Twins’ Slave

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Twins’ Slave Page 12

by M. Garnet

  Suddenly, she was pulled off her feet as her bottom was pulled against Leant’s hips. His hot breath was on her ear as another hand was around her shoulder as he pulled her up against him, because of his height, her feet off the floor. “We will finish the exercise in my room.” They were moving toward the door.

  “Wait.” She struggled. “I will come with you, just give me some dignity. Let me walk.”

  He stopped, letting her feel his erection before he released her. “Don’t slow down.” He pushed her ahead of him. He indicated which way to the mover, staying behind her. They were almost running. With the look on his face and the fact that they were moving fast, everyone kept out of their way, pressing up against the walls to let them pass.

  Off the mover, he kept his hand on her bottom as he moved her in the direction of their suite. They were through the doors, but here, he had her up and in his arms as he was heading for one of the large sitting lounges. He was pulling her pants off as he pushed her back.

  In a hurry, brother? You know we get to keep her. Bleak came out of his bedroom feeling the emotions from his twin, watching with a grin as Leant was obviously not able to mount the female fast enough.

  She showed me her exercises. He had her pants off and his down around his ankles. He turned her over, pulled her on her knees, and was in her, but to ease his guilt, he reached around her leg. He began to play with her clit that caused her to immediately respond with a deep moan as she pushed back. He knew she was fighting her feelings, not him, but his own rush had been building from the time in the room below. There wasn’t time now to be able to hold back, so he pushed and brought her up and they both came quickly together.

  Breathing heavy, sweat on both bodies, they collapsed together on the cushions. Bleak leaned over the back of the lounge and looked down at the two exhausted bodies. That must have set a record.

  Leant raised a middle finger on one large hand that seemed universal no matter what civilization one went to or what language one spoke. He rolled sideways and pulled Lorelei into his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She drew up her knees and he put a large leg over her body, then looked up at Bleak.

  I am lost. Bleak, she is not our slave, we are hers, what are we to do? Leant let out a deep sigh with the mind thoughts as he held the female tightly.

  There was a signal that someone was at the door of the suite. “Hey, you two, the barber is here to make us look like twins.” Bleak smiled over his words as he watched as the two scurry to get clothes in place.

  Lorelei took a bath and got dressed. She and Tet sat to watch the two men get haircuts and clothes for the rest of the day. The two girls giggled as the two men argued over colors and pants. It seemed that one preferred long pants and one liked pants that stopped in the middle of the calf. They took hours to decide if they should wear only white most of the time except for special occasions or if they should have colors.

  Finally, with many tailors plus their helpers, material all over the suite and the two brothers off in their own rooms, evidently talking to each other in their weird mental way as they ignored everyone else, someone came in who could take control.

  An old man with a great deal of dignity and for whom everyone immediately got out of the way now entered the suite. Tet immediately stood up and lowered her head. She clasped her hands in front of her. Lorelei looked around and saw that everyone else was also standing in the same position. She noticed the two brothers had come out of their rooms and were standing, not in the attention manner, but with some respect in their respective doorways.

  “Who is the head tailor?” He looked around at the mess.

  A man with his hands full, stepped forward. “I am, Diss Dee. I am sorry, but there is confusion as to what pleases the young lords.”

  “Don’t worry, tailor, get your helpers out of here with your products. I will provide you with details of what we need.”

  He turned his back and paid them no more attention, but Lorelei watched the workers rush to pick up every scrap as they headed out the door.

  He walked over to the barber. “Who are you?”

  “Sir, I am the barber.” This man would not raise his eyes and spoke so quietly that Lorelei almost could not hear him.

  The older man looked at the twins. “Your job looks to be done and seems to be satisfactory. You are dismissed.”

  “Thank you, sir.” These were said over his shoulder as the barber headed gratefully toward the outside hallway, passing some of the tailor’s helpers.

  Dee looked at the two twins and shook his head. He looked over at where Tet stood. Lorelei was sitting beside her. This senior man smiled as he approached them. Lorelei decided she should stand as he approached.

  “Lady Lorelei, I am Dee, and unfortunately I contributed to raising the brothers. May I see the bracelet?” He waited as she raised her hand. He took it like a gentleman and very carefully looked at the bracelet closely. “It is a beautiful rendition. We haven’t had a bracelet in the family since the boy’s great grandmother. She was also a beautiful woman.”

  Lorelei looked at the top of his head as he examined the bracelet. It took a moment for his words to sink in. She was wondering if the translator had said it correctly.

  “Excuse me, sir, did you say that the great grandmother of the twins was also a slave?” She waited, holding her breath to see what he would say.

  He had let go of her hand since he was looking at Tet. “Well, Tet, you have extra responsibilities, how is your schooling?”

  “Sir, I love my new assignment. My teachers say I am doing very good. I will ask them to send you a report.”

  “Yes, do that. I am pleased to follow your progress.” He patted her shoulder and turned back to Lorelei.

