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His Long Shot

Page 5

by Allyson Lindt

  Rae’s fingers twitched over her phone, but no reply came through.

  What was she thinking? She shot him a questioning look.

  Not quite what he’d hoped for. After lunch? Away from other ears?

  She gave him a faint nod.

  “If you have places you need to be, we won’t be offended if you take off.” Chloe interrupted the silent exchange.

  He looked up to find her staring at his phone. He pocketed it with a smile. “I have to wait for the other party to be free anyway.”

  Rae let out a sigh so soft, no one would hear it but him.

  Zach had misread Rae a few times since she arrived, but he was certain of one thing—she was interested.

  That didn’t mean what he was about to propose was a good idea, but he wasn’t willing to back down until he knew for certain.

  Chapter Five

  After lunch, Rae told her sister she just wanted to duck in and say hi to Scott. She wasn’t sure why she lied, but the flutter in her chest told her to keep this between her and Zach for now.

  Her flip-flopping stomach made her grateful she didn’t finish her salad. Zach emerged from his office just a few feet away, and she froze, heart slamming into her ribcage. He looked good. Better than good. Delicious might be a better word. He raised an eyebrow when he saw her.

  She swallowed, not sure what to say. He was just the guy her friends worked with. It wasn’t as if he mattered to her personally. The her of the past may have been madly in love with him, but current her had her own life, needs, and expectations. She wouldn’t let a couple of winks and soft touches muddy the distinction between then and now.

  You give him more leeway than you do anyone else.

  Okay, maybe she’d let it all matter a little bit. An hour into resolving to treat him like any other schmuck, and she was already failing.

  Not a bad thing.

  Wasn’t it?

  He nodded toward his door, speaking before she could figure out what to say. “You have time now?”

  “Sure.” She let out a tiny breath—at least she kept her voice steady—and followed him.

  He shut the door behind her. “For privacy. I hope that’s okay.”

  She nodded and took the chair across from his desk. For as brilliant as his programmers were, they could be some of the most immature gossips and children when they found an excuse. Whatever this was about, she didn’t need it to be their excuse.

  What was this about?

  “I like what you’ve done with the place.” She studied the decor. It was actually as boring as the front lobby: straight out of a catalog, from the black leather chairs to the primary colored modern art decorating the walls. The only hint of personality was a single photo frame on the back part of his desk. Even in the half-angle view she recognized Scott and him with copies of their very first game.

  “It does the job.” Instead of sitting, he leaned back against the desk, legs extended and crossed at the ankles. It kept him less than a foot away.

  She forced her gaze to his face. There was no reason to study the way his crossed arms accentuated a slender but firm chest. “So...”

  “Something needs to change.”

  “You’ll have to elaborate.”

  He drummed the fingers of his right hand on his left arm. “After all this time, I don’t even know why we’re holding on to any animosity.”

  She could point out they’d already gone through this and apologized. Tell him it wasn’t about animosity, because she didn’t have the type of feelings for him that made her notice whether or not there was friction between them. A whisper of something less defiant pointed her in a different direction. He knew the air wasn’t clear, regardless of what either of them said, and she’d been over him for years, so why were they masking old wounds trying to gouge them out at the same time? “You might have a point.”

  The corner of his mouth tugged up. “Did you just tell me I was right about something?”

  Her apprehension mingled with light amusement. “Rumor is you’re right about a lot of things.”

  “And we really can’t avoid each other forever.” He reached for the pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket but dropped his hand at the last minute.

  “Two successful meals hardly equals avoiding each other.”

  “Two in ten years.”

  She couldn’t argue that. “It’s a starting point.”

  “It is. Are you interested in a next step?”

  A flicker of understanding blinked through her and vanished before she could grasp it, leaving a racing pulse in its wake. “Depends on what you have in mind.”

