One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 15

by Julie Trettel

  “Sorry, I just needed to lie down for a few minutes. And no, I don't think he's coming in today. He's, uh, fixing my car,” I tried to hold to our cover story, but I felt like she saw right through it.

  She sat down across the office from me, “It's fine, Kels, I'm not gonna rat you out to the bossman and doubt he'd care anyway. Lay down, relax. You look more stressed than usual. Is it because of everything we told you?”


  “You know, everything that happened the other day. It had to be a lot to take in.”

  “Was it really just the other day? God, it feels like a lifetime ago already,” I said, throwing my arm over my face to blot out the light. I really didn't have a headache, but we had stayed up entirely too late and with the added stress of talking to his parents, I was beyond exhausted.

  “So, you're okay with everything?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I'm a big girl, I can handle it. I feel a bit stupid after knowing it all, but I'll be fine.”

  “So, I was in the tattoo parlor yesterday checking out Cole's new designs after seeing the fabulous job he did on yours, and he was going on and on about how amazing you are and how he loved your work. What exactly was going on during those fill in sessions?”

  She made it sound so clandestine that I actually snorted when I laughed.

  “Oh yeah, Lily, me and Cole Anderson, that's it, right?” I laughed, “You're insane!”

  “I don't know, Cole's really cute. Kyle would say he's too old for me, but then I don't think he'll ever approve of anyone for me, and certainly not Liam. Liam would freak out if he heard me talking about a guy, any guy.”

  “So, you like Cole?”

  “No, I was asking if YOU like Cole. He'd be a great match for you, you know.”

  I felt him before I heard the door open in the middle of Lily's rant. I could feel the waves of anger and possession wash over him and I shuddered.

  “Um, Lil, shut up!”

  “What? Come on, don't tell me you don't think he's hot. Everyone knows he's hot. Heck he knows he's hot.”

  The tension grew around me. How could she not feel it too?

  “He's not hot, and I'm taken, so please stop!” I shrieked as Kyle walked fully into the room to assess the situation with a scowl.

  I was horrified. My mate had just walked in on me talking about another man with his sister. Albeit, she was doing all the talking, but still.

  “Kyle, close the damn door, quick,” she demanded of him. “Girl, you've been holding out on me?” She looked a little hurt. “Who? When? How?”

  I sighed, “Ten years I kept my mouth shut. I can keep a secret, even from friends. What is wrong with me?”

  Kyle laughed which made me angry, but this time he spoke through our bond so his sister couldn't hear. “Babe, for 10 years you had a secret you were terrified of anyone knowing. This time, you'd rather not have a secret at all and scream it from the rooftops for all to hear. Am I wrong?”

  “Probably not,” I grumbled.

  “Probably not, what??” Lily demanded. “Come on, tell me about your mystery man.”

  I sat up quickly, realizing how wrong this all was and we were supposed to be keeping up normal appearances. I smiled brightly and smoothed down my skirt sitting straight and more businesslike.

  “My sincere apologies, Mr. Westin. I had a slight headache and came to lie down. I thought you weren't coming into the office today or I never would have… I'm so sorry, please forgive me.” I stood and started walking to the door. “Is there anything I can get you, Mr. Westin?”

  He shook his head. “Go lay down, Kelsey, and knock it off with the Mr. Westin crap.” He smacked my butt as I passed causing me to yelp, then giggle even knowing I was blushing furiously.

  “You two looked awful cozy when I walked in. What the hell are you doing in here?”

  “Hiding from your sisters. Didn't think you were coming in today.”

  I finally looked at him and clearly saw what I figured, he not only didn't mind me being there, but seeing me comfortably sprawled out across his couch when he had walked in his office had pleased him.

  “Doesn't look like you're doing a very good job.”

  I pouted, “Forgot to lock the door. Didn't think she'd look for me here.”

  “Hello, I'm right here! What is going on?”

  “Don't tell her,” He told me in my head with a smirk.

