting a fire in her ear and sending a hot movement of blood down her veins in her neck. “Relax little one, you can do it, think of the fulfillment that is coming, the reward after the pain. Ride the discomfort like the storm rides over the trees. Feel my fingers.” He was brushing his fingers on her clit and she rode up, unable to help her body from needing to rush to a climax, but not getting there unless his fingers took the necessary steps to let her roll over the top.

  She could not really think of anything with Leant whispering and working her body. She was no longer controlling it—Leant was the master of her body, until she felt the stretching of her rear, her cheeks pulled apart and a large spear being pushed into her rectum, too large, too painful, too much. She cried out as she felt like she was being split in half as Leant also pushed upward and she was almost unconscious, seeing blackness behind her eyes.

  She could not help it, the pain shot through her. She sank her nails into Leant’s shoulders as she shuddered, but then the red pain began to change as the two men worked in tandem. The red pain began to turn to red pleasure and this too was too much. Pain and pleasure twisted through her and she felt an orgasm hit her, but as she hit the top, she felt the release, then over the pain she felt the relief. Still she felt the build of another. She wasn’t sure she could pull any air in. She knew the men were pounding into her faster and faster, but she was hardly aware of that, as the climax took her higher. She willed it to hit her, to release her, the need to reach that next climax more painful than the fullness of the men as they moved in her body.

  She felt that the men were approaching their own high point, but she was just wrapped up in the intense need to have another release, she was so wound up around the key points of her body, her breasts, her cunt, her anus and thighs, her neck and the ear that Leant was still breathing so heavy against. She was now praying out loud for the climax, not even aware that she was no longer able to scream as her throat was raw. She knew that her body was milking the large male organs in her as if they were a part of her and needed caressing. She was pulling and ripping them with her internal muscles. But also something was happening in her mind. She was in the mind of the two men. She shut that out, as it frightened her.

  At last she felt the release of both men drown her as it pushed her over. The climax shuddered down and up her entire body, breaking from that center point where the two men were attached to her and flashing out in heat and electricity. Every muscle in her gave up and she was able to slip into blackness away from their bodies and their minds.

  Chapter Eleven

  The three of them lay on the rich dark ground with heavy rain washing down over them. Mind talk was shared, but who said what?

  Bless every God. I don’t think I will be able to walk again.

  Walk? I am thinking I will not be able to crawl until morning.

  Is she okay?

  Heavy arms slowly untangled her to lay her face down onto Bleak, who had finally stretched out on his back. Leant checked out her pulse, a few vital spots including a tiny bit of blood at her anus which he licked away as she slowly parted her legs and dropped one on each side of Bleak’s wide body. He turned, stretched out, and brought his shoulders up against Bleak. He laid the back of his head against her soft round bottom, gathering her leg on that side to pull it over his shoulder so that he could play with her tiny toes.

  She is sleeping. She will need to replace her minerals again. What was the vegetable or fruit she was talking about? We need to get a supply in for her or find out if there is a replacement in a pill or liquid form. This was mostly Leant’s mind.

  You think? I was thinking the way her body took from me, us, that we were going to need some supplements. Bleak’s mind wandered within Leant’s.

  There was a smile on Leant’s face as he watched the storm off in the distance as it had finally passed them. Well, you could just leave her with me. That way with only one of us, she could go twice as long.

  He was glad there weren’t any animal droppings in the area and that Bleak could only find some wet loam to fling at his stomach, mentally. He lay, laughing as he slowly gathered the dirt and leaves off his body.

  I think it is a good idea to take her to the reception, but why the Council meeting? This was Leant, always the worrier.

  Calmly, Bleak, the planner intertwined in Leant’s mind. Well, she will be a good distraction and mislead some people. Showing off a rich gem lets others totally get the wrong idea about you. There will be some trying to figure how to obtain her. Some trying to figure out how we got her in the first place.

  OK. I get it, like Councilman TamTen and his collection of animals. I don’t even think he knows what some of them really are he just enjoys watching what happens when one of them acts up. I know he is pleased that they like us, the old deceiver. We would never let him know that we talk to their minds before we stick our hands out for them to bite.

  They heard the flyer overhead. This time, they saw the package that was dropped. They knew that the heat sensors were picking up the grouping of their bodies. Leant got up to retrieve the package that included clothes, soft shoes and a communicator. They made contact with the pilot instructing him to return at daylight to pick them up off the cliff top.