  “Neither of us ever got over the way we ended; we need closure. Rewrite the conclusion to that part of our lives, so it ends on a more positive note. One involving fewer clothes and less yelling. Though, some uncontained shouts of pleasure would be a nice bonus.”

  There was no way. Arrogant asshole. “You mean sex? Your idea of closure is sleeping together? After the whole let’s make amends spiel, I expected better from you.” If the idea bothered her so much, why did her skin heat and nipples harden at the thought? Because she liked the idea, just not his approach to asking.

  He didn’t need to know she had any reaction besides disbelief.

  He raised an eyebrow. “I’ve played this out a couple times in my head, and I could beat around the bush a little more, but something tells me direct is the way to go. I can’t not notice you. You’re intelligent and gorgeous. You’ve grown up, filled out, and a reputation like yours? Fucking sexy. Not only that, but in person, you leave your reputation in the dust. I’m just saying we need to get this pent-up animosity out of our systems. Once we have closure, we can move on.”

  Fuck, he had a point. She’d rather he be blunt than wrap things in pretty words that could be misinterpreted. That got them in trouble last time.

  She wasn’t going to react to the compliments, despite the way they warmed her. She focused instead on the underlying insult. “Get it out of our systems. So charming. Why would you even think I’d do something like that?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Okay, I’ll bite. Yesterday at breakfast you said you’re single. When was the last time you dated someone seriously?”

  Two years ago. And even that wasn’t really a relationship. “I don’t know.”

  “Right. Last time you got off... with a partner?”

  Three months ago—Vice President of Sales for a company she’d bailed out last year. Not that she had a type. “Not quite as long ago.”

  He shook his head. “Nice. More recently than the serious relationship?”

  “You have work to do, and I need to be finding some.” She stood to leave and strode toward the exit. He made it to the door before she did. Her heart slammed into her ribs at his nearness and determination, and she pulled up short.

  She didn’t replace the distance between them, torn between the familiar scent of peppermint gum and aftershave, and being furious about being blocked in.

  “You’re single, attractive, and married to your job. My money says you’re not unfamiliar with the idea of a casual fling.” He tugged on his ponytail. “Is the idea of being with me, no strings attached, as a way to rewrite our past, really that unappealing?” The cajoling vanished from his voice, replaced with something almost...sincere.

  Yes. Yes. Yes. The answer chanted in her head. She needed to say yes. It might not be a big deal if it were anyone but him asking. “N-Obviously.” She winced when her tongue betrayed her, stumbling over the lie.

  He stepped out of the way and gestured to the door. “I don’t believe you, but I’m also not a no means yes kind of guy. Sorry to take up your time.”

  Walk out the door, down the hall, to the stairs. That was all she had to do. Pretend this conversation never happened and go back to avoiding him. So why am I still here? “What about Scott?”

  “You two aren’t a thing, right?” He stared back, expression blank. “Because we don’t usually share.”

Share. The word twisted her thoughts into unrecognizable shapes. Why was she stalling? “No, we’re not, and that’s not what I meant.”

  His smirk was back. “We both know he doesn’t like the tension. This gets rid of it.”

  Damn it, he was being logical, and part of her was intensely grateful for it. “One night. Just to give us a happier ending, and we move on?” What was she doing? He was treating her like a body with no brain. A means to get off and nothing more. Despite the compliments, this wasn’t about getting to know her, it was about sex.

  And what did you relegate him to during lunch?

  That didn’t stop the ache in her chest that Zach saw her the same way.



  If he was smug about the fact she was still there, it didn’t show on his face. “That’s the idea.”

  Thoughts of running her hands over his sturdy chest, trailing her fingers down his arms, feeling his mouth...well...everywhere, made compelling arguments for giving it a try. And if this was about closure... She wouldn’t mind putting the past behind them.

  And once that tension was out of the way, maybe they could actually be around each other again without acting like children. Rediscover the friendship that existed before they dated.

  Now you’re just being delusional.

