One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1) Page 16

by Julie Trettel

  He didn't have to tell me twice. In a flash, I was on stage and comforting Kelsey. My wolf immediately calmed, and in response so did Kelsey's as she touched me. I didn't immediately register the shock and anger flooding the room. I didn't really care. My mate had been suffering and I had to protect her first.

  “Settle down, settle down. There's no easy way to say it, Kyle has taken Kelsey as a mate. As his one true mate, he did not need the approval of the Council, though he did seek it.

  Yeah, it may have been after the fact, but saving face and setting an example was too important for the Council.

  “Yes, you heard me, his one true mate! As such, I again urge you not to underestimate her and think fully through the potential consequences of challenging her. That said, challenges will begin immediately. However, due to other extenuating circumstances, that we will not be sharing at this time, the challenge period has been lowered to only one month's time.” Protests immediately set in. My father simply raised his hand until the room had quieted again. “I understand your frustration, just trust me in that this was not an easy decision for the Council, but a necessary one. Notices went out to the nearest five packs this morning. Kelsey has been made aware of the challenge process and is ready to accept what may come.”

  She stood stoically beside me showing no more fear, and nodded, glancing around the room, making eye contact with several of the she-wolves showing potential for challenges. No doubt my mother had schooled her on that.

  “Now, any further pack news is clearly a moot point tonight. I will adjourn early. Kelsey and Kyle will remain up-front and you are free to come forward to show your support or opposition.”

  He quickly adjourned the meeting and motioned for us to join him down on the floor in front of the stage.

  “Well, that went splendidly,” he whispered, sarcastically.

  “Like ripping off a Bandaid!” Kelsey smiled, using his earlier words.

  “You look so much more relaxed, my dear, are you okay?”

  “Never better. I got this, Sir.”

  Her confidence astounded me. She had no idea how her nerves had made her look weak in front of the entire pack. I knew it was largely my fault too, but I also suspected when she said she had it, she meant it. She was steeled and ready to except her place in my pack, by my side. The pride my wolf and I equally felt was indescribable.

  A line throughout the room formed quickly as people readily came forward. Sally Merchant was the first to come through and wish us both well. I was grateful for a familiar face. Many gave their congratulations and bared their neck to both me and my mate in acceptance. Some only to me, and a few of the males, only to her. I wasn't too concerned, and thought they'd likely reconsider their odds against me later.

  When Vanessa Relic came forward the entire room went still, waiting on bated breath. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she would be the first challenge to Kelsey. She had never been discreet about her interest in me. She came up and hugged me. I heard the low rumble from Kelsey beside me and saw Vanessa roll her eyes at my mate.

  Vanessa congratulated me, lowered her head and bared her neck to me formally. Then she turned to Kelsey.

  “Simmer down. I've already told you I will not challenge you for him. I would never go against a true mate. I am sorry for how I behaved before and truly hope maybe we can even be friends someday.”

  Kelsey hesitantly smiled and nodded to her.

  Then loud gasps sounded as Vanessa lowered her head and bared her neck to Kelsey. I stood by proudly, unable to stay neutral and keep the smile from my face. Vanessa smiled at us both. Affectionately squeezed her arm, and gave her some encouragement.

  “You got this, Kelsey. Just remember, no matter what happens, he's worth it. And if you need any help preparing for challenges, just give me a call.”

  This time it was Kelsey's turn to be shocked, but she also looked thankful. Whispers had turned to full out talking by the end of their transaction.

  At the end of the night, ten men had not given consent and needed to be noted as potential challengers. I wasn't overly concerned with any of them. After Vanessa's submission, only three she-wolves dared not to submit to my mate. The most notable of them was Christine Canine. She was tenacious with a mean streak in her, and I knew she could hold her own in a challenge. Vanessa volunteered to talk to her and try to warn her off for me. I was thankful for her help.