  Bleak, along with your emotions, underneath, I felt something else. I was so deep into my own body’s response that it is only now that I know it was not me and it wasn’t you.

  There actually was silence between the two minds for a moment.

  Finally, Bleak let open his mind. You think she is emoting?

  I am thinking more on the line that she is opening up our two minds on a level that hasn’t happened before. When we are joined through her, we are able to become as one even tighter than before. We must think about this. Leant was standing over his brother and the female, but he was staring into the eyes that matched his. He watched as those eyes began to search within.

  I have been with more females than you.” Bleak had his mind half shuttered. It is expected when you are with the service that you indulge with your men. Most of the time it was just to release tension like a bodily function. I had a couple of ties that lasted for a short time. I always attributed the lack of real feelings to the fact that you and I were separated.
Now, I don’t know. I am feeling some type of draw to this female. He put his large arms around the sleeping woman on his chest. I have never felt like this about anyone except you. More to the point, no female does what she does.

  Wow, the wild bachelor. Well, I have some other plans. You resign from the service and I will leave the University, we devote our time to the Council and running not only this planet, but this sector. I think it is time we become the true twin Dissnue. I will cut my hair and we will dress as we used to, alike. We will play the game of answering and attending so that no one except those very close to us will know the difference, if there is a difference. Leant was sharing, but he also thought to himself that there was already a difference.

  * * * *

  Lorelei was dimly aware of being wrapped in a warm blanket. She felt her body being passed back and forth between the strong arms of the brothers. When she was pulled against a broad chest she would slip into sleep and when she was passed she would wait, eyes barely open, too tired. Her body was too sore to respond, she just waited for the other’s strong arms and warm chest so that she could go back to sleep. She knew which body she was against by the mind.

  Eventually, she was in a bed and could curl up. Someone tucked covers over her so she fell into a deep restful sleep. When she woke up, she felt like she could eat everything that was in the house. She turned over and poked her head out from under the covers. The first thing she saw was Tet sitting cross-leg on the foot of the bed.

  “Hi, the Rie’s have forgiven me and I can still serve you. They are the most wonderful men in the universe. What can I get you?”

  Lorelei looked at the child as she pushed herself up, but then realized she had no clothes on. “Tet, why would they forgive you? I was the one who ran away.” She pulled the top cover up under her chin.

  “I should have told you about the dangers of the forest.” The little girl spoke with such sadness that anyone would forgive her.

  Lorelei sighed, knowing she wasn’t going to understand. “Well, I need to clean my teeth and I am really hungry.”

  Tet jumped up with a smile. “I have everything you need in the refresh room there and while you get cleaned I will get food.”

  Lorelei did find everything she needed including a large drying cloth to wrap around her so that she could go to her small room to choose clothes to dress. As she went through the main room she saw Tet ordering a couple of stewards to place trays of food on a low table. It was obvious the child was enjoying her roll of power, no matter how limited it might be.

  Lorelei put on exercise pants with a matching top. She found a pair of soft shoes and came out to eat. At first she was over whelmed by all that Tet had supplied, but she soon found her appetite was more than she’d guessed. She worked her way through a great deal of the strange dishes.

  “Tet, I don’t know how long I was sleeping, but I feel I need to do some exercises. We could move the furniture to give me the room I need. Would that be allowed?”

  Tet looked at her for a moment, but finally showed a big smile. “The medical came and saw you. He decided you needed rest so he gave you shots of some types of vitamins an’ minerals an’ something to let you sleep. You have been asleep for two whole days since your return. We have an exercise room. Come.”

  So they went down and followed a wide hall to through a wide doorway. Sure enough, with a great view of the sea, there was a room set up for any type of physical work out, including all types of machines that would help pressure and stress muscles. There were areas set aside for people to work out against each other in pairs. Some men were in this region stripped down to what looked like briefs, working out on machines. She even saw a couple striking against each other.

  The room was large and cool. She went over away from the men to mats near the windows. Tet was so close that if she had stopped too fast Tet, would have tripped into her.

  “Look, you can sit right here at the side and let me work. You will find this boring as I just take a pose, then hold it, pushing my muscles to strengthen them. I also try to block out all outside interferences, so please do not talk to me. Understand?” She smiled as she explained to Tet. She kicked off her shoes.

  Tet nodded and settled down at the side looking around carefully.

  Lorelei sat down, brought the soles of her feet together and drew her heels back as close as she could to her body, keeping her knees to the mat. She then put her palms together with her fingers under her chin. She sat relaxed, then began to regulate her breathing, slowly pressing in on her palms and on her feet without moving any part of her body out of alignment until she felt she would start to shake and then she released a little, but kept her muscles tight. She held for the pose for a count.