  No. She was being an adult.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.” He hadn’t moved, but his body seemed to go on alert.

  No. No. No. Except it was exactly what she wanted. “If it clears the air and makes it possible for us to be in the same room...then yes.”

  “No other reason at all.” He closed the distance between them and stopped close enough for her to feel his heat, but he didn’t touch her. “It’s all about closure.” His attention lingered on her hips and again on her breasts. “Well, maybe not completely. I’ll enjoy the view and the company.”

  Her breath hitched. His gaze seared her thoughts and made an ache of need throb between her legs. “When do we want to do this?” she asked.

  He raised a hand until it hovered less than an inch from the side of her face, but never made contact. “What are your plans for this afternoon?”

  “Now?” She almost choked on her question. Swallowing to clear her throat, she tried again. “You really know how to charm a girl, don’t you?”

  He searched her eyes. “You deserve to be romanced. Seduced. Even though it’s only one time, you should enjoy it. As long as you promise that if I let you leave, I won’t miss my chance.” His voice was smooth. Assured.

  You really won’t. She’d like to think she was strong enough to write this entire conversation off once she walked out, but desire flowed through her veins, all of it inspired by the man in front of her. That didn’t mean she had to let him know she was wavering. “It sounds like a wonderful setup, but it’s not that simple. Rose petals and champagne don’t erase animosity.”

  “No, but sometimes passion just needs to be redirected.”

  Passion. The word spiked her anticipation. Her body warred with reason every time he said something new. “Redirected like this?”

  He reached behind him and locked the door. The audible click lit her nerve endings on fire with unspoken promise. He closed the remaining distance between them, and dipped his head. His lips hovered millimeters from hers, before he dove in and claimed her.

  The sensation was so light, she wasn’t sure she felt it. She leaned in, mouth opening, and a whimper escaped when he traced his tongue over her bottom lip. This didn’t even begin to resemble resisting his suggestion, but her body craved more. Begged to find out what else lay buried under the kiss. His hand rested at the base of her neck, holding her in place. He deepened the kiss, going from gentle to hungry in an instant.

  His tongue twisted around hers in a desperate dance, and desire blossomed in her gut. God, this was incredible. Had it been like this before? No, neither of them had been so experienced. She rested her hands on his chest, heat searing her palms. Dampness grew between her thighs, and her pulse tore through her body. It was familiar and entirely new at the same time. Safe and simultaneously terrifying.

  She fumbled to find her breath when they finally broke apart. His finger caressed her swollen lips, dancing over the sensitive flesh.

  “What are we doing?” She managed.

  He nudged her back, hands on her hips, guiding her until she bumped into the desk. His soft growl echoed in her ear as he kissed along her lobe. “Possibly the smartest fucking thing we’ve done in a decade.”

  He was as lost in the moment as she was. The realization made her slick with need.

  Hands still on her hips, he lifted her to sit on the edge of the desk. She draped her arms over his shoulders, fingers interlocking at the base of his neck, and then pulled him in for another kiss.

  His slacks scraped along her thighs when he forced her legs apart with his knee. Her denim skirt crept higher when he slid between her legs. She wanted him closer. Why were there so many clothes in the way? Nothing but a door stood between them and an office full of gawking and gossip, and she didn’t care.

  He traced a line with his lips across her jaw down to the base of her throat, and kissed the hollow immediately below her choker. His voice rumbled through her chest. “A collar. Fantastic.”

  “Don’t read too much into it.” A sigh cut off her laugh when he slid a hand under her shirt and up her spine. This wasn’t the seduction he’d mentioned, but fuck it if that mattered. Her breasts ached to be touched. Her nipples pinched.

  She scooted closer, wrapping her legs around his waist. The bulge of his cock behind fabric pressed against her mound, making her pulse scream in anticipation. What would it feel like to have him buried inside her?

  Zach licked back up to her neck, then scraped his teeth along her shoulder, drawing a gasp. His nip was hard enough to sting, but not leave a mark.

