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Their New Beginning [Men of the Border Lands 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 18

by Marla Monroe

  “I’m Mack, and this is my brother, Brad,” the larger man told them. “We’ve lived here from just about the beginning after everything finally settled down. Our house got swept away in a flood and the folks who lived here died in the sickness that passed through. Our families were good friends.”

  “I’m Thad and this is Abby.” He nodded toward Harry and Harriet. “That’s Harry and his sister Harriet. We’re making our way farther northwest.”

  “The place is real nice inside, but the outside is scary,” Harriet told them.

  Brad laughed. “We purposefully dressed it up to deter unwanted visitors.”

  “Didn’t quite work with us, though, did it?” She laughed with a big smile relaxing her entire face.

  “I’ll say it didn’t.” Brad grinned back at her.

  “Let’s go back to the kitchen. We were making soup and crackling bread. If you don’t mind the bland fare tonight, there’s more than enough,” Max told them.

  “That’s generous of you. Thanks.” Abby looked up and smiled at Thad. “We left all of our packs right outside the back door.”

  “I’ll get them.” Thad shook his head but a soft smile softened the exasperation she could see in his expression. “Next time, stay where we put you.”

  “Bet that doesn’t happen very often,” Mack told him with a chuckle.

  “You have no idea.” Thad followed the two men back into the hall then, through the dining room into the kitchen.

  Thad and Harry went outside to gather all of the packs. Harriet and Abby stood back from where the other two men continued what they’d been doing before they’d interrupted them. Harriet walked closer to where Brad was chopping up some vegetables.

  “Where did you get the fresh onions and celery?”

  “We grew it. We’ve got a nice-sized garden. Grow all of our food. We even have chickens for fresh eggs and the occasional fried chicken.”

  Abby realized that Harriet was interested in the two men. She kept watching them as they moved around the kitchen. She wasn’t even sure if Harriet realized her interest. The other woman kept up a steady conversation with the two men even once Thad and Harry had returned with all of their belongings.

  Abby hid a smile when Harry finally noticed and frowned at her. He looked just like a big brother concerned with his sister’s choice of friends. When he started to interrupt her conversation with Brad, Abby stepped in.

  “Harry, I’m thirsty. Could you get me a glass of water, please?”

  He tore his eyes from his sister and her obvious flirting with Brad to focus on her. “Yeah, sure.”

  “There’s fresh water in a pitcher in the fridge. Not cold, but it’s good. Our well’s fed from the mountains so the water’s sweet.” Mack nodded toward the stainless steel double sided icebox.

  Harry located a glass and retrieved the pitcher of water to pour one for her. When he’d replaced it in the fridge, he brought the glass over to her. She smiled and took a long drink, then wrapped her hand around his arm before he walked away again.

  “They seem like nice men. Let Harriet talk to them. She’s enjoying herself, Harry.” Abby hoped he’d listen to her. The other woman looked happier than she’d ever looked in the short time Abby had known them.

  “They’re flirting with her.”

  “Yeah. They are. Is there anything wrong with that?” she asked.

  “What are you two whispering about?” Thad joined them.

  “Harry isn’t happy that his sister is spending time over there with Mack and Brad. I think it’s great. She looks really happy.” Abby smiled at Thad, hoping he would encourage Harry to leave it alone.

  “I like them. They’re nice guys and have really made this into a nice place. They appear to really like her.” Thad nodded at the youngest of the two men. “I think Brad is totally besotted with her.”

  “I wonder how old they are? I swear Brad doesn’t look more than eighteen or twenty years old. He had to have been like eight when everything blew up. Mack couldn’t have been more than fourteen or fifteen. How did they make it on their own?” Abby shook her head. “They were just kids.”

  “Mack told me that Brad is twenty-one and he’s twenty-four,” Thad said. “They had their grandfather for a couple of years until he died. They think he had a heart attack. They’ve been on their own ever since.”

  “Impressive,” Harry muttered, then scowled. “Harriet’s older than they are.”

