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Griff Montgomery, Quarterback

Page 8

by Jean C. Joachim

  “You okay?” Griff asked.

  “Super peachy keen dandy,” she said.

  He laughed. “You’re one strange chick, ya know that?”


  “Excuse me. Beautiful woman.”

  The heat generated by his lusty stare went straight to her core. Desire bubbled up through her veins. To be touched by him. Bet he’s a great lover. She shifted in her seat, uncrossing her legs. Lauren tried to tear her gaze from his, wondering what it would be like to lose herself in his arms. No more men. What if I get pregnant? What if I miscarry again? He wouldn’t hang around. I can’t live through that twice.

  Emotion clutched at her stomach. She returned to the ladies’ room and threw up.

  A woman combing her hair at the sink turned to Lauren. “Pregnant, honey?”

  Lauren laughed bitterly. “Nope.”

  “Hope you’re feelin’ better real soon.” The woman left.

  Crouched over the bowl, Lauren cooled her forehead on the porcelain tank for a moment. A rueful chuckle escaped her lips when she thought about all the expensive food she had just upchucked. She washed her mouth out at the sink, popped a mint, and took a deep breath.

  When she returned to the table, Griff was signing the check. He took a last gulp of brandy then stood. “You don’t seem well. Let’s get you home.”

  She smiled in relief. He guided her toward the exit with a large, strong hand on her lower back. The warmth of his touch made her shiver. They rode the familiar roads in silence. Lauren eased back into the comfort of the luxurious seat and stared out the window. They drove past The Savage Beast. Twenty-somethings spilled out the door onto the sidewalk, drinks in one hand, cigarettes in the other.

  “Have you ever been to that place?” she asked.

  Griff’s head jerked back. He stared at her. “The Savage Beast? Why do you ask?”

  “No reason. Looks like a busy place. Do they have great burgers or something?”

  “Been there a few times. Yeah. The burgers are great. Especially the bleu cheese.”

  “I’ll have to try it some time.”

  Griff swallowed. He turned into the driveway before she could ask any more questions. She opened the front door, Spike’s signal to start barking. When he recognized them, the pug ran in circles, not knowing which one to greet first. He finally settled on Lauren, jumping up on her leg, trying to lick her face. She crouched down, laughing, to allow the little dog to slurp her cheek.

  “I don’t know many women who’d let a dog lick ’em like that.”

  “I love Zan…Spike. He’s my best friend.” She straightened and stretched.

  Griff patted the pooch and placed the doggie bag from the restaurant in the fridge.

  “Thank you for the great dinner,” she said, locking the door and turning out the porch light.

  When she turned around, he was right behind her. She bumped into his chest, bouncing back against the door. Griff surrounded her waist with his arm, steadying her. She looked up. His breath had a slightly sweet, brandy scent, enticing her to taste the liquor on him.

  He stared for a moment, before he lowered his mouth to hers. Just a good night kiss. When his soft lips touched hers, an electric spark passed between them. Her bones turned to liquid as he drew her into his embrace. Her brain shut off as need welled up in her. When the tip of his tongue pressed against the seam of her lips, she opened.

  He slid his hand down her back to rest on her hip. He pulled her to him as he ravaged her mouth. Lauren wanted him, all of him. Every nerve ending fired away double-time. Her fingers clutched his muscular shoulders as he held her to his strong chest. Finally raising his head, his dark eyes searched hers.

  Her breath caught in her throat, prohibiting speech. He released her to lean against the wooden door. She touched her mouth with her finger and took a deep breath.

  “Good night kiss,” he murmured.


  He chuckled. “A great night.”

  “A great dinner. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” Eyes glistening, he backed away. “I’ll take Spike out.” He plucked the leash and harness from a hook and whistled for the dog.

  Lauren nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, he’s mine, too.”

  Preoccupied by the runaway beating of her heart, she simply smiled.

