One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 9

by Julie Trettel

  “Sir, can I speak to you for a moment?” I asked before my nerves took over and I couldn't bring myself to do it. “Alone?”

  “Uh, certainly, Kelsey. My office is right this way.”

  I saw him sweep a questioning look across his children ,and felt Kyle about to protest, but I looked him right in the eyes and shook my head no before turning and following the elder Mr. Westin into his office and closed the door behind me. My entire body was shaking with nervous energy.

  “Please, take a seat, relax, Kelsey. Now tell me, what did you want to talk to me about? It sounded important.”

  “I don't know,” I admitted. “I don't know much about anything apparently. From the pieces they have told me, I understand you are Pack Alpha of the Westin Pack.”

  He had visible shock on his face, though he quickly tried to mask it and simply nodded for me to continue instead.

  “Your children, they've been wonderful to me.” I knew I was tearing up and also knew there was no way to get through it without crying. “There was an incident this morning, and well, I learned things I didn't know. Things I never dreamed of.”

  He still didn't say a word, so I continued to babble.

  “They are trying to help me. Trying to explain things to me. Explain your ways and what I should and shouldn't be doing.” I sighed realizing I was looking him straight in the eyes again and sadly lowered my gaze. “I'm screwing up a lot already, I'm sorry.”

  “Start from the beginning, child.”

  “Which beginning? My life as I knew it before today beginning, or what happened with Mike and Ted that started it all?”

  “Mike and Ted? What the hell do they have to do with anything?”

  “Well, I guess I should back up a little. There was first an incident in the office this morning. Anyway, I got upset and scared and I ran.” I shrugged, knowing how pathetic I was, “It's just what I do. What I always do. It's the only way I know to survive, but as I was running for home, I ran into Mike and Ted.”

  He held up a hand for me to stop. “Back up some, what sort of incident at the office? Is it something I should be concerned with?”

  I knew my face was on fire in brilliant shades of pinks and red. I took a deep breath, figuring it was best to just be honest with him.

  “I got a tattoo. It was bleeding a little, Kyle apparently smelled it, he freaked out, we talked. I told him some things I had never told anyone before. It got pretty emotional. And he, he kissed me.” I paused just in time to see the man attempt to hide the smile on his face, like he wasn't surprised at my admission at all.

  “And how exactly did you react to that?”

  “How do you think? I freaked out and ran for it. I was running home to pack my things and get the hell out of here when I ran into Mike and Ted. They were rambling on about some Council and command to leave me alone, but they didn't care, well Mike didn't. Ted tried to talk him down. Anyway, he shifted in front of me. I really freaked at that point!”

  “Why is that, Kelsey? I mean, since we're getting things out in the open, we all know you're a shifter, so why go to such great lengths to deny it?”

  I started crying, and Kyle burst through the door.

  “Dad, that's enough.”

  “Out, Kyle, this doesn't concern you.”

  “Yes, it does, and you of all people know that.”

  “Son, out. Kelsey asked to talk, and we are only talking. You know I would never hurt her.”

  I felt a similar flow of what I knew now was alpha power, only stronger than anything I'd ever felt from Kyle. It not only gave me goosebumps but made me shiver just a little. I could see it made Kyle furious, but he turned and left the room without another word.

  Jason Westin sat down and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. It was such a Kyle move it made me smile.

  “I'm sorry about that, Ms. Adams, please go on. We can come back to my question later. Mike shifted in front of you?”

  “Right, so I turned and ran back toward headquarters and when Kyle showed up I tried to wave him off. Mike was in wolf form and chasing after me, but instead of listening he changed too and they fought, but only for a minute.”

  “I really freaked out then and ran home to leave, but Kyle, Elise, and Lily showed up at my house before I could get packed and out the door. I tried to hide. I even shifted into wolf form but had to reign it back when Elise came into my den and my wolf saw her as a threat. And I guess that's why I wanted to talk to you. Kyle explained some things, so did the girls, but I know there's a lot more they aren't telling me yet, and that's okay, they gave me more than enough to take in.”

