Twins’ Slave

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Twins’ Slave Page 13

by M. Garnet

  “We know these things now.” She heard the words coming from both mouths and she turned and looked up at the other man, but she also heard part of it in her mind. She was conflicted because she had no idea who she was looking at. Then she saw it, a slight movement of the head toward her, and she knew who she was looking at.


  There was silence and then Bleak had a little smile. “Are you sure?” This was from behind her, but she continued to look at Bleak.

  “Yes, I am sure, but you think no one else will be able to see the difference. I think you are right. No one else will know the difference.”

  She felt Bleak began to remove her dress, pulling the tabs open while Leant, who she was looking at, answered her.

  “We know they can’t. It has been proven over the long time, that once the twin Dissnue joins, they no longer are separate. What confuses us is that you see something that tells you there is a difference. But to the best of our knowledge, no twin has ever had females. They died without direct heirs. With you, we are setting a new trail, although no one believes the records on the other twin Dissnue since they are always just what others observed since none of the twins would ever allow themselves to be tested. None of them left personal records although several of them were in positions of great power before they retired. There are only the records of others that observed them or what they achieved.”

  She felt Leant take hold of her arms as he leaned down to whisper to her. “Do not fear. We need to know something.”

  She felt Bleak put a piece of material over her eyes. She flinched to have her sight cut off, but she took a deep breath. She didn’t fight, just stood waiting, trying to control her body like she would in her exercises. She felt her dress removed, the short chemise pulled down over her arms. It fell down, followed by her panties as one twin knelt at her feet to remove her clothes and shoes but helped her maintain her stance.

  With strong male hands on her ankles and another pair on her shoulders, she was picked up as the two men placed her on the bunk. She felt a mouth close over her own mouth. It was a gentle warm kiss. She opened her mouth, enjoying the deep soft kiss of who she thought was Leant. She felt her legs being spread and a soft mouth trailing soft wet kisses up her inner thigh to reach her female lips. She didn’t resist, letting her body react as it always did, except this time she did not fight it. In her mind she didn’t fight herself over the soft lovemaking from the two men, she allowed herself to enjoy this for a change and not fight her own body.

  Suddenly, the mouth on her lower lips tickled the nub that was filling with blood with its need for attention. She became aware of something. The mouth on her womanhood was the soft lips of Leant, but the mouth slowing teasing her inner mouth was also Leant. She first froze, fighting her body and letting her mind examine the information she was receiving. She was sure both mouths belonged to Leant. She had experienced the kisses of both men, repeatedly, and she was sure.

  She finally began to push, needing to pull off the blindfold, but someone was holding her arms down. Leant’s mouth didn’t leave hers. She fought to get a deep breath. She felt him shift as he finally lifted his head. Now, she could draw air in, but she felt him move between her legs. His large cock was at her opening. He slowly worked the large head into her wet core. She gasped then he was in. He sank deeper and deeper. She felt full and the coarse hair at the top of his member rubbed against her clit. There was no thinking anymore as she built to a climax. The large male member filled her and moved in, then out, beginning to really pump against her.

  She pulled her feet up, spreading her legs to allow the feeling of his body against her as he built toward his own climax. She went with him. She felt the muscles in her breast, stomach and legs tighten up as she knew she was close to slipping through. She felt the shudders of Leant’s large cock. He reached down to place his thumb on that point of hers that was crying for attention. She moaned as she climaxed, feeling him as he poured his hot seed deeply into her. At last, he fell down on the side of her.

  She lay there, enjoying the afterglow of satisfaction. The blindfold was removed. She saw Bleak lying beside her, breathing hard, sweat drying on his chest, the blindfold in his hand. Her eyes widened and she looked around and found Leant leaning against a desk across the room with his ankles crossed, his hands and arms braced behind him on the cabinet.

  “So you saw a difference when you looked at us, but without seeing you could not tell a difference.” Leant didn’t move and she didn’t like the fact that he did not show any emotions.

  “You were in my mind, you bastard.” She jumped up, went into the bathroom, and stepped into the shower, allowing the water to wash off the smell of sex. She came out and let the blower dry her. Feeling able to face the two men, she came out looking for her clothes.

  Leant helped her dress as Bleak went into the shower.

  “Lorelei, we did not enter your mind to influence you. We left you with the knowledge that I started out kissing you and waited to see if you could tell when Bleak took over. We think we need to know more about your reactions to us, since we are breaking new ground. We feel a connection with you that tells us that you are completing us. Now, we need to go. We need to examine our troops, and there is the reception to get ready for as we need to consider who might be coming into the compound.”

  “Wait.” She did not move. “Leant, did you stay in Bleak’s mind when he changed places with you?”

  The twins looked at each other before there was a mutual answer. “Yes.”

  She nodded. “I am beginning to feel some mental connection. Your contact with Bleak left the heavy impression that you were still with me. That was because you were still with me.” She nodded again and led the way from the room. Two pairs of green eyes studied her as they walked the halls.