  Then, she scampered up the steps before she threw herself at the handsome quarterback, looming large in the doorway, watching her. She opted for the safety of her room over a wild night with a hot man.

  * * * *

  Griff scratched his face as he wandered through the darkness behind Spike. The pug pulled toward the street, obviously following some scent. He wondered what Lauren’s secret was. It was obvious she was hiding something. He needed to know what had happened to her. Must be pretty terrible. Her face had become tight, her words clipped. She hadn’t met his gaze. Something awful she’s embarrassed about. Humiliating.

  He shrugged, letting his mind wander back to their kiss. He hadn’t meant for tonight to be a real date, but when she came downstairs looking like that, his libido had kicked into high gear. Sure, she was attractive, but tonight, she had been gorgeous. The kiss had been amazing, electric. He smiled at the memory of her, pliant and willing in his arms.

  I could have taken her, pushed up her dress, and wham! Right against the front door. He grinned. She’s hot. And my landlord. Better keep my hands to myself. Still, his fingers tingled at the idea of touching her bare skin.

  Spike tugged on the leash, leading him farther down the road. Better keep her away from The Savage Beast. If she meets Carla…fireworks! Spike lifted his leg on a telephone pole then turned around to head for home. Griff walked behind the small dog, enjoying the warm breeze. He wondered if her fingers on his face would feel as good as the gentle wind. He chuckled. All of her on me. Yeah. He closed his eyes for a second, imagining her soft flesh pressing against him.

  The house was quiet when he opened the door. Griff pulled his tie loose then slipped a treat to Spike. The dog took it in his mouth and trotted up the stairs to join Lauren. Griff hung up his suit, washed up, stripped off his underwear and shirt, and slid between the sheets. With the light out, he could see the full moon shining down on the back deck, coating the furniture and wood with silver.

  Sleep came quickly.

  The smell of brewing coffee woke him at seven. She must have set up the timer last night. He slipped his boxers on and opened his door. Lauren usually slept until seven thirty, so he didn’t need to put on pants before he made his way to the kitchen, rubbing his stubbly face and yawning.

  His eyes flew open when he almost bumped into her at the counter. She was wearing a sheer, pink nightie that didn’t make it much past her rear end and nothing else. While the short gown wasn’t quite see-through, it didn’t leave much to the imagination.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled as his gaze zeroed in on her curves, his fingers combing through his unruly hair.

  “Oh my God! I didn’t expect you up yet.” She turned her back to him.

  A familiar twitch in his groin caught his attention. Shit! I can’t get hard here. “I run in the mornings,” he said, edging toward the hall.

  “But not this early.” She stretched the gown in a useless attempt to cover more.

  “The smell of coffee woke me up. Guess I should have expected to find you here.”

  “Ya think? Spike can’t work the coffeemaker.”

  “Yeah, but not dressed like…wearing…that.” His gaze swept her form.

  “If you weren’t here, I’d probably come down naked.” Her fingers covered her smile.

  Griff stepped closer to her. “I can fix that with one hand.” He gripped the bottom of her nightie. But he laughed and released the fabric when she squealed and charged toward the stairs. “Be careful, little girl. If you tease the quarterback, you might get a very forward pass.”

  She stopped and turned to face him. With a saucy look, she said, “And the qu
arterback might get a mighty kick in the balls.”

  He chuckled as she disappeared to the second floor. Stepping into a hot shower cooled him off. Last night, I could have had her in a second. Today, the ice queen. Women. They don’t know what they want.

  He threw on running shorts and shoes and headed for the front door, where he nearly collided with Lauren. She was dressed in a light pink suit and white, silk camisole. She looked stunning.

  “I’m taking Spike for a walk then to the office. Maybe I’ll get a project.” She fidgeted with the leash, first staring boldly at his bare chest then averting her gaze.

  He grinned, flattered to be the object of her attention. “Project?”

  “I’m an interior decorator. But I work freelance for Annette Coombs. I lost a big commission when I took time off to get my dad settled into a nursing home. I need to work.”

