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How You Get The Girl (Theme Song Book 2)

Page 12

by Jessica Florence

  He went back to the set, and everything was calmed down for now. We were presenting a solid front, and I had faith it wouldn’t get worse.

  When our final week of shooting began, I was tired, but Joel and I had managed not to kill anyone. So I considered it a success.

  A knock on the door in the morning woke me up, and Joel, who was already making us breakfast, went to open it.

  “Right on time, bud.”

  Not caring that I was wearing just my underwear and one of Joel’s shirts, I leaped out of the bed at the sound of Jenson’s voice.

  He was standing there giving Joel a fist bump, and I almost tackled him to the ground. I missed him so much, and now he was here!

  “Oh my God, how are you here? I’m so happy!” I couldn’t stop talking, hugging him, and kissing his face.

  “Okay, Mom. Geez.” He pushed me off and tried to compose himself. He was a teenager, and teenagers didn’t hug their moms for that long.

  “I brought him,” Joel piped up, looking very proud of himself.

  “Yeah, I’m here for the week, then head back with you.” Jenson dropped his bag, and looked around, totally ignoring me, who was practically crying I was so happy to see him.

  “Jenson Cole Rose, you get your butt back here and give your mom a hug and tell me you missed me.” I wasn’t having anything less. He rolled his eyes, but came over and did as he was told, with a little extra squeeze in his hug. He missed me, too.

  We didn’t have too much time to sit down for breakfast, but it was still nice having Jenson here with me. He was excited to be on set with me as my assistant. He wore swim trunks and a normal black T-shirt. Sort of imitating Joel, but I didn’t say anything to him.

  The rest of the day went pretty easily. Although we had gotten used to the people on set talking about us dating behind our backs, Jenson had noticed, and he wasn’t very happy about it.

  “Want me to punch them?” He clenched his fists while looking at the men that were trying to goad me with lewd gestures. They all thought I was easy, since Joel had gotten me in the sack. Joel had barely held himself back the week before, and I sort of felt sorry for these guys once filming was over and Joel could let loose. Technically even then he shouldn’t go after them, but there was only so much he could take while keeping his mouth shut. They were pressing their luck. I pulled my kid in close and gave him a little hug.

  “Maybe an accidental nut shot.” He smiled, and I didn’t really care if he took my joke seriously or not.

  We both watched as Joel and Nineveh embraced each other tenderly and kissed. It was their final scene together, when she finally confessed her love to him, and he escaped the book that held him hostage.

  “You really like him?” Jenson asked, while watching the two actors. I still didn’t like it that his lips were touching another’s right now, but it wasn’t real. He wasn’t kissing her like he kissed me, and he wasn’t holding her like he held me.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Joel’s eyes caught mine briefly when they separated, just to make sure I hadn’t ran away.

  It wasn’t easy, but I was still here. I just prayed I was allowed to work on set if they needed to do any retakes. Lisa had said something to me briefly about being professional, but since we had no incidents during work hours, she didn’t make a big deal out of it.

  “You good with all the crazy that comes with him?” I needed to know that Jenson had an understanding about fame, and what it does to your life.

  He nodded slowly, and I hoped he really got it. This was probably going to be one wild ride.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Please? I swear, we’ll be quick,” I whispered, as my hands gripped Alessandra’s ass while she leaned against the couch. Jenson was watching a movie with us, and I needed some alone time with my woman.

  It had been a few days, and we only had one day left before filming was over, and we flew home.

  Life with a teenager was not as easy. I couldn’t have sex with Alessandra on the table, or in the outside tub. We had to wait until he was asleep, or sneak off into the bathroom, so he wouldn’t hear us.

  He wasn’t a dirty kid, so that was a plus. But I had noticed a Tumblr notification pop up on his phone for something dirty. Alessandra didn’t know that Tumblr was pretty much for porn nowadays, so I had to be the one to break it to her that his collection was all digital. She had a rough night that night, trying to accept he was growing up.

