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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 20

by Julie Trettel

  “Thank you, thank you. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough for not killing my daughter,” Franny, Christine's mother, said hugging on to Kelsey for dear life. “You will forever have our full allegiance for this act of kindness and mercy.”

  I rubbed Kelsey's lower back, feeling how close she was to breaking down again. She just nodded, and when the two broke apart, sharing a look I didn't fully understand, I began the slow process of escorting her away from the circle and towards the parking lot. I couldn't get her home fast enough.

  Once safely in the car I allowed myself time to let the previous few minutes sink in. If it had been any other wolf being granted allegiance and respect at the level Kelsey was just given, the Alpha and the Council would have been furious. I wondered if those present even realized what they were doing. Her place as the future Pack Mother would allow it without contestation, but if any other wolves were around outside of Westin Pack, they certainly got a big awakening tonight and may just reconsider challenging my mate. Kelsey already had the full pack behind her and she didn't even know it.

  I heard her sigh in the seat next to me as our home started to come into view. I reached over and took her hand. “What's wrong, Kels?”

  “Do you think I'll ever do anything right or normal? I mean it was a death challenge and I couldn't even get that right. Do you worry it will make me look weak in the eyes of the other she-wolves?”

  “Are you kidding? Did you not see the respect you were given by our pack after the challenge?”

  She sighed again. “Yes, and I'm assuming that wasn't normal either.”

  I chuckled. “No, not exactly, but it wasn't a bad thing. We have been recognized by a large chunk of our pack as future leaders with uncontested and full willing support. Any outside wolves present tonight would have seen that and recognized the strength and power that comes with it. I mean, couldn't you feel it flowing freely between us?”

  “Is that what that was? That tingly sensation? I didn't know. It didn't feel like my usual power.”

  “Because it wasn't. It was our power and a sign that our bond is further strengthening.”

  “What?” she sounded panicked. “Did you? Did you feel anything when she bit my leg?”

  “Only a mild sensation, babe, nothing that would have hurt or killed me.” I had forgotten all about her leg. We hadn't even had the medics look at it. I knew I needed to call one in immediately. How much pain was she still in?

  “Not much, but it does probably need to be looked at,” she replied, hearing my thoughts.

  After settling her in on the couch with a hot cup of tea, I called over to Mallick. His son, Micah, was the best doctor we had in town and I knew he was temporarily living back home with his parents during some home repairs at his place. I wanted to ensure he was the one that came out to check on my mate.


  “Mallick, it's Kyle. Is Micah at home? I need him to come by and look at Kelsey's leg. She sent the medics off to help Christine without a second thought to herself. Is he available?”

  “Kelsey's with you?” I heard the disappointed sound in his voice.

  “I know, I know. Dad's already talked to both of us about the Council's concerns, but he also promised I could keep her with me as she heals tonight. Just tonight.” I sighed hating even thinking it.

  There was some hushed muffled talking on the other end.

  “Kyle? Hey, it's Micah. I'll be over in ten.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Hanging up the phone I went back to the living room to check on Kelsey. She was a little pale but otherwise looked nearly unaffected. But I knew better.

  “How are you doing?”

  She shrugged. “I'm okay I guess. Drained. Exhausted.”

  “Well, that's to be expected.” I tried to lighten the mood. “Can I take a look at that leg?”

  She nodded and stood to remove the sweatpants she had dressed in after the challenge. As soon as she shifted I smelled the blood. I wasn't sure how I had missed it earlier, probably just too concerned with her, but it was suddenly assaulting my senses.

  She saw the panic in my eyes. “Please don't freak out on me. I was bound to get a little beat up out there, right?” I didn't say anything and she blurted out, “It's better than being dead at least!”

  That made me chuckle and shake my head at her. I ran and grabbed a clean rag from the kitchen and wetted it before returning to her. I carefully cleaned the streak of blood running down her leg, starting at her ankle and working my way up. Just passed her knee I came to the first source. I dabbed around trying to mop up the blood without causing her further pain. She winced, but didn't pull away.

  Frowning she looked down at the mess. “Cole's gonna have to fix it when it heals.”

  I small growl escaped me.

  She laughed. “What do you have against Cole Anderson?”

  I smiled sheepishly up at her. “Nothing.”


  “No seriously, I like Cole. He's a great guy. I just don't particularly enjoy thinking of any other man's hands on you, or anyone marking you in any way. I know it's silly, and I really have nothing against him and the tattoo is beautiful. I just can't help it sometimes.”

  She smiled back at me. “I like that it makes you a little jealous.”

  “You do, do you?”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “Sometimes I worry that it's really just the bond that keeps you around. Like we didn't really have a choice in the matter. And I know we've sorta talked about this before, but it still gets me sometimes. Then you go all dominant and jealous and I have no doubts you're all mine.”

  “That's one way to look at it I guess.” I laughed.

  Micah knocked on the door and I yelled to him that it was open. Not knowing if he and Kelsey had ever met I made quick introductions and explained what I had found of her injuries, before moving to the couch to sit next to her and allow him to examine her.