  “Sorry, Lady Lorelei, yes. The Lady KeViem was a slave that was acquired in a battle. She was a rare gem and has been kept and revered. She had five children that surrounded her since she lived a long life.”

  “So she was given her freedom?” Lorelei looked at him.

  He raised his eyes to look out at the ocean. His eyes wandered over to the brothers, who had not moved. Finally, he looked back at her.

  “No, my lady, slaves are never given their freedom. But there are some spirits that are always free. The wrist of Lady KeViem held a bracelet, but nothing could enslave her spirit. We were lucky that she was part of our family.”

  He turned away from her. She was glad he wasn’t looking at her any longer because she realized her mouth was open. She sat back down, not sure her legs would hold her. She watched him as he approached the two men.

  “We need a meeting, now that you have decided to actually be twin Dissnue. Be in the offices as soon as you are dressed.” Before he was out the door, he looked back and added, “Bring the Lady Lorelei.” He was gone and the silence was amazing.

  The two men went back in their rooms to change and she looked at Tet. “I need to dress in something more refined for a business meeting. I need your advice.”

  In a few minutes, she came out in a long sheath that was sleeveless, but went to the floor. It closed down one side from neck to shoulder, then under the arm to the hem. There were closures that just held by touching each other. She had Tet close all of them except the last two at the bottom to make walking easier. She put on shoes that had high soles that were almost three inches, but seemed easy to walk in. She caught her hair with a ribbon in a tail at her neck, then felt she was done.

  When she was ready, she came out and she and Tet stopped to stare. The two brothers were identical, dressed alike down to shoes and up to which button was open at the neck of their white shirts. The haircut was the same. When she entered, they turned with the same motion and it was like watching one man in a mirror except he was not in reverse. They were standing facing each other, so close their faces were almost touching. They had their hands held up and were flat against each other. Then, they lowered them and turned as one to face her.

  Tet stopped
, lowered her head and held her hands in front of her as she bowed. “My Lady, may I present the twin Dissnue of GigasVnee.”

  Lorelei didn’t know what to say so she just stared, trying to see if there was anything that would tell her which man was which. She was sure when they moved she would know from the walk, but when they went toward the door to lead her to the meeting, they moved identically. This was wrong. This was the same person in two bodies, but it was more than a person. Something had changed over the last hour within the two men and made them into something she did not understand.

  Lorelei followed the men, allowing her to discover a few things. Tet didn’t come with them, so she was alone following them. She watched them carefully and saw no difference in them. As they stepped forward the walk was identical, the swing of their arms, the tilt of their shoulders, the grip of their hands were all the same. Sometimes they didn’t look in the same direction, but she felt this was like of a two-headed animal able to check out everything. She felt goose bumps on her arms at this thought. She also noticed that not only did everyone try to move out of the way, but most bowed and no one moved until they had passed.

  They waited on the mover for her. She slipped between them where she could lean against the back wall. She saw them looking into each other’s eyes and had the feeling that they were communicating. This time when the doors opened, the room was right across a wide hall. There were guards in uniform who were standing at attention. One opened the door and the three of them entered a room that had several more guards, all at attention.

  Another set of doors opened up. They entered a door of a room set up for a meeting room or office. The back wall was the usual clear view of the ocean with the dark waves. There was a large table on one side with many chairs around it. On the other side was a large desk. Diss Dee sat behind it with piles of work tablets in front of him.

  The two brothers took the two large chairs in front of the desk, but they pushed the chairs apart and indicated to one of the guards to bring a chair between them. Lorelei stood for a moment until that seat was brought in, then she took the seat.

  Dee indicated he wanted privacy, so the guards left, closing the doors. He sat and looked at the men then he looked out at the storm that was moving in.

  “So, I have copies of your resignations.” He held up a couple of tablets. “It will cause a great deal of turmoil for not only your home world, but the entire Federation to find that the twin Dissnue is complete. That is the message that you sent, and it is what I see in front of me now. So in some camps, this is a declaration of war. How serious do you think this will be?”

  There was silence for a moment, with no movement from the two men on each side of her.

  “For us, it will be interesting. For the family, it will be dangerous so we must protect everyone as they will try to go after anyone that might mean something to us. We will need to make sure we know our Family Guard Force is loyal, but it wouldn’t take long for us to examine the troops.”

  She sat silently, listening, trying to absorb what was being said. The men took turns speaking and finishing sentences. She was surprised that it did not take her long to fall into their rhythm as they spoke.

  “Diss Dee, you will be one of the first targets as well as the head of our FGF who has been with us for so long. You will have to curtail you outside activities and have extra guards.”

  She wondered how others would react to the joint speech of the twins.

  Dee turned and looked at all three of them closely and laughed. “I am too old to change my habits because of a few threats. Besides, if you two are going to find this interesting, so will I. So you are going to take over the Council, the planet and then this district. You will need some political support.” He moved some tablets, but not to look for anything, just to have something to do with his hands.

  “And what are the plans to protect the Lady Lorelei?”

