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Bear Outlaw

Page 44

by Candace Ayers

  Whether he meant to or not, Jake’s pace, the feeling of his size forcing its way inside her, had Elie’s body humming in orgasm for what seemed like minutes. Her hands and feet felt numb. Her head was reeling. Breathlessly, she whispered in his ear.

  “Jake, I don’t know if I can take much more.”

  In response, Jake reared back. He didn’t stop. Grasping her hips in both large hands, he kept thudding into her, ramming into every niche of space she had. He looked down at her, and his eyes were amber. Elie shivered—he was admiring her body in the darkness, watching as she jiggled and jolted with each thrust, how her breasts bounced along with them, how her hair splayed out across the forest floor.

  With a raw cry, Jake finished hard, pumping warm jets of his seed into her. His movements slowed little by little and he leaned over her, taking deep breaths.

  Soon, he lay next to her on her sweater and gathered Elie into his arms. She inhaled his scent from the safety of his embrace. Maybe it was just the events of the night, but he smelled like forest and musk, familiar and irreplaceable.


  She hummed a response, keeping her face buried in his neck.

  “Elie, I killed that bastard. Broke his neck like it was nothing and clawed him open. Doesn’t bother you?”

  Elie let Jake’s words wash over her. She thought of Brittany Langland’s blank, strung-out face as she stared down at her young son. She thought of the evil glare in Bryan’s eyes as he told her how he would kill her, and how aroused he was by her pain. She realized that, oddly enough, it didn’t bother her at all that he was dead, or that Jake had killed him. Elie opened her eyes. She pulled back and looked into Jake’s face. She could just barely see it in the light from the house.

  “No,” she answered evenly. “He got what he deserved.”

  Jake studied her curiously. “You don’t care that I killed him?”

  Elie shook her head. “The world is a better place with one less drug-pushing rapist.”

  It was hard to guess whether her reply reassured or unnerved him. Jake pulled her back into an embrace and held her tightly.

  The moment Elie shivered with cold, Jake noticed. “Let’s get inside,” he murmured. “You’ll freeze.”

  They gathered their clothes and walked across the grass of the yard barefoot and naked. Jake dug through his pants’ pockets until he found the house keys, and they crawled into his bed together, warm and nuzzled in the sheets and blankets left behind by his parents when they died.

  Elie didn’t notice what Jake did because she was asleep too quickly, and she had never had to spend a silent night under this roof, listening to the roar of all that was absent. But Jake lay awake for as long as he could, resisting the exhaustion that pulled at him. There hadn’t been another person in this house for years. He’d almost forgotten what the sound of someone else’s footsteps on the floor was. How voices other than his own bounced into the corners and brought life into his space.

  Gingerly, he tucked an arm around her as she slept. Elie flattened herself against his side without waking, muttering with a smile on her face.

  When he was too tired to think any more on the subject, Jake wrapped his strong arms around Elie and finally, after all these years, held his love as they drifted into dream land.


  She’d definitely forgotten something. Elie frowned and tried to go back to sleep. Whatever it was, she could deal with it later. Unless something was on fire, more sleep was more important.

  There was that buzzing again. Elie realized through her sleepy delirium that it was her phone, and reached for it on the nightstand. Her hand floundered through the air, because her nightstand was back in her apartment in Denver, and she was neither there nor in her parent’s guest bedroom with the lacy white curtains.

  A smile spread across her face, even as the phone continued to buzz through her jeans’ pocket on the floor. She was in Jake’s bed.

  The smile withered as she recalled the events of the previous night, extraordinary and terrible as they were. She’d almost been raped. She’d almost been killed. In her drowsy little hometown of Hemford, of all the damn places.

  Jake was missing, so Elie sat up and reached toward the floor for the phone. It had stopped ringing, but since she’d been out mysteriously all night, with a flash of panic she remembered Jasper, but he’d probably run home after the bear had appeared, Elie had a feeling she knew who’d been calling.