  A sharp knock echoed through the room, followed by Scott’s insistent, “We need to talk.”

  Rae’s already hammering heart almost tore from her chest. Disappointment crashed over her at the interruption. They broke apart, and she rested her forehead against Zach’s chest. Her thoughts still ran rampant, and her nerves felt like electricity in a puddle. Frazzled but continuously sparking.

  He dropped his chin onto the top of her head, and his quiet fuck echoed through her skull. “Figures.” He stepped away.

  “It’s fine.” Did she sound calm? Damn it, she didn’t feel it. She hopped off the desk and straightened her clothes. If only she could as easily smooth over her soaring blood pressure. She ran her hands through her hair, even though he hadn’t touched it, and dropped back into the chair. Her crossed legs didn’t stifle the insistent need between them.

  Zach closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and adjusted his slacks before unlocking and opening the door. “What’s up?” His question was casual, any traces of his earlier growls gone as he let Scott in.

  Rae twisted in her seat, arm draping over the back so she could watch the exchange. Did she look as calm as Zach? There was no way the torrent of emotions pouring through her was staying off her face. Would the flush of her lips show? At least she hadn’t reapplied her lip-gloss after lunch. That would be smeared everywhere. Was her chest heaving as she searched for missing breaths?

  Scott looked between the two, brow raised. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “Nope.” Zach gestured to the empty seat next to Rae.

  She failed to ignore the sting that flitted through her at the casual denial, but what did she expect? She certainly hadn’t planned on telling anyone, and that was even if something had happened.

  “Just trying to reach an agreement.” Zach dropped into his own seat. “Playing nice, burying the hatchet, all that.”

  “I thought you already did that.” Scott didn’t sit. Instead, his footsteps carried him to the far side of the room before he spun on his heel and headed back toward the door. “Just got off the phone with Vance. They’ll be in
the office tomorrow instead of Wednesday.”

  One of the executives from Digital Media, and as Rae understood, about the foulest word anyone in the office could use. She rose, still squeezing her thighs together to suppress her body’s pleading. “That’s my cue.” She couldn’t bring herself to meet Zach’s gaze. Instead, she looked at Scott. “Call me.”

  “Yeah.” Scott sounded distracted.

  After leaving Zach’s office, she took the stairs as quickly as possible and then cut straight for the parking garage, not sure she could face anyone until she found more composure. What the hell had she been doing? Halfway to her car, her phone vibrated in her purse, startling her. After fumbling to swipe her passcode, she opened the message from Zach.

  Yes or no?

  The simple question all but flashed at her, obliterating any chance she had of finding her center any time soon.

  She moved her fingers with more self-assurance than the entire rest of her held, defying her indecision, and after a brief hesitation, hit Send.


  Chapter Six

  Zach paced on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. They’d survived day one of DM checking out operations. He took a drag off his cigarette and glanced at his watch again. Looking at the time every thirty seconds didn’t speed anything up, but he didn't know what else to do. Protocol meant Zach and Scott were obliged to take their guests out for the evening, get to know them off the clock, and play nice.

  He didn't want to play nice with the people stealing their company. He dragged his fingers through his hair. Even Selina, the head of HR, hadn’t been fun to flirt with. He couldn’t get Rae out of his head. An evening breeze brushed his skin, but didn't chase away the heat of frustration.

  Car exhaust mixed with the sickly-sweet aroma of the purple and red flowers lining the walkway. The smell wasn't so much relaxing as it was nauseating.

  Vance haf made passive-aggressive comments from the moment he arrived in the office that morning. Zach closed his eyes and breathed in. The older man encouraged Zach and Scott to bring along their significant others when they went out, a hint of laughter in the suggestion. Zach assumed Vance thought it was amusing based on the whole video-of-Zach’s-girlfriend-dumping-him-at-E3-went-viral thing that landed them this situation.


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