  “So?” Abby grinned at him.

  “I’m not leaving her here with strangers. She’s going with us when we leave tomorrow.” Harry nearly growled the words out before stomping out of the kitchen.

  “Hmmm. That’s going to be interesting if they ask her to stay and she wants to.” Abby looked up at Thad.

  “Yeah. I’m not looking forward to that one bit. You need to distract him tonight, eh?” Thad said, winking at her.

  “Are you suggesting that I mess around with him?” Abby’s cheeks grew warm but she liked that idea—a lot.

  “Ma chèr, only you could make loving sound like a child’s game. He wants you very much. I think you can handle him.”

  “What about you?” Abby had grown close to both men and though they hadn’t actually had sex, she knew they both wanted her and had shown her their desire every chance they got.

  “Mon minou, you know exactly how I feel about you. We’ll have our time, but you have a mission tonight. Distract poor Harry so that he doesn’t interfere with whatever happens between his sister and our hosts. I think they’d make her great mates. Don’t you?” Thad hugged her before claiming her mouth in a hot, wet kiss.

  Abby wrapped her arms around his neck without thinking. His lips moved over hers, and then his warm, wet tongue licked along the seam of her lips seeking admission to her mouth. She gladly opened to him, reveling in the way he took charge of the kiss. His teeth grazed her lower lip before he sucked it into his mouth and tickled it with the tip of his tongue.

  “I can’t wait until I can taste your sweet pussy.” He whispered the words, then plunged his tongue back into her mouth, deeper and with more intent.

  Abby lost all thought as he ravished her, moving from her mouth to her chin and on to her neck. Just when she was sure he would go even lower, Thad groaned and stepped back.


  “Easy. This isn’t the place or the time. Go and find Harry. Tease him until he has no choice but to carry you off. I’m going to take one of the others out on the porch with me until Harry has succumbed to your sweet body, ma chêr.” Thad gave her a light push. “Go now.”

  It took Abby several seconds to regain some of her faculties after the heavy make-out session Thad had treated her to. She couldn’t believe that he was fine with her sleeping with Harry and not him. He wasn’t going to be the one she had to worry about in a three-way relationship. It would be Harry.

  Abby smoothed down her top and took a deep breath to settle the jumping beans in her stomach. She’d never had to seduce anyone before. Her fiancé had done all of that in their relationship. David had said that when she wanted loving it was written all over her face, and he was more than happy to oblige. Now the shoe was on her foot, and she wasn’t quite sure how to walk in it without falling and embarrassing herself.

  She picked up one of the lanterns and walked through the kitchen into the living area, where Harry stood next to the fireplace that now held a roaring fire illuminating the large room and its occupants. Harriet sat on the couch with Brad next to her at a friendly distance, but with obvious intent to shorten the divide. Even in the flickering light of the flames Abby could see the scowl on Harry’s handsome face.

  She set the lamp back in the kitchen for when Thad or Mack returned from outside and sauntered into the room as if she had nothing in particular on her mind. When she stopped next to Harry, he tore his eyes from his sister and her suitor to look down at her. His mouth relaxed into a more pleasing smile though his brows didn’t relax all the way from his earlier scowl.r />
  “You okay, hon?” he asked before kissing her lightly on her forehead.

  “Just lonely. Thad is out somewhere talking to Mack about wells and such. I didn’t want to sit in the kitchen by myself.”

  Yuck. I sound like some damsel in distress who can’t entertain herself. This is never going to work.

  “He shouldn’t have left you alone like that.” Now Harry’s scowl was back.

  “He knew you would take care of me.” She smiled up at him, then dropped her eyes. “I want to go check on a bedroom and make sure I don’t need to fix the sheets or something. I’m getting tired. The walking has worn me out.”

  Harry looked over to where his sister and Brad continued to talk without touching. If he so much as touched Harry’s sister, Abby wouldn’t stand a chance of getting Harry upstairs. She tugged on his shirtsleeve.