  “That’s too bad. I hope they have something for you,” he said, holding the door open.

  “Me, too. See ya later.” She snapped the harness around the dog and headed outside.

  He stretched his leg muscles then started out loping down the block. She’s had it rough. But what isn’t she telling me? Losing that project isn’t everything. I need to know.

  * * * *

  Griff headed for the training room, his mind still trying to figure out Lauren when someone called his name.

  “Griff Montgomery?”

  He turned to see a young man, well built, with sandy hair and blue eyes. “Yeah?”

  The stranger stuck out his hand. “Tony Hastings.”

  As they shook, Griff nodded. “Oh, yeah. My replacement.”

  “I’m not… No one could replace you, Mr. Montgomery.” Tony blushed.

  “Griff, please. I’m not your father.”

  “Sorry, sorry. Yeah. Griff,” he said, rolling the quarterback’s name off his tongue like it was gold.

  “You’re pretty hot stuff. From Kensington State?”


  “I’m from Wellington.”

  “I know. Our biggest rival.”

  “Light years ago. Welcome to the team. Get your locker yet?”

  “Yep. Thanks.”

  Griff slapped him on the back. “Come on. Let’s see what you can lift.” He opened the door to the training room.

  With the light banter among the men in the background, Griff’s mind focused on his future. Griff figured he’d have at least four more years before he was put out to pasture. That would give Tony plenty of time to get good enough to replace him. What if he’s better than I am?

  Doubts crept into his mind. Though it would be nice not to have to stay in a game when the Kings were way ahead, be able to hit the showers early, what if Tony was a star? Would Griff find himself playing less and less in favor of Tony? If that happens, I’ll quit.

  A touch of anger made him frown. Could he quit? He’d have to call his manager and go over the contract. And if he did quit, what the hell would he do? Art Neal, offensive coach, was already sixty-two, maybe Griff could take over his job if the guy retired. But the idea of coaching in his mid-thirties depressed him. He had the spirit. He was tough and wanted to play. Griff loved the challenge, the thrill of a great pass that scored a touchdown, of being at the top of his game and one of the best in the league.

  Only one thing was missing.

  He had been a role model for Joey and Missy. Not anymore. Sure, they’d probably watch the game, if they were home. Probably brag to their friends that their uncle was a winning quarterback. But it wasn’t the same as coming back after the game, rehashing it with the kids, then slipping into a hot, herbal bath, prepared by his sister, to soak his aching muscles. He had been king of the castle and that had been the biggest thrill of all.

  “Still living with the pug chick?” Buddy asked, curling a weight with his right hand.

  “Boarding. Not living with.”

  “Yeah, right. You haven’t made it with her yet?”

  Griff shot him a dirty look. “She’s my landlord, not my girlfriend.”

  “So, that means you struck out, right?” Buddy chuckled.

  Griff put down his weight, wiped his face with a towel, and shot a dirty look at his friend. “You can’t complete a pass you don’t make.”

  “So, you didn’t even try? And she’s so hot. I almost believe you.”

  Griff sensed heat rising to his face. “Don’t be an asshole, Buddy.”

  “How do you meet girls on the road? Are there special bars you go to?” Tony asked.

  “I’m sure you can tag along with Griff. He knows every pick-up joint in every city.”

  “Like you don’t, Buddy?”

  “Hell, man. I’m way behind you.”

  “That’s not what I heard when we were in Dallas. How many did you have at once?”

  “Hey, I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Who’s talking about kissing?” Griff said. “How many were there, Buddy?”

  “A few.” The wide receiver blushed.

  Tony’s eyes got big. “All at once?”

  “Buddy doesn’t like to waste time.” Griff chuckled.

  “Look who’s talking?”

  “I’m not into crowd fucking.”

  “That’s not what Donna, Louise, and Joanne said.”

  “Bullshit!” Griff threw a towel at his friend.

  “They’re all talk,” Trunk Mahoney piped up.

