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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 12

by Julie Trettel

  “How about a tour of this place?”

  He seemed okay with that. He talked me through each room as we made our way through the house. There was definitely a masculine vibe to the place. I could see small touches here and there that were not him and suspected it was Lily's doing, but overall everything was browns and greens and earthy tones and smelled of leather and pine and lemon and him. It was very comfortable. I hadn't really thought about it before hand but of course the tour had to end in the bedroom, and not just any bedroom, because there were four in his house, but his bedroom.

  “So, this is my room,” he said sounding just as nervous as I felt.

  “It's nice,” I said, walking around and testing the mattress, finding it firm but plush at the same time. Much like my mate, who I knew was staring at me without even looking to confirm it.

  He stepped closer and soon his arms were rubbing down my shoulders like he couldn't stop himself. I knew that feeling too well. I should have been embarrassed by how forward I was with him earlier. I had never touched a man before and I was so mesmerized I just couldn't stop it.

  I turned in his arms and when our eyes met, everything around us faded away. All I saw was him and this primal need rose up in me. It was terrifying and wonderful at the same time.

  “I've never even kissed anyone but you,” I blurted out.

  I saw the lust flare in his eyes. I had no doubt he already knew that, or suspected it. but saying it aloud brought out a growl in him that turned my bones to mush. If he weren't holding me in his arms I swear, I'd be a puddle of goo on the floor.

  “Mine,” he said, smelling my hair and kissing the top of my head. It should have seemed weird, but we were wolves, smell and closeness were a part of who we were, and both my wolf and I strongly approved.

  I looked him right in the eyes knowing I was about to be kissed, but not before responding, “Mine.”

  He growled again and descended on my mouth. The back of my legs were already pressed up against the bed and my arms wrapped around him to pull him close. Coming up for a quick breath of air, I more confidently proclaimed, “Mine.”

  That was like an open invitation because suddenly while his mouth continued kissing me senseless, his hands began exploring my body and the tingling sensation was almost more than I could handle. The build of desire in me grew quickly, even though we still remained fully clothed. He didn't slow his exploration, but he didn't move things further along until I couldn't stand it any longer and found my hands under his shirt again and pressing upwards. That shirt had to go.

  My breath caught the first time I saw his hard body etched like a work of art. As he stepped back, allowing me to stare in wonder, I took the opportunity to shed my own shirt. His sharp intake of breath told me he liked what he saw.

  Time seemed to lose consciousness after that. Clothing began piling up on the floor as his hands touched me, igniting a fire in places I didn't even know existed. I felt as though I were in a furnace about to combust from the added heat. The more he stroked and touched, the more I craved. I heard the moans and the sounds coming from within but I couldn't discern they were actually coming from me.

  At some point, he had pulled me down on to the bed and when we finally made love it was the most intense moment of my life. As we escalated in our love, my body continued to ignite, bringing me further and further to an unknown cliff that I knew I would free fall over the brink. With our combined breaths growing more and more shallow, I clung to him. He nuzzled into my neck, as I did his, and just before we crested into the glorious unknown, I felt his vein pulsing in his neck and my teeth elongated. No one had to tell me what to do, I was acting on sheer instinct in the mist of our love making. I bit down onto his neck and seconds later felt the pinch on mine knowing he was doing the same. And we both let go and fell together.

  As we lay still connected, sweating, with shallow breaths, my teeth retracted to normal. I felt him withdraw too and he licked my neck in the place he had bitten. I copied his actions then kissed the mark now evident on his skin. My mark, I thought. Mine.

  He cradled me without a word as our breathing and heart rates slowly returned to normal.

  “Stay with me tonight?” he asked.

  Wrapped in his arms, there was nowhere I'd rather be.

  “Ok,” I whispered against his chest.

  His arms tightened around me and I knew I had just made my mate very happy. My mate. Just thinking it made me smile. When Elise had said there was more to completing the mating than just sex, I wondered if maybe that was what she was talking about. I would ask Kyle later. I just wanted to enjoy being close to him.

  Neither of us moved or spoke again until I shivered. I had come down off my high from our love making and felt the chill in the air. He separated and I immediately felt his absence.

  “You're cold.”

  I nodded.

  “Are you tired?”

  “A little, yes, and then again no, not at all.”

  He smiled like he understood, then stood and reached for my hand. He had an up-to-no-good sort of little kid grin when he said, “Come. Run with me.”


  “Yes, now. Run with me.”

  “I can think of other ways to work off that extra energy,” I told him in a sexy, seductive voice as I trailed a finger down his chest. I couldn't even believe that was me talking.

  He grinned happily. “After, come, run with me.”

  “Okay, okay,” I said standing and stretching. It never occurred to me to cover myself in front of him. Not even as he stood there checking me out from head to toe. “Well, come on,” I urged him.

  When we got on his back porch he changed. I followed. His wolf nudged up against mine and licked my face. Mine playfully jumped on him causing us both to tumble down the stairs. Getting up and shaking off, he motioned with his head towards the woods and took off running. I matched his pace in perfect synch running half a step behind him even knowing I could easily have taken him in another race.