  Micah rolled his eyes. “Switch sides.”


  “Kyle, I need to be on the side closest to the injury, so move it.”

  I growled before I could stop myself. Kelsey giggled and Micah rolled his eyes. “Bonding males, sheesh! Don't worry, I've dealt with more than my fair share in this business.” Then he winked at my girl and I nearly lost it.

  “Well, then stop egging him on.” Kelsey scolded in good humor.

  She winced, then moaned as he examined the injury, and it took every ounce of self-control to keep seated and not attack him.

  “Ow!” Kelsey finally said and I was on my feet growling trying to get between the two of them. It was like I really, truly couldn't control myself.

  “Not him, you idiot. You were crushing my hand. Calm down or go take a cold shower or something while he finishes.”

  My chin dropped to my chest in despair. My instincts to protect her were almost too much to bare.

  “It's okay, I've had my look. And I told you I'm used to overbearing alphas, half delirious with protective instincts when their mates are hurt. And I've heard you two are particularly close already, so I'm not surprised to see it at all. Calm down, Kyle. I'm not going to touch her again.”

  “But you didn't even bandage it,” Kelsey questioned as I tried to calm myself and lowered back to the seat next to her. I tugged her close to my side and breathed in deep to ground myself once again. She was safe. She was injured, but she would heal.

  Micah was studying us closely. “Dad's been really, really worried about you, you know. He's asked me some pretty crazy questions about the bonding process, medically speaking of course. I wasn't sure where he was coming from, but I can see it clearly now. How long have the two of you been mated, seriously?”

  “Seriously, I went to Council the very next day and that weekend the announcement was made at the Pack Meeting.” I assured him.

  “I've never heard of a couple bonding so quickly. I mean ever.” He contemplated that for a moment. “How long did you know e
ach other before mating?”

  “Two years,” we both said at that same time, laughing.

  “And how often in those two years did you see each other.”

  “Every day.” I told him honestly.

  “Interesting. Now, I'm sure your father and the Council advised you not to tell anyone about the severity of your bond, but please remember, I'm a doctor and sworn to patient confidentiality which I take very seriously. Would you guys tell me about it?”

  Should we? Is it safe? Kelsey asked through our bond.

  I trust him completely, Kels.

  She nodded. “Ok then, if you trust him that much,” she said to me aloud, before turning to him, “What do you want to know?”

  His mouth hung open. “You were communicating through the bond just now?”

  We both nodded.

  “How long have you been able to do that?”

  “Since the morning after we mated.” Kelsey said matter-of-factly.

  “What else?” He said. “Can you feel each other’s presence? Know where the other is?”

  “Yes, and distance has no impact on that, though Jason said it should.”

  “What do you mean by that? Like if he were at the office right now you could tell me exactly where and what he was doing?”

  “Yes. We can also talk to each at the same distance.”


  “How about in wolf form?”

  “Yeah, that started recently,” I added, “but it's still a little fuzzy when one of us is in skin and the other fur. Like it's there, but you're hearing things underwater or something.”

  “Yes,” Kelsey chimed in, “that's exactly how I'd describe it too.”

  “When she got that injury tonight, did you feel it, Kyle?”

  I hesitated. “Yes. But it was just a dull feeling. I didn't feel the full impact of the pain.”

  “So that part of the bond hasn't completed yet at least. Cause you know that's what the Council is concerned about, right?”

  “Yeah, we get it.”

  Kelsey yawned and I noticed how exhausted she looked suddenly.

  “Okay, we can talk some more later. I didn't bandage your leg, because you will heal better in wolf form. If you change for me, I'll patch it up as needed and honestly by morning you'll likely be good as new. And if not, then Kyle will give me a call to come back over for another look. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She said softly. “Do you think it could have done any damage to my skin grafts?”

  He shook his head. “Not likely, but if it's not fully healed tomorrow we'll take a look, okay?”


  “In the meantime, I'm going to leave these antibiotics and some pain killers. You may want to take both before you change.”

  She nodded as I ran to get her a glass of water. Downing the pills and the water she excused herself returning quickly in wolf form. She was still limping badly on the injured leg. Doc got to work cleaning and bandaging it as I sat behind her rubbing her head and talking softly to her. She was fast asleep on the floor of my living room before he finished.

  After saying goodbye, I carefully picked her up and headed for our bedroom. She'd fuss over the hair on the bed later, but for tonight I couldn't care. I quickly changed into wolf form too and snuggled in, curled around her small wolf in full protection. We awoke in the same position the next morning only in our skin and completely naked. My body responded to the morning closeness, but I headed off to the bathroom without waking her knowing there was only a cold shower in my future.


  Chapter 27

  Kyle and I were keeping a distance since the morning I awoke after my only challenge thus far. It was at the Pack Council's insistence, and with only a week left in the challenge period we were doing our best to behave. Still, I missed him and couldn't wait to get in the office each morning where I at least got to see him.

