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Still thicker than water

Page 6

by Takerra, Allen

  “What are you talking about…you know you wanna go,” she murmured to herself, slowly walking back over and taking hold of the bag again.

  She had went shopping, purchased the brand new and perfect everything, down to the toothbrush, gotten her hair trimmed and conditioned with a clear gloss rinse, had her teeth whitened, nails and toes done, and even under went the ever so scary, Brazilian wax, all in preparation for this trip. She was nervous, she was skeptical, but she knew she was at a moment in her life where she was ready to do something drastic, exciting, and do basically what she really deep down inside wanted to do. She was going to Jamaica.

  “Wait, am I really?”

  It was already 9 am. Tatum was supposed to catch a 10:30 am flight, meeting Sasha by 3 pm in Jamaica for check in.

  How mad would she be if I just said ‘fuck it’ and chickened out? Tatum mused to herself, as her doorbell startled her out of the question.

  “Who is it?” Tatum yelled.

  “Car service,” a muffled voice responded, sounding like a woman with a bad English accent.

  Tatum furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and then looked through the peephole apprehensively.

  She laughed in amazement as she opened the door.

  “So what, you didn’t trust me to meet you there, bitch?”

  Sasha was standing there with a wide smile in Chanel shades and a floppy straw hat, looking festive and island bound.

  “Exactly!” She shot back. “But I also thought that it would be way more fun if we all went together…are you excited? Tatum, I’m so excited!”

  Tatum looked at the black Maybach parked in front of her door and then back at Sasha.

  “Yeah, I’m excited…and nervous,” she admitted. She tried to squint and look inside of the tinted windows. “Who’s we?”

  As if on cue, the door opened and Jayde slid out in a tiny black mini-dress with her cell phone glued to her ear.

  Her face was serious, but when she looked up at Tatum, she softened with a warm smile.

  “Hi Tatum, I’m Jayde…good to finally put a face to the name.”

  “Likewise,” Tatum responded, but Jayde had already started back her intense conversation. She popped the trunk, took out her car charger, and returned to the backseat, as Sasha and Tatum stood at the top of the steps.

  “Ya’ll do know it’s still winter, right? We not in Jamaica, yet.” Tatum was referring to Sasha and Jayde’s tropical apparel, while Tatum opted for a more casual BCBG tracksuit.

  Sasha smirked.

  “We know, but we’ll be there before you know it. I have another surprise for you, boo…can’t wait…? Okay, I’ll tell you…we’re flying on a jet. A private jet!”

  Tatum looked at Sasha wide-eyed, while Jayde rolled down the window.

  “Come on ladies. Let’s get a move on…my pilot’s waiting on us!”

  “Her pilot?” Tatum questioned, grabbing her luggage and carefully locking her door. She debated whether she should call and check on the girls one more time before she left, but she figured it would be okay. She would call them first thing when she landed.

  This was the first time they would be with their mother for more than a 24 hour period, but they both had cell phones pre-programmed with both hers and Keisha’s numbers just in case.

  They made their way to the car and settled in, and the driver took off.

  Jayde stayed on the phone for the first ten minutes or so. She spoke minimally with words like “I don’t care”, “Just do it”, and “Make it happen”. Tatum made a note to herself to later ask Sasha exactly what Jayde did for a living.

  Finally, she ended her call and breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled and poured herself a glass of champagne, offering some to Sasha and Tatum.

  “What the hell, why not,” Tatum said, taking a glass, as Jayde lifted her own and the girls followed suit in a toast.

  Jayde cleared her throat before she spoke.

  “Here’s to Jamaica…and to finding Tatum’s man!”

  She winked at Tatum and Tatum gave Sasha a look. The look meant that Sasha talked too damn much.

  “I don’t know about ya’ll, but I am so souped!” Sasha started, changing the subject. “I could use a little fun, and sun, and a break away from Mike’s ass… My parents are still down in Georgia visiting my aunt, so they took Aubrey over there with them. I don’t have to worry about anything, except my damn self!”

  She took a sip of her champagne and snapped her manicured fingers, ready to get the party started.

  Tatum nodded and looked around at the fly ass Maybach and all of its luxury.

