One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 8

by Julie Trettel

  I noticed Chase had already arrived. He must have been close by because that was fast. I ran over and playfully lunged for him, laughing he rolled to the ground.

  “Knock it off, Kyle. And mom says I'm just a big pup!”

  Lily just shook her head, “Okay, I'm heading over to headquarters. Remember, don't say go till I give the word.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I'll call as soon as I get there.

  I noticed for the first time Elise was already gone and Kelsey was still in hiding. I walked over and nudged her, trying to encourage her to move. After a little prodding she finally did, but coming out into the open she hid behind me, trying to use my body as a shield. I let out something of a bark and tried to let my alpha power flow over her. It didn't seem to work, but did seem to calm her some at least.

  I couldn't really make introductions in this form and I wasn't about to shift back and have her face me down in the buff with my brother standing there. But he seemed to catch on some.

  “You must be the infamous, Kelsey Adams,” he spoke softly and kindly so not to scare her.

  He sat down on the ground in front of her and held out his hand for her to come to him. I watched curiously. Her small, blonde fur covered body hid entirely by my contrasting dark brown one and I mentally noted how similar our wolf colorings were to our human hair colors. Though, while she was quite tall in human form, her wolf seemed very small in comparison. I had been so excited the one time I had seen her wolf that I hadn't really noticed things like that.

  Kelsey peeked her head around me and studied Chase, still patiently waiting with his outstretched hand. She slowly went to him and nudged it with her head, giving him permission to pet her. Chase jumped back in shock as a growl escaped me, just as my alpha powers sent out a massive punch I hadn't been aware was coming until too late. Holding his hands above his head he slowly stood up, clearly shocked by my behavior. Kelsey's wolf cocked her head to the side in curiosity.

  “Shit, Kyle! I didn't know! I swear, I didn't know. Does Dad know? Is this why we've been protecting her and letting her stay here?”

  I almost shifted just to shut him up, knowing she was listening to every word. Of course, he would immediately recognize my possessive actions for what they were. I shook my head side to side, trying to convey things to him I couldn't say at the moment, when the phone rang. I said a quick prayer he wouldn't mention it to our siblings. I needed to explain things to Kelsey before getting them all in a frenzy over the situation. Shaking my head no even harder, he nodded and signaled he understood. I could feel her stare on me and didn't need to look her way to know there would be plenty of questions later.

  “Okay, well, you guys ready?” Chase asked, clearly over the shock and setting things aside.

  I gave one nod of my head. Kelsey copied my actions and crouched low to the ground, almost lying down, but not quite. I was curious about her stance, but didn't have time to think about it, readying myself for a much-needed run.

  “Alright, let's do this. All the way to headquarters. See you both there. Now, on your mark, get set, go!”

  I launched forward and took off as a light-colored blur blew past me. Holy shit, she's fast! I couldn't help but be proud and awed at the same time, but my competitive drive kicked in, and I gave chase. There was no thrill greater that I had ever experienced than chasing my mate at full speed. As we approached the first mile where I knew Elise would be waiting, I had caught up and we were neck and neck. But she started to pull away as we came to the town limits and no matter how hard I pressed forward, I couldn't catch her.

  Clearly word had gotten out, cause as we neared the town, I saw people lined up, watching and cheering us on. Kelsey faltered and slowed enough for me to catch up, and the roar of the gathering crowd grew as I passed her. That must have been enough for her to get her head back in the game because suddenly she was back by my side and pushing forward a full nose ahead of me as we rounded the third mile and headed down the long road that would lead us to headquarters.

  I couldn't help but be massively impressed that she was still side by side with me, holding her own as we approached Liam at the four-mile mark. I chanced a quick glance at her the same time she looked at me. I could have sworn she smiled. She lowered her head and it was like her speed had suddenly doubled. I pushed on as fast as I could, but there was no way I could keep up. I was staring in awe and not paying full attention as we entered the headquarters parking lot and spotted Lily waving for our attention to the side of the building. My foot caught on the speed bump as I swore in my head and went airborne. Two flips across the hard ground and I was back upright and gave it everything I had.

  With my fall, Kelsey finished significantly ahead of me, but I knew she would have anyway. My legs were burning and my tongue was hanging as I gave everything I had into one final burst towards the finish. Kelsey was already well into the field behind the building, trying to slow her speed.

  The crowd began gathering around us and I felt the panic rise in her. I knew they were expecting us to change back into human form and accept congratulations for her, and a whole lot of ribbing for me, but she wasn't ready for that. I got to her as quick as I could before she ran off, and nodded for her to follow me. She kept time, staying just off my right flank as I led her into the building and down into our office.

  Elise was already there with the door open, signaling us in. I went straight to my office and quickly changed into human form and into the spare clothes I always kept there. When I came out, Kelsey was already dressed in an outfit I recognized as Elise's.

  “Thank you,” I mouthed to her.

  She gave me a quick hug. “You're welcome,” she whispered back.

  I looked over at Kelsey, new emotions swelling within me at the cocky, knowing smile on her face.

  “I took it easy on you, you know?”

