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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 18

by Julie Trettel

  “Kels, you can't be serious. You're going up for a challenge tonight. And you're going to need me when it’s over. Or at least I know I'm going to need you tonight.”

  I sighed. He was so sure I could win this, but at what cost?

  “Would it be okay if I went to see your dad this afternoon?” I decided to change the subject.

  “Yeah, sure, of course. What's up?”

  “He had said he'd help me learn to contain my powers, but we haven't really spent any time on that and I'm scared they could unleash during the challenge. I just wanted to discuss it with him, see if he has any advice to offer.”

  “I think that's a good idea. Want me to come with you?”

  I felt his hope, then his disappointment, as I started shaking my head no.

  “He was serious this morning about keeping a distance. I think you showing up with me would be disrespectful of that.”

  He nodded and kissed my temple. “You're a very wise woman, mate.”

  I suspected he knew how it warmed me and made me all tingly every time he called me mate, and if he hadn't before, he did now that I had thought of it.

  “My mate.” He grinned, holding my gaze. “My perfect, beautiful, strong, courageous mate. Mine.”

  He kissed me hard, nearly taking my breath away.

  “You're going to do great tonight.”

  “Will you be there? Watching?”

  “Yes, it is a requirement. Just as you will have to stand by and watch when my challengers come. Honestly I think that may be harder than the actual challenges themselves.”

  “Says you, who gets to stand by and cheer me on.”

  He chuckled. “Actually, I'm not allowed to show favoritism during the challenge. Lucky for us, you'll still hear me loud and clear even if I look impartial to everyone else.” He tapped on my forehead for added affect signaling our bond.

  I was glad I had opened up to Kyle and let him soothe some of my fears. I felt a thousand times lighter and more resolute in what I had to do.

  I left work shortly after that and headed to the Westin family home. Mary greeted me at the door and told me her husband was in a meeting, but that I was free to wait. We talked casually at first, neither of us wanting to mention the night's challenge. Finally, she cracked first.

  “Are you ready for tonight? Any last questions or things you want to work on??”

  I shook my head. “No, but thank you. You and the girls have been wonderful. I hope I make you proud tonight.”

  “Oh sweetheart,” she moved next to me on the couch and hugged me close to her in the way only a mother could, “we couldn't be prouder of you. You're stepping up and fighting for my son. It's an honor as much of a curse. You'll see.”

  “B-b-but, why does she have to die for me to live?”

  “That, dear, is up to you.”

  “Wh-wh-what?” I stuttered, as I often did when nervous or upset.

  “You have the right to step aside and let her keep her life, but do not do so unless you are one hundred percent, without a doubt certain, she has conceded and you are the clear victor.”

  “B-b-but I thought that was a sign of extreme weakness and that I couldn't afford to be weak, especially on my first challenge, as there would certainly be more following.”

  “There's some truth to that. But you listen to me, Kelsey. I don't care what others tell you. Tonight, you are being forced into our most barbaric tradition. And at the end of the night, you have to be able to walk away and live with what happens.”

  “Or I'm dead and it won't matter,” I said humorlessly.

  “Don't talk like that. I've prepared you well. You're stronger than you give yourself credit. You'll see. Christine is no match for you. So, in the end you need to do what you have to do.”

  I heard a gasp behind us and turned to see Franny and Morgan coming out of Jason Westin's office. I had met them at the pack meeting and knew they were good people. Franny's face immediately screwed up and tears fell from her eyes.

  Mary nodded solemnly as Morgan physically led her away.

  “What was that all about?”

  “That was Franny and...”

  “I know who they are, they were at my table at the pack dinner. They seemed like really nice people, but I felt like they were shooting daggers at me just now.”

  “I'm sorry, Kelsey. Franny and Morgan are Christine's parents. They are very distraught over her challenging you.”

  “Those are her parents? I-I-I hadn't really thought about things like that. I hadn't thought about how many others I could destroy tonight. Family's still a new concept to me. All I have is Kyle. I've never had anyone else.”

  “You have far more than just Kyle, Kelsey.” She hugged me tight.

  Jason cleared his throat. “Is everything okay?” he asked, looking surprised to see me.

  “Kyle said it would be okay if I left early to discuss a few things with you, sir.” I said, respectfully averting my eyes.

  He shook his head in frustration.

  “I just asked my boss and tried to leave it at that. I promise. We're trying to do as you asked, but this has nothing to do with that. I just had a couple things I wanted to talk to you about before tonight, sir.”

  “Very well, come on into my office.”

  Mary got up and followed me as far as her husband stood.

  “What did you do, Mr. Westin?”

  I saw the grown man cringe before his wife. It was kind of cute and he didn't seem so magnanimous. I politely left them and walked into his office, but with the door open and my wolf hearing, I could hear every word spoken. I wondered why they didn't use their bond, surely they could do that, right?

  “What did you do, Jason?”

  “We can't discuss it here. Come into my office or leave it be.”

  They were both rigid and stoic walking in and closing the door behind them. I could only assume the room was sound proofed like those in the Westin Foundation.