  Hemford, of all places. Elie sat up, naked, in bed and opened her phone screen. She’d always expected danger in Denver. Don’t walk down dark alleys, stay in sight of people, don’t leave your drink unattended, all that and more had been standard routine in the city. No wonder scum like Bryan Mosley lurked here, where people were good and neighbors trusting. It made for easier hunting.

  Thirteen missed calls from Alison Barner. There was something immediately uneasy—ominous, even—about seeing such a number of missed calls from your mother. In France, Elie’s friend Rachel had checked her phone at the end of a Saturday night to find twenty-two missed rings from her parents. They’d been trying to tell her that Rachel’s sister had died in an auto accident.

  Elie shook off the unease and started to call Alison back, but the phone began ringing in her hand before she could press CALL. She almost dropped it altogether, but managed to answer the call and hold the phone to her ear without any further incident.

  “Elie?! Elie, oh my God, we were so worried, Elie where are you?!”

  Her stomach was doing jumping jacks, and Elie had never been much of a jumper. “Mom, I’m at Jake’s, Mom. What happened? Are you all right? Is Dad alright?”

  “Oh, God, Elie, it’s terrible—no, we’re all safe, it’s not that,” Alison cut off abruptly. “Did you say at Jake’s?”

  Her mother’s tone had hopped from panicked relief to curiosity as quick and smoothly as a lane change. Elie grinned a little, seeing in her mind’s eye Alison raising her eyebrows into the phone.

  “Well, I’m glad you made up,” Alison said finally. “Jasper came home alone last night dragging his leash, we found him in his dog house in the backyard this morning. You could say it worried us a little.”

  Elie winced. “Sorry. He, um, he got spooked and yanked the leash out of my hand. Jake and I were looking for him…”

  “And got distracted?”


  “Hey, I don’t blame you.” This last was whispered conspiratorially into the phone.

  “I’m glad Jasper found his way home. I figured he would, he knows the way. That’s why I didn’t call. It was late. I didn’t want to wake you up.”

  “Well, say hi to Jake for me,” Alison added coyly. “Don’t let me keep you. It’s already eleven. Sounds like you two had a long night.”

  “Bye, Mom,” Elie rolled her eyes and hung up.

  Elie swung her legs over the side of the bed. Cold air washed over her immediately. She almost dived back under the covers, but Jake wasn’t under the covers. That took away from the appeal.

  There was a light blanket thrown over the edge of the bed, and Elie grabbed it and wrapped it around herself to stop the shivering. It worked well enough, and she ventured out into the landing of Jake’s stairs.

  The Framer house was a level and a half, one modest floor that comprised kitchen, living room, bath, a bedroom that had always been an office for as long as Elie could remember, and the two upstairs bedrooms. The master had belonged to Jake’s parents. It stood across from Elie, now, silent.

  She approached the door. It was shut. There was a sorrowful feel to it, as if it were ice, as if cold wafted from that closed door in waves. A strange urge to look inside gripped her, and Elie set her hand on the knob. There was the cold and finite feeling of a mausoleum in the handle, but Elie turned it and looked inside.

  If she expected ghosts, in a way, that was what Elie got. Inside the master suite, time had slowed to a steady-dripping crawl. Someone had been in to clean, vacuum, dust, change th
e bedding and clear the windows. But in doing so, they had left out the book Gwen had been reading when she died—Broken Business, which looked like a dramatic thriller purchased off the discount rack—and the old work boots that Nate Framer had died in.

  Her throat closed, and Elie shut the door softly.

  Down the stairs, she heard the shower running and made an educated guess about Jake’s whereabouts. She wandered into the kitchen. The bottom floor of the home was all hardwood floors, which were quiet chilly on her bare toes. She pawed through the cupboards for coffee, filled the machine, and set it to brew.

  The shower shut off and Elie walked over just as the coffee began to drip and tested the bathroom doorknob. It was unlocked, so she pried it open silently and peered in.

  Jake stood at the mirror, naked, still glistening with water droplets in the soggy air of the bathroom. The mirror was fogged up, so he didn’t see her open the door, and Elie crept in, feeling playful. The soft rug across the tile muffled her steps, and Jake seemed busy with his razor, a collection of its pieces were scattered on the wood counter.

