Trouble Comes In Threes

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Trouble Comes In Threes Page 3

by Roberts, Laylah

  Her breath caught at the sight of his cut chest. Both men soon stood naked before her, gorgeous Gods. She so didn’t deserve them, but she knew now that she couldn’t let them go. It had taken everything to do it once. Never again.

  And she would work hard to regain their trust.

  They slowly, reverently pulled off her clothes, kissing her as they went, caressing her body until she was aflame with need.

  The three of them dropped to the bed in a tangle of limbs. Jake situated himself between her legs, his tongue mercilessly teasing her pussy, flicking her clit before thrusting inside her passage.

  Dan sucked on her nipples. Tears filled Mari’s eyes at the thought of losing one of her breasts. How would they feel about her then?

  “Mari?” Dan asked, obviously sensing her shift in mood. “What’s wrong?”

  “Won’t you-won’t you find me ugly with only one breast?” she asked.

  Jake and Dan immediately shifted so they were lying on either side of her. They held her tight, their voices low and soothing as they reassured her.

  “Never, baby. We would love you if you lost both breasts. Your breasts aren’t you. They aren’t who we love,” Dan told her.

  “No matter how your body changes, darling, it will never change our love for you. That grows more every day,” Jake said as he placed kisses on her face.

  She sobbed. “Truly?”

  “Truly,” they said together.

  “Then I-I’m going to have the mastectomy.”

  “You sure?” Jake asked her and she knew how hard it was for him not to demand she do just that, to give her the space to make her own decision.

  “I’m sure. I want to be sure it’s gone, otherwise I’ll worry about it returning.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do,” Dan said.

  “I’ll ring the specialist,” Jake said and left to do just that.

  Dan turned her to face him. “You’re not just doing it for us, are you?”

  She shook her head. “No. No, I’m not. This is what I want.”

  Jake returned. “He can fit you in on Thursday.”

  Mari took a deep breath as both men held her tight.

  “Thursday it is,” she said after a long moment. “Now, where were we?”

  Reaching down, she grabbed a cock in each hand, pumping firmly. Both men groaned.

  Mari grinned wickedly as Jake dropped back to his former position between his legs, soon though; she was too busy panting to smile as Jake drove her higher and higher, not letting up until she was screaming her pleasure aloud.

  Then Jake was inside her, pumping deep as Dan knelt beside her head. Mari took his shaft into his mouth, sucking heavily. Jake moved faster and faster, bucking his hips wildly as she sucked Dan hard.

  Jake came first, his low bellow filling the room. Dan quickly followed and she swallowed him down, licking him clean. The three of them fell back together, exhausted and well loved.

  Chapter Three

  Jake looked over at his wife as she rested listlessly against the door of his SUV. She looked tired, pale and he would bet she wasn’t feeling well. It had been a month since they’d tracked her down. The mastectomy had gone well, but then she’d developed an infection which had slowed down her recovery.

  He pulled into a park and went around to help Mari down.

  “You feeling okay, Mari?” he asked quietly as they walked into the apartment.

  “Hmm? Oh, yes, I’m fine.”

  “I don’t need to remind you about lying to me, do I?” he asked sternly. She sent him a wary look.

  “I’m just tired. And my throat, ahh, has a tickle in it. Nothing, really.”

  “Bed now.” He pointed toward the bedroom. But instead of jumping immediately to follow his orders, the way she had been since she’d run, she stomped her foot and pouted.

  “No. This is why I didn’t tell you. I’m sick of lying around in bed. I won’t go.”

  He didn’t even think, just grabbed her arm and raised his leg so his foot rested on the sofa. Swiftly, he pulled her over his raised leg so her bottom was easily accessible.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “Jake, no! I don’t want a spanking,” she sobbed.

  Suddenly Jake realized what he was doing. He flipped her back.

