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A Dopeman & His Shawty 3

Page 7

by Tina J

  “But you’d still be a rapist.” Nyana said with her arms folded across her chest staring into the eyes of the man who hurt her.

  “You violated this woman for years and then took it, the same way you did me at the hotel.”

  “Don’t believe shit Nyana says. She wanted it. I mean her pussy was wet and juicy. Shit, she even came for me; didn’t you Ny? Got these people believing I raped you.” My girl stood there with tears running down her face.

  “I wanted it? I wanted you to smack me on the ass and break the lock on the bathroom door when I was young to watch me? I wanted that? I wanted you to force me to get naked while you jerked off and spit your sperm on my stomach? Wait! I wanted you to rub it by my pussy in hopes it would get me pregnant since you hadn’t penetrated me yet. As you say, a baby would’ve kept us connected.” I shook my head. This nigga was disgusting.

  “Ny. You don’t have to be here.” I held her by the waist. My parents and everyone else watched her.

  “The last night in your house you made me suck your dick right before you forced your hands in my pants and found out I was on my period. You almost beat me to death had it not been for Sade. Last but not least, you threw me in a closet at a repast, put a gun to my head and raped me. You think I wanted that?”

  “Stop playing victim bitch. Your pussy was wet and...” He never finished because this time my father put him straight to sleep with one hit.

  “You can kill him Mrs. Smith. He violated you before me.” Nyana turned to me and hugged me tight.

  BOOM! You heard and my mom broke down crying.

  “All these years and he’s finally gone.” My dad lifted her up and carried her to the car. Rodney was crying in the corner.

  “Kenji.” We both looked and Robin was staring back at us.

  BOOM! I didn’t waste anymore time keeping her alive. Seven years gone down the drain because she couldn’t keep her legs closed or let the relationship die.

  “You ok babe?” Ny asked on the way out.

  “I’m good. What about you?” She hopped in the back of the truck. I stood at the door.

  “Now that he’s gone I’ll never be in fear again and I have you to thank for it.” She removed her shirt.

  “Y’all can’t wait til you get home?” Rodney shouted and went the other way. I turned to make sure no one else was coming out.

  “Let them out.” I pointed to her juicy breasts I loved sucking on.

  “Shit. My dick hard as fuck right now.” She scooted back.

  “Then get in here and give me some more babies.” She was playing with her titties. I hopped in, locked the door and happily obliged.


  “He greedy as fuck Sade.” Jai said feeding our son Jr. He wanted him to have his name and since this is our first; why not? We were at the doctors for my son to receive his first set of shots.

  When Kerron fired all those shots in my car, I knew I was dead. There was absolutely no way I’d survive. Even with the bulletproof vest on I still felt the pain of the bullets going into it. The burn from the one on my shoulder was worse than anything I’ve ever felt. I’m happy it went in and exited out; otherwise, I may have been dead.

  The doctor informed me after waking up that I had lost a tremendous about of blood and that my son went into distress right away. When the doctor took him out, they rushed him upstairs and I’m thankful he wasn’t hit, and no bullet fragments touched him. He did have to stay in the hospital for a week because he was only four and a half pounds. They wanted him to gain five more ounces in order to go home.

  I blame myself because in the beginning stages of my pregnancy, I had no prenatal care and wasn’t taking the right measures to have a healthy pregnancy. I was stressed out, barely eating and mentally; fucked up. Kerron took me through so much over the last three years, it’s gonna take a lotta therapy to get through it.

  Some don’t believe in talking to others who don’t know you. I feel it’s best when you do. They don’t judge and even though they’re paid to listen, the majority of them do give you good advice and even techniques to help you through it. I’m not saying, I’m crazy but believe you me, I need someone to speak with other then the individuals who know me.

  “He has to eat Jai.”

  “So do I but I’m not this greedy.” He said and I stared over at him.

  “You’ll tell that bold face lie?” I moved in front of him.

  “Sade, I swear if you don’t move your pussy from in front of me, I’ll put my son down and eat it right in this room.” I busted out laughing.

  “I’m fully dressed Jai.”

  “And? I know what her pretty ass looks, smells and tastes like. Ain’t no memory loss here.” I kneeled down.

  “Dammit.” I winced in pain. For any woman whose had a c-section you know the pain lingers for a while even after your stitches dissolve.

  “You good?” He put Jr. on his shoulder to burp.

  “Yea. I just wanted to look you in the face and say I love you forever and thank you for saving me and us.” I pointed to our son.

  “I’ll do it all over again if you’re the woman.” We started kissing and my son burped loud as hell.

  “Hello. Let’s see how Lil man is doing.” The doctor said grinning hard as hell. Jai reached out and helped me stand.

  “Oh my. He’s very handsome.” She reached for my son and laid him on the table.

  After watching her weigh him and tell us everything is good, I couldn’t help but notice how nervous she’d become. Jai must’ve noticed it too because his head went straight to the door. No one was coming in; yet, the paranoia kicked in. Both of us started grabbing our things to leave.