  “I know right, I could definitely use this getaway. And ya’ll done went all out! Maybach, private jet, champagne… what’s next?” Tatum giggled and took another sip, enjoying the diva treatment.

  “Well, I hope you don’t mind,” Jayde said. “It’s just when Sasha told me that you guys were going, I insisted ya’ll use the jet... No sense in changing flights, being around all those noisy ass people, when we can get there in three hours flat on the G5, ya know? The Maybach though, that was her idea, she wanted to do something special for you.”

  “Yes, I wanted to make this your fantasy weekend,” Sasha sang, batting her eyelashes. Tatum laughed.

  “You are so dramatic, oh my god.”

  “Aint she though?” Jayde agreed. “Always has been, ever since diapers.”

  Tatum glanced at Jayde with a chuckle. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to rub in Tatum’s face that she knew Sasha longer, or if the arrogant, self-absorbed persona was just her.

  “Speaking of fantasy,” Jayde continued. Her green eyes sparkling and her red lipstick shining. “What’s your favorite car, Tatum?”

  “That’s easy,” Sasha spoke first.

  “Aston Martin, DB9, convertible,” they spoke in unison.

  Jayde nodded her head impressed and laughed at the friends.

  “Okay, okay good choice. Let me see if I can make this happen.”

  She grabbed her phone again and dialed a number quickly. After a few seconds, she spoke.

  “Miguel…Jayde…Uh-huh, great…Listen, I need a favor…DB9…

  Aston Martin…When I land…Three nights, four days…Oh no, that’s not an issue…”

  She took the phone from her ear for a second and turned to Tatum.

  “Black or silver?”

  Tatum was stunned, mouth agape, but regained her composure.

  “Um, silver.”

  Jayde did a thumbs up and mouthed the words ‘good choice’. As she wrapped up the conversation, Tatum looked at Sasha like ‘what the fuck?’

  Sasha then leaned in and whispered.

  “Her father was rich, she owns businesses.”

  Tatum shrugged and took another sip of her champagne. She figured to herself that Jayde may not be so bad after all.

  Jamaica I’m coming, and I’m coming in a muthafuckin’ Aston Mar, shutting it down!

  “What the hell do you mean no reservations?”

  “Like I say, Mrs.…?” The clerk asked Sasha, forgetting her last name.

  “Seals… Bernstein,” she corrected, remembering that she was a married woman.

  “Yes, Mrs. Bernstein. We do not have any reservations for you, are you sure that you called Botanical Bay Resorts?” She asked in her native accent.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Sasha snapped, and Tatum nudged her.

  “Botanical Bay? We’re not staying at Paradise Breezes?”

  Tatum was a little disappointed that they were not staying at Ree’s resort, the one he had sent the postcard from.

  “I couldn’t find it,” Sasha whispered.

  Tatum sighed and calmed her nerves a little. She figured she could stop twiddling her thumbs and looking around nervously now that she knew that they were not at his resort.

  “This is the bullshit,” Jayde mumbled. “This is why I don’t stay at resorts when I come here.”

  “Wait, you’ve been here?” Tatum asked, surprised that
she hadn’t mentioned it in the car or on the plane.

  “Just a couple of times…Excuse me, may I talk to your manager?” Jayde turned her attention to the clerk. “You are not accommodating, at all.”

  The young Jamaican girl caught an instant attitude from the Amazon, beautiful bitch named Jayde’s, condescending tone.

  “How am I not accommodating… you don’t have a reservation, therefore, I cannot accommodate you.”

  Jayde leaned onto the desk, glad that her long hair was already pulled back into a bun, in case it came to blows.

  “No, you worthless, minimum-wage, island-trash servant… there were reservations. And you can, and will, accommodate me and my friends in a room. Especially, when her credit card has already been charged by your fucking establishment. Now get your damn manager, bitch!”

  The girl could see the fire dancing in Jayde’s eyes and was slightly frightened. She was happy when she received some assistance.

  “Maybe I can be of some service… that’ll be all Elsa. You can help the next customer,” a beautiful mocha-colored woman said to the clerk. She was averaged height, with tight black curls that hung down her back, pretty dark brown eyes, and a radiant smile. Her skin glowed and she had an exotic look that let on that she may have been an island girl.