  I rolled my eyes. My pride could take the jokes that would knowingly follow, especially with the new pride handed to me in the form of my amazing mate, “Please, I threw it when I fell.”

  I saw her face fall into surprise and then morph into fury.

  “You weren't even near me when you gritzed over that speed bump.”

  I shook my head as I started leading her out to the parking lot where I knew everyone awaited the final results. “You wish! I gave you that win. It was a sympathy win for your first time running with a real wolf.”

  Yeah, I knew I was full of shit, but she was too adorable all riled up and furious that I couldn't help myself.

  “You are so full of it! If I hadn't checked up coming into town, I'd have finished a full half mile ahead of you, slow poke.”

  We were suddenly within earshot of others and they began laughing their approval of her snide comments, which made her back off and drop her head in embarrassment.

  “Why were there so many people standing around like they were waiting for us anyway?” she dropped her voice and asked cautiously.

  “Kels, they've been waiting for two years for you to acknowledge your wolf too. People here are excited to really meet you. They want to know your story and they want to get to know you.” And they all really want to know why Dad and I protected you all this time, but I didn't add that part.


  Chapter 11

  “Why? Why would any of them be waiting for me? Why would they even care?”

  I had kept a low profile. I barely saw or spoke to anyone outside the office. How would they even know I existed? Up ahead, I saw people everywhere standing around the parking lot, waiting and watching for us. I didn't want to be the center of attention but I tried not to panic.

  I tried to turn back, but Kyle was right there behind me, blocking the way. He took my hand and placed it on his chest.

  “Look at me, Kelsey. Just at me,” he said in a deep soothing tone.

  I did, then remembered I wasn't supposed to.

  “I'm not supposed to do that, Kyle. I don't want to screw up in front of everyone. There's so many people
out there.”

  “I know, babe, but it's okay. Look at me, just this once.”

  I did as he said, and immediately felt the others begin to melt away in the distance.

  “Okay, now just breathe. Feel my heart beat. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. This is important, babe, more than you know. I need you to be strong, smile, and just get through this, okay?”

  I nodded, knowing there really wasn't anything he could ask that I wouldn't do, especially when he kept calling me babe. That was something new, and it made me tingly and giddy every time he did. I didn't think he really even realized he was saying it, but there was something possessive in the way he spoke it that both my wolf and I really liked.

  “I'm right here beside you the whole way, but there's a lot of people ready to finally meet you.”

  I took another deep breath. He was too far away for his scent to fully envelope me, but I could feel the eyes behind us, and I didn't know if it would be okay to sniff him. I giggled a little at the thought. Kind of a hysterical, pathetic noise popped out in the process. And I laughed a little harder with the strange expression he gave me for it.

  “What was that?” he asked and I knew he was trying to lighten the mood.

  I nudged him. “Don't tease. I'm nervous.”

  “No one who can kick my butt in a race as badly as you just did should ever be nervous about anything.” He grinned and started to walk off.

  “Wait, so now you're admitting I kicked your butt fair and square?”

  “That is something I will never admit.”

  “Kyle Westin, you did so admit it just now. I totally kicked your ass.”

  I didn't realize we were already outside until the ohhhh's and ahhhh's and laughter began joining in fully.

  “Yeah, admit it, Kyle, you got wrecked by a woman!”

  “I ain't ever seen nobody run faster than Kyle. Wonder what they clocked her at?”

  “No way Kyle got beat by a girl. He let her win.”

  I knew that last one wasn't true, but I kept my mouth shut and my head down as I followed him through the small gathering as we headed toward his siblings. I had only met Chase and Liam a handful of times over the last two years and didn't really know them, but they were welcome familiar faces amongst the crowd.

  Sneaking a look around, I realized I really did recognize more people than I imagined. Most of those here worked in headquarters and I even knew a lot of their names. Trying to reconcile them all as wolf shifters was a whole different thing, though. I stopped short, wishing I hadn't let that thought surface.

  Wolves? All of them? How could it be? Mom always said to steer clear of the wolves. She meant steer clear of these people before me. I needed to shift and run and get far, far away.

  I started to move when I felt a warm hand on my lower back. I shivered and began to calm.

  “You got this,” he whispered, guiding me the remainder of the way to my friends.

  “So? What's the final results?” he asked, feeling relaxed and confident beside me.

  “Okay, y'all hush it up. Everyone quiet down for the results.” Liam spoke up loudly, causing a hush across the crowd.

  “First mile,” Lily yelled so all could here, “Kyle and Kelsey were dead even at 65 seconds.”


  “Oh my gosh!”

  “Can you believe it?”

  “Quiet down!” Liam yelled again.

  “Kyle finished the 5 mile stretch in 4 minutes 37 seconds, beating his previous record of 4 minutes and 53 seconds.”

  Shouts of praise rang out across parking lot.

  “Kelsey finished the 5 mile stretch in 4 minutes 11 seconds!”

  Gasps came from everywhere as the crowd grew silent in shock.

  “Kelsey was clocked at seventy-one miles per hour in her last mile. Kyle was just ahead of his fastest time at sixty-four miles per hour. We have some new records for the books!”

  Cheers went up all around.

