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One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy

Page 14

by Scarlet Wolfe

  She grumbles and throws her hand to her hip.

  “It’s not about that, Damon. I’ve enjoyed being here with you. I would’ve said yes and stayed until Tuesday, but it’s the fact that you did it without asking me.”

  I run my hands down her arms.

  “OK, I’m sorry.”

  “You confuse the hell out of me. I wake up and you’re not in bed with me, but then I check my email and see that my flight’s been changed to a later date. You need to figure out what the hell you want.” She pokes my chest again before she walks away.

  Oh, that woman’s maddening!

  I have to find a way to smooth things over with her, or she’ll leave today.


  Damon is making me crazy. He won’t discuss his past, he won’t sleep an entire night in bed with me, yet he’ll fuck me senseless and invade my privacy to the point of rooting through my purse.

  He had to have broken some kind of law, changing my flight information without my knowledge. I shouldn’t be surprised since he had Quinn commit burglary less than forty-eight hours ago.

  He was full of shit when he said he was trying not to wake me for sex again. Damon takes and does what Damon wants, so he just didn’t want to wake up with me.

  I shower and stay in my room. He needs a damn time-out over this one, and since he won’t stay grounded to his room, I’ll stay in mine.


  OK, I’m starving. I’ve been in my room for two hours, and after exercising, I’m ready to eat my own arm. I walk into the living room and go to the windows like always. The view pulls me there like a magnet.

  I look out, wondering what the hell I’m going to do. Where am I going to live? Am I going to continue to see him? His nonchalant attitude in regard to his reckless behavior is exhausting in itself.

  “Alayna.” I jump as Damon’s warm hands slide down my arms.

  “I think you take pleasure in startling me.” He turns my body around and runs his hands up the sides of my neck and into my hair.

  Fingers begin working their magic, and I fight not to close my eyes. “Don’t even think you’re touching your way out of this one.”

  He smirks. “I know, but I’m hoping along with a few other tactics, I might get back on your good side.” He lays that whopping grin on me, and before long, I’m rolling my eyes and smiling back at him. The man owns me already.

  He takes my hand and pulls me behind him to the kitchen. On the table sets a bouquet of two dozen, red roses. Then there is another bouquet next to it with an array of different flowers. They’re such large arrangements that you can’t even see the table.

  “These are for me?” I ask, leaning over to smell the roses.

  “Yes. So are these.”

  I turn around and find Damon holding four wrapped boxes in his arms, and he still has that damn, sexy grin on his devilish face.

  Smiling, I cock an eyebrow.

  “You know, this isn’t necessary.”

  “Really I don’t know. You were pretty angry.”

  “Oh, please. That grin on your face tells me you knew I’d forgive you all along.”

  “OK. I did think you’d forgive me, so see, these gifts are me being thoughtful.”

  I shake my head at him and place my palm on his chest.

  “You are one manipulative shit, but thankfully, you’re also a handsome, charming one who I truly believe has a good heart.”

  His expression changes to one of disapproval.

  “I’m going to let that slide for now, but you will be punished later. Open,” he says, pushing the gifts toward me.

  “How did you do this in two hours?”

  “I have connections.”

  “Oh, yes. I forget that you have people.” He’s really trying to make this up to me in his own quirky way, so I lean up and give him a soft kiss. “Thank you.”

  I go to the living room and sit on the sofa before I begin opening the gifts. The first two boxes have exercise outfits in them. I have to admit that what I was wearing this morning was old and worn.

  This is not the cheap stuff I buy, either. They have all the extras. They’re made of moisture wick material, the built in bras in the tops are made well, and they even have UVA protection.

  “These are really nice, Damon. Thank you.”

  “I do have a confession to make. I did snoop again. I looked at the clothes you have in the dryer for your sizes.”

  I gift him a grin. “I’ll let that slide.” The next box I open has a red panty and bra set. It’s made of lace and is extremely sexy. “I sure hope Quinn didn’t pick this out.”

  Damon scowls. “No. I wouldn’t want him picturing what’s underneath your clothing.”

  “It’s lovely, and I’ll be sure you see me in them.” He’s giving me a piercing stare, and I’m getting the vibe that if I don’t stop right now, I’ll be flat on my back in seconds, so I proceed to open the last box.

  I pull out a pair of hiking boots. “Hmm ... I think I could argue that you’re pretty happy I took up exercising.”

  He looks panicked as his eyes widen.

  “God, no, Alayna. I told you I love your body.”

  “I’m joking, Damon.”

  He doesn’t seem convinced. “I felt if you were going to exercise, you should be comfortable. It’s the only reason I bought you the clothing. I purchased the hiking boots, so you could go with me sometime.”

  The warmest feeling fills me, melting my heart.

  “I would love to go hiking with you. I glance at all the boxes spread across the sofa. “Thank you, Damon. It’s way too much but thank you. I do appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. You deserve to have nice things and shouldn’t be wearing old clothing.”

  I stand and go over to the chair he’s sitting in. He immediately pulls me to him. I hear a guttural sound as his face burrows against my stomach.

  “You smell too damn good, precious. I need to have my way with your body, so I can live up to your accusations.”

