Trouble Comes In Threes

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Trouble Comes In Threes Page 4

by Roberts, Laylah

  It was his ‘listen-to-me-closely-or-else-I’ll-spank-your-butt-voice’. She knew it well. Unfortunately, so did her poor bottom.

  Dash wasn’t one to hesitate in taking his hand to her butt if he thought she needed it. Dash didn’t do things by halves. He was strong and extremely protective. Lord help her if he believed she’d put herself in danger or risked her health. She’d be lucky to sit for a week.

  And to top things off, Addy had not one spanker but two to contend with. Her other husband, Eliot, was possibly even stricter than Dash. He had a calm, no-nonsense approach to life. Once he’d made up his mind, he couldn’t be swayed. Dash was more hot-tempered than Eliot, when he got angry he fired up quick, but cooled down just as easily. Eliot never lost his temper, well, she’d never seen it anyway. But he wasn’t one to be swayed. No matter how much she might plead or beg.

  Addy had always been obsessed with spanking, long before she’d met her two men. She’d kept her interest to herself, until her best friend, Michelle had revealed that her husband, Rick spanked her.

  Michelle had explained that when she met Rick, he’d been very open about wanting a domestic discipline relationship and it was something she’d agreed to. Addy had never heard of domestic discipline, but after doing some research, she’d been hooked. She’d realized this is what she’d been searching for, wanting. It’s what was missing in all her other relationships.

  What she had really wanted was a relationship where she wasn’t the dominant partner. Where her partner cherished her, took care of her, protected her and took charge when necessary.

  Of course, the only man she knew of at the time who fit the bill was Rick. And he was totally off limits, even if she had been attracted to him, which she wasn’t. He was too much of a big brother to her.

  Luckily, Michelle had worked a bit of her matchmaking magic and introduced her to Dash and Eliot, Rick’s best friends. They shared Rick’s views on how a relationship should work, with them leading and their woman following.

  Addy had been surprised by her depth of feeling for not just one man, but two. She’d been skeptical about how a ménage relationship would work. But Dash and Eliot had eased her fears. And truthfully, she’d never have been able to choose between them. And having two men love her, cherish her, protect her, well, it was amazing.

  They were as stubborn and as forceful as each other, with hands like bloody paddles. But they made her feel so safe and secure. As though nothing could happen to her if Dash and Eliot were around. She’d never been so cherished or loved in her life since meeting them.

  And she thanked God, and Michelle, for bringing them into her life every day.

  “What are the rules, miss?” Dash asked her.

  Addy sighed, squirming a little as he gave her a stern look.

  “I’m only allowed one glass of wine. I have to ring you at midnight and tell you where I am so you can come pick me up. I have to keep my phone on vibrate at all times so you can get hold of me. I’m not to go anywhere without Michelle and I have to call you guys if I feel at all unsafe or scared or if anything goes wrong.” She rolled her eyes. “You know, you guys worry too much, we’re just going to play a few games then go to a club for a dance.”

  Her friend Carly was getting married in a fortnight and tonight was her hen’s night. Addy and Michelle were going to leave from Michelle’s house together and go over to Carly’s where their other friends were gathering to play games and drink.

  Addy, Dash and Eliot lived on a ranch out of town. They didn’t like her driving at night on the country roads which was why they were chauffeuring her around.

  Dash stared down at her. He was so handsome, his face chiseled and firm, with a light dusting of facial hair. He was her cowboy through and through. Tall and broad-shouldered, she always felt so small next to him. Next to both her men.

  Dash’s hands clasped her face, warming her cool cheeks, she was always cold. “We love you, we’re allowed to worry. You’re our precious little girl.”

  Instantly, she felt her stomach drop, the way it always did when he called her his little girl. Age play was something Michelle and Rick were into, and although Addy was fascinated by the idea, she’d never been able to let herself go enough to let her little girl out. But Dash and Eliot were slowly building her up to it.

  She smiled, feeling her insides melt as his chocolate brown gaze stared into her eyes.