  “God, Mari, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He was ashamed. He’d said he wouldn’t spank her until she was well. Gathering her into his arms he sat on the sofa with her on his lap. He ran his hands over her body, reassuring himself that he hadn’t harmed her. How could he have been so stupid?

  Mari cupped her cheeks in her hands. “I’m not made of glass, Jake. You’ve spanked me plenty of times and much harder than that.”

  “When you didn’t have cancer.”

  She sighed. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I was being a brat. I deserved it. You were only trying to take care of me.”

  He frowned. “I still shouldn’t have spanked you. However…”

  She sighed and rose. “I know, get to bed. I’m going, I’m going.”

  When Mari woke a few hours later, her throat was scratchy, painful to swallow and she had a temperature. She knew this, because Jake had insisted on taking it. Rectally. Urgh.

  She looked over as Jake entered the room carrying with a large baby’s bottle, complete with rubber nipple. Shit. She knew what was coming next.

  Sure enough after he handed her the bottle with a stern order to drink it all, he turned to his suitcase and pulled out a diaper.

  Mari scrunched her nose. “It’s just a cold, Jake.” They always overreacted when she was ill and they’d become even more overprotective in the last month.

  “And I want to make sure you recover as quickly as possible. Your immune system is very poor. I don’t want you walking around on cold floors to go to the bathroom.”

  Quickly, he stripped off her panties and spread her legs, placing cream over her pussy lips and bottom. Mari stirred, wishing he’d do more. He rubbed her clit a little and she moaned.

  “Hungry, Mari, my love?”

  She knew he didn’t mean for food. She nodded.

  Jake dropped his head and licked at her clit pulling and tugging until she came in a huge rush.

  “Oh God,” she sobbed as she came down from her high. Drowsy, now, she lay relaxed and sated as he cleaned her up and did up the diaper.

  “Sleep,” he ordered.

  And she did.


  Mari sighed, supremely impatient as she waited for Dan to come and get her. She’d been home a month now and still the guys were treating her like she was made of glass. If she hadn’t been so sure of their love, she’d have worried that her missing breast made her undesirable, but she knew it wasn’t that. Although she found her new body weird and odd, she was slowly coming to grips with the changes. The scars were still bright and painful looking, but her doctor had reassured her they would fade, and soon she would be getting some reconstruction surgery.

  But no matter how well the doctor said she was doing, her men still treated her as though she was fragile.

  They hovered. They made her nap. Made her eat healthy. Made her rest constantly.

  But other than that one incident with Jake, neither of them had touched her. Oh, they hugged and cuddled.

  But they didn’t touch her sexually.

  They didn’t spank her.

  She never thought she’d complain about not getting spanked, but she wanted her normal life back.

  And besides, she felt a tremendous guilt for leaving them, worrying them. Guilt a spanking would ease.

  Suddenly, she knew what to do. She wasn’t supposed to get up until Dan came from her when she was napping, but she figured that was a small rule to break.

  Reaching into the wardrobe, she grabbed the paddle that was there. Not giving herself a chance to think, and perhaps chicken out, she placed the paddle at the end of the bed, then pulling down her panties, placed herself over the pillow so her bare bottom faced the door.
  Two minutes later the door opened.

  “Mari? What the hell?”

  She turned at Jake’s voice, a smile on her face. Jumping into his arms, she gave him a kiss. “You’re home!”

  “That I am.”

  Dan walked in behind him. “Hey that’s a better greeting than I usually get.” Mari turned to Dan and kissed him.

  “What were you doing, Mari?” Jake asked, picking up the paddle.

  Mari stood, hands on her hips, not caring that she was naked from the waist down. “I want you to spank me!”

  Jake’s eyebrow rose. “That so?”

  “Yes, I’m sick of being treated like an invalid. I’m fine. I don’t want to feel guilty anymore; I don’t want you to be mad with me. I deserve this. Now,” she arranged herself on the bed, “spank me.”

