One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy
Page 6
Greedy for as much time with him as possible, I have to find the nerve to broach the subject, so I turn around and gaze up at him. I feel transparent. It’s as if the emotionless mystery of his dark eyes is due to the lack of suspense. He’s already predicted the inevitable; I’d come to him asking to be dominated.
“I um, I thought about and researched what you desire to do to me.” I look away from him, but he takes hold of my chin, gesturing me to return my gaze. Staring into his eyes, I run my palm down the front of his chest.
“Soft limits. Everything you said you wanted ... please do them to me.”
It’s then I see in his eyes the unequivocal lust sparked from my words. He grips my arms, his lips crashing against mine, sharing his passion and approval. After a drugging kiss, he looks at me as if he’s weighing what he wants to do next.
“Come.” He takes my hand and pulls me behind him to his room and into the restroom. I try to glance around the massive space encircling his bed, but he’s dragging me hastily. “Strip, but don’t get into the shower. I’ll be back in a minute.”
I discard my clothing after Damon leaves, my body shaking the entire time. I believe I can trust him, but the unknown of what will come has me conflicted. He saunters back into the restroom with a pillow case and my shampoo. My eyes widen when I see it in his hands.
He smirks. “Don’t worry. I’m not putting it over your head. We’ll start with this.” Damon lays it on the sink and begins taking his clothes off, never rushing or taking his eyes off mine.
My hands are clasped in front of me, and I’m desperately trying not to fidget. Having a pep talk with myself, I decide that to please him, I’ll work harder at maintaining eye contact, hoping it’ll become easier with time and trust.
I relish in the exquisite body in front of me. There is just the right amount of hair on his chest, and I follow the trail leading to his straining hard-on.
After he’s finished undressing, he turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature. Picking up the pillowcase, he begins rolling it tightly, starting from one of the long sides. I assume I’m being either tied up or blindfolded.
“Turn around and put your hands together.” Doing as I’m told, I turn my back to him and instantly feel the fabric tighten around my wrists. “You could get out of this but you won’t. When answering or asking a question, you address me as sir. What’s your safe word?”
I feel his lips brush along the back of my shoulder, sending chills from the top of my head to my toes. He opens the door to the massive, glassed in shower and helps me in. Before he steps inside, he gathers our towels, washcloths and a condom from a drawer and lays all of it outside the shower.
“Stay facing me. I’m going to wash your hair and your body.”
His sensual voice invades my ears, the sound waves prickling every one of my nerves. Like wearing the clown suit, he could give a lecture on Physics, and I’d get turned on.
“Take one step back,” he says.
After moving, his hands run down the length of my hair, wetting it under the shower. My eyelids close as he massages my scalp, and while he rinses it, his tongue is on my ear, circling before he sucks in my earlobe.
I whimper, my knees trying to give from the pleasure. Lips glide down my neck, sucking and nibbling before he bites down hard at the hollow of it and groans. The pain is there but tolerable.
“The smell of your hair is intoxicating,” he says.
Squirting soap into the washcloth, he begins at my neck and shoulders and slides it along my skin. When he gets to my chest, he cups my breast inside the washcloth, massaging it in his hand, and then does the same to the other one.
He continues to wash me, barely touching at times, causing me to flinch. The soapy suds slip down my legs along with his hands. I want to grip his shiny, black hair below me.
My cheek is flat against the tile wall of the shower after he spins me around. It happens so fast, I yelp. I feel one of his hands rooted in my hair and the other to the small of my back. His teeth graze my ear.
“Don’t move, Alayna. Let’s see how still you can be and how loud you can scream.” I’m not sure if he has damn buttons in this expensive shower, but he moves the hand from my back, and now there are only jets hitting our legs.
My heart pounds in my chest as my cheek and breasts stay pressed against the cool porcelain. Water drips from my hair onto my eyelids, so I have to close them since I’m unable to move my hands.
His fingers slowly drag from my head down the middle of my back, and I feel the bumps form on my skin. The faint touch of his fingers along my backside have my muscles tightening, demanding for him to be inside of me.