  “I can hear you two,” Jenson muttered, and I gave her ass one last squeeze before going back to just sitting next to her like an adult.

  Alessandra’s phone starting ringing, and she answered it with a very feminine hello, then yanked the phone away from her ear because very high-pitched screaming was coming from the speaker.

  “Oh my God, put us on speaker, so Joel can hear this!” It was Livia’s voice, and she was very excited. I smiled, having a feeling where this conversation was going to go. I was very good at reading my friend.

  “Okay, you’re on.” Alessandra had put her on speaker and held the phone out so it wasn’t too close to our eardrums.

  “Killian and I are getting married!”

  Alessandra squealed her excitement along with Livia, who couldn’t stop talking about it in a very high-pitchedrush of words.

  I was right; Killian wouldn’t waste much time without making her his in every way he could. I grabbed my phone and sent him a text, congratulating him.

  Since I had been filming, and he had Livia on the road with him, we hadn’t talked much. Which was good, in a way. We were still friends and would see each other, but I wasn’t his only friend anymore. He had her to shine light on his life and keep him happy.

  Livia kept Alessandra on the phone for over an hour, talking about wedding stuff. Of course, those two had become friends, talking on the phone, and on Facebook. Livia had gotten her to read some romance novels, and I tried to get her to put that knowledge to good use, but it didn’t work out so well for me. Because of course she put on the front that she wanted to strap me down and shove dildos up my ass. That was not a joke I found funny.

  I was still a little traumatized from that conversation, and it happened last week.

  Jenson’s phone dinged, and he looked at it, then put it down. His face hardened a little.

  “Sup, kid?”

  “Nothin’.” He was short with me and abruptly stood and walked into the room he was sleeping in. Odd. Alessandra hadn’t noticed what just happened, so I figured I would let her have her time with Livia and go talk to him myself, hoping I wasn’t overstepping somehow.

  I knocked on his door before entering, and he was sitting there, his hair a mess from running his hands through it.

  “Wanna talk?” I closed the door behind me, in case he didn’t want his mom hearing it.

  “Just stupid kids from school.” He wasn’t too thrilled to be talking about it, but I could tell he needed to, so I just stayed quiet and listened.

  “The stuff they are saying about us in those magazines. I don’t care, but I don’t wanna hear it coming from people at school, ya know?”

  “I do.” I didn’t want my fame screwing with his school life.

  “But I don’t want you and Mom to break up. You’re a cool guy, and I’ve never seen Mom like this. She’s never dated anyone since I can remember, so it’s a big deal.” That was good to hear. He was still on my side when it came to his mom. I didn’t want to break up with her, either.

  “I’ll get over it. They’re just being stupid.” He cracked his knuckles and lay back against the bed.

  “My dad always used to say, if you can’t change your friends, then change your friends. So the ones that are talking shit aren’t your friends. The true ones wouldn’t disrespect you like that. You are smarter than they are.” I hoped I helped him a little; I didn’t really know how to be a philosophical parental figure, but I could give him honesty.

  “You need anything, just let me know.”
He needed time, and I knew the feeling. He just nodded and went back to focusing on the dark ocean through the window.

  I found Alessandra sitting on the couch, saying goodbye to Livia.

  “She seems excited.”

  Cue rolling of the eyes.

  “She’s marrying the love of her life. Of course, she’s excited. Sounds like they are going to have a laid-back wedding at his house in the Keys. Sounds like fun.” She sounded tired, and I’m sure she was. Between everything going on with work, Jenson, and all our extra activities, she needed rest.

  I sat next to her and hauled her legs on top of mine. My hands found her feet, rubbing them, hoping to release any tension in her body.

  “We should get married in Hawaii,” I suggested. Half being serious, half not. When I asked her to marry me, it wasn’t going to be like that. Boring. It just wasn’t our style.