  “Ah-ah,” Dan said, pulling her up. “You don’t get to be in charge of this. This happens when we say. Now get dressed and get downstairs.” With a whack to her bottom, he sent her toward the bathroom.

  With a sigh of defeat, she did as ordered.


  Mari settled herself on the sofa, full after the large dinner her husbands had made for her. She was feeling very pampered and yet she didn’t feel she deserved it. She’d broken their trust, she deserved their punishment.

  “Mari,” Jake said calmly as he walked into the room.

  “Yes?” she asked, looking up.

  “Go up to our room, strip and then lie across the bed as you were this afternoon. It’s time to pay the piper.”

  Nerves shivered through her stomach. Lord, what had she started? Had she really pushed them into spanking her?

  She waited in the bedroom for what seemed to be forever, her trepidation growing with each minute that passed.

  Finally, the door opened.

  Dan sat by her head, running his hand over her hair. Leaning down he kissed her gently.

  “You understand we love you, right?”

  She nodded.

  “The next two weeks will be hard on you, Mari-girl. Before bed each night, we’ll expect you to come to us and tell us you’re sorry for being so naughty and then ask us to spank you. Straight after you’ll be put to bed.”

  She whimpered. “Can’t you just give me a really big one now instead?”

  “There will be that, too, Mari,” Jake said from behind her.

  Mari buried her face in the bed. She deserved this. “Okay.”

  Then it started.

  First it was Jake’s hand, blistering her bottom, searing the globes, her thighs.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Mari sobbed, working hard to keep herself still as pain slashed through her.

  Then Dan moved and the paddle began. Searing, burning pain engulfed her bottom and thighs as the paddle made contact with her already hot, sore butt cheeks.

  “No, Dan, please, it’s too much. Please, please, stop,” she begged, crying. Unable to help herself, her need to escape the punishing paddle overriding all else, Mari attempted to jump up, to escape, but Jake held her down and the paddle hit her over and over.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she sobbed. She was drooping with exhaustion, her voice hoarse from yelling, but she continued to mumble her apologies, even when the paddle stopped she kept saying it.

  Both men surrounded her, pulling her to lie on her stomach between them on the bed, soothing her with their hands and voices.

  Mari gradually calmed to the point where she could lean up and stare down at Jake and Dan.

  “Do you think you can forgive me?” she asked, tears still blurring her eyes.

  Jake brushed a tear off one cheek, while Dan did the same to her other cheek.

  “You’re our wife. Of course we will. We love you, Mari. Always and forever.”

  She sighed in relief, smiling despite her ravaged buttocks. “Good, I love you both so much. I promise I’ll never leave you two again.”


  Mari looked out the bedroom window, feeling like a kid who was stuck inside on a rainy day. The men didn’t want her out in the cold, afraid she’d get sick.

  But it had been over two months since she’d had her breast removed. She felt fine. She was beginning to think they wouldn’t let her out because they didn’t trust her.

  Well, tonight was the last night of her spankings. She rubbed her bottom. And boy was she glad. She had been well and truly punished with nightly hand-spankings.

  Yep, tonight she was going to tell them. She was going out tomorrow.


  “I’m going into town tomorrow.”

  Jake looked up from the computer at his wife, her voice still thick with tears as she stood in the corner of the room, her red bottom on display.

  Tonight was the last night of her punishment, which he guessed was why she felt brave enough to make that announcement.

  “Pardon?” he queried.

  “I’m going into town,” she repeated. “I want to do some shopping.”

  “Rex delivers the groceries. Just ring him and tell him what you want,” Dan said dismissively.

  Jake saw her butt cheeks clench and nearly smiled.

  “Since when are you allowed to talk while in the corner?” he growled.

  Immediately she quieted. But as soon as he let her out of the corner, the subject came up again.

  “I don’t want to go grocery shopping,” she huffed, glaring at Dan. “Although I’ll probably do that as well. I want to do some other shopping, have lunch at the diner. I want out of this house.”