  With the news out and the shock waning, the pack meal took on a festive feel. Many were surprisingly supportive, not just of Kelsey's intro into the pack, but also of our mating. I was shocked at how much concern, particularly from the older wolves, my pack had over my continued bachelorhood. They were especially thrilled that I had not just chosen a mate, but indeed found my one true mate.

  “How can she possibly be his true mate? It's ridiculous. They've known each other for years. That's not something that just suddenly reveals itself. Shouldn't they have known immediately.” Christine vocalized, close enough to draw my attention.

  I couldn't stop myself from responding.

  “You really think I haven't known for the last two years? There were extenuating circumstances, Christine. Do not confuse my lack of action for a lack of awareness. She is my one true mate.”

  I could feel the air grow thick around Kelsey and expected a growl to escape, fearing it would only encourage Christine further towards challenge, but Vanessa of all people jumped in to save the day.

  “Keep it calm, girl. Don't let her get to you. Do not show weakness. I know you, and I know what you're capable of. Let her dig her own grave.”

  The last part was said just loud enough to ensure Christine's attention. And although Kelsey had not managed to control growling around Vanessa since the moment they met, she breathed and relaxed and took her words to heart, no longer sensing her as a threat to us.


  Chapter 21

  Vanessa Relic. Who would have thought I'd be so grateful for her? My wolf was agitated in the close proximity to so many shifters, especially with potential threats against my mate. I wasn't so much concerned for me, or the three she-wolves that did not acknowledge and support my mating to Kyle. I knew they were potential threats for challenge, but I was far more concerned for Kyle as there were a lot more males that did not give consent.

  Christine Canine. She could be a problem. I could feel she would be a tough competitor, but I knew I was stronger. She may have been trained longer, but she was not a born alpha she-wolf. I knew from the brief discussion with Kyle and his dad that it was something I needed to control and hide.

  Still hiding. I had thought maybe I could have a normal life. Finding out that Kyle and the others in San Marco were just like me was like a dream come true, and then yet another curse and more secrets. Why did I have to be different even amongst equal monsters? Life just didn't seem to want to give me a break. The stories of the young girls being hunted and killed were giving me nightmares, though, I didn't want to admit them, even to Kyle. I did everything I could in my waking hours to keep my fears about it from him.

  I knew Vanessa had felt my alpha powers. She was accepting them and had been gracious not to mention them outright, though she had hinted on several occasions now. What would happen if I slipped up and released that power on Christine? What if the pack found out and demanded I be turned over to the Grand Council? Those thoughts terrified me. Yet without my alpha powers, I was weak against the likes of Christine and other she-wolves who may challenge me. My only relief was that I had thus far managed to keep everything from Kyle's mom and sisters. Well, I knew Elise, and maybe even Lily, suspected because they knew what I had done to Vanessa, but they were good to never mention it, and if I was using it as an unfair advantage in fighting, I think they would point it out to me.

  The line had been long and seemingly endless meeting person after person. I was exhausted by the time we moved to the dining area for pack dinner. Kyle never left my side and we took the first table with two availabl
e seats to settle into for dinner. I was relieved to be seated between Kyle and Cole Anderson, though I did not know anyone else sitting at our table.

  “Hi, I'm Morgan and this is my mate Franny.” The man sitting directly across from Kyle introduced and I vaguely remembered them coming through the introduction line earlier.

  “Don't worry, Kelsey, we can only imagine how overwhelming all this is for you. No one expects you'll remember everyone's name after one quick introduction.” Said his mate sincerely.

  I laughed, “Thank God for that! I'll be lucky if I remember my own name by the time this night's over.”

  The entire table laughed along with me and it felt like a lot of the tension eased.

  “We're the Stranges, Dan and my mate Melinda.”

  “Leo Tripp.”

  “Sandy Mason.”

  “And I'm Leslie Matthews.” The last of our table introduced themselves.

  “It's really nice to meet you all.” I said, and I meant it.