  I sighed, feeling a headache coming on from all that had happened in one day.

  “No one's come right out and said anything, but I know you and Kyle have been protecting me from the pack. My mom told me to never trust a wolf, to steer clear and run far far away from any I came in contact with. I don't understand why she never told me the truth about what I am and I'll never know because she died a long time ago. But I know there are certain pack protocols. And while they didn't spell it out or say anything about it to me, I know how it felt when Lily and Elise came down into my den. My territory. They are my friends and I wanted to rip their throats out. For some reason, my wolf doesn't respond the same to Kyle, but she sees the girls as threats even when I know they aren't. And that got me thinking. This is your territory, sir.” The tears were free flowing now. “Why didn't you attack me? Why didn't you make me leave? Why didn't you say anything? And I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. They tell me I'm not supposed to look you directly in the eye as it's a sign of disrespect. If that's disrespectful, I cannot even begin to imagine the level of disrespect it must be for a lone wolf like me to settle into pack territory without acknowledgment, but I swear to you, sir, I never meant any disrespect. I had no idea you people even existed, not like that, not shifters.”

  He came around the desk and pulled me to a stand and silently hugged me close. It wasn't the same as when Kyle had comforted me, but it was nice and reminded me of my own father. He let me just cry in his arms until the sobs subsided.

  “You're right, Kelsey, I should have come to you. But at first, we were all so shocked with your arrival that we hesitated and waited for you to come to us. After a few weeks, and with you working at the Westin Foundation, it was clear to my children that something was wrong. They assured me you were no threat to us, and I know they were right. Kyle petitioned the Pack Council himself on your behalf to let you stay and leave you in peace. He's been watching over you, both against possible threats, such as Mike, and waiting for the time you were ready to open up about who you are. And who are you, Kelsey Adams? Where did you come from? I'll be honest, the curiosity of that has been what's kept you alive the most. Even after what, two years now? Even so the pack as a whole is still completely infatuated with the mysterious little lone she-wolf living amongst us who didn't seem to know she was a wolf at all.”

  I laughed, “Then I guess I at least did that much right.”

  “What do you mean, child?”

  “I never wanted anyone to find out what I was. I..,” I shook my head, “it doesn't matter the reasons or how silly they seem in hindsight, they were truly all I knew. Hide, run, don't let anyone close. Those are the rules I've lived by that have kept me alive. Now, I honestly don't know what to do!”

  “What do you want to do, Kelsey?”

  “I want to stay,” I said without hesitation. “I want answers. I want to understand and to learn your ways. I'll understand if you ask me to leave, though. I've been a disgrace to your pack and to you. And even though I know Kyle is scared I'll run the second he turns his back, I fear he'll hope I will as today sinks in for him too.”

  He laughed at that. “I seriously doubt that would ever happen, but tell me what you mean.”

  “Well, for starters, I'm far more damaged than any of them realized. I'm not sure I can be fixed or fit into the pack, even if you'd have me. Plus, I don't think t
he pack will ever let Kyle live down what happened this afternoon. I didn't mean to embarrass him!”

  Jason Westin laughed even harder, “Now this I must hear. What on earth could you have possibly done to embarrass my heir, little wolf?”

  “I-I-I,” trying to contain my stutter, I looked him directly in the eyes, “I challenged him, and then I kicked his ass in front of everyone, sir.”

  I lowered my head in shame as he let out a full belly laugh causing Kyle to run back into the office.

  “Father,” he growled.

  “Simmer down pup, this little wolf tells me she challenged you and then embarrassed you by kicking your ass in front of everyone? Care to elaborate?”

  I chanced a quick glance his way and found him smiling and proud, not looking embarrassed at all.

  “I tripped!”

  “Like hell,” I said. “I won fair and square. I beat your best time even.”

  “Wait, wait, wait, clearly we're not talking about actually kicking his ass, so what are we talking about?”

  “Racing,” Kyle said, “Kelsey beat me in both the mile and five miles.”