  Hell, I can go a little longer without eating. Unable to resist, I run my hands into his hair and lazily rub his scalp. I know he enjoys it when he tucks his chin, causing his head to fall forward more.

  His hands slide around to my backside, and his fingers soon dig into my cheeks. He mimics my rhythm, his fingers massaging my ass, and it’s majorly turning me on.

  “Have you forgotten that I bite?” he asks, grumbling.

  “Have you forgotten I like it?”

  “I knew you were going to be trouble, Alayna Wynn.”

  Chapter Ten


  “Good morning, Quinn.”

  “Good morning, sir. Did you have a pleasant weekend?” Quinn asks as I’m getting into the Pullman.

  “Very much so, thank you. Good morning, Roger.”

  “Sir,” Roger says, nodding from the driver seat.

  “Quinn, I emailed you a list of tasks I need completed in the next couple of days. Some of them are for my next book release, so get with Jane and schedule some conference calls at her convenience, and then make sure Helen works them into my schedule at Golding.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jane is my editor. Aside from Golding R. Publishing handling the distribution of my novels, I keep the other aspects of my writing career separate. That’s where Jane comes in and also Quinn.

  “Oh, and Roger, I need you and Quinn to escort Ms. Wynn to the airport tomorrow morning for her return to St. Louis. I believe she’ll need to be picked up around ten.”

  “That’s no problem, sir,” Roger says.

  “Quinn, one of the tasks I emailed was to find a moving company near Ms. Wynn’s home. Do not mention this when you see her tomorrow.”

  “Sure, sir.”

  I arrive at Golding and greet my administrative assistant, Helen. I no sooner get into my office before George is pecking on the door.

  “Good morning, Damon. How was your weekend?”

  “Great and yours?”

  “Excellent. Saturday morning, Renee was having some pains, so her obstetrician had us come in. Everything checked out fine, and they went ahead and told us the sex of the baby. I’m getting a son.”

  George smiles happily. I grin as I lean back in my chair and lace my fingers behind my head.

  “I’m happy for you, man. I know you were hoping for a boy. I’m also glad Renee’s OK.”

  “You’re different today. What gives?”

  I begin firing up my computer. This is awkward, but he’s one of my closest friends and should probably know about Alayna.

  “I had company this weekend. The woman I was telling you about. Well, I got her back into the picture.”

  Now, George is grinning like a damn fool.

  “Who is she?”

  “Her name is Alayna Wynn. She’s Seth’s wife’s best friend. She lives in St. Louis, but she’s originally from Long Island, so she’s moving back here.”

  “You really like her.”

  “I do.”

  “Well, consider keeping her in the picture. This temperament suits you better.” He smirks at me before he leaves my office.

  I open my email and scroll through the long list. I pause when one jumps out at me. The sender says, “Golding R. Publishing,” and the subject line reads “Alayna Wynn.”

  My finger lingers over the button to open it for several seconds, but the curiosity gets the best of me so I click it. There is only one sentence.

  “We don’t always get to keep what we want.”

  What the fuck? I press my phone. “Helen, get Leon, the head of IT in my office immediately. No one underneath him.” I hang up and call George. “I need you in here now.”

  Lastly, I dial Alayna’s cell. I’ve never felt as protective over someone as I do Alayna. She might be going out today while I’m working, and I’m worrying about her safety.


  “It’s Damon.” She giggles. Damn, she’s cute, and no one better even think of hurting her. “What are you finding humorous?”

  “That you think you need to tell me it’s you calling. Um, let me just say you have a distinct voice.”

  “Listen, please don’t leave the penthouse today.”

  “I just spoke to my brother, Curtis. He’s going to take a half day off so he can drive into the city from Long Island to have lunch with me. He’s a CPA in the Hauppauge Industrial Park.”

  “Would you please let Roger and Quinn take you? Curtis wouldn’t need to take off. They can drive you to Hauppauge and back.”

  “But that’s about an hour drive.”

  “Please, Alayna. It would ease my mind.”

  I hear that sigh of hers. “Since you were considerate enough to ask, I’ll let them, but you know if I relocate to New York, I will have to travel alone.”

  “Let’s worry about that then. Quinn will call when he arrives, so answer the phone in the living room, and have a good day, baby.”

  “Thank you, and you too, Damon.”

  Now, I really hate that she’s returning to St. Louis.

  “Damon, what do you need?” George asks, peeking in.

  “How easy do you think it would be for someone to hack into the computer system here?”

  “That’s an IT question, but I imagine it’d be difficult. Why?”

  “Shut my door. I’m going to show you something, but it can’t leave this room.”

  After I show George the email, the head of IT knocks.

  “Leon, thanks for coming right over.”

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Lear?”

  I point to my computer screen.

  “I need you to find out who sent an email.”

  Leon approaches my desk and studies the email.

  “It wouldn’t say Golding R. Publishing as the sender if it was someone in house,” he says.

  “I know that already, so I need you to find out who sent it,” I say with frustration.

  “Who is Alayna Wynn?”

  “Is it necessary for you to know that?”

  “Possibly,” Leon answers as he studies the email.