  As we came to a cliff overlooking the valley below he sat and turned his head up to the night sky. It was a full moon, the biggest and brightest I ever remembered. We both howled at it in perfect sync and harmony. It was a beautiful moment.

  Once back home and shifted back to human form, we could talk again.

  “Thank you,” he said kissing me sweetly. “Are you okay?” He had worry in his voice and it gave me goosebumps.

  “Why wouldn't I be okay?”

  “Do you realize what we did tonight?”

  “I can guess. Elise said something about sex and other stuff to seal the mated pair. She didn't elaborate.” I stared at the mark I had left on his skin as his thumb lightly rubbed across his mark on me. “Is that the other stuff?”

  He nodded solemnly.

  “I'm sorry, I hadn't intended for it to happen so quickly. The intensity of it all just took me by surprise, and when I felt your fangs on my neck there was nothing I could do to stop myself from me marking you too.”

  “So that's it? I marked you, you marked me, we're now mated happily ever after?”

  He laughed and kissed my marking, holding me tight. “Yeah, I'm afraid so. You're sorta stuck with me now.”

  I pulled back and looked at him. “Do you really think there's anyone else in this world I'd rather be stuck with? Cause there's not.”


  Chapter 16

  I couldn't believe what happened. Waking up with Kelsey in my arms was everything I'd dreamed it would be. I couldn't even describe the peace and comfort it brought me. I reached over and held her hand, wrapping her arm back around me and pulling her close. Our legs already entwined and tangled in the sheets. Her hair looked a mess, but her face glowed. She was beautiful and took my breath away. And I was the lucky guy who'd get to wake to this every day of my life. I didn't think anything or anyone could wipe the smile off my face, and looking at the clock I noted we were already late for work.

  Grabbing the phone, I called
Elise to let her know Kelsey and I would be late. When she didn't answer her cell, I called the house.

  “Hello?” My father answered.

  “Hey Dad, I'm looking for Elise, has she left the house yet? She's not answering her phone.”

  “No, she's still here.”

  “You sound stressed, is something wrong?”

  I heard him take a deep breath and blow it out, “Nothing too concerning I hope.”

  “Dad, what's up?” I was focused and concerned now.

  “Last night there was a shift in pack power.”

  “What do you mean? How is that even possible?”

  “It's probably nothing, Son. I don't want to worry you. I just felt a shift in power, like I'd expect to feel when you finally step up, though not quite that severe. Perhaps like when you finally take a mate and begin funneling more power to you as next in line.”

  “That happens?” I had no idea.

  “Yes, of course, but don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing and we'll discuss all of that later. Let me grab Elise for you.”

  Everything came crashing down around me. I had taken a mate. There was a power shift towards Kelsey and I in the pack. The Pack Council hadn't approved our mating and I knew there would be plenty displeased with my choice, even if it wasn't really a choice since she was my true mate.

  The Challenge. I cringed at the thought. How many she-wolves would step up to challenge my mate? Kelsey had no fighting skills. She'd never been taught even basic survival skills. My stomach clenched in despair. What had I done?

  “Hey, Kyle, what's up?” My sister's voice broke my thoughts.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “Shut up, I haven't had my coffee yet. What's up?”

  “Just wanted to let you know that Kelsey and I won't be in the office today. I didn't want you guys to worry. If you could forward my calls to my cell, that would great.”

  “What's wrong with Kelsey? She never misses work. What's going on?”

  “Nothing's wrong, E. We just have a few things to take care of outside of work today.”

  “What are you up to, Kyle? Please tell me it's not what I think it is?”

  The woman was exasperating like a freaking dog with a bone, unwilling to let it go.

  “Just drop it okay, it's personal.”

  “No, no, no. Kyle, please, no. Look, I know you like her. I've seen the way you look at her when you think no one's watching. And I'm your sister, I know you. Please don't act on it. You show any interest in her whatsoever and she's good as dead and you know it.”

  “Shit,” I said, running a hand through my hair. “I can't talk about this now, E. Can you put Dad back on the phone?”

  Without another word she handed the phone back over to our dad.

  “Kyle, is everything okay?”

  “It's going to be fine, Dad. It has to be,” I said more to myself than him. “Look, are you free this morning? We really need to talk.”

  “Sure, give me an hour.”

  “Thanks, Dad, see you in an hour.”

  As I hung up the phone, I was very aware Kelsey was fully awake and staring at me.

  She sighed and it sounded so sad. I rolled back into bed and pulled her close. I wasn't about to let anything happen to her. Ever.

  “Are we okay?” she asked awkwardly.

  I looked down at her and smiled. “Never better.”

  I didn't mean to escalate the kiss I gave her, but the second our lips touched it was like a match bursting into flames. She was still naked in my bed from the night before and I knew I had to have her. Had to claim her once again and not just to calm my wolf, but for me. I needed her.

  We didn't rush things this time. I took my time exploring every inch of her and learning what she liked and didn't. I was shocked when she started directing me with her words and telling me exactly what she wanted me to do to her. I had never had such a responsive partner in bed and she seemed to understand exactly what I needed and where I needed her to touch me, too. We moved in perfect sync and I thought my heart would explode when she fell apart in my arms and I followed her into oblivion.