  We were like Deadpool and Vanessa.

  Minus the International Women’s Day celebrating part.

  “I’m thinking more like Alaska. A fur panty and bra set can be pretty sexy for a wedding night outfit.” Somehow, she couldn’t ruin the image of her on our future wedding night with fur lingerie. Nope.

  We were quiet for a little while, me massaging her feet as she just enjoyed the moment.

  “Where’d Jenson go?” Her eyes closed, and her head dropped back to the pillow behind her.

  “He went out to go knock up a Hawaiian girl named Lola.”

  Her lips lifted up and she spoke.

  “Are they drinking champagne that tastes like Coca-Cola?”

  How could anyone deny that this woman and I were meant to be? Truly, she was like the girl version of me. Music, surfing, movies, and fun humor. She couldn’t cook for shit, but I was fine with handling that. I swear, I could never get over how perfect she was for me.

  “I think I’m ready for bed.” She yawned, and my hands slid up her legs, feeling her soft skin.

  I reached around her back and picked her up like the superhero I was.

  She didn’t fight me as I carried her to the bedroom, and we settled into bed together. She passed out quickly, and I just lay there, holding her in my arms.

  Two more days in paradise, then it was back to our true reality. I wasn’t ready for us to go back to Los Angeles. Here we really only had to deal with people on set, there we would be dealing with everyone. Women who thought they were going to be the ones to make me settle. Shitty guys I would have to beat for thinking that she would sleep around since she slept with me.

  I just wish I’d thought of the shit hitting the fan before we reached the mainland.

  Maybe I could have been better prepared.

  Chapter Thirty



  Everyone lifted their champagne glasses in celebration of the final day of filming. It was a crazy four months, and I was happy to have a little break before my next job. I was in such a good mood, I pretended not to notice Jenson taking a sip of champagne. I also had to smother a grin when he made a disgusted face and didn’t drink the rest.

  Joel was surrounded by a bunch of people, all talking about how great he did with the role. He really did do a fantastic job. I was sure it was going to be his best yet.

  “You did a good job during the film. You’ve got real skill.” Nineveh had made her way close to me and smiled politely. We hadn’t really talked much since she came onto the set, not even a hello.

  “Thanks. You did wonderfully, too. It’s going to be a big hit.” Besides kissing Joel for her job, she hadn’t done anything to me to warrant bitchy behavior. Her hair was wrapped up in a bun, and her dress was blowing in the beach breeze.

  “Thanks. It’s the biggest film I’ve done.” She blushed, and I had a feeling this girl was very shy.

  There was an awkward silence between us, and before I could break it up, she beat me to it.

  “I’m sorry if our job caused you two any stress. He’s very much in love with you. I knew that even before you guys were outed.” She offered me a smile, and seemed very genuine.

  “Thanks. It was hard, but I know we are real.”

  “It’s beautiful. I hope I find love like that one day.” She was cute, but quiet. Very much opposite of me.

  “Well, I don’t wanna take up any more of your time. Maybe I’ll see you on another set sometime.” She wrinkled her nose in an adorable bunny way,then floated off, her dress billowing behind her.

  I liked her, and judging from the way Leighton eyed her, he did too. Interesting. Maybe love wasn’t too far off for her.

  Just as I went to grab a piece of cake, my phone started ringing. I ignored it, because it couldn’t be more important than cake right now.

  When it rang again almost immediately, I sighed and pressed the button to answer. Realizing too late who I had just accepted a call from.

  “What do you want?”

  “Sweet as pie. You never change.” The gruff male voice over the phone boiled my blood.

  “What do you want, Alex?” You stupid, son of a bitch ex-boyfriend of mine.

  I wish I would have said that out loud to him, but I didn’t want to cause a scene. So I walked away from the celebrating crowd and hid behind a dune so I could yell at him if I needed to.

  “Just wanted to call you on your shit. Been waiting a long time for this moment.”