  “I love you too, and I’ll be fine.”

  He frowned slightly before nodding and kissing her.

  “Go,” he ordered. “Behave.”

  Addy jumped out before turning back. “Now where’s the fun in that?”

  Winking, she giggled at his growl and slamming the door shut, quickly walked into Michelle’s house.


  Six hours later, it was well after midnight when two giggling, rolling drunk women exited the taxi with cheerful yells of goodbye for the driver, who’d seen it all.

  They missed the shake of his head as they slipped and slid up the icy footpath to Michelle’s house. Addy looked up at the stars as she stood waiting for Michelle to dig her keys out of her purse.

  “You know, I’m pretty sure that the stars are dancing, Shelley,” she said dreamily.

  Michelle laughed. “I think that’s your eyes dancing, not the stars.”

  Addy giggled. “The ground’s dancing too, look.”

  Both women stared down at the ground beneath their feet, unaware they were swaying unsteadily. The front door opened. Michelle hadn’t even gotten her keys in the lock yet.

  “What the hell do you two think you’re doing?” The booming, angry voice had both women glancing up guiltily as they leaned together for balance.

  “Rick!” Michelle exclaimed happily. Addy didn’t feel much like smiling, though, as she looked into Rick’s stern, dark blue eyes. He looked angry. Rick was a large man with thick shoulders and a wide chest. He kept his head closely shaven, which only added to his dangerous look.

  Michelle threw her slight body forward, into the arms of the large man who caught her easily. Michelle was short and curvy, she called it plump, but Addy thought she was just right. So did Rick, if the way he often looked at his wife was any indication.

  Right now, though, there was no lust in his eyes, just the promise of trouble. For both Michelle and Addy.

  “Get inside before you freeze,” he demanded. Helping Michelle walk past him into the passage he swung his hand back and landed his palm against her rump with a loud slap that had both Michelle and Addy jumping in shock. While Michelle exclaimed and rubbed her abused bottom, Rick held his hand out to Addy.

  She looked at it hesitantly.

  “Inside now, Addy. You do not want to push my temper any further tonight, young lady,” he warned.

  Addy took his hand, trembling from the cold and trepidation. Sure enough as she walked past him, his large hand landed on her bottom, making her squeal from the stinging pain.

  She found she was sobering up rather quickly.

  “Sit down,” he said quietly, pointing at the sofa. Both women raced over, sitting down in opposite corners as they stared up at a pacing Rick.

  “You’re both drunk.”

  “We just had a few—” Michelle began before he cut her off with a glare.

  “You do not want to add lying to your list of offences, Michelle Jean. Believe me, you are both in enough trouble as it is.” He turned the glare on Addy.

  “Do you know what time it is, Miss Addy?”

  She gulped and shook her head.

  “It’s half-past one. What time were you meant to ring Dash and Eliot?”

  “Midnight,” she whispered. Oh shit, she was in trouble.

  “Oh come on, Rick, so she’s a little late, we were having fun!” Michelle exclaimed.

  Addy wanted to shake Michelle and tell her to shut up. She was only making things worse, couldn’t she see that? But Michelle had enough alcohol in her to loosen her tongue and reduce her good sense.

  “Well, while you two were having fun, Dash and Eliot have been going frantic trying to reach Addy. In case the pair of you didn’t notice it’s been windy as hell outside all night. The access to your house has been cut off by a large tree, Addy. It won’t be sorted until tomorrow. Dash has been trying to ring you to tell you that you’ll stay here the night and they’ll pick you up when they can. Only he kept getting your voice mail. I tried to ring you, Michelle, only to get the same. So I spent over an hour searching for the pair of you. I only just got home.”

  Addy gulped, she now understood why he was completely furious. She also knew she was in deep trouble with her own men when she got home.

  “Well, as you can see we’re perfectly safe, Rick,” Michelle said with a huff. Addy looked at her in amazement. “There’s no reason to scold Addy. We had to turn off our phones, it was one of the rules before we went out, we’d have looked stupid if we didn’t.”