  Elie stepped closer… closer... she was going to envelop him in a hug with the blanket, bringing his naked body back into contact with her own, but Jake was too fast.

  Without seeming surprised to find her there, he spun around, hooked her waist, and brought her around against the counter. He ground his hips to hers. He was hard already, hot and ready to go. Elie’s heart quickened instantly, and she smiled breathlessly.

  “You’re no fun,” she joked.

  Jake grinned. His eyes roved down her body, across the curves that stuck out through the thin blanket tucked across her breasts. Smoothly, he propped her legs open, trapping her against the counter. Elie was wrapped so tightly in the blanket she could hardly move.

  “I think you’ll probably change your mind in a minute or two,” he replied. His voice was gravelly with lust. “Besides. I’m a werebear. I heard you coming down the stairs and making coffee, even over the shower.”

  Elie had no time to answer; Jake’s hand slipped between the folds of the blanket and dove between her legs. The only thing Elie could do was stand there and let it happen, which, coincidentally, was the only thing she wanted to do. She started to say so, but Jake set a finger on her lips—his own lips followed a moment later, stealing the breath she was struggling to draw as he touched and tested and teased.

  Her weight was more or less on the counter now. Jake stood between her spread legs, his hand now pulsing into her gently, running circles across the flesh and bringing her heartbeat to the surface of her skin.

  “Let go of the blanket,” he murmured. “Brace your arms back.”

  Quivering, Elie obliged. The damp, cooling air brought out goosebumps immediately as the blanket slipped down and exposed her skin to the waist. Jake’s attentions below intensified, and his other hand closed gently on one breast at a time. He rolled her nipples experimentally, caressed their pink tips with his thumb. Elie bit her lip as lights flashed before her eyes and bursts of ecstasy pounded into her through Jake’s hands.

  He brought her to a climax, right there on the counter, and Jake had to hold her to keep Elie from falling to the floor.

  He pulled the blanket away. The cold swept in fully and Elie almost protested, until he turned her around and bent her over.

  Still shaken from her first, Elie could do nothing but succumb to the growing wave of the second orgasm swelling inside her. Jake’s fingers raked her back gently, before clamping firmly onto her hips. He thrust into her so hard she felt like her backside must be bruising, but it was never too hard, or too much. All Elie could imagine wanting was more, delighted when Jake exceeded her desires every time.

  Jake was panting. The mirror had cleared enough for Elie to see his face, screwed together in concentration and merciless pleasure. Then he looked up and met her eyes, and Elie realized how sexual, how unbelievably erotic it was to watch him ram his dick inside her this way, and for him to be able to watch from the front as he worked.

  With a soft cry he came, fingers digging into Elie’s thighs. Her legs were so wobbly, she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to walk. Her hands stayed safely propped on the counter as she straightened and turned to face him.

  “I take back what I said. You are fun,” she breathed. Jake grinned broadly and kissed her.


  Pretty dead in here, for a Sunday,” Elie noted. She squared off a bite of pancake. She was still working on her first stack, but Jake had made it through two and a half, not to mention his Lumberjack Special—two eggs, sausages, bacon slices, and hash browns. Denny’s at its finest.

  Jake shrugged. “Maybe there’s some church thing going on.”

  “Maybe,” Elie glanced up to the waitress, a cute blonde, with her eyes on Jake. At Elie’s glare, she quickly turned away, smiling.


  Jake reddened, guiltily, around a mouthful of hash browns. “Maybe,” he mumbled.

  “Hmm.” Elie raised an eyebrow. “How long ago?”

  “Some four years. She’s married now, I wouldn’t worry.”

  Elie chuckled. “Oh, after this morning, I’m not worried.”

  Jake nodded and swallowed his food. “You shouldn’t be. That girl ain’t never seen a James Bond movie. Some things a man just can’t live with.”

  They were still laughing when another familiar face came through the door, peering around, clearly looking for someone. It was another man their age, dressed in mountain standard, jeans and boots and a dusty work jacket. Elie and Jake were the only two customers in the Hemford Denny’s, and he zeroed in on their table instantly.