  Lorelei then wanted to do the Lunge Pose, so very slowly she only moved her hands down at each side on the mat trying not to lower her shoulders. Slowly she drew one leg behind her between her arms. She bent the knee of the other leg so that she tucked her foot and knee so that she could set on it. She then pushed the other leg behind her out as far as she could, stretching it straight out behind. She tilted her head back and arched her back so that she was curved over her back extended leg, raising the arm on that side, lifting it over her head, letting it help draw the curve. She was thinking of a connection between her hand and the foot.

  Tet applauded. “Wow. That is really beautiful, you look like a dancer.”

  Without opening her eyes, Lorelei frowned at Tet for breaking her concentration. “Shhh, Tet. I am trying to focus.” She arched until she felt the strain in her stomach as it was pulled and the leg that was straight behind. She held for the count then slowly relaxed. Almost in slow motion she straightened up, pulled both legs under her to sit on her heels, then put her other leg behind her and reversed the pose, holding it for the count.

  Lorelei finished the count, letting her muscles relax as she thought what she might do next. She drew her knees under her, sitting on her heels. She spread her knees and feet apart and put her left hand on her left heel. She pulled her right hand toward the ceiling, let her head fall back, slowly lifted her chest and her stomach, followed at last by her pelvic all outward and upward, forming a curved arch, making an elegant backbend. She pushed until she felt the muscles of her stomach pull and her spine compress. She held it until she heard Tet let out a squeak. She opened her eyes to see Leant glaring down at her with Tet in his arms.

  She collapsed backwards onto the mat, her feet under her bottom. She didn’t know what to do, so she just lay there and looked at him.

  Holding Tet and looking at her, Leant spoke in an authoritative voice. “In the future, whenever the female of the twin Dissnue comes to the exercise area, all people are to evacuate and not return until she leaves. There will be severe repercussions for anyone breaking this rule. Leave and pass the word.”

  Between his legs, Lorelei saw the men who were in the room start for the door, rushing to get out. But what had surprised her was that they had seemed to be closer to her than when she had started her workout.

  He set Tet down. “You did good, Tet. Go to your lessons now. You can help the lady with her clothes tomorrow. I will stay to escort her back.”

  Lorelei was shocked to see him place a kiss on the girl’s forehead as he set the child down. The child raced around him and out the door.

  “So this is a form of exercise. How does it work?”

  She sat up slowly on her heels, looking down at her hands. She was aware that he moved around the mat and took a seat on a bench by the window, placing his back against the clear wall. He stretched his long legs out toward her.

  She cleared her throat. “It is a combination. It both relaxes and strengthens. It is important that the mind is cleared and you take a group of muscles to their point of stress, back off then hold, which will strengthen the muscle without damage. You then let your mind relax. Each pose has a name and a purpose.”

  “So continue and tell me the name as you
start the pose.” Leant’s voice was horse, but clean.

  She looked over at him. “I won’t be relaxed.”

  “You are saying you will not get the full benefit. But I will get some education, so continue.” He raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

  She refused to look at him as she gave a sigh. She tried to think of poses that he would be able to get into. Maybe not anything sexual, because she thought some of the others might be what had got her in trouble.

  She rose. “This is called Humble Crescent Moon.” She stepped in a sideways pose, extending one leg straight to the side. Then bending the other one to the other side, she leaned down over it raising her arm up over her head to make one long line from the extended leg up her ribs and her arm to her hand pointing at the moon. “This helps the muscles of the ribs.”

  Raising to a standing position, trying to ignore his eyes burning on her as she stood back up with her feet still planted apart. “This is Triangles to Deep Lunge. It helps back muscles.” She bent at the hips. With straight legs and a straight back she raised one arm up toward the ceiling. The other arm went down to touch the toe of the foot she was bending over.

  As Lorelei rose, she placed both feet together and with knees locked, she said. “This is a Spine Twist to Lunge.” She stooped over and grabbed her ankles, placing her head on her knees. She then walked her hands on the floor out about a foot. She placed one hand over the other and turned over her shoulders, giving a small twist up through her back. She then reversed the twist to the other side. Then, to relax the muscles, she kept her legs stiff, slowly walking her hands out further, making a tent of her body, everything from her hips to her hands in one straight line as one half of the inverted V and her hips to her feet the other half of the inverted V.


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