  “Better stupid than dead if something had happened and you needed to use your phone in a hurry,” Rick growled, running his hand over his bald head. “Anything could happen in the time it would take to turn your phone on. For God’s sake, Michelle, you have a mind on your own, you could have turned it on later when no one else could see.”

  Michelle snorted, standing with her hands on her hips. “You’re just being mean and grumpy and finding something to pick on.”

  “Addy.” Rick turned to her. “Please go and ring your husbands and tell them you’re all right.” Addy jumped up and went eagerly into the kitchen where the phone was.

  “Rick, what? No!” Michelle yelled.

  Addy winced as she heard the sound of a smack. She knew exactly what was happening, had heard that sound a thousand times before, but normally it was her yelling at Dash or Eliot not to spank her.

  She dialed her home number with shaking fingers, sick with guilt over the worry she’d caused her men.

  “Rick?” A worried Eliot spoke immediately, obviously having looked at the caller ID first. Addy almost smiled as she pictured him, so serious and studious looking with his glasses and slightly distracted air. He was an oral surgeon and owned his own successful practice. People might mistake him for bland and boring when they saw him, but he had a hidden streak of dominance that made her shiver, giving her orders in that quiet, calm voice.

  “Eliot, it’s me,” she told him.

  “Addy, thank God.” His relief was apparent and it made her feel guiltier. “Dash, it’s Addy,” he called out. “I’m putting you on speaker phone. Are you okay?”

  “Addy?” Dash asked. “What the hell did you think you were doing, turning off your phone? Are you all right? Did something happen?” The questions came hard and fast as Dash yelled at her down the phone, his relief apparent despite his angry tone. Dash was the one with the temper, quick to fire and generally quick to forgive.

  Once he’d taken his hand to her bottom.

  “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “We all turned off our phones before we left Carly’s, she didn’t want any distractions.” It had seemed like a good idea at the time.

  “Well, why didn’t you turn it back on when it got close to midnight?” Eliot asked practically, while Dash muttered words along the lines of ‘foolish little girl’ and ‘I’m going to spank you until you can roast marshmallows off the heat of your butt’.

  Addy gulped.

  “I don’t know,” she said quietly, looking down at her feet as she felt tears well up in her eyes. She hated letting Eliot down, both of them, really. But she felt Eliot’s reproach the deepest, perhaps because he was so quiet in his disapproval. Dash would yell and scold, while Eliot just leveled his gaze at her until she caved and begged his forgiveness.

  “How much have you had to drink, Addy?” Eliot asked.

  She sniffled. “A bit,” she admitted quietly.

  “A bit?” Dash yelled down the phone. “You were only supposed to have one. You are in such trouble, young lady.”

  “I know,” she said miserably.

  “Addy, we can’t get in to pick you up until the access road is cleared tomorrow. You’re going to have to stay the night with Rick and Michelle,” Eliot told her calmly.

  Addy gulped, she hated the idea of being apart from Dash and Eliot. The same alcohol that had given her such a buzz before was making her feel emotional now as she came down from her high.

  “Is Rick there?” Eliot asked.

  “He’s spanking Michelle,” she replied.

  “Hmm,” was all Eliot said. “Listen to me, young lady. I want you to go and get Rick. Don’t interrupt, wait until he is finished and ask him to come to the phone. Then I want you to go to the spare room and stand in the corner and think about what you have done, understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied, instantly feeling a little less lost and alone. “How long do I stand there?”

  “I’ll send Rick in. Get going. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Eliot,” she replied.

  “Kisses, baby girl,” Dash added.

  “Kisses, Dash,” she said, feeling very lonely and sad for herself as she carried the portable phone towards the living room. It was quiet and she pushed the door open slightly, peering around to find Michelle standing with her face in the corner of the room, her red and swollen bottom bare for all to see.

  Blushing, Addy looked over at Rick who stood staring at his wife.

  “Rick?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes, Addy?” he said gravely, turning his stern gaze on her.

  “E-Eliot wants to talk to you. I’m supposed to go to the spare r-room.”