  “Are you the manager?” Jayde asked with a dose of irritation.

  “I am... I apologize in advance for any confusion there may have been. Hopefully, I can assist you better.” Her island accent was smooth and she took her time when she spoke. Sasha stepped back up to the desk with her credit card and online print out. She read the woman’s name tag.

  “Trinity? … Hello Trinity. We’re having a little dilemma. I made these reservations months ago, my card has been charged and everything. However, we’re being told that we don’t have rooms.”

  Trinity gave a disappointed look and took Sasha’s information from her hands. She hated when these types of problems occurred, especially around the busy holiday season.

  “M apologies Mrs. …Bernstein,” she said reading the credit card. “Just give me one moment, and I will get this situation resolved immediately. Get you ladies squared away, no worries.”

  Trinity disappeared behind the desk after giving a reassuring smile to her three gorgeous guests. The original clerk, who was ear hustling the whole time, sucked her teeth. She was jealous of the three women since the moment she had laid eyes on them. If it wasn’t Jayde’s green eyes and tall model height, it was Sasha’s strikingly beautiful face and designer labels, or Tatum’s long gorgeous hair, hypnotizing smile, and seemingly perfect voluptuous body. They were all equally beautiful.

  Jayde felt her envious vibes and took it as a proposition to insult.

  “The manager was nice…Now why the first bitch couldn’t be as accommodating… Fucking monkey.”

  Tatum looked at the clerk, who had obviously heard the comment and she repressed her giggles. She did resemble a monkey, or some sort of primate.

  “Aw man, this is gonna be a trip,” Tatum laughed, as Sasha and Jayde snickered.

  Jayde could be a little over the top, but Tatum had to admit, the girl seemed to be entertaining.

  The pretty hotel manager returned with a smile, Sasha’s card, and three room keys. They were sure that they were now all settled.

  She handed Sasha the things.

  “Now ladies, I’ve got good news, and I’ve got ‘not so good’ news.”

  Jayde rolled her eyes and was ready to pull out her phone and make some calls. Trinity could see her frustration and she continued.

  “The bad, well, ‘not so good’ news is that the rooms are all booked due to the unexpected holiday rush.”

  Sasha sighed and Tatum pursed her lips and ran her hand through her hair. Maybe this trip was a ‘not so good’ idea.

  “The good news however, is that I can place you ladies in the top Presidential Penthouse Suite – living room, dining room, kitchen, sauna, Jacuzzi, four bedrooms, wrap around balcony, private elevator-”

  “Perfect!” Sasha screamed excitedly, cutting Trinity off. Jayde hung up her phone and Tatum smiled wide thinking of how luxurious this trip seemed to be playing out. All of the good signs were making her a tad less nervous about possibly seeing him again, although she tried not to think too much about it. Just the thoughts had her stomach doing somersaults on the plane ride over.

  Trinity beamed, happy to have pleased the guests. She knew that the owner would be equally pleased with her work.

  “Great. The suite will be of no extra charge, just the original price you were going to pay for your original reservation. And once again, I apologize for any inconvenience. Enjoy your stay.”

  The girls took their keys and thanked the manager, heading towards the nearby elevators. Jayde shot one last nasty look at the original clerk and dangled her suite key in her face.

  “Cut it out Jayde,” Sasha laughed.

  Once they were a distance away, Trinity turned to Elsa.

  “Elsa, I am very disappointed in the way you handled those guests. I know you are aware of how important customer satisfaction is.”

  Before Trinity could get any deeper into her lecture, the desk phone rang and she answered sweetly.

  “Botanical Bay Hotel, how may I help you?”

  There was a brief silence as someone spoke on the other end and then Trinity answered.

  “Oh no, I’m sorry. We were formerly Paradise Breezes, we just recently became Botanical Bay... No problem… Take care.”

  Trinity hung up the phone and sighed. She knew the name change would cause confusion and she made it a point to answer the phone ‘Botanical Bay formerly Paradise Breezes’ from now on. She turned back to Elsa.

  “Now, what was I saying?”