  Griff and Buddy burst out laughing. Tony’s blush deepened.

  “They’re showing off for your benefit, Tony. Don’t fall for it.”

  “Hey, at least we’re single,” Griff said, eyeing Trunk.

  “Don’t go there,” Trunk responded.

  When the workout was done, Griff hit the locker room then the shower. He noticed Tony’s locker nearby. The star quarterback didn’t want Tony tagging along like a baby brother. Train him, my ass. Let the coaches train him.

  As he was walking out, Tony stopped him. “Let’s grab a beer.”

  “Why not?” Don’t want to look unfriendly.

  “Me, too?” Buddy requested.

  “No date tonight?”

  “Resting up for the weekend.” He chuckled.

  “Where do you go in this town?” Tony asked.

  “We hang at The Savage Beast.”

  “I saw that place. Great. Let’s go.”

  “I’ll meet you there in an hour,” Griff said.

  “Gotta go home to the little lady?” Buddy snickered.

  Griff threw a towel at his friend. “Shut up, asshole.”

  Griff walked to his car, uncertain what he’d learn at the bar, but knew it would be best to keep an eye on Hastings. He sent a text to Lauren.

  Business dinner tonight. Don’t cook for me. See you later.

  Chapter Seven

  Lauren opened the door of Designs by Annette. Spike trotted ahead of her, leading the way to the cubicle she shared with the other freelancers. There was a small dog bed under the desk. The pug circled it a couple of times then settled down for a nap.

  Lauren strolled into Annette’s office. She was on the phone, but signaled for the brunette to sit down. Lauren wished she was established enough to have her own design studio.

  “Well, how are you?” Annette sat forward, removing her reading glasses to study Lauren’s face.

  “I’m okay.”

  “How’s your dad?”

  “In a safe place, holding his own, for now.”

  “I’m so sorry, Lauren.”

  “Anything come in?”

  “I know you need the work. I mean with Bob gone, I’m sure your finances aren’t what they used to be. I don’t have anything now, but keep coming in. You never know.”

  “Thanks.” She sighed and returned to her desk. The soft snore of her pug made her smile. Her cell rang. It was Marnie, her friend from the support group.

  “Sam’s out of town on business. How about dinner?”

  “I’m watching my expenses.”

  “My treat.” />
  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I’m celebrating.”


  “Yeah. Turned the stick pink.”

  “You’re pregnant? That’s fantastic! Congratulations.”

  “So, come eat with me. We’ll toast with lemonade.”

  Lauran laughed. “Perfect. Where?”

  “Any suggestions?”

  “I understand the bleu cheese burgers at The Savage Beast are terrific.”

  “Sounds good. How about six? I’m always starving early.”

  Lauren closed her phone, woke up Spike, and drove home. She changed into jeans and headed for the grocery store. Feeding an athlete would be new to her. She figured healthy food and lots of it. The bill was high, but she had enough to cover it.

  After lugging the bags to the kitchen, she began to unload. Finding enough space for the pile of steaks and a whole, large chicken was a challenge. As she was making room for three gallons of milk, her phone signaled the arrival of a text.

  She closed the fridge and read the message from Griff.

  “Perfect timing. I can go out without making dinner for him. Works for me.” She finished putting away the groceries then stretched out on the sofa with If I Loved You, a new romance book. Spike jumped up, settling behind her knees. He rested his chin on her leg and closed his eyes. After an hour, the warmth of the dog and the restless night she’d had trying to forget Griff’s kiss got to her. She closed her eyes.

  The sound of the key in the lock woke Lauren. She yawned. Spike gave a half-hearted bark and opened his eyes to check out who was entering the house.

  Griff lingered for a moment in the doorway, leaning against the jamb, filling the space with his trim, muscular body. Lauren’s gaze connected with his, then slid over his frame, making her pulse jump. “No work today?” he asked, closing the front door and putting his gym bag down.


  “I need to talk to you about our schedule.”


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