“Baby, your ass is superb.” With both hands, he squeezes it hard. I feel his fingers dig into the skin. My cheeks pull apart, and I gasp, wondering what in the hell he’s going to do.
Hands move to the back of my upper thighs before he spreads my legs apart, and I feel uncomfortable when my boobs shift, squished against the tile, but soon I’m only feeling pleasure as his tongue glides along my flesh, front to back in single strokes.
I whimper and squeeze my shoulder blades together, wishing I could get my wrists undone, but I stop, knowing the pillowcase could easily come undone, and I’m not sure what he’d do then.
“Still, Alayna,” he says demandingly.
His tongue begins its assault, thrusting in and out of my pussy. In less than twenty-four hours, Damon has made me see that part of my body for what it is, erotic, sensual ... a space he desires more than anything.
I hear a light rumbling groan from him as he circles my clit. His fingertips dig into my legs, his wet hair tickles along the delicate creases on the inside of my thighs, and each harsh stroke of his tongue has my legs shaking more as an orgasm builds from deep inside.
His fingers thrust into me, and fuck. Wherever he’s touching it feels sinfully good but almost intolerable at the same time, and it’s going to–make me–come hard.
“Oh, Damon,” I say in a groan. My legs are giving, so his free hand pushes my thigh forward, pressing me harder against the shower wall.
His thumb jabs into my skin while his other hand skillfully pushes the same spot deep inside me, bringing me to a screaming orgasm like I’ve never felt before. This man is talented. I’m not going to say experienced. I don’t want to think about that, so I’ll call him gifted. Most definitely.
“I’m going to let you go. Don’t. Move.”
My face is turned away from the shower door, but I hear the rip of the condom wrapper. Soon, his fingers are tangled in my hair, and my head is being yanked back. His nose grazes down my neck, his tongue swirling along the same path after, and I feel his hard cock pressed against my ass.
“You’re irresistible, Alayna. So. Fucking. Irresistible.” His whisper feels like a biting wind slicing through me, awakening a passion only for Damon. One hand moves from my hair to my breast. He’s kneading it hard. “Put your right foot on the bench.”
There’s a small bench next to us in the corner of the shower, so I do as he says and hike my foot up onto it. He holds me so I don’t fall. My leg is bent at the knee, my hands still tied behind my back.
He lets me go, and I feel it as he yanks the two tails of the case, tightening it around my wrists. It excites me even more, and I find myself happy to be pleasing him.
Sliding right into me, he practically roars. His hand splays across my belly, pulling my body back against him as he repeatedly and shamelessly drives up into me.
“Fuck, Alayna, you’re so wet for me.”
I feel the pleasure mounting again, but I’m uncomfortable as hell. It’s as if he knows, and with one yank, my wrists are undone.
“Put your palms flat and low on the wall.”
I do as he says, and I’m essentially bent over like a table, one foot still on the bench. He growls as he slides in even farther and slams into me several times.
ing the frenzied orgasm hit, it spreads throughout my extremities. It’s unabated, spiking repeatedly. He stills and squeezes my hips hard as he comes, buried deep inside of me.
Pulling my body upright and slipping out of me, he turns me around and backs me against the wall again before his tongue is in my mouth.
It’s a desperate kiss, like he still can’t get enough of me, and I love it. I’m realizing it’s not the sex from him I want most, but the craving he shows for me. I take the opportunity to touch him by sliding my hands up his neck and into the back of his wet hair.
Groaning into my mouth, he reaches up and pulls my arms down. Holding my forearms snug, he releases my lips and rests his forehead against mine.
We’re both breathing loudly as the steam billows around us, and it’s the first time he doesn’t seem completely calm and collected.
“You’re going to be trouble,” he says.
Alayna whips her head back after I tell her she’s going to be trouble. It bangs hard against the tile wall.
“Ouch.” She reaches for the back of her head, so I pull away. Dammit. I’m not trying to hurt her.