  She looked up at him, but she was more surprised as two hands instantly reached over in the same motion and closed, one on each leg.

  “She will be with us at all times.” This was two voices in unison and very deep.

  Dee looked at her, studying her face intently. “I apologize if it seems that I must talk about you as if you are not here, but it is important that you hear all of this, as you are an important part of everything. In fact, you may have been the catalyst that started this whole affect.”

  The older wise man sat back. He looked up at the ceiling. She felt the hands on her legs as warm, but no increase in pressure. She couldn’t resist glancing up, but the ceiling was dark. There was only a dancing of shadows from the sea.

  He stood up to move around to sit on the desk so that he was closer to the three of them.

  “My sons, we all knew this would come sometime. But we never considered a slave bracelet to be part of it. She has had the trauma of being yanked away from her home and friends. She maybe even lost some family. She is in the middle of a world she does not begin to understand. I’m not going to question, but my guess is that she is having sex with two men. I think that this is probably not something normal in her life. She is a slave. That means she has no freedom, no choice, everything in her life is determined by you two. This is for someone who was independent and free and held a good position in her world.”

  She looked at him closely, aware that he was only talking to the men.

  “Now, she is faced with an entity that most of us hold in reverence or fear or a little of both. On top of that, you are planning on taking over a portion of the Federation, so she will see you performing unheard of feats. I trust that your plans for yourselves are under control, but have you thought out everything about the bracelet”

  She was doing what he had said early on, listening, absorbing and trying to learn. She found that she resented the fact that she had been relegated to a title of an object, bracelet. So there was a difference in the two men. They had changed, and it was into something she didn’t understand. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Down deep inside her she felt she understood them, that she was growing with them. She became aware that the hands on her legs had tightened, not enough to be painful, but enough to keep her in the seat in case she was thinking of moving.

  “She will be with us at all times. She can handle this, we know her inside, and we will try to shield her mind if things get too much. She will be the mother of the family heirs. She carries the first within her now. She will be with us at all times.” Two voices, one set of words.

  Now, she knew why they had tightened their hold. She was pregnant. If the pressure had not been on her legs, she would have been out of the chair, out of the door. She would be racing down the hallway before she took in her next breath. She wondered what was showing on her face. She wondered if she was going to faint. However, she was determined not to show any reaction in front of the older man. He really seemed concerned for her, and she needed one ally in this world.

  Dee looked at her and she thought she saw some sympathy in his eyes. At last, he got up as he moved back behind his desk. “So what is first?”

  “We will move to our father’s suite. Have the big Sunrise bed moved into the room, as we will all sleep together. We want a parade of our FGF so that we can examine for any traitors or anyone who has doubts. Have the officers near us, we can examine them first. We can indicate to them the ones they will need to remove and the ones they will need to watch. We will go on with the reception here. That will introduce us to the heads of state that attend and the word will spread quickly. We will attend the Council and take our place as leader. We will need a show of force, but it must not be heavy handed, just one to show that we do have arms, so we need to obtain a Federation ship. We know who will command it, our second in command, Baloko. We need the proper dress to make sure they know who we are, so make sure it matches our father’s dress uniform. We go now to get ready. Have the military set up as soon as possible.“

  By this time she was almost numb
from the information she was getting. The hands had eased up on her legs, but she wouldn’t have moved, not wanting to disturb what was going on now that she was past her shock. In fact she wasn’t sure what was going on. Sometimes they both spoke together, their voices blending, sometimes one spoke and the other finished. If Dee moved, they both moved in unison to watch him, but there were times when they looked in different directions, one looking out the window wall, one looking at the closed door.

  They stood and she became aware that her knees were shaking. She didn’t want anyone to see her fear or her anger so she took a second to pull a mental wrap that let her take control of her body. She straightened her shoulders and looked up to find two pairs of green eyes looking down at her in approval. Looking up into the eyes, she saw that they had changed. They were still like green glass, but she noticed a gold inner circle around the black center that had not been there before. She knew it because in the sex and after, she had fallen into the eyes of both, and the green glass with the gold now looked like the glass of the windows in churches from her home, tiny pieces fitted together with minute black tracings.

  She followed them out of the rooms to the hallway with everyone at attention. They stopped as the twins looked down the hallway.

  “What are these rooms?” One of them asked a Guard standing in the hallway. The Guard had a look of panic on his face, but he stepped forward, not looking the twins directly in the face.

  “Sires, these are extra bunk rooms for lower officers.”

  “Who does this first one belong to?”

  “Sires, it is not assigned at present.”

  “We need to use it, stand guard until we come out.” One of them used the entrance panel that opened the door. The other one stood back to let her enter. He followed her, closing the door. She looked around. It was a small cabin with no back window, a wall of drawers and a small cleaning room with a toilet on one end, and a large bunk on one wall.

  She stopped wondering why they were here. A small stab of fear began to move through her stomach. She turned to the one behind her. “How do you know I am pregnant?”


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