  “You're terrible and I already blurted out I'm taken, she's never going to drop that.” I responded, glaring at him.

  “Yeah but she probably thinks it’s Cole Anderson,” I heard him growl out the name and I laughed.

  “Lily, let me be very clear,” I spoke aloud to her but staring into Kyle's eyes while I said it, “I have not, nor will I ever be interested in Cole Anderson.”

  “Your loss. Seriously, cause that wolf is hot for you, girl. And well, he's just plain hot, period. So who's this guy you're talking of, or did you just want me to stop trying to set you up with Cole so I can live vicariously through you? Because seriously, girl, you are gorgeous and every available male within five packs is going to want a piece of you.”

  Kyle growled so aggressively that Lily cowered and turned to him with wide eyes.

  “Stop, Lil, just stop.”

  I couldn't help but grin at him. He was raking his hand through his hair in frustration and came to sit on the couch next to me. I immediately leaned into him not even caring about our audience anymore. My mate was jealous and upset and I had to calm him. Pressing the side of my body against his and leaning my head on his shoulder, I placed a hand on his thigh and gently rubbed to soothe him.

  He wrapped his arms around me, took a deep breath into my hair, then kissed the top of my head as I felt him begin to relax.

  He looked right at Lily and said, “Lil, Kelsey's taken, stop trying to fix her up.”

  As the initial shock wore off, I saw sheer happiness light her up.

  “Are you serious? Oh, please tell me you aren't yanking my chain? Kyle Alexander Westin, are you trying to claim Kelsey as your mate?”

  “Already claimed,” I volunteered.

  He laughed, “You weren't supposed to tell her that part.”

  “That part? You guys told me not to tell anyone anything. I've been faking phone calls and meetings and hiding from her and Elise all afternoon and you walk in and freak out over an innocent conversation and blurt everything out.”

  Lily pouted, “You've really been trying to blow me off all day?”

  “I'm sorry, Lil, there's just so much going on and it's just making my head spin. Of course I wanted to tell you. Your mom said not to tell anyone till a formal announcement was made. I'm sorry.”

  I wasn't thinking when I stood and walked to her. leaning down to hug and reassure her.

  “Oh. My. Gosh! Oh my gosh! You, you, you, smell like him.” She jumped and ran to her brother and took a big whiff as he sat there just grinning. I wanted to punch him so bad. “And you, you smell just like her! Oh my gosh! You mated already?!?!? Clearly Mom and Dad know already. Does the Council know? Did you even get permission? How the heck did this happen? I mean, I knew you were crushing on her, but Kyle!” She smacked him. “She barely even knows what mating is. So, did you just have sex and didn't shower off each other's scent or, no, it's too strong for that. Holy crap, what did you do??”

  Kyle was holding his side laughing at her. I was horrified. She ran over and picked up his phone pounding on the buttons.

  “Elise, get over here to Kyle's office. Right. Now.”

  It was only a moment before Elise burst through the door slamming it behind her.

  “What's wrong? What's going on?” She was breathless and looked terrified.

  I had sat back down next to Kyle on the couch, leaning forward with my hands covering my face in humiliation. He was casually rubbing my back and I could feel the perm-a-grin on his face when he spoke.

  “Nothing's wrong, E. Lily's just being overly dramatic.”

; “Overly dramatic? Overly dramatic! Elise, he mated Kelsey!”

  I dared to sneak a peek at her. Elise was grinning. I knew my face was probably various shades of purple and pink and not just red.

  “It's about damn time!”

  “What? You knew about this?”

  “Well, come on Lil, it doesn't take a genius to know Kyle's been protecting her for two years against the pack. That he stares at her like a lost puppy every time she turns her head.”

  I whipped my head around at him.

  “You do?” I asked through the bond.

  He didn't deny it or show any embarrassment about it, just shrugged his shoulders at me.

  “I mean, I suspected pretty early on, then thought maybe it was my imagination when he never acted on it. Guess you were just waiting on her, then, huh?”