  “Can I hold him one last time?” The doctor asked and it was a weird vibe. Jai passed her off and opened the door to leave. I had the car seat in my hand and heard Jai telling security to check the waiting room. He called the other guy outside and asked if there was anything suspicious. Out the corner of my eye, I saw the doctor pull something out her medical coat.

  “JAI!” I screamed and grabbed my son out her arms. Jai had her hand in the air holding a syringe of some sort.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Please. He told me if I didn’t do it he’d kill my husband.” I was fastening the belt on my son.

  “What? Who told you that?” Jai snatched the syringe out her hand and I started punching her in the face.

  “Grab my son.” Jai yelled to security as he pulled me off the doctor.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t let him kill my husband.”

  “Bitch, I don’t give a fuck about your husband. You tried to kill my son. You lucky that’s all I did.” I stomped on her face before Jai could get me to stop.

  “I’m good babe. I need to call this in.” He let me go and blocked the room.

  “Hi this is detective Simpson. I need assistance at the Meridian Health center on Seventh ave.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “No. The doctor here just tried to kill my son.” I was outta breath and pacing back and forth.

  “I’m sending officers right over.” The dispatcher said and I stood there making sure this bitch didn’t leave. As much as I wanted to question her, I couldn’t. It wasn’t my jurisdiction and there’s no lawyer here. I refuse to let this bitch get away with it.

  “He’s good babe. Are you ok?” Jai asked hugging me.

  “I know it’s him Jai. He’s finding out everywhere I go.” I started crying. I could tell how mad he was seeing me hurt and scared.


  “What was in the syringe?” The detective assigned to the case questioned the doctor. I was outside the window looking in on the interrogation.

  “He said it was cyanide.” She had her lawyer next to her.

  “Who is the guy that told you to do it?”

  “I don’t know. I was getting out my car and he grabbed my arm. I asked him to let go and he said, there’s a woman coming in with a child that has the last name Foster. You
are to inject the cyanide in him like it’s a regular shot. When his mom isn’t paying attention, use this on her.” I covered my mouth.

  “Wait a minute. He gave you two syringes?” She nodded her head yes.

  “How did he know Ms. Simpson was bringing her son there?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t even know she was on the schedule until he mentioned it.” I was at a loss for words at the lengths Kerron was going through to get me.

  “Why didn’t you contact the police?”

  “He said the phones were tapped and he’d know.” She put her head down and I shook mine. I understand how scared she must’ve been but I had no remorse; especially, since she not only tried to kill me but my son.

  “What you wanna do?” The captain asked.

  “You don’t have to inform the media but I fully intend on pressing charges.” He nodded.

  “Had it been me, I may have moved past it but I’m still having flashbacks of her pulling the syringe out to kill my son.”

  “You don’t have to explain detective. I would’ve reacted the same.

  “No one has found him yet?” I asked and he and I stepped away from the window.

  “Someone has to be working with him from one of these precincts. He’s getting away with too much shit not to be.” All the police departments are aware of who Kerron is and that he’s wanted.

  “But who?”

  “We won’t know unless there’s a person of interest. His phone has been shut off, his parents, God rest their souls, house is destroyed and the landlord at the place you two shared at one point, put all his things on the curb. He never returned to get anything.” He stopped me from walking.

  “We may not work in the same precincts but you are still one of us detective. All of us within the departments; especially the women are working their ass off looking for him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Just be careful because you know like I do, he knows his way around the system.”

  “That’s what scares me.” We said our goodbyes and I jumped in the SUV to go home with an officer following. I wish someone hurries up and finds him. I hate living like this.


  “Why are you here Rodney?” Adrian asked when he opened the door. I walked past him and moved around as if I were invited.

  “I hope you’re here to make up with him. He’s getting on everybody’s nerve.” His brother said and gave me a hug. He’s hood as fuck too but he’s only into women.

  “He’s the one giving me a hard time.” I rolled my eyes and fell on the couch.

  “Bran, why you gotta say something?” Yup, the same Bran who works with Kenji. They both have gay brothers. I think it’s why him and Kenji are so close. They have something in common.

  “Where’s K?” He asked standing by the door.

  “Probably somewhere with Nyana’s legs in the air tryna get her pregnant.”

  “YOOOOO! That’s Lil sis now. Don’t talk about her like that.” He turned his face up.

  “What the hell ever. She was my bestie before stringing Kenji out.”

  “He is strung, right?” I nodded.

  “I tried telling him but his ass keeps saying it’s only love.” We started laughing.

  “I’ll see you two later. Adrian, Lexus said she’s keeping Jasir for the weekend. Y’all got two days to make up.” Lexus and Bran are married and have two kids of their own. Bran winked at me and closed the door. Adrian locked the door and went upstairs. I kicked my ugg slippers off, grabbed a soda from the fridge and walked in the bedroom. He was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. I bit down on my lip staring at his manhood. He noticed and threw a pillow on top.

  “Petty.” I jumped on the bed and laid on my stomach.

  “I see the family loves your son.”

  “They all knew about him. You were the only one who didn’t.”