  “She’s a woman I’m–sort of dating. She actually stayed with me this weekend and is at my penthouse as we speak. I’m worried I’m being followed since only a few people know of her. How easy would it be for someone to hack into our system?”

  “It would not be easy, but it is possible.”

  I feel my blood pressure rising.

  “That’s not acceptable. I’m wondering if they’ve accessed my schedule. Find out what the hell happened and do whatever you have to do to be sure no one can get into our system.”

  “Unfortunately, sir, I might not be able to trace the email. They can mask their IP address with Proxys.”

  I feel my body heating as I ball my hands into fists. Leon moves quickly away from my desk and to the door.

  “Hire whoever you need to find out what the hell is happening, but keep this as confidential as possible.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll get right on it.”

  George shuts the door behind Leon.

  “Do you have any suspicion of who could be behind it?” he asks.

  “No. I don’t believe I have any enemies.”

  “I know one big enemy you have right now. It’s Vasser Publishing.”

  “Come on. Do you honestly think they’d resort to something like this to stop the acquisition?”

  George shrugs. “Just a thought.”

  “They have to know sending me this isn’t going to change anything. It’s not even a threat.”

  “Think about what it says. ‘We don’t always get to keep what we want.’ They want to keep their company.”

  I rub my hands down my face and sit back down in my chair. “It seems extreme.”

  “Not when millions of dollars are at stake.”

  “Don’t breathe a word about this. Let’s wait and see what Leon comes up with.”


  Quinn is waiting for me in the lobby.

  “How are you, Ms. Wynn?”

  “Good, thank you. And you?”

  “Doing great.”

  “I’m sorry you both have to drive so far.”

  “It’s no problem, Ms. Wynn. It gets us away from the City. It’ll be a nice change of scenery,” Quinn says with a wink. His blue eyes are sparkly, and his blonde hair blows in the wind as he opens the door to the Mercedes.

  He seems more relaxed without Damon near. I see I’m not the only one he intimidates. I’m nervous about seeing Curtis. He’s another intimidating person. I’m not sure how he’ll feel about me spending time with Damon.

  The back of the Mercedes is plush and comfortable. I brought my laptop, so I sink into the seat and use the time to do some edits on my novel.

  Roger drops me off at a place called The Garage. It’s a busy lunch eatery often frequented by those who work in the area. Quinn tells me they’ll be back in an hour, and I’m assuming they’re going elsewhere to have lunch.

  Once inside, I spot Curtis. He’s already seated at a table.

  “Hi,” I say as I give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “You look handsome in your suit and tie.” His hair is more of a strawberry blonde, and his blue eyes are shining bright today like Quinn’s.

  “Thanks. I must say that you look great. Something is different about you.” Curtis studies me as I take a seat. “You look ... healthier and happy.”

  I grin at him. “I am both, so thanks for noticing.” We order our meals and Curtis jumps right in with the questions.

  “Did you drive one of Felicia’s vehicles here?”

  “I need to tell you something. When I was here last month, I wasn’t only visiting with Felicia. I was also looking for an apartment. I’m moving back to New York.”

  His eyes light up. “That’s great news. But you were in the city. Are you moving there instead of Suffolk?”

  Suffolk is the county I’m from, and along with my parents, I know my brother would prefer I live near him.

bsp; “I’m leaning toward the city.”

  Curtis frowns. “Why live in the city? It’s not like you have to be there for a job.”

  “I’d like to live near Felicia, and well, there is a man who I’d like to be near.” I look away and chew on my lip.

  “Who is he?”

  “It’s the gentleman who took me in when I was stranded last month. We met at Seth and Felicia’s wedding.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that he got you back to his place and took advantage of the situation.”

  I roll my eyes. “Curtis, I’m twenty-seven years old. You’ve got to stop treating me like your teenage sister. Do you want me to be alone forever?”

  He takes a drink of his iced tea and pauses for a few seconds like he really needs to ponder over this.

  “Curtis,” I say anxiously.

  “Sorry, sis. I was glad to see Michael out of your life, and I want to be sure you end up with someone better.”

  “It’s been two years, and I don’t know how you expect me to find someone if I don’t date.”

  “Who is this man? What does he do?”

  “His name is Damon Lear, and he owns Golding R. Publishing.”

  That got his attention. “As in the whole company?”

  “Yes. He started it and grew it into what it is today.”

  “Wow. So, did he loan you a car to get here?”

  “No, his driver and personal assistant brought me.”

  Curtis looks at me amusingly. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious.”

  “So, you stayed with him this weekend?”

  “Yes, and I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  “This is twice you’ve been home and haven’t seen Mom and Dad. I’m not keeping it a secret next time.”

  “I know. I promise I’ll be back soon to see them.”

  “Bring this guy with you. We should meet him.”

  “I’ll see. We’re not serious yet.”

  “I’m not buying that.”

  I feel my face flush. Is the effect the gladiator has on me that obvious?

  Once Curtis knows Damon isn’t a deadbeat, he relaxes, and the rest of our lunch is friendly. He tells me how his fiancé, Christie, is doing and gossips about Mom and Dad. The time flies by, and he’s soon walking me out to the car.


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