  “You did good tonight, Kels, though, I think we need to work on your scent control.” Cole shook his head and laughed. “I'm kind of shocked you have so few potential challengers after the nerves you were producing in there, though I will tell you, I thought a few times I was going to have to physically hold Kyle down from joining you on stage before he was called.”

  “It wasn't that bad,” Sandy tried to assure me.

  Leslie laughed, “Yes, yes it was. I'm sorry but I'll admit I was more than a little shocked to hear you were mated to Kyle. Kyle? This little shy nervous she-wolf? But watching you stand by his side, it was an entirely different picture.”

  “Don't judge her off that as a first impression.” Kyle laughed, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been in the room. I know Dad was right when he suggested it, but of course I wouldn't hear of it. I know I made things a thousand times worse. Cole's not kidding when he said he was going to have to hold me down. It was hard watching her up on that stage so exposed to everyone. And I may be able to disguise my scent, but every time my anxiety rose, she felt it and increased her nerves tenfold.” He even blushed and hung his head sheepishly. It was the cutest thing I think I had ever seen.

  “I didn't even know we could disguise our scent. Someone needs to teach me that trick.”

  The whole table laughed along with that, easing the tension of Kyle's confession, which raised a few eyebrows, but not one commented on it.

  “It's not easy, but it is possible with practice, restraint, and determination.” Dan clued me in.

  “Oh, she's up to the challenge for sure.” Cole sounded proud in his assessment. “I've never met a female quite so assertive, especially when she sets her mind to something.”

  Kyle softly growled at him and I elbowed him. “He's just trying to goad you. Stop letting him.” Then I turned to Cole, “And you, behave.” I shook my head at the two of them causing Leslie and Sandy to start giggling.

  “So, I take it you know Cole pretty well then? I mean I know you work at Westin Foundation with Kyle, but even their word is you tend to keep to yourself and haven't made many friends. Why is that?” Leo asked, but didn't sound judgmental when he did.

  Kyle started to speak for me, but I stopped him and knew it was my time to step up. This was going to be my pack. These people were going to be my responsibility as future Pack Mother. It was time to start acting like I was up for the job.

  “I can imagine it's difficult to understand, and in hindsight I know how stupid it sounds, but I genuinely didn't know there was anyone like me, like us, out there. Or I guess that's not entirely true, I did know werewolves, or wolf shifters as I know now you prefer to be called, existed, I just feared them my entire life. I watched two wolves kill my parents. I changed that same night for the first time. I thought,” I couldn't stop my cheeks from changing colors with how stupid I knew I sounded, “I thought I was a monster, that those wolves had turned me into this monster. I didn't know anything about our kind.”

  “That's a pretty big secret to grow up with,” Melinda said, her voice filled with sympathy.

  I nodded, “Yeah, it was. I couldn't trust anyone. Ever. So, I got used to being alone and avoiding people as much as possible. I didn't mean to come off as nervous or weak up on stage tonight. You just have to understand that my entire life I've worked so hard to be invisible that it's more than a little intimidating being shoved in the spotlight now.”

  When I looked up, Franny and Leslie both had tears in their eyes, and the others nodded in understanding.

  “You poor thing. I just can't even imagine. And weak? Who among us could handle such a life? You must be the strongest shifter I've ever had the privilege of meeting to withstand such trauma so graciously.” Sandy stood and came over and hugged me close. My wolf sighed in contentment.

  “Thanks,” I said trying not to let my voice crack.

  Leo cleared his throat, “Life will be very different for you now, Kelsey.”

  “Oh, it already is. You have no idea. It's a bit overwhelming at times, but I've never been happier.”

  He smiled at that. “So, I'm curious. How did you meet Mr. Anderson?”

  “Don't be silly, Leo, he's on Council, of course she's met all the Council already.”

  “True, but actually, aside from Elise and Lily, Cole was my first friend here. It was pretty recent, but still. He did a tattoo for me and I've done a few designs for his shop since then.”