  “I don’t want to go upstairs by myself.” She attempted to pout, but wasn’t sure it turned out like she wanted when his brows lifted with surprise.

  “You want me to take you upstairs?”

  Duh, who else would take me up there? I’m not doing this well at all.

  “Do you mind? Just for a minute, until I fix the bed and fall asleep. I don’t want to just lie up there alone while I’m awake.”

  “Oh. Okay. Let’s go ahead and get our packs.” He took one last look in his sister’s direction, then sighed. “I don’t guess he’s going to attack her in the next few minutes while I’m gone.”

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?” She’d heard him but pretended that she hadn’t.

  “Nothing. Just wondering if it matters which room we take. I need to check one out for Harriet, too.” Harry urged her forward with his hand at the small of her back before picking up one of the lanterns in the living room.

  “Harry? Are y’all going to bed?” Harriet’s voice lilted in a relaxed tone, telling Abby that the other woman really was happy right then.

  “I’m not. Abby is tired, so I’m going to go upstairs with her to settle her in so she won’t be alone.” He looked at Brad and the corners of his mouth turned down. “Does it matter which rooms we take?”

  “Not at all. My brother and I have our rooms set up down here. I sleep in the library and he sleeps in the cook’s room behind the kitchen. You can have your pick. Everything’s fairly fresh. We never knew if we’d have visitors or not. Now I’m glad we kept things clean.” The young man grinned so that his eyes twinkled and the corners of his mouth nearly reached his ears.

  “Good. Harriet, I’ll be back down in a few minutes.” Harry sent a meaningful look in Brad’s direction before curling his hand around the side of Abby’s waist and urging her back to the kitchen where their packs had been left.

  “Can you handle your pack, Abby?” Harry picked up his and Harriet’s bags.

  “No problem. I think it’s become like a second skin for as long as I’ve been wearing it,” she joked.

  “It won’t be much longer, and all of us will be free of the things. It almost doesn’t seem real now that we’re so close.” Harry helped Abby settle her straps on her shoulders.

  “I know what you mean. I almost don’t want to get there too soon in case I’m disappointed. You know?” She looked up at him, trying to gauge his mood right then.

  He nodded, then shrugged. “It has to be better than what we were living in back east. I could never find enough food and supplies to take care of us well, since I needed to keep an eye on Harriet all the time. I didn’t like taking her with me because it drew too much attention.”

  “I can’t imagine having the responsibility of watching over someone else other than myself. I barely managed to keep from getting killed as it was. She is so lucky to have you, Harry.”

  “I hope you feel the same way, Abby. I would die to keep you safe.”

  Abby shivered. “I don’t want anyone to die because of me. Just help me stay safe. Hopefully with you and Thad no one will even think about bothering me.”

  “Let’s get you upstairs, babe. You’re shaking on your feet, you’re so tired. You’re still recovering from the accident. We should have gotten you to bed as soon as we knew it was safe to stay here.” Harry took her hand and drew her from the kitchen after him.

  They passed through the living room and the warm inviting fire where Harry checked on his sister as they strode through. Abby nearly sighed out loud that Brad hadn’t made a move before she managed to get Harry upstairs with her. Just as they reached the bottom step of the staircase, Harry glanced in the direction of the living room again and stopped.

  “What is it?” she asked, trying to sound bone tired.

  He looked back at her and let out a slow breath. “Nothing. I just don’t like leaving them alone like that.”

  “Harriet’s a grown woman and Thad will be back inside soon. They were just talking about that well they have. How long can that possibly take?”

  “You’re right. She gets so mad at me because I treat her more like a teenager instead of an adult. I can’t help but worry about her with all of the close calls we’ve had.” He kept one hand at her waist as they slowly climbed the stairs with Harry’s lantern illuminating each step above them.

  “She understands your worry but needs some space, Harry. You’re smothering her, you know. Just watch from a distance and know that Thad and I will always have your back to help you keep her safe. That’s all that really matters.” Abby kept one hand on the bannister for security, though she knew Harry wouldn’t let her trip and fall.