  “What?” he boomed more surprised than angry. “What was her best mile clocked at?” They were no longer talking to me, but over me instead.

  “Seventy-one miles per hour.” Kyle sounded proud, like he had done it himself.

  “Seventy-one? That's impossible!”

  “Nah, my girl is super fast. Wish you could have been there to see it.”

  My heart felt like it was going to explode with happiness. I knew I had to reign it in. I didn't understand why his high praise made my pulse race with pride, but it did.

  “Well that is certainly something I'd love to see for myself. Please let me know when the next race will be. I'm sure the pack will be talking about this for quite some time. Kelsey, you are welcome in my territory for as long as you like. Thank you, for coming to see me tonight. Now, if you'll excuse me, the wife doesn't appreciate work duties on family night. I assume you'll be joining us for dinner?”

  I couldn't possibly, but something told me I wasn't getting out of it.

  “No, thank you, I really don't wish to intrude. I think I've had enough to consider for one day, and I know how important family time is to you and your wife.”

  “Oh, nonsense. Besides, we already have company tonight, and it should prove quite entertaining.” He winked at me and then guided me out of his office and down the hall to the kitchen with Kyle trailing behind.


  Chapter 12

  Vanessa! I could smell her before we even entered the dining room. What the hell was she doing there?

  I glared around the room, looking for the intruder, and saw my mom's face contort in confusion at seeing Kelsey walking in with Dad. I knew immediately it was her setup. She had made her desires to see me settle down with Vanessa very clear for several years now, long before Kelsey walked into my life. I shuddered to think of what a mistake that would have been.

  True mates are a real thing in the shifter world, but as we've grown and spread out across the world, the chances of finding that one true mate have become rarer. Sort of like a prince stumbling across a long-lost princess and living happily ever after. That stuff just didn't happen in the real world. So, for several generations, shifters have been settling for compatible mates.

  I knew Vanessa and I could be compatible mates, but after having met my one true mate, I knew settling was never an option for me. My parents were true mates, so I never really understood why my mother was so quick to find me a compatible mate. I mean, I got the whole wanting to see me settle down and the need for the next heir of the Westin Pack, but I was only now twenty-eight years old, and as far as I knew, Dad wasn't planning to step down anytime soon. Still, the moment I shifted for the first time at seventeen years of age, my mother had taken it upon herself to play matchmaker and see that I mated with a proper she-wolf to carry on the family legacy. I restrained a chuckle thinking of what she'd say when she found out Kelsey Adams was my one true mate.

  “Hello, I'm Mary Westin,” my mother said, rising to shake hands with what she undoubtedly perceived as an intruder into her home and family night.

  “Kelsey Adams. It's nice to officially meet you,” she said graciously.

  My mom tried to hide the sneer. I knew she wasn't a fan of Kelsey's and had been vocal with Dad and me about running her out of Westin territory, but I also knew Mary Westin would never have been less than hospitable to any shifter in her home, especially one my father invited to join us.

  “I invited Kelsey to join us for dinner, sweetie. I hope that's okay.” My father offered, simultaneously giving warning for her to behave.

  The look she shot back to him promised he'd be explaining himself later.

  “Of course. Lily, why don't you grab an extra plate to set for our guest. Kelsey, I know you already know Kyle, and Lily and Elise from work. These are my other sons, Liam and Chase,” she offered formally.

  “Hi, thanks, we've met already.”

  “Oh,” she sounded surprised by that news, “well, then this is Vanessa Relic, a dear friend of Kyle's.”

  My first instinct was to stare down my mother for her blatant intrusion into my life, but then curiosity had me turning to Kelsey instead as I felt a strange emotion ripple through her. Her body was tense and her smile painted on, but to the outside eye, I had no doubt she looked perfectly friendly and normal. I knew with all my being that there was nothing friendly about Kelsey Adams as she politely shook hands with Vanessa, never once dropping her stare. The direct contact only lasted a second as they were both distracted by Lily's return with the additional place setting, though I smiled, noting Vanessa looked away first.