  “Oh do tell,” Melinda asked sounding scandalous. “What's your tattoo?”

  Cole laughed, “You don't want to know.”

  I blushed. “I didn't know! Still, I am so glad you did not convince me to make it black.” I elbowed him in the gut trying to wipe the smirk off his face.

  “Black?” Melinda persisted.

  I closed my eyes and tried to push my embarrassment aside. “It's a wolf, okay? My tattoo is a wolf. It was before I knew any of this.”

  “Not just any wolf.” Cole laughed and I glared at him.

  “It's me!” Kyle announced proudly. “Her tattoo is a large picture of me in wolf form. She knew my wolf because I stalked her regularly in wolf form for the last two years.”

  I looked at him and knew my mouth was open in shock at his admittance.

  “What? I'm not too proud to admit it. I stalked her every night, guarding her house, and hoping and waiting for her to come out and join me.”

  “The story she told me,” Cole added, “after giving me a brief description of what she'd been through as a child with her parents' death and a lifelong fear of wolves, was that she had this guardian wolf that watched over her house and for the first time in her life she wasn't afraid. What no one's mentioned today, and maybe I'm out of line for pointing this out, is that she too was attacked that night. She was bitten badly and it caused severe damage to her leg. So much so that even though her wolf was called forward at a ridiculously young age, it wasn't enough to fully heal her. The tattoo she wanted and drew herself was designed to cover the damage done. It's quite beautiful if I do say so myself.”

  Kyle growled softly and glared at him for mentioning it. I just rolled my eyes at the two of them.

  “So, there you have it. It took many weeks to complete the tattoo and I've been drawing ideas since, so yeah, that's how I got to know Cole. I just found out that he's on the Council. Well, just found out there even was a Council.”

  That cleared the air and made the table chuckle. I suddenly noticed the surrounding tables leaning in closer trying to listen in.

  “Wait? Black? Cole, you tried to convince her to change it to a black wolf?” Cole grinned sheepishly and nodded as Kyle glared at him. “Kelsey, do you know that Cole's wolf is black?”

  I laughed, “I didn't then, but I do now. Kyle wasn't exactly happy to hear that and I had no clue why. I just knew it could only be my guardian wolf. No other. And a black wolf certainly wouldn't do.”

  Cole shrugged looking smug, like he'd tried, what more could he have done.

  I looked at Ky
le and he grinned and leaned in and kissed me sweetly to the awe's and eye dabbing of those surrounding us.

  “That's so romantic,” Sandy sighed.

  We were amongst the last to leave for the night and many others had come by to talk to us and introduce themselves further. I was never going to remember them all, but it was nice of them to go out of their way to make me feel welcome.

  Alone at last, I cuddled up to Kyle's side in our bed.

  “So, how did you think it went?

  “Rough start, but you had them eating out of your hand by the end of the night.”

  “I did not.”

  “You did too. And Cole's ribbing and retelling of your tattoo I think melted everyone within earshot.”

  “You guys are never going to let me live that tattoo down are you?”

  He peeled back the covers and pulled my nightgown up to my waist. Carefully he started tracing and really examining my tattoo. He frowned, feeling the rough ridges and skin grafts it was designed to hide. He leaned down and kissed the damaged area.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not anymore.”

  “I hate that you went through all that. It kills me that I wasn't there to protect you.”

  “Kyle, I was twelve. There's nothing you could have done, but you're here now and more than I ever hoped or dreamed for.”

  I couldn't read the expression in his eyes, but I felt the emotion and passion behind it when he kissed me. When we made love that night I cried, overcome with emotions. It was nothing like previous, his love poured over me and there were no coherent words even through our bond as we moved as one. I had wondered before if I would be capable of taking another life to guarantee my position in the pack and at this man's side. It was then that I knew there was nothing I wouldn't do for Kyle or to be with him. I didn't know it was even possible to love someone so much.


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