  Chapter Twelve

  She sat between them at a table placed on a high platform as the household troops showed fealty to the new royalty. First, they talked to the Captain. They spent some time as they related to him that they would indicate anyone who should be removed. They would also choose anyone who should be placed close to the family.

  They first accepted the oath of fealty from the officers. Two of them, they called forward. They told the two men that they appreciated their service, but that they would be transferred to the city. Then, to the Captain they pointed to another man that they indicated he should be moved to be in charge of the Guard that would protect Diss Dee.

  She was aware of the glances she got, but mostly the eyes were avoiding the twins, but trying to show gratitude to be in the FGF of such important people. She was surprised that there were almost 100 people in the Guard. A few of them were women.

  It was a long day as the troops came up in front of the table in groups of ten. A list was handed to the twins from a man assigned to them by the Captain. This man stood below the table, but still on a step above the troops. Each group did a salute that the twins did not return, but they did nod at each group as they left. About half way through the list, the twins turned to her. They had been at it for a long time and she was trying hard not to move in the chair.

  “Captain, have everyone stand down for a short time. Our Lady needs the use of some privacy and we also need some refreshments. See that refreshments are set up outside for the troops at the same time.”

  There was that strange voice, both talking or one or the other finishing the sentence. They moved together and she knew they waited for her to follow so she hurried. There was a room available for them just a few steps behind the area where they had been sitting, They let her use the bathroom first, for which she was grateful.

  “Can I ask you guys a couple of questions?”

  There was a nod of yes as one was in the bathroom with the door open and the other was close to her.

  “Why am I here?”

  “We are making a statement to everyone that you are our Concubine and we are protecting you.”

; She knew that it was Leant beside her.

  “So far, you haven’t found anyone who is a threat to your family among your Guards except the man you transferred, right?”

  There was silence and she figured they were talking to each other as Bleak came out. She wondered if she should tell them that she knew who was who right now but decided to keep quiet about the identities.

  Bleak answered. “We actually have found many and we are very concerned. We can’t explain how so many who are not loyal got into our Guard except the fact that we took so long to become a part of it ourselves. We were manipulated to keep us apart and away from the family.”

  She thought about this as there was a beep and a servant brought in a tray that held drinks and plates of fruit with small slices of meat. They ate quickly, taking drinks back with them as they returned to their seats.

  Late in the day they finally finished. The Captain instructed the officers to dismiss all the Guards. Although he had to be tired, he still turned to the twins for instructions, presenting a strong military stance.

  “There are two males and one female who need to be arrested. They will need to be put in cells with no communication with each other. Make sure that Guards over them are some you can depend on. We will be the only ones to interrogate them, so make sure they are kept isolated.”

  The Captain called a man over and with a whisper gave him instructions, then he turned back to the table.

  “You will need to restock the Guards. Almost half are unreliable. It is not your fault, but someone has been at work either putting in new traitors or buying out some of our older troops. Use the same intel machines that the Federation Service uses to make sure they know mentally who the people are orientated toward.”

  The Captain frowned, but nodded in a positive manner. “Sires, I will not rest until we only have loyal people on this crokteam.”

  “We know what you will do and we appreciate it.”

  * * * *

  The new suite was opulent and large. The window wall took her breath away as the rooms were taller. All the rooms were set up to have some portion exposed to the dark sea and the storms that were the life on this planet.

  The bedroom was huge. It had a new bed in the middle, along with several small rooms off to the sides that were combinations of storage, dressing, and closets. As she was looking around, she suddenly found Tet in one, carefully hanging up her clothes. She was surprised to find that she now had so many that the girl was humming as she made room for the different ones. The child was having fun arranging them in some order to suit her.

  “Oh, Lady Lorelei, look, we have so many clothes for you. Look, they are so beautiful. See here.” The girl was bubbling over as she pulled drawers open. She gladly waved Lorelei over to show her flat drawers full of jewels of all types. “Best of all, they have given me new clothes too. Look.” The girl twirled around in a soft dress that was a pretty yellow. It floated around her, matching the ribbons in her hair.

  No matter what had happened to her, the sweetness of this child did make her feel better just to know the child was in the same world that she was. She really needed to talk to Bleak and Leant about the girl. She needed to find out about her history and family. She wanted to make sure Tet was taken care of and remove this stigma of harm as a type of punishment. So much had happened in such a short time, but they had to know that she wouldn’t allow them to hurt this girl.

  They had some time to plan for two big events that Tet was more excited about than Lorelei. Actually Lorelei was dreading the events because she was feeling used. Tet taught her how to play a game using some type of small stones, but she soon realized that she could beat Tet each time.

  She went to the workout room but found that she was alone except for the watching eyes of a young girl. She felt guilty that she chased the men who were practicing as soon as she entered.