  It was nothing like it had been the night before. My body was still shaking from the intensity of it. And I knew Kelsey felt it too. I wiped a stray tear from her cheek and kissed her sweetly, not trusting myself to deepen it this time. I closed my eyes and breathed in her scent.

  “That was beautiful. I had no idea it could be like that,” I heard her say.

  “I know, me too. No one's ever spoken to me like that before. No questioning what you wanted or how to please you. I loved it.”

  I nuzzled her neck and kissed my mark as I felt her stiffen in my arms.

  “What? Wh-what are you talking about?” she stuttered as I knew she only did when she was really upset or nervous.

  I looked at her in confusion.

  “I wasn't talking during… that,” she waved her hand over the two of us not able to say the words.

  Why would she deny it? It had been incredible.

  “Babe, I would never have known to…” I trailed my hand down her waist heading for what I knew now was her most sensitive spot when she nearly jumped out the bed.

  Her face showed pure shock and embarrassment.

  “I didn't tell you that,” she insisted.

  “How could he possibly have known that anyway?” I heard her clearly but watching her saw no signs of her lips moving.

  “Kelsey?” I tested, thinking it instead of saying it aloud.

  “What?” she answered aloud in frustration, but not able to bring herself to look me in the eyes.

  I knew my eyes were nearly bugging out of my head. It was impossible! I knew my heart started racing, I couldn't stop the panic rising in me. This wasn't supposed to happen. I mean I had heard it could happen, especially between true mates, but not for many, many years, sometimes even many decades.

  “Kyle, what's wrong?”

  Now Kelsey was panicking too, most likely feeding off my elevated stress levels, but I couldn't calm them even for her. I was freaking out.

  She rushed over to me and when her hands touched my chest a calm washed over me and I felt like I could breathe again.

  “Thank you,” I told her without speaking, testing the connection again.

  “You're welcome,” she said sighing against my chest.

  “Big bad wolves chase little red riding hood,” I told her through our bond just to make absolute sure she was hearing me.

  She pulled away and looked up at me in confusion.

  “What? That's not even funny, Kyle. You know I was terrified of the big bad wolf growing up.” She smacked me for added emphasis.

  “Um, Kels, there's something you need to know and try not to freak out like I just did, okay?”

  She looked at me with worry in her eyes.

  “I knew it was too good to be true. It's okay, I won't cry in front of him. Do not cry, Kelsey!” I heard her internal conversation loud and clear and I wanted to shake some sense into her.

  “Damn it. Doesn't she know I'm not going anywhere? Why can't she understand I'm hers? Only hers!”

  She was staring at me with a similar freaked out look that I was giving her a few minutes earlier. Oops, shouldn't have been talking to myself like that.

  “Kelse,.” I said aloud.

  “I-I-I heard you. Your lips weren't moving, but I heard you!”

  I gave her a half smile.

  “I know, it's freaking me out too.”

  “THAT's how you knew? About that…” she waved towards the bed and I couldn't help but chuckle.

  “I didn't know then, I swear, I just heard what you wanted and acted.”

  Her face was flaming red. I couldn't help but pull her into my arms and try to tell her it was okay.

  “Better than okay. It was freaking awesome!” I thought.

  Her wide eyes told me she heard me too. Oops.

  “Why can I hear you in my head when you aren't talking?”

I don't know,” I told her honestly. “I mean, I've heard it can happen with bonded mates, but bonds take time, like years, decades even to fully establish to this point.”

  “You said we were starting to show signs of bonding before we, um, did what we did last night. That wasn't normal either, right?”

  “True. Maybe that accelerated things? Babe, I have no idea. I'm just as freaked out as you, but it's going to be okay. May take a little getting used to. I feel like I have to monitor my thoughts already.”

  “Well, you're the one that said mates have no secrets,” she grumbled, making me laugh.

  “Yeah, truer than we thought, huh? And Kels,” I made her look at me even knowing she was still embarrassed by everything happening. “I'm not going anywhere. You are mine. And I am yours and nothing can change that.”

  She sighed contentedly in my arms and pressed a kiss into my neck, reminding me of the mark she left on me. My mate. Nothing was better than that.


  Chapter 17

  Kyle explained that we needed to talk with his dad. Maybe he had an idea of what was going on. I hoped so. I was trying hard not to freak out over the mind reading thing. It was just too much. I had no idea mating would be like that. It was hard enough to deal with my own thoughts and feelings, now I felt like I was dealing with both of ours. I knew he felt the same. It was just so overwhelming.

  We didn't pass anyone in the Westin house as we headed straight for his father's office. The door was shut and Kyle knocked before opening it. Her smell hit me like a flying brick and before I could stop myself I had moved Kyle behind me and stared down at Vanessa whose wild eyes looked everywhere but into my mine. I felt the surge of power release from me and saw Vanessa turn with wide, shocked eyes and kneel before me, baring her neck.

  “Kelsey, I'm not here for Kyle, I promise, you made your point yesterday. You won't get a challenge from me.”


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