  He nodded. “Michelle, take Addy to her room then you may get ready for bed.” Michelle quickly pulled up her panties and lowered her shirt, then turning, left the room, tugging Addy along behind her.

  “Are you okay, Michelle?” Addy whispered. The other woman just nodded as she pushed open a door down the passage.

  “I’m fine. Rick’s just being mean and overreacting. We were just having a bit of fun.” Both women stepped into the room, Addy sitting on the bed as Michelle paced.

  “He had no right, spanking me for being a little late.”

  “We were a lot late, Michelle,” Addy reminded her. “And we’d promised to ring at midnight.”

  Michelle threw her hands up into the air. “A curfew! At our age, it’s ridiculous. They’re being overprotective Neanderthals!”

  “Is that so?” The calm, cold voice came from the doorway and both women looked over guiltily as Rick leaned against the doorframe.

  “Alcohol always did mess with your common sense and manners, little girl, which is why you weren’t supposed to drink tonight. Because you’re incapable of making proper decisions when you’re under the influence of alcohol. And you, young Addy, were not supposed to have more than one, were you?”

  Addy gazed guiltily at her clasped hands and shook her head.

  “Addison Marie, look at me.” She looked up, startled by his use of her full name. “Did Eliot not give you some instructions young lady?”

  She frowned, puzzled, before flushing. Jumping to her feet she raced to the corner and stood facing it.

  “Nose against the wall, butt out, miss.”

  “Rick!” Michelle protested as Addy did as ordered.

  “Hush, Michelle.” His order was punctuated with a loud smack and a soft cry from Michelle. “Stay there, Addy, I’ll be back to deal with you after I put Michelle to bed.”

  Addy wasn’t sure how long she stood there but she was relieved when Rick returned, her feet were beginning to ache and she had a slight headache.

  “Right Addy, turn around,” Rick said calmly. “I want you on your hands and knees on the bed, right at the edge.”

  Addy moved slowly, looking over at Rick nervously. He tapped the smooth side of a wooden hairbrush against his thigh.

  His eyebrows rose as she just stood there. Reluctantly, she moved to do his bidding, kneeling at the edge of the bed, her feet hanging over the edge. Her stoma
ch dropped and she swallowed heavily, unsure if it was nerves or alcohol making her want to puke.

  “Lay forward.” Rick moved behind her, the hairbrush still tapping his thigh. She rested her hands on the mattress.

  “Right, Addy, you’re going to get a paddling with the hairbrush before bed. Eliot was worried that you wouldn’t sleep with all the guilt of your disobedience and I agree. I’m going to leave your skirt down because you’re not mine. When I’m finished you may remove your clothes, put on this old nightshirt of Michelle’s and go to bed. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir.” She didn’t want Rick to spank her, but she also knew she wouldn’t sleep with all this guilt riding her. She needed the release. She just wished she could find some other way to find it.

  Addy wasn’t given time to wallow in embarrassment, the first spank landed hard and fast. There was no warm-up, this was a punishment, pure and simple, and Rick was an expert disciplinarian.

  The hairbrush landed over and over on her cheeks, covering her buttocks and thighs, leaving a fiery burn in its wake. Despite her resolve not to embarrass herself by hollering loudly, Addy soon found herself wailing and sobbing, her bottom wiggling side to side as she tried to find some relief from the punishing brush.

  Just as she was about to lose all her dignity and beg him to stop, he did. Addy gasped deeply, sobbing mournfully as Rick moved to the side of the bed so she could look up at him.

  “Don’t force me to punish you again, Addison Marie, you hear me?” he asked sternly.

  “Yes sir,” she whispered through her tears.

  He nodded in satisfaction. “Good, go to bed now, I don’t want to see your face in the kitchen before ten tomorrow morning, am I clear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  In a surprising move, he leaned down and brushed her sweat dampened hair off her forehead. “You took your punishment well, sweetheart, I’ll tell Eliot and Dash how well behaved you were. Go to sleep, now.”


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