  Seventy-one miles per hour? I couldn't believe it, and from the looks on many faces, neither could they. I knew I was fast, but that was well over what they told me was the fastest recorded time in history.

  Several people began coming over and introducing themselves and congratulating me. It was awkward for me, and from what I could tell, for many of them too. Kyle was right, they did seem curious about me, but I couldn't understand why.

  He was true to his word, though, and never left my side. As the group started dying down finally, I realized I was suddenly very very tired. How could it possibly still be the same day? The day I found out the truth about wolf shifters. The day I was suspecting would never end.

  “You look tired, are you ready to head home?” Kyle whispered as I was saying goodbye to two of the other admins that I actually did know.

  “YES!” I wanted to hug him just for suggesting it.

  “Come on, let me grab the keys to one of the company cars and I'll drive you.”

  “Kyle? You can't miss dinner.”

  “It's fine, they'll understand.”

  “No, Elise is right, Kyle, you can't miss tonight. Daddy stopped me on the way out this morning to make sure I got you there. You have to make dinner tonight.”

  He ran a hand through his hair, clearly torn.

  “Kelsey's been through a lot today. We can't just leave her now.”

  “It's okay, I can get myself home. Go. You guys have done plenty for one day, and I have a lot to think about.”

  “No, Kyle's right, Kels, we shouldn't leave you alone tonight. Come to dinner with us.”

  Kyle looked hopeful, but I couldn't possibly intrude.

  “No, I can't do that. Tuesday's are your family time. Go. I'll be fine.”

  The look of disappointment on his face caused an ache in my heart. I wanted to reach out to him, make it right, whatever it took.

  “I'm taking you home then.”

  “But.” Lily and I said at the same time before looking at each other and laughing.

  “Kelsey, it's fine if you want to join us.” Lowering her voice, she whispered to me, “Don't worry, you won't be the only guest tonight.” She grinned and winked at me, but I had no clue what she was talking about. “Come on,” she said, hooking my arm and dragging me along despite my protest.

  Kyle piled into Lily's small eco-friendly car leaving, me the front seat.

  “I could have sat back there,” I offered a little too late.

  “Nah, it's fine,” he assured me, though he looked scrunched up and uncomfortable.

  “Do I really have to intrude on family night? Can't I just go home and take it all in? You guys have pretty much turned my world upside down already today.”

  “That's why we aren't about to just leave you alone tonight,” he assured me.

  Great. Just what I need. My overbearing boss who turns my knees to Jell-O with a simple look, refusing to let me out of his sight while I contemplate the new reality of him not only knowing and accepting my secret, but being just like me. It was just too much to process.

  I couldn't deny I'd been attracted to Kyle Westin since I first laid eyes on him. I don't think I'd ever done anything to make those feelings known. I'd only ever been one hundred percent professional with him. I never once allowed myself to even consider him, or any other man, an option for me. How could I with the secret I kept for the last ten years?

  Now, suddenly here he was. Everything I'd ever wanted ,right here seeing into my deepest, darkest secrets and not even flinching. It's more than I could ever have even allowed myself to think about. Plus, that kiss. Just thinking about it made my cheeks pink and my lips burn for more. I needed to get away, quickly. I was far too emotional, and what Kyle couldn't understand was that it wasn't coming to terms with who or what I was that had me a complete wreck. Yes, I had questions and confusion, but now that the knowledge had started to sink in, I realized it's just knowledge, some things about my heritage that I needed to know and understand. No, what had me completely freaking ou
t was the man who just reached over and massaged my shoulder, somehow seeming to know the second I craved his touch. The man who refused to leave my side, yet didn't realize I forgot to breathe when he was that close to me.

  I was thankful when we arrived at the big house I knew belonged to their parents. Both Elise and Lily still lived there too. I had never allowed myself to ask if Kyle lived at home or elsewhere.

  Stumbling out of the car I tried to look at it from fresh eyes. I understood enough from what they'd told me throughout the day to know that their dad was Pack Alpha of the Westin Pack. I had met Jason Westin on several occasions, but never his wife. He had always seemed like a good person, though my brief passing of his wife around town had left me the impression that she was not happy with my being there and more than a little stand-offish. I had made it a point to steer clear of Mary Westin.

  I didn't know what to expect walking into their home. As soon the door opened, their dad came over. He went straight to Kyle, not seeming to notice me at all and leaned in to speak softly to only him, but I was close enough to hear every word.

  “I'm so sorry, son. It's all your mother's idea. Please just try to get through the night in a civilized manner. Remember, she doesn't know about…”

  His words drifted off as his eyes met mine and grew large.

  “Kelsey! What a surprise.”

  His panicking eyes flashed to Kyle's, then back to mine, and I think I held them just a fraction too long before I remembered what the girls told me, and I dropped my eyes and head quickly, feeling as though I were speaking to the floor.

  “Hello, sir, it's nice to see you again.”

  I felt like a complete idiot. Who did that? I had never even really noticed it until they pointed it out.

  Lily giggled a little at my attempt. Elise hugged me in support.

  “You're doing great, Kels.”

  I sighed.

  “Sorry, I'm trying, I really am.”

  Their father looked at each of us in confusion trying to understand what was going on.


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