  “Jake! Hey, whatcha doin’? Haven’t you heard?”

  “I’m having breakfast with a lady, you damn cowbell. What’re you doin’?”

  “Oh, hi, Elie! Didn’t know you were back in town.” Uninvited, Jonny Schneider plopped into the booth next to her and gave her a side-hug. Jake slowed his chewing, glaring at Jonny like an upset dog, but Elie didn’t mind. Jonny had been in their friend group in high school. She hadn’t seen him since.

  “What’ve you been up to?”

  “Today?” Jonny asked, excited as a kid on Christmas. “Bear hunting.”

  Elie and Jake both froze like broken robots, staring. Jonny was oblivious. “I guess Jeremiah’s mutt found a body in the woods early this morning—Jerry was goin’ out to fish, and the dog just runs off through the trees and starts puttin’ up a racket—anyway, they ID’d the body. It was that Mosley fella. Poor sumbitch. It was a bear, for sure, and a big one. Bent his skull in like a beer can.”

  “Who’s doing the huntin’?” Jake asked casually. He gnawed on a piece of bacon as if undisturbed.

  “All the guys from the mill, and Brent said if it ain’t caught or driven off by tonight, he’ll let us off Monday to chase the damn thing. You scared him real good last night I think,” this was directed at Elie. “He thought you might’ve been got, too.”

  Elie chewed thoughtfully. She hadn’t even been home yet since last night.

  “I don’t know if I can meet up with you,” Jake answered. “Elie’n me were going to town later. Her oil’s been burning up too fast, we were going to go pick up something snazzier than Pennzoil to try.”

  Jonny snorted. “That’s a Subaru for you. Just buy a Ford, problem solved.”

  Elie smirked. “New oil is a little closer to my price range.”

  “I’ll check in with you later,” Jake waved him off. “Leave me be. I don’t muscle in on your dates with Jennifer.”

  Jonny smiled again and got to his feet. “Fine, Jake. See ya. Good seeing you, too, Elie!”

  Elie waved as he bounced out the door. Her pancakes weren’t quite so appealing anymore. She looked over at Jake.

  “Want to go catch a movie?” she asked with a shrug.

  Jake offered half a grin. “Probably not.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re really going to help them bear hunt? I mean,”
she lowered her voice, “I guess that would be the best way to hide.”

  Jake shook his head. “Elie, don’t get mad.”

  “I’m already getting mad as soon as you tell me not to get mad.”

  “Well, just don’t, ok?” Jake exhaled and looked her in the eye. “I’ve been thinking about this kind of thing for a long time. You know, that eventually they’d want to get rid of the resident bear. I actually have a bit of a plan worked out, believe it or not. I have a few ideas.”

  He took a sip of orange juice. Elie waited, motionless.

  “All right, this is my plan,” Jake pushed his empty pancake plate away and poked at his eggs. “I’m going to give them something to chase.”

  “That’s a stupid plan,” Elie hissed. “What if you’re shot? Oh, wait…”

  “Well,” Jake winced. “If I’m shot in bear form it’s a little different. They say only silver bullets kill werewolves, and I admit, the lead ones don’t seem to do the job. But they do hurt like hell.”

  “So you would’ve healed from the one last night even if you didn’t change?”

  “As soon as I’m human, all bets are off,” Jake said quickly. “I got shot in the leg a couple years ago—”


  “I was in bear form, and a hunter shot at me. He got my leg. I’d been roaming around all night, and near exhausted, and I changed back before it healed. Hell of a time trying to explain it to the nurse at the ER.”

  Elie sat there and stared, absorbing this information. “So you want to convince them that you’ve been run out of town?”

  Jake nodded. “And preferably not get shot, but I could probably take a few.”

  It was bizarre, to be sitting in a sunny little Denny’s in Hemford, Colorado, calmly discussing the logistics of leading a mob through the forest on a goose chase and possibly getting shot here and there. Not that Elie’s life was particularly predictable, but this was by far the oddest morning she’d had since the Mardi Gras she’d spent partying with a troupe of drag queens.


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