  “Yup. And like I told the Council this morning, after two years of rejections and denying my feelings, the second she showed interest, I was a goner.” He winked at me.

  “Yikes, what did the Council say?”

  I know he could feel me tense. I had been wondering the same thing all morning. He rubbed my back reassuringly and spoke directly to me, even though Elise had asked the question.

  “Compatibility tests are foregone when it is a true mate situation. As such, they would not have intervened or stopped it had I notified them ahead of time, and therefore no repercussions would be issued over our mating without prior approval.”

  “Awe, you think she's your one true mate?” Lily sighed.

  “Oh, I know she is. I've always known she was.”

  I nodded, “Yeah, I didn't even know what a one true mate was, but I knew from the start too. It's why I insisted on only calling him Mr. Westin and keeping everything one hundred percent professional.”

  They both laughed.

  “God, did you drive him nuts with that!” Lily confessed.

  I felt like, after the initial shock of it all, that the girls accepted me with open arms. It felt good and right.

  “Okay, well, it's quitting time. I only came back to see you for a few minutes before they whisk you away. Mom has forbidden me from showing up during your training. She thinks my presence in your den with the girls around had more to do with your territorial aggressions than them actually being there. I guess we'll see if that theory holds true.”

  “Training? Mom's going to train her?”

  “Yeah, E's taking her home and mom was going to explain things then. Guess now she doesn't have to.”

  “When will the announcement be made?”

  “Sunday at the monthly pack meeting.”

  “Sunday! That doesn't leave much time for training.”

  “No, but my girl's gonna do just fine. You'll see.” He turned to me and kissed me sweetly. I couldn't help but blush with his sisters right there gawking over us. “I'll be nearby. Let me know when you guys are through and we'll head home, okay?”

  A warm happy feeling enveloped me when he spoke of home, and I nodded.

  “Okay, okay, let's go. We'll take good care of her, big brother.”

  “I know.” He said, full of confidence.

  “Lil, you coming too?”

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world!”

  Mary was right, my wolf didn't mind the girls in the den when Kyle wasn't there. She also suspected that the aggression would be lessened now that we were properly mated, but we weren't going to risk training to test the theory. I only had a few days to learn the skills of fighting that other she-wolves were taught from birth.

  She was happy to see the level of control I had over my wolf. I was able to shift easily now from human to wolf and wolf to human form. They already knew I was fast, but while defensively I was thought to be lethal, I had no offensive aggression whatsoever.

  After three grueling days of training and learning basic techniques for defense and offense, Sunday arrived. I knew the likelihood of a challenge being issued on the spot was slim to none, so I'd have a few more days, maybe even weeks to continue training before I actually had to fight.

  I hadn't slept a wink the night before, tossing and turning and stressing over the day's events. I would do just about anything to keep Kyle in my life. But could I kill for it? Would I be able to sink my jaws into the neck of another and hold her there until her life ended? That was what they were trying to teach me and the best strategy for attack. Did I really have it in me to do that? I mean, if someone was threatening my mate, my friends, my family, I have no doubt I would kill without thought, but to kill just because another she-wolf was interested in him? It seemed so barbaric, and I just hoped that when the time came I could push past my reservations and do what was necessary.


  Chapter 20

  Waking up with my mate in my arms each morning meant the world to me. I had barely seen Kelsey since she began training. She came home late and exhausted. I understood the importance of it, and greatly appreciated what my mother and sisters were doing for her, but I could not wait for the next month to pass and we could finally start our lives together.

  This would be the day, the day we would share with the pack the truth about our mating. The day my mate could be threatened with challenges. I knew she was strong enough to handle herself, even with the little training given, but I still worried, and everything inside me demanded I protect her.

  At the meeting, Kelsey was asked to stand up front shortly after Dad called everyone to order. There were lots of whispered murmurs and surprised faces to see it. Even though after our race word had spread, the fact that an outsider was invited to a pack meeting said a lot.