“Did I do something wrong? Was it not good for you?” she asks anxiously.
I reach behind her and rub her scalp lightly.
“Is your head OK?”
“Yes, it’s fine. You can tell me the truth.”
Our mouths are so close, and I already want to kiss her again. “Alayna, you did nothing wrong.”
“But it wasn’t good.” She looks away, and this shit needs to stop.
“It was ... you’re maddening. Do you know that?”
“What now? I’m so confused. Can I please dry off, um, sir?”
Jesus. Sex with her is phenomenal, she’s doing nothing wrong other than she doesn’t get that she can’t just do whatever the hell she wants, like touch me, but she’s almost too damn sweet for me to tell her. This is disastrous.
“Yeah, sure.” I turn off the water and hand her a towel. I take another one and dry her hair some as she dries her body. She doesn’t smile or say anything until she’s finished.
“If it’s alright with you, I’m going to go to my room.”
“OK,” I say, running my hand through my hair. I’m really at a loss for words, and I don’t like it one damn bit. Wrapping her towel around her, she leaves the restroom, so I dry off and throw something on.
I walk into the living room to look out over the city. It’s dark, but I can see that after twenty-four hours, the snow is still coming down. I shouldn’t have taken the entire day off. We’re definitely not going anywhere for at least two more days, so I have to work from home tomorrow.
It should take my mind off Alayna, too, which is what I need to happen. She’s too damn sweet and deserves someone who she can at least put her damn hands on, and I have to remember she’ll be leaving.
I’ve never had a woman stay here more than a night, so this is already out of my comfort zone. I turn my head when I hear a noise. I think she’s out of her room.
Chapter Ten
What the hell did I do wrong? He says I’m maddening. He’s the one who acts bizarre. Does he want me, does he not? I should’ve known it was too good to be true that I could fulfill him sexually.
If I couldn’t keep Michael happy in that department, why in the hell did I think I could please Damon, the sexual predator?
I comb my hair out and go to put on my nightshirt, only to remember it’s in the dryer, so I put my towel back around me and tiptoe to the laundry room off the hallway restroom, hoping not to run into him.
Once I remember how to use the high tech contraption, I turn the dryer on to fluff my clothes. While I wait, I admire the tidy, small space, along with the elegant restroom.
After a few minutes, I drop my towel and pull my nightshirt over my head. It’s a pink, baby doll style and barely covers my ass. A small ruffle lines the scoop neck and cap sleeve hems. I like to wear it since it’s soft. After folding the rest of my clothes, I hold them in front of me to take to my room.
As soon as I’m exiting the door, he’s coming out of the living room. Of course we’d both try to enter the hallway at the same damn time.
“Hi. I was just getting my clean clothes. Go ahead.” I wave my hand for him to go in front of me, but he crosses his arms and folds his hands under his armpits, giving me a look as if I’m not telling him what to do in his own house. Good grief, this man is exhausting.
I sigh and walk swiftly to my room, feeling his eyes on me the entire way. Once inside, I put on my satiny, black panties and put the rest of my clothes inside an empty dresser. Yawning, I crawl into bed. I need to exercise more. The sex today wore me out, and I’m only twenty-seven.
Dammit! Alayna’s parading around here in a nightgown and no panties. It’s not the erotic lingerie I’ve already fantasized seeing her in but more of an innocent, school girl kind of look, and it’s sexy as hell. All I see now is her hair up in handlebars, I mean pigtails, and a bed for her to jump on.
I worked for an hour, and I’ve been in bed for two. It’s midnight, and I’m hard for Alayna. How am I supposed to fucking sleep with a gorgeous woman in the other room?
“Wake up, Alayna.”
My eyes fly open when I hear a whisper in my ear. Damon is hovering over me. I can’t see his dark irises or his jet hair, but his heavy breath is on my neck.
“Damon. What are you doing?”
“Do you trust me?”
His lips graze from my ear to my jaw and then to my lips before they brush ever so gently across mine.
“I thought you didn’t want me.”