  “Well?” She demanded.

  “I've asked Kyle and Kelsey to separate for the duration of the challenge period.”

  “Why? You of all people know how much harder it will make things for the both of them.”

  “There are things you don't know. Things I haven't shared with you that make it absolutely necessary. I will not lose my son!”

  I think they forgot I was in the room and I shrunk into the chair desperately wishing for invisibility. He was concerned I wasn't going to win tonight.

  “What do I not know?”

  “They've already begun to bond, Mary.”

  “You'd have to be blind not to see signs of that, Jason.”

  He nodded. “The Council has noticed as well. But I fear for him, for the both of them. Their mating is too new for this to be taking place so quickly. What if the bond seals before the challenge period ends? Then what? We risk losing them both? Can you live with that? Because I can't. A few weeks of stress apart is worth it. Plus, they work together every day, so it's not like they will be completely cut off from each other.”

  “Kelsey,” Mary turned her attention to me and I saw the regret in Jason's face as he realized I was in the room. “Tell me about your bond.”

  I first looked at Jason who nodded permission to speak.

  “What do you want to know, ma'am?”

  “Do you sense Kyle when he is near?”

  “Yes ma'am.”

  “Can you tell where he is right now?”

  “Yes ma'am. He's pacing his office at the moment trying not to freak out. He only heard of the challenge just before I left to come over here.

  “Well, that's a pretty good guess then. But how can you be sure.”

  I shrugged. “I just know. He's pacing back and forth and every now and then he stops and stares out the window.” I concentrated harder, then blushed. “Nope, sorry, he's actually going to the bathroom.”

  She picked up the phone and called him. He didn't pick up. A full minute later the phone rang.

ey Mom, what's up?”

  “Kyle, this is very important, but tell me, what were you doing just then when I called you.”

  “Mom? What's this about?”

  “Kyle, just answer your mother's question.” His dad demanded through the speaker phone.

  “Well, I was going to the bathroom if you must know, why?”

  I couldn't hide the grin of satisfaction on my face and shrugged innocently when they both looked my way.

  “Thank you.” She hung up on him. He immediately called back, but they did not pick up.

  “That's a great distance for such accuracy.”

  “You see my concern now?”

  “Kelsey, can you feel Kyle's emotions? Like, you know when he's in a bad mood or when he's happy?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “When he's not in front of you or within smelling range?”

  “You mean like how infuriated he is right now and how he's trying to talk himself out of jumping in the car and coming over here? Yes.”

  “Kelsey, you asked last time about telepathic communication. Can you talk to Kyle through your bond?”

  I hesitated, then nodded.

  “For how long?”

  I bit my lower lip, not wanting to answer. I first reached out to Kyle through our bond.

  “Kyle, your parents are quizzing me on our bond, should I answer them?”

  “You're safe with them, Kels. Answer whatever they ask. I'm on my way.”

  I looked back to them both staring at me, waiting.

  “We first noticed it the morning after we completed our mating.”

  Mary had to sit down from the shock. “How is that possible Jason?”

  “I don't know. Kelsey, were you just talking to him through the bond?”

  I stared at the floor wanting to be anywhere else but there.

  “Yes. He's on his way over now.”

  They shared a look.

  “You can talk to him from this distance?”

  I looked confused. “Distance doesn't seem to have an impact at all. Should it?”

  I was more curious than anything now, but they didn't answer.

  “How about in wolf form. Can you communicate in wolf form?”

  I didn't want to answer that. A part of me felt our bond was sacred, and sharing this information was harder than I thought it would be, but I slowly nodded.

  “That just started as far as I know.”

  Mary closed her eyes. “Physical pain. If I were to punch you, would he feel it?”

  I looked at her strange and laughed. “I don't think so. I've never tried that, but I didn't think that was even possible.”

  They didn't seem to think the possibility was that funny.

  “Wait, you mean at tonight's battle, whatever happens, he may physically feel it all too?”

  “From the sounds of the strength of your bond it's a possibility and eventuality and what I'm hoping to prevent prior to the end of the challenge period.”

  “Because if that happens it's a sign our bond has sealed and if I die, so will he,” I whispered.

  Mary had tears in her eyes. “That's not going to happen, do you hear me?”

  Jason consoled his mate but finally asked me, “Kelsey, why did you come by to see me this afternoon.”

  I glanced at Mary who's back was toward me and shook my head no while trying to discreetly explain, “I have some concerns about tonight's fight. Stuff you, uh, said you might could help me handle better?”

  I saw him stiffen and nod, “Mary, will you excuse us for a bit? There's a few things Kelsey and I need to discuss in private.

  “Not a chance.” She said as her chin jutted out in complete obstinate. “I'm her trainer and I need to know everything to properly prepare her for tonight.”

  “This doesn't concern...”

  “Jason Westin, don't you think I know exactly when you're lying to me.”

  He sighed just as the door to his office opened unannounced and Kyle stormed in.


  Chapter 24

  I wasn't sure why my parents were grilling Kelsey over our bond, but I damned well was going to find out.