  Then, from sheer boredom, she and Tet were in the warehouse that held clothes. She was separated from Tet, more or less, on purpose. This way she found herself in among the men’s clothes. Since most of the shelves and hanging items were well over her head she discovered that she was alone for the first time in days. She was in an area that held uniforms and items for the troops.

  She just walked slowly, picking up an item before setting it back down when she heard two men talking. She decided she didn’t want to interfere so she turned down another aisle but this put her closer to the men. She was going to turn away when she heard one say to the other, “The only way to kill the twin is to kill Dee first.”

  She froze, holding her breath, sure that she hadn’t heard correctly. There were two men plotting the death of the man who had raised the twins, right here inside their house? She must be wrong. She waited to see if anything else was said in order to clear up what she had heard.

  “The theory says the twins can’t be killed once they are together. What good will it do to kill the old man?”

  “Lower you voice. How long do you have on your break before you must report back?”

  “I have to return now. But you haven’t explained, what happens after the old man is dead?”

  “It is one more block removed. As a trained Assassin sent here by Misrot himself, I will be able to catch one of them alone. Perhaps in the hallway or when that damnable slave is in the training room. With Dee dead, it will be one less pair of eyes watching. Plus it will undermine a lot of the Council members’ faith in their invincible position.”

  The voices were fading away as the men must have been walking away from her in order to return to their duties. She suddenly moved as fast as she could between the rows to get to anywhere that she might catch a glimpse of who they were, but she only saw in a distance a group of men leaving an outer door.

  There was a young woman working a table by that door. Lorelei turned and picked up a single glove from a stack and rolled it several times to make it look like it had been used and she went over to the young woman.

  “Excuse me.”

  The girl looked up and then bowed her head. “Mistress, how may I serve you?”

  Lorelei was a little shocked, since, evidently, everyone knew who she was.

  “There were two men down the aisle by me and one of them dropped this glove. I would like to return it. Did you notice anyone coming from that direction?” She pointed to the aisles she had been walking through.

  “Oh, yes, Duty Quardal Mai and the new man. I do not know his name, but his rank is also Quardal. I would be glad to get the item to him.”

  She smiled at the girl. “No, I have had the honor of reviewing the troops and I will see that he gets this.” Looking around to take the girl’s mind off the glove she pointed at some furs piled over at one side. “Are there any white furs in the piles?”

  “Oh yes, Mistress, should I pull them out?”

  “No, just have two sent up to the, uh, I don’t know what you call our rooms. Anyways, up to our rooms.” Lorelei felt she had done enough to cover her need to question the worker.

  The girl smiled. “They are now the Royal Apartments, Mistress. I will have the best two white furs sent up immediately.”

  Good to her word, Lorelei had hardly settled down when Tet arrived. The poor child was all flustered to have been separated from her, and then the furs arrived. Tet was thrilled with the rugs and had to move furniture around several times before she decided that they needed to be placed, one on each side of the large bed.

  “Tet, do you know where Bleak or Leant is, I need to talk to them.” Lorelei always spoke softly to the child.

  “Well, we can find them, but one does not interrupt the twin Dissnue.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  Tet jumped back and Lorelei realized she had yelled.

  “They are so important that one does not go to them, they will come to you, or they will command you to them.” Tet looked like she was going to cry.

  Lorelei took a deep breath. “Tet, I must tal
k to them now. So, you will tell me how to find them. You will go to the meal room and have an extra dessert on my orders. I am going to go and talk to them and I don’t want you to be blamed or found in fault in any way. Do you understand me?”

  Tet was crying now, her big eyes glistening with tears. “They are on the next floor up. There are many guards. You will not get close.”

  She leaned down and smiled at Tet. “Let me worry about that. Now, I have given you an order about dessert. Are you going to obey me?”

  Tet sniffled, nodded yes, and ran from the room.

  Lorelei took a moment to decide if she should change and then said, the hell with it and stamped out of the Royal Apartment—stupid name for sleeping quarters—and down to the mover—couldn’t call it an elevator or lift, since they moved in all directions. She took this up to the next floor. Yep, this was the place, guards everywhere.

  When the mover doors opened, two men immediately went to stop her. They stopped and looked puzzled when they saw who was getting off into the hallway. She looked up at them with a frown.

  “Take me to the twins immediately.” She hadn’t used that police officer voice in a long time. The two men didn’t move, but one of them spoke into a communicator.

  “Look, idiot, I don’t have time for you to talk it over with your boss, get out of the way.” She just pushed one of them aside, guessing that they would not put their hands on her. She headed in the direction of the most guards. She finally reached the end of the hallway that had a double door with two men who had drawn their weapons and were looking at her. They were also looking over her head. She guessed they were hoping someone in authority would come and help them.

  She reached for the door handle and one of them put his leg out to block her. She didn’t hesitate, but brought her foot and her entire weight against his knee, knowing he was so much larger and heavier that only surprise would be in her favor. He went over with a lot of noise and some words that didn’t translate, but by that time, she had the door opened and was entering the room.


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