  There was an awkward silence across the table as we all sat down to eat. Mom had strategically placed me beside Vanessa, no surprise there, and had Lily sit Kelsey next to her, placing her directly across from me. I tried to send her an apologetic look as she looked back and forth between me and Vanessa.

  “Mmm, this is really good, mom.” I praised her perfectly cooked, juicy turkey with all the fixings. My mother always went above and beyond on Tuesday night family dinners. You'd think it was Thanksgiving every Tuesday in the Westin house.

  “It really is, Mary, thank you so much for having me over,” Vanessa said in a cheery voice complete with sugary sweet smile before turning her attention to Kelsey. “Kelsey, so tell me, what's it like working for Kyle?” Her laugh tinkled through the room as she laid her hand possessively on my forearm.

  It took every bit of reserve not to push her away. How dare she show such disrespect to my mate! But I had to stay focused and remember, no one knew Kelsey was my mate because in the two years I had known her I had never made my intentions clear. I didn't want to paint an even bigger target on her back by doing something stupid, and that reminder kept me glued uncomfortably in my chair watching her closely from across the table.

  To her credit, Kelsey kept a perfect composure, though I could clearly feel her frustrations and anger rolling off her. It was so strong, I wouldn't be surprised if the others noticed it too. Nex,t I felt a brush against my leg under the table and I couldn't wipe the grin from my face. I extended my leg feeling triumphant as my one true mate reached for me discreetly with her own leg. She rubbed her foot up and down my leg causing me to harden and thank God we were sitting down. Then she took a controlled deep breath before replying as my wolf howled in victory at one of the first signs that she truly did feel our connection too.

  “Working with Kyle is a new adventure every day. Most of the time he's a complete pain in my ass, though,” she replied so sweetly and innocently that I choked on the bite of corn I had just put in my mouth.

  Looking around, all eyes were on me now, waiting to see how I'd react to that. I couldn't help but smile, and as soon as I did, the laughter and ribbing began. It was like a Kyle Westin roast for much of the remainder of the night. Even mom relaxed and added in several Kyle stor
ies from my childhood that had left her with new grey hairs and tears of laughter in everyone's eyes. I was thankful for the change in atmosphere. Vanessa remained quiet by my side, looking a little defeated while Kelsey, my mate, shined and began to win over the remainder of my family whose hearts she hadn't already captured.

  After dinner, Vanessa grabbed my hand and announced she had to call it a night. I knew she was expecting me to walk her out, and my mother beamed in approval. I couldn't bring myself to look at Kelsey as I walked out hand and hand with another woman, feeling completely disgusted with myself.

  “Look, Vanessa,” I started the moment we were out of earshot of the others.

  “Shhh,” she said, silencing me with a kiss. She tried to deepen it, but I just couldn't. She pulled away looking a little hurt. “She's not one of us, Kyle. I saw how you looked at her. I know you want her, but it'll pass and I'll still be here. The pack will never accept her and you know it. You need a mate that will make you strong, not weak and pathetic.”

  I knew her words came out of fear. Too many people had assured her we were perfectly compatible mates meant to be together, but a part of what she said was also a true reality that I would have to come to terms with. The pack wasn't going to be happy about my mating an outsider, and not just any outsider, but the one that had disrespected territory lines for over two years and gotten away with it.

  I kissed her cheek. “It was good to see you, Vanessa.”

  The look in her eye told me my words, that had meant to dismiss her, only renewed her hope. I knew I needed to talk to Kelsey, and soon. When others began to suspect my interest, every eligible she-wolf within three packs would be sniffing after her to check out the competition. It was why I had been so careful up until now.

  Sighing, I headed back in to join my family. I stood at the door to the family room, just watching. Lily and Liam were at the card table deep in a game of chess. Chase and Elise wrestling for the remote as they argued over what to watch. And my dad and Kelsey laughing and talking together. My heart was full. But there was one important person still missing from this picture.


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