  “Please settle down, settle down,” Dad called to order. “I think just about everyone present knows Kelsey Adams. She has come forward to speak to me and ask the Council to join the Westin Pack.” He paused to allow the shock of the news to settle down.

  “Why now?”

  “How can we accept when she's been trespassing on our territory for so long?”

  “What's her story?”

  So few knew Kelsey's story even still. It had been kept under wraps, and I wasn't happy that Dad was about to share with the pack, even knowing it was necessary.

  “Settle down. There will be time later to answer all your questions, and for each of you to get to know Kelsey a little better tonight at the pack meal. Right now, I just want to share a quick story of a little girl left alone in the world at the age of twelve. A wolf shifter who watched her parents die before her eyes. Who changed that same night after being bitten. Who knew nothing of our ways of life. This is Kelsey's background. It is a sad and terribly painful one, and I hope you will all respect the fact that the Council has taken things into consideration and knows her full story, tragic as it is. She is still learning our ways. I know many of you were shocked and disappointed over the last two years she has invaded our territory. I ask you to please understand, she truly did not know what she was doing. I hope you will support and welcome her to this pack. No wolf should ever be alone, but especially not a young pup with no training, no guidance, living alone in the human world while hiding such an enormous secret.”

  The room was silent. A few of the women had tears in their eyes. I knew no one would object.

  “Now, I'd also like to open the floor to hear any objections.”

  Not a peep was heard, not even a whisper.

  “Okay, Kelsey, welcome to the Westin Pack!”

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  There was a round of applause. Kelsey's nerves had increased steadily through Dad's speech and even more so with being put on the spot. I could smell it in the air, acutely aware of her. And I knew that others would perceive it as fear. My mate was not comfortable being on the stage and did not know how to curb her scent yet. It took everything in my power not to rise and go to her, to shield her from the prying eyes and whispers from the curious. It wasn't any of their damn business anyway.

  Feeling more and more agitated only seemed to he
ighten Kelsey's nerves. I had to calm down. I knew she was responding to me responding to her. It wasn't a good combination, especially in front of the entire pack. My dad glared at me and I felt a slight pressure as his alpha power washed over me to try and calm me which only pissed me off more. I couldn't stop from glaring back and saw him sigh in resignation.

  “Okay, while Kelsey's already up here, uncomfortably up here, as I'm sure you can all smell.” The room chuckled as a whole. “We might as well get this over with. First, I urge you all, please do not mistake Kelsey's uncomfortable nervous energy, being put on the spot in front of you all with weakness. I cannot stress this enough. I have tested her myself and she is strong and not as easy prey as she may appear. Please do not underestimate her.”

  Both of our stress levels elevated further, and I had no doubt everyone in the room was feeling it. The idea of them seeing my mate as weak prey did not sit well with me, and I knew my dad realized his mistake the moment he insinuated it.

  “Jesus,” he muttered under his breath, then turned to speak softly to Kelsey. “You have to calm down, Kelsey. No one will here will hesitate to challenge you with the level of fear you're producing.”

  “It's not fear. I just don't like standing up here with everyone staring at me,” she pleaded. “And Kyle isn't helping. He's freaking out.”

  “Just a little longer, hang in there,” he said sympathetically, while turning to glare at me, but at this point I knew I wasn't controlling my emotions at all and just making the situation worse.

  “Okay,” he spoke back to the group, “let's just rip the Bandaid off. Kelsey Adams has taken a mate within our pack. Many of you will not be thrilled with the match, but it is important to note that this is her one true mate.”

  I could feel the aggression rising as she-wolves all around prepared themselves for the challenge before the announcement was even made. I couldn't stand to just sit there any longer. I started to get up, and Cole Anderson, sitting next to me, quickly yanked me back. I let out a low growl his way.

  “Jesus, just come up here. Please everyone just tone it down a bit. The emotions, stress, and aggression in this room are not helping the situation.” He looked at me and nodded, “Just come on up and calm yourself and your mate so we can just get through this.”


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