“I never said that, but obviously you need more convincing, so let me work on it.”
My heart and lungs battle over who’s the loudest.
“I’m tying you up. You have eager hands.”
I want to ask him what he’s going to do and why I can’t touch him, but I can’t find the words. He’s abruptly off of me and to the side of the bed.
Something soft goes around my left wrist, and then it’s lifted but kept out to the side. There are a few horizontal slats on the headboard, and my hand is being tied to one of them.
He yanks the material tight, and I feel my nightshirt ride up my waist. He walks around to the other side and ties my right wrist in the same fashion. My arms are spread out and immobile, and although asleep only minutes ago, I’m now wired with anticipation.
“I’m turning on a light.”
Oh shit. He’s going to look at me like this. My hair has to be one hot mess, and he’s going to give me that look; the one that makes my lip quiver and my muscles clench.
A dim lamp comes on from the nightstand. Waiting a few seconds, I slowly open my eyes, and there he stands at the end of the bed. His hair is sexy and mussed up, his raven eyes spear through me, and I feel like his prized possession. Damon’s seeing and thinking about nothing but me.
“God, you’re so gorgeous, especially tied to this bed.”
He’s in his boxer briefs, and I see his erection grow even harder and taller. It springs free as he slips them off. The man has every reason, including one large one, to feel confident enough to strip down in front of me.
Starting from the bottom of the bed, he crawls onto it, his nose and lips slowly skimming up my legs. Every graze of his skin across mine causes me to flinch. The faint touch feeling like a sprinkling of rain hitting my hot skin.
“If you can’t keep these long legs still, I’m tying them up, as well.” He pauses, his eyes tilting up at me with a warning before he slides my panties down. “I like these, but they’re in my way.” As soon as I hear the snapping sound of them flying off, my legs are spread wide open, his tongue gliding up my inner thigh.
Shit, I’ve never wanted anything like I want this man’s mouth and hands on me.
��Please, Damon,” I say in a desperate tone.
He freezes and raises a brow.
“Please, what?”
“Please touch me.”
“Is that not what I’m doing?” he asks with a smirk.
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I’ll have to hear it. Since you want to control this situation, you’re going to tell me what to do, or I stop now.”
I sigh and close my eyes. He’s the damn maddening one.
“Please, put your mouth and tongue on me.”
“Where, Alayna? And look at me when you say it.”
Bastard. No matter what, he’ll make me say it. I open my eyes and gaze down at him.
“My pussy, sir. Please,” I say drawn out and with more urgency.
“Fuck, Alayna. What are you doing to me?”
I hear a possessive, guttural sound before his mouth is on me, the wicked strokes of ecstasy beginning once again. Fingers slide in while his other hand is up under my nightshirt, kneading my breast hard. In a matter of hours, I’m completely losing myself in this man.
He’s pumping that special spot again as his tongue circles wildly, and in no time, I’m crying his name, jerking my wrists and moving my legs. Growling, his hand goes from my breast to across my thighs. He’s pinning them down, his burning breath blanketing me.
Eyes close as I ride out the waves of pleasure, my orgasm unrelenting. He’s now off of me, putting on the condom before I feel his warm body settle between my legs. Slamming into me, he drives as deep as possible.
My eyes fly open, becoming fixed on his mesmerizing build. Thick biceps flex as they support his weight. His contoured shoulders and the veins in his neck are pronounced as he continues his rhythm of sheathing himself inside me. I feel ripples of pleasure building, bringing me close to another release.
“Oh–god–yes, Damon.”
“Come with me, Alayna,” he says before pulling back and driving into me one last time, farther than I’ve ever felt. The rake pushes me over the edge, shattering my hold and unfurling another earth-shattering climax.
He’s groaning from his release, and all at once, his weight falls on me, causing my wrists to pull tighter. I’m suddenly aware of how snug they are to the bed, so I glance up and see my hands are red and puffy where the blood is pooling from the way they’re bent. I have a feeling they’re going to hurt later.