  Elsa looked at her blankly before responding.

  “Your man’s here.”

  Trinity felt the butterflies before she even knew if he was there. She turned slowly and her heart skipped a beat as she saw him heading in their direction. She blushed and faced Elsa again.

  “Elsa, please. For the last time, that is my boss.”

  Ree approached the desk smoothly and both ladies admired him.

  “Hello Elsa… Trinity.”

  “Mr. Knights,” Trinity simply replied as Elsa smiled nervously.

  Trinity held eye contact with Ree but spoke to Elsa.

  “Um, Elsa, can you refill the mint bowls?”

  Elsa frowned.

  “But they’re not even empty.”

  Trinity gave her a stern look and Elsa sucked her teeth and made her way to the back.

  “Her boss…whatever,” she mumbled.

  When she was out of view, Trinity slowly approached Ree with a slightly seductive walk. She bit her bottom lip and grinned.

  He was leaning coolly against the desk looking ever so sexy. She loved his power, his confidence, his ruggedness.

  “Hey you,” she whispered.

  “Hey yourself,” he responded, leisurely wrapping his strong arms around her tiny waist, once she had finally made her way to him. “How’s everything going, any problems?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him, trying her best to get a rise out of him.

  “No, not really... Oh wait, we did have one issue with some ladies’ reservations. Buttt I upgraded them to the penthouse, no charge, and made them very happy.”

  Ree nodded approvingly. He knew the value of happy customers, from his previous business.

  “Good girl.” He moved around her so that her back was now to him. Then he kissed her lightly on the neck, tickling her with his goatee and sending sexual shocks through her body.

  “Why don’t you throw in a couple of spa packages for them too, make sure they return.”

  His voice was so smooth and deep in her ear. Trinity closed her eyes and breathed heavy. Her nipples hardened and her female juices poured.

  “Yes, Sean,” she obliged. She could hear Elsa returning and Ree took a few steps
away from her. She tried to peck him on the lips before Elsa reached the desk but he coyly moved his face. That was one thing that irked her, he never liked to kiss her on the mouth. He tapped her on the behind as the phone rang, and she answered with a broad smile, forgetting the kiss diss.

  “Good afternoon Botanical Bay, formerly Paradise Breezes, how may I help you?”

  Ree gave her a wink and made his way to the back as Trinity watched him leave, still creaming. Damn, I wanna have his babies!

  “Now, are you gonna be okay out there?”


  “Remember what I said, one day at a time…baby steps.”

  “I know.”

  “You take care of yourself. I don’t wanna see you back in here now.”

  “You won’t!”

  The sun gleamed bright as the iron-gate opened and revealed the gorgeous outside. Things like fresh air, sunny days, freedom, things that were once just a craving, were instantly very new, but very real.

  With all of these precious elements as surroundings, ironically the first thought of the moment seemed to be a less obvious one. Sasha.

  “Come on, that’s the past now…we’re focused on the future.”

  Why am I even thinking about her?

  Neli took a deep breath and looked around the outside of the facility. Her cab was supposed to be waiting out there for her at 4pm. sharp. She lifted the sleeve of her pea coat jacket to check the time on her watch.

  The fading, but still visible scars on her wrist were reminders of her past. Reminders that no matter how much she may try to focus on the future and leave her old ways behind, she would never forget the damage she had done; to others, and to herself.

  “Quarter after, what the fuck?” She could feel herself already becoming frustrated, she wanted out and far away from that place. She looked up and could now see the cab slowly approaching.

  “Thank god.”

  Today is the day, it’s the beginning of the rest of my life. I can start life new, find myself, develop myself, and make myself into a better person… I can channel positive energy back into the world, try to right some of the wrong that I’ve done…I know I’ve ruined many lives and I know I’m probably going to hell for some of, well most of the things I’ve done. I’m not proud of myself, at all… I hurt people, people that didn’t deserve it, Sasha. Chris… People that I genuinely cared about, Kim. Tatum… People that I loved dearly…Chauncey… I know I will never be able to repair the damage that I’ve done, but I can try my best to live positively, at least so I can feel like I’ve changed… So I can feel like this has worked… So I can feel like I can sleep at night…


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