  He had been so busy in meetings and entertaining the foreign wolves, arriving in greater numbers every day, so that I only caught him in passing. It was beginning to feel a bit like the circus came to town and I knew the locals were not happy.

  I still had a slight limp from the challenge, but for the most part I had healed quickly. Micah assured me the limp and the pain would not last forever and he checked it every day to ensure I continued to heal.

  The night I had gone to the Crate with Sally for drinks after work, Lily had met us there. There had been a table of foreign wolves that had given me the creeps. I'd guessed they were from the Bulgarian pack based on their heavy accents.

  One thing I learned quickly was that the Westin Pack had my back. When one of the foreigners had tried to speak to me, it nearly caused a fight to break out, but I had felt safe, protected, like I belonged for the first time in my life. This was my pack and no one was taking them from me.

  Three packs had already come and gone, declining to make any challenges. The last of them congratulated me on my victory upon their exit. Five packs still remained, though. No one could ever remember such a turnout in all of shifter history.

  I had learned one truth about it all. Yes, word had gotten around about the lone wolf trespassing in the Westin territory and being allowed to live that caused enough interest to bring others there, but most importantly, Kyle had a huge target on his back. Me being a worthy mate after my victory only seemed to fuel this. All other she-wolves remaining in the Westin Pack had since conceded and their loyalty given to me was starting to attract some unwanted interest my way.

  In the shifter world, not just within the Westin Pack, Kyle was a pretty big deal. I had learned that the Westin Pack was the largest and most thriving pack known, and as future Alpha his position in the pack was highly sought after. Seeing our unity after my victory of Christine, the remaining wolves of Westin had also given their allegiance. That included everyone in the pack, except Cole Anderson.

  When things had died down at the Crate, Cole had come to sit with me and my friends, much to Lily's delight. After a few shots of tequila, my tongue had loosened enough to challenge him on it.

  As I sat looking around my office, remembering the discussion of the night before, my whole body shook.

  “Look, it's meant as no disrespect I assure you. I'm 100% in support of you and Kyle. BUT,” my stomach churned remembering his words, “if something, God forbids, happens to Kyle, I will challenge his victor for you and keep Westin with Westin.”

  The conviction in his eyes would haunt me every night until the stupid challenge period was passed. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Cole would destroy anyone if needed, even someone powerful enough to defeat Kyle. Another shiver went through me at the notion.

  The ringing of the phone distracted my thoughts.

  “Kyle Westin's office.”

  I paused, waiting to take the message I was sure was coming. Instead I was met with a deep husky laugh that warmed my body through to my bones.

  “Do you even look at caller id?”

  I frowned and looked down seeing Kyle's office line on the display. I shot a look at the clock on the wall. It was only 7:30am. “When did you get in?”

  “Early. And why are you taking business calls before 8am?”

  I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “Sorry, didn't even realize the time.”

  I felt a wave of worry before the door to his office clicked open with the phone still at his ear.

  “What's wrong?”

  I laughed. “Why do you assume something's wrong?”

  “You're in even earlier than usual.”

  I tried to protest, but he continued.

  “You haven't even made coffee. You look exhausted.”

  I tried again to interject.

  “And you are distracted. It's not like you to lose track of time.”

  “Are you done?” I asked, turning my back to him as I made my way to the coffee pot. He nodded at me and just watched and waited. Once the sound of brewing met my ears I turned back to him.

“I was out late at the Crate. I have a bit of a headache from it,” I said, thinking, but not admitting aloud, I may have been a little drunk still too. He snorted and I knew he heard that thought through our bond. “I don't sleep well without you and I'm stressed about the upcoming challenges. I wasn't sleeping anyway so came in early. I'll be fine after a couple pots of coffee.”

  I knew I was whining but didn't care. What was the point in hiding it when he already knew and felt every second of worry I had anyway. He pulled me into his arms and I flinched, my eyes flying to the open door.

  “Kyle, we can't. The Council. We promised.”

  “Right now, my mate needs me. I don't give a shit about what the Council has to say about it.”

  His embrace tightened around me and I relaxed against his chest, breathing in his scent, and feeling the stress fade away.

  “Thanks,” I whispered as the gurgling noises of coffee stopped, silencing the room and the aroma drew me from his arms in desperate need of caffeine.

  “Grab an extra cup for me and meet me in my office.”

  It felt kind of clandestine knowing how much the Council had been stressing the importance of us staying away from each other. I giggled thinking about it. If he didn't care, I didn't care. But when I walked into the office, closing the door behind me, I wasn't greeted in any way to be considered clandestine. Instead he was seated at his desk already talking on the phone and motioned for me to sit while he reached for his coffee.

  “Yeah…Uh-huh... I understand… Dad, it is what it is... We knew this was a possibility, really an inevitability… It'll be fine… Yeah, just two more weeks.”

  As he hung up the phone I could feel the stress wash over him. Whatever his dad had called about wasn't good news. I quickly got up from my seat and launched myself around his desk plopping ungracefully in his lap. It made him smile and stop mid stroke as he mussed his hair like he did when worried.


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