  “I know you’re right, but it isn’t easy letting go and letting her do things without me right there holding her hand. I’ve been doing it for over ten years now. When I had to start watching her old high school and college friends around her, it made me even more diligent with strangers. I couldn’t believe it when two of the guys she’d hung around with for years tried to attack her one day.” When they reached the landing at the top of the staircase, Thad stopped and lifted the lantern a bit higher to determine the layout.

  “Were they really attacking her, Harry, or just trying to get her to let them be her protector?” Abby was a little afraid of his answer. She’d seen firsthand how friends turned on each other in bad situations. It was every man for himself.

  “No, they didn’t have protection on their minds. I was supposed to go out for supplies, but I forgot to get my extra knife that I took with me when I went out and circled back. When I got there, Harriet was fighting them as hard as she could. It floored me, what I was seeing. I just stood there for a second, trying to make sense of it. Finally, when she screamed my name, I jumped in and put the fear of God in them with my knives. I’ll never forgive myself leaving her like that to learn that you really can’t trust anyone in the world anymore.” He strode across the floor to the first room on the left with Abby right behind him.

  “Don’t want the first bedroom, but I want to be sure what’s in it,” he told her as he opened the door.

  “Why not the first one?”

  “It would be the first room someone would search up here if anyone broke in.” There didn’t seem to be anything except a bed and a chest of drawers in that room. It shared a bathroom with the bedroom next to it.

  “Let’s check out the one on the other side,” Abby suggested.

  When he opened that bedroom door Abby walked in around him. She didn’t want to check out more rooms. She wanted a bed and hopefully, Harry naked in it with her. She smiled and let her backpack slide off her shoulders to the floor next to the bathroom door. Then she started pulling her shirt over her head.

  “What are you doing?” Harry’s voice shook even as he set the lantern on the table next to the bed.

  “I’m getting ready for bed. This room is fine and I’m sore and tired. Will you help me with my bra? My shoulder is too stiff.” Abby turned around, flashing a slight smile with half-closed eyelids over her shoulder at the object of her current obsession.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Fuck, she was beautiful. T
he soft curve of her shoulders that outlined her back to cinch just slightly before spreading out into the rounded plush ass that he’d watched sway back and forth for weeks now. Harry wanted her like he’d never wanted anyone in his life.

  “Um, help you what?” He’d missed what she’d said she needed help with.

  “My bra. I can’t reach around with my shoulder hurting like it is. Do you mind?” she asked.

  “No. Not at all. Hold on.” Harry took the two steps it took to reach her, then hesitated with his hands less than an inch away from her soft freckled skin. He wanted to trace every conceivable path he could take from one of those delicious red dots to the next.


  “S—sorry. Here you go.” He unfastened the hooks, nearly fumbling with nerves strained from the sexual need he’d built up looking at her naked back and thinking about tasting her.

  To his surprise, Abby didn’t hold her clothes to her chest when she turned around. Instead she folded them and dropped them on her backpack before turning around to begin removing her boots. As she bent over to unlace them, her generous breasts bobbed as if reaching to help her with the boots.

  “Um, why don’t you let me pull off your boots? Sit on the bed, babe.” Harry didn’t waste time waiting on her to comply. Instead he picked her up at the waist and settled her firmly on the quilt-covered mattress.

  As he knelt in front of her, Harry looked up with a ready smile on his face but it faltered when he took in her almost ethereal beauty in the lantern’s light. She looked amazing like this. Her features in stark relief only added to her allure. He loved how his hands had fit perfectly around her waist to lift her and that she wasn’t so light he could have thrown her across the bed without meaning to. She was a woman he didn’t have to fear he would break during loving.

  Harry realized he’d been staring at her far too long and jerked on a shoestring in an attempt to get the damn things off of her so he could settle her in bed before he got too turned on to walk away. He needed to be downstairs checking on his sister, not up here drooling over Abby.


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