  Is he fucking kidding me right now?

  “I swear, Alex, get it out. You calling to give me some excuse again why you never wanted to see our son? How big your next movie is going to be? I don’t care. We’ve lived without you perfectly.” He did call sometimes to brag about his life, which wasn’t anything spectacular. Landed a commercial for Viagra? Well, you were the perfect candidate, since you have issues there.

  “I was just sitting her scrolling on my phone, when I see your name pop up everywhere on the news. Dating Joel Kline, huh? He really must be a better actor than me, to get you to stay around with him, living the Hollywood life.”

  Despite feeling strong when it came to him, what he said had dug a little hole in my thoughts.

  “You can’t believe those stupid things, and really, Alex? Unless you want me to take you to court again, and this time bring up how you’ve never paid child support, I suggest you leave me alone.”

  “You didn’t wanna live that life with me, and I’m the father to our kid.” I scoffed at that. He was never a father to Jenson.

  “It’s different.” Why I felt the need to justify myself to him, I had no clue.

  “Sure it is. He’s just more convincing than me. So I’m just going to enjoy this moment, and watch for the fall. Because we both know the curtain will close at some point.”

  “Oh, go fuck another whore, Alex.” I ended the call, but he had already done his job of riling me up. Why do I always answer when he calls? I think some small part of me hopes that he is calling to apologize, or see the error of his ways and try to make amends with his son. Maybe be a dad, for once. But it never was for that. Always something stupid, and I couldn’t care less.

  Whatever. I wasn’t going to let what he said bother me. Joel was real with me.

  I went back to the party and tried to enjoy myself, but it was like Alex just poured vinegar in my tea. I couldn’t shake it.

  Joel came over to check on me and then stayed close while we talked to people. Jenson was chatting a mile a minute with one of the cameramen, who told him he’d done a lot of underwater shooting.

  “You okay?” Joel leaned over and asked in my ear, and I nodded with a fake smile. His eyes narrowed in response, and he knew something was wrong. I just didn’t want to talk about it.

  When the celebration started to die out, we drove back to the house, and I tried to dig myself out of my quicksand thoughts.

  “I love you.” I wrapped my arms around Joel once we set our stuff down by the door. Jenson went directly to the kitchen and started eating again.

  “I love you, too,” he said, with no hesitation.

  “Ready to tell me what happened?”

  I looked into his eyes, and I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t say it. Would he be mad that Alex’s words had gotten to me? The scared-of-getting-hurt Alessandra was rearing her head again in my mind.

  “I’m just stressing over nothing. I’ll get over it.” I gave him a kiss, and left for the bathroom.

  I believed Joel, and I believed in us. I wasn’t going to let Alex screw my life up again.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  It’d been a week since we all left Kauai, and I was losing Alessandra.

  I don’t know what the main component was in the beginning, but being hounded by paparazzi at the airport curb in L.A. didn’t help. Neither had all the gossip news, rumors about her being my side chick, or that Jenson had been getting into the Hollywood scene of drugs and sex that some teens in the business do.

  All of it would calm down once our relationship wasn’t new anymore. But it was a lot harder than even I was expecting. She was trying, and Jenson too. He didn’t care that much, but he did care about his mom. He wanted to protect her, now that he was older. Both of them protecting each other was really all they ever truly had. Her family was in Brazil, and Jenson’s dad was a shithead.

  I didn’t know anything else I could do to help her. This world was hard, and I couldn’t be there all the time to watch over them.

  I’d stayed the night in her apartment once, and it turned into a disaster.

  She and I wound up in the paper indecently dressed. She was in sleep shorts and a tank top, and me in just trunks, with no shirt. I was heading to the beach for a swim, but the wind blew the right way and showed off more of her ass than I would have liked to have been seen by people.

  Someone was waiting and caught it at the right moment.

  I invited them over to my house in La Jolla for a break, and she thought it was a good idea, to get out of the big city.


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