  I saw my dad sigh in frustration, and look at Kelsey who shrugged and said, “I told you he was coming.”

  “What's going on here?” I demanded.

  “Close the door at least, will you.” I could see my dad was breaking down, but I didn't know why or what this was about. I closed the door and went straight to my mate. She immediately touched me and I felt a sense of peace and could finally breathe again.

  “I thought you were coming to, uh,” I looked around noticing Mom was in the room. To my knowledge, she didn't know about Kelsey being an alpha she-wolf. “to ask for some tips on tonight.”

  “Okay, what is it I don't know. Someone better speak up right now.”

  I looked at my dad and tried to understand what his intentions were and how much we should tell her, but while we were trying to communicate the extent of truth we should share, Kelsey started blurting everything out.

  “We think the reason I have no recollections of pack, why my parents and I were attacked by wolves, and why we were in hiding to begin with. Why my parents were adamant I steer clear of wolves and should fear them is because I'm an alpha she-wolf.”

  Dad and I waited in shock with bated breath for mom to react.

  “That's the big secret?” She looked back and forth between us. “You don't think I can't feel her power? You don't think Elise isn't convinced she's the long lost triplet and the story of the third's death was false? She's been obsessively looking into it for weeks.”

  Then she turned to Kelsey. “Sweetheart,” I couldn't help but grin for the affection Mom was showing my mate. “You remember when we were going through the breathing exercises, and how to clear your mind?” Kelsey nodded. “Those are focus techniques to keep your powers in check. I would never coach a wolf in the amount of control we've practiced. A normal training would have been to let go of your human side and give fully into your wolf. I didn't train you that way so that you would maintain control and not allow your alpha side to escape in full. Sure, some may, but you're strong enough to control that power.”

  Tears streamed down Kelsey's face and it took everything in my power not to scoop her up and take her far, far away. It was even harder to control my urges as she pushed me away and hugged my mother close.

  “Thank you. I've been so scared about this.”

  “About what, child?”

  “About losing control during the fight tonight and everyone finding out what I am. About you and the girls finding out and thinking I'm some sort of dangerous freak that should be sentenced to death. And...”

  “Shhh, shhh, we'll have none of that. You have a battle to prepare for, and as a Westin, you are above such self-pity. Everything's going to be just fine tonight, you'll see.”

  As if sensing my unease, Mom pulled my mate away and pressed her into my arms. I sent a silent thank you to her as I just enjoyed the closeness of having her in my arms.

  “Kelsey, do you want to test your powers before tonight?”

  She looked at him in shock with big eyes. “I thought we were never to try that again.”

  “If it will make you feel better about heading into tonight, we can give it a try.”

  She shook her head. “No. I trust Mary, and if she says I'm strong enough to handle it, then I know I am. I just have one favor to ask, though.”

  “Anything.” I said, but she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at my father.

  “I need you to keep Kyle separated from the other wolves. Family only near him, not even Council. Please. I am not confident I can control anything if he is threatened or if another she-wolf even speaks to him during the challenge.”

  My father laughed. “Done. In fact, with your previous aggression towards the girls, I will set it up so that only Kyle and I are in the staging area for tonight's challenge.”

  “Thank you,” she said,
and nuzzled up against me. With a deep breath, I knew she was taking in my scent, and the physical and emotional responses it triggered, made me shiver in delight.

  “I have one request, sir,” I said formally.

  He frowned like he knew what I was going to ask and nodded.

  I suspected he was answering yes to my unspoken question, but I wanted to be very clear. “After the challenge tonight, I want to take Kelsey home. She'll need time to heal and recover from the challenge and you know she will only fully do so with me there.

  “I know I know,” he resigned. “Kelsey is yours for the night. I will not interfere and neither will the Council.”

  Shortly after that I had to say goodbye. Kelsey stayed with my parents while I returned to the office. It wasn't like I was going to get anything accomplished. There was too much on the line tonight with her first challenge. How could they expect me to focus on anything else?

  Sure, I knew what was going to happen would happen and me pacing back and forth wearing a path across the carpet of my office wasn't going to help anything, but I wasn't used to being a man that couldn't control things. And I really didn't like it.

  A knock on the door distracted me.

  “Kyle.” Lily poked her head in, “um, you have a visitor.”

  “Who is it?”

  “It's Christine.”

  Great. The last person I wanted to see today.

  “What does she want?”

  I watched Lily shrug. “How should I know?”

  I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. If Kelsey was there she'd have gotten exactly what she was there for before interrupting me. Not that I was doing anything but worrying, but Lily couldn't have known that.

  “Just send her in.”

  “Christine, come on in,” Lily exaggerated as she held the door wide and motioned her in.

  Christine Canine walked in looking around my office and seeming to take everything in. As she twirled around slowly no doubt trying to give me a full view of herself in the process, ending her rotation back towards the door.

  “You can go now. Shut the door on your way out.”

  Lily looked at me and nodded as she stomped out slamming the door behind her.

  “That wasn't necessary, you know.”


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