  “Feeling a bit fenced in, Mari love?” Jake asked quietly, pulling her against him and kissing her forehead.

  “Just a bit,” she answered.

  “What about your immune system?” Dan said with concern. “You could get sick.”

  She huffed out a breath. “I’m fine, Dan. Except I’m gonna die of suffocation, staying inside all day, every day, worrying about germs!”

  “Don’t joke about dying!” Dan glared at her, his eyes angry.

  Mari slumped against Jake. “Sorry. I just want to feel normal again. Can’t you understand that?”

  Jake kissed her forehead. “I can understand that, my love. But we worry about you.”

  “More like you don’t trust me.”

  He tipped her chin up with his fingers. “Trust is earned. And can be lost.”

  “I told you why I left. I won’t do it again.”

  He saw tears fill her eyes. Damn, he loved her. But at times he still had nightmares about her leaving them. He couldn’t forget that pain, that fear of not knowing where she was or if she was safe.

  “And we believe you,” Dan said. “But that feeling I got when I realized you were gone, when you didn’t come back, I don’t ever want to feel that way again.”

  “I’m going to come back. Please, just trust me.”

  Jake sighed and looked at Dan. “All right. But, you’re only to go for four hours. I want you back for a nap here by 3pm and I’ll be ringing you to make sure you’re here. You take your cell phone and you promise to ring if you feel at all unwell. Okay?”

  Mari hugged him tight.


  Mari shoved her shopping into her car and climbed into the driver’s seat before looking at her watch. Damn it, she was running late. She was never going to be home by three. She could only hope that her husbands were running late as well.

  At 3:05 her cell phone rung. She bit her lip but knew better than to answer it. She was only half way home and she couldn’t pull over safely here. She decided it was better to get home and then call them.

  Her cell rang once more on the way home. As she ran into the house, the phone was ringing.

  “Hello,” she said breathlessly.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Dan yelled and she let out a deep breath.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t answer my cell phone. I was driving.”

  “Well, thank God you have some sense. What time were you supposed to be home Mari Cassandra?�
�� he asked sternly.

  “Three,” she replied in a small voice.

  “And what time is it now?”

  “Twenty past three.”

  “Get your butt into bed now,” he ordered. “I’ll deal with you when I get home. Oh, and Mari?”


  “I love you, baby girl.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Mari carried her shopping up the stairs; she should have been filled with dread or annoyance.

  Instead she had a huge smile on her face.

  There was no place like home.


  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Mari squealed, attempting to wiggle out of the way of the heavy palm setting fire to her butt.

  “Dan, it hurts!”

  “It’s meant to hurt,” he replied without sympathy, his hand landing again and again on her bottom and thighs as she lay on his lap, her legs kicking uselessly.

  She cried, so exhausted she simply gave in and lay there. Dan gave her another blistering round of spanks, his large palm easily covering her bottom before he flipped her over and held tight in his arms.

  Every year it was the same. An anniversary spanking to remind her to never, ever leave her husbands.

  She looked over at Jake who sat on the bed.

  “Come here, wife of mine.”

  Dan helped her stand, but remained sitting on the chair they used for spanking her. She walked over to Jake who pulled her onto his lap.

  “What have you got to say?” Jake asked seriously.

  “That I will never try to leave you both again. I will tell you everything. I will never lie.” She meant every word too. She would never do anything so foolish again.


  “And I love you.”

  “Good. Then you know what to do.”

  With a flaming butt and a light heart she climbed from the bed and walked to the wardrobe.

  Turning back, she held the paddle out to him…

  Loving AddyBy Laylah Roberts

  Chapter One

  “Right, sweetheart, listen up.”

  Addy paused as she was about to exit the car, looking over at her husband, Dash, who was sitting in the driver’s seat. She bit back her impatience. She was already late and Michelle would be waiting on her. They’d been planning this night for weeks and both of them were looking forward to a night out with the girls. But Addy knew better than to ignore Dash when he spoke in this tone of voice.


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