  “I should’ve told you about him but I didn’t know at first myself. When the test came back I couldn’t bring it up. It never seemed like the right time and I didn’t want you to leave me.” I stared at him speak staring up at the ceiling.

  “I’m sorry Adrian. I had no business jumping in front of him.” He rolled over and put his back to me.

  “How you mad and had a whole baby on me?” He turned back over.

  “I didn’t know about the kid and she had to be poking holes in the condom because I never slept with her without one. Second, I did come to tell you regardless of how late it was.” I waved my hand at him and he grabbed it or should I say squeezed it.

  “You saved that motherfucker from death and you think I’m supposed to be ok with that? You supposed to be my man.” He threw my hand out his way and I smacked myself in the face.

  “Adrian.” He sat up and his legs were hanging. I sat on my knees and massages his shoulders. He loved when I did this.

  “I love you babe and it’ll never happen again.” I kissed the side of his neck and ran my hands down his bare chest.

  “I’m not fucking with you right now Rodney.” I put my hand on his forehead and bent his head back.

  “You’re stuck with me just like I’m stuck with you.” I pecked his lips and slipped my tongue in. He grabbed me up and let’s just say, not only did we have an amazing night making up but I had my man. It’s all I wanted anyway.


  “Mmm. I gotta go.” Adrian said right before I went down on him.

  “You know how to make me stay don’t you?” I didn’t say a word and continued giving him pleasure.

  Afterwards, we showered and walked downstairs together. He was going to pick Jasir up so we could formally be introduced. We spoke about his son and all the other issues we had going on. In the end, neither of us were leaving the other so it didn’t make a difference.

  “What does he like to eat? I’ll pick some stuff up at the grocery store.”

  “He eats anything.” He kissed me and opened the door.

  “Yo! This nigga.” I smirked when his hood side emerged.

  “Rodney why are you still with him? I thought we were gonna be together.” Julius said and I saw Adrian’s face get tight.

  “I spared you once, it won’t happen again.” Adrian pulled his gun out and placed it on Julius forehead.

  “Rodney please. We can run away together.”

  “Are you crying?” I asked looking at his eyes.

  “I love you.”

  “Bye Julius.” Soon as I said that his body dropped. I didn’t hear the gun go off because as he stood there begging, my man was placing a silencer on the tip. I looked at him.

  “I know you like that hood shit. I got you tonight.”

  “You have no idea.” I smirked.

  “I do.” He kissed me again, stepped over Julius body and called his brother to send someone to clean my ex up. I closed the door and called my bestie up.

  “Wait a minute. You’re telling me you and Rodney made up a few days ago, he was on his way to get his baby and smacked Julius on your front porch?” She knew not to say the word too.


  “Did you jump in front of him?”


  “Awww. I’m proud of you.” She cooed in the phone.

  “I love y’all together.”

  “It’s time to go Ny.” I heard my brother in the background.

  “Where you going?”

  “To the gynecologist.”


  “Every day, for I don’t know how long, he’s been giving me his kids, and he wants to make sure one is baking.”


  “Already.” I heard shuffling on the phone and then my brother spoke.

  “Her ass sleeping all day, she definitely ain’t riding me the same and when I hit it from the back, she says it hurts.”

  “KENJI!” Ny shouted in the background.

  “Way too much info brother.”

  “Who cares? She would’ve told
you anyway when you came over.”

  “This is true.”

  “Bro, I don’t care if she’s a day pregnant; we about to find out.” I busted out laughing.

  “I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Tell Ny to call me when you find out.”

  “Oh Kenji, Adrian handled the chicken Julius.”


  “Yea. He wouldn’t stop clucking.” Kenji was cracking up.

  “A’ight.” I disconnected the call and waited for my man to return.


  “HELL NO SADE!” I never yell at her but with the proposition she just offered, its no way to bite my tongue.

  My fiancé came to me and mentioned having a party for her upcoming birthday in hopes to draw Kerron out. I want his ass too but I’d never put her in harm’s way; yet, here she is wanting to do it herself. Why? I have no idea when we all know if he catches her, there won’t be any talking. He almost succeeded in killing her and my heart and mind can’t go through that again.

  It took her two months to really get back to herself. She had my son, then had to recuperate from the injuries Kerron inflicted on her. Her arm was in a cast, she had a concussion, the side of her face has a scar from the bullet grazing it and the nightmares aren’t going away. They’re not as bad as they used to be but still. Trying to trap him is one thing if it’s Kenji or even myself, but she’s not an option.

  “Jai it’s the only way.” She followed me around the house pleading her case.

  “He may be in hiding Sade but he’s making mistakes.” The doctor’s office was his first one.

  The footage showed him approaching the doctor and the car he was driving. Cops located it and when they pulled him over, he started a full-blown shootout with them and disappeared in the woods. By the time the hounds were brought to the scene, he was long gone.

  His second mistake was thinking he could come for my son. I went with Kenji to his grandmother’s house and her, along with two of his aunts met their demise.

  I’m no killer but when you fuck with my family, all bets are off. I’ll do anything to protect them and if killing is part of it, then so be it.


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