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Storm Callers: Age Of Magic - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Storms Of Magic Book 1)

Page 20

by PT Hylton

  Writing in the Kurtherian Gambit universe is pretty much the best. I get to collaborate with Michael Anderle, the mad genius. I get to brainstorm about story and vision with CM Raymond and LE Barbant. I get support from the other awesome authors in the Age of Magic: Justin, Candy, Brandon, and Amy.

  But most importantly I get to interact with the greatest readers on earth (or Irth; I guarantee Arcadia doesn’t have any readers like you all).

  If you liked Storm Callers, you can pretty much blame it on LE Barbant. When I was in the early stages of writing book one, Storm Raiders, Lee started hitting me with a bunch of questions about the Barskall Warriors. What was their culture like? Would we ever go to their homeland? Were there good Barskall? Would one of them one day join Abbey’s team?

  I could have told the truth and said, “Lee, I have no flipping idea. I’m eating pancakes and the only thing on my mind is another cup of coffee.”

  Instead, I said, “Don’t worry, Lee, I have an awesome plan for all of that. It’s going to be revealed in book two.”

  Then I went back to my pancakes.

  Only thing was, those were really good questions Lee had asked, and I wanted to know the answers, too. So we came up with a plan, and by the time we were done with book one, we knew where things were going.

  See how cool it is working in the KGU?

  Once again, thank you! I love this book and this world, and I want to talk to you more about it. So I made you a video.

  This is a spoiler-filled, behind the scenes discussion of Storm Callers. I hope you like it! Drop me a line on Facebook, Twitter, or email ( if you have a question you’d like me to answer in my next behind-the-scenes video.



  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Thank you! For both reading this book, and ALSO reading all of the way to the end, and reading my author notes, as well.

  Even if PT “FREAKING” Hylton went and put a link to a video right before my Author Notes.

  Way to Note Block a friend, PT.

  That wasn’t exactly what I wanted to write, but the other “block” isn’t appropriate. But, it would have been funny as hell, at least to me, anyway.


  Right now, PT’s second first book (Storm Raiders) has sold over 1,600 copies, has over 1,000,000 pages read and is still a very low ranking #5,604 in the whole Amazon store. The best selling book in Amazon is ranked #1, so only 5,603 ranks to go! All of these numbers and the kick-ass 72 reviews were accomplished in only 40 days.

  Pretty damned good.

  None of it is possible without you, the fans getting behind his book and so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

  I hope we are doing you proud.

  If we aren’t, just reach out to us on our Facebook page and let us know. Mind you, I’d rather hear about the awesome things we are doing, but the other is…Ok. I won’t jump from the top of my house or anything (mainly because I’m scared of heights. There is no fucking way I can even go up the ladder high enough to get on the roof without freezing, fingers grasping the 7th rung tight.)

  High Anxiety is my middle name.

  Actually, Todd is my middle name but I digress.

  So, height shenanigans aside, I have an update that we are now 64 books strong in the Kurtherian Universe included in that number is six to seven omnibuses, and three short stories. This is going to expand to 65 this Friday, with Craig Martelle’s version of Moby Dick. (The size of the book, not the story.)

  I think Craig is going for the title of, “Longest fucking book in the Kurtherian Gambit Universe.”

  I’m sure he has put a stake in the ground at 118,000 words or so last time I heard. It’s a beast.

  For those who didn’t see my update in Ell Leigh Clarke’s REBIRTH book a couple of days ago, I’ll add it to the bottom of this Author Note on “Where the Hell is #18, Michael?” It seems I played a dirty trick on Ellie, only to have it backfire on myself.

  Dammit. ;-)

  No bad deed goes unpunished…fuck my life.

  Two more things to chat about, and then I’ll go. The first is I am releasing my sophomore Universe effort with Martha Carr on July 31st (Monday). I’m pretty excited, but scared as hell at the same time.

  It will be the FIRST of the five series already in production. The only reason we don’t have more series planned in the Oriceran Universe, is we need to get our collaborators books off the ground (not for lack of other authors asking at this time, which is COMPLETELY due to the Kurtherian Fans being so damned cool.)

  So, if you would like to be the first fans in an ENTIRELY new universe - would you check out what I’m doing with Martha and the others? You can find us on Facebook at

  We don’t bite…Well, I don’t bite. I can’t speak for Martha.

  The second item to discuss is…well…fucking shit. The Author’s wife came in a couple of minutes ago and asked for some help. Now, I’m back from doing a fax thing (using a program on my phone to create a PDF…We still call that faxing for some odd reason.) Anyway, at the moment I’m completely stumped trying to remember what the other item I was going to talk about.

  I realize I’m just typing almost random shit, but I’m hoping that if I type long enough, it will jog my old-ass useless memory.

  C’mon brain dump, get a move on!


  I forgot.

  Well, I’m going to make up what it might have been. If you listen to the pundits in the Author community, you will eventually hear that you should maybe not release in the Summer, and for fuck’s sake, don’t release in July.

  Because, it sucks.

  To a (small) point, they are right. July is HARD. Not because people stop reading all of the time, but I found out the Traditional Publishers apparently sell like a bitch this time of year. So, the competition is FIERCE!

  Now, we go into August, and those bastards (AKA as the Mighty Men and Women of Fiction…AKA - The books that schools require reading…Like Asimov, or Pride and Prejudice, etc.) will start selling like hot-cakes and there is nothing that can be done to compete with that. Our ranks will go down (which hurts our sales because of marketing reasons) and we scrap and claw to beat those that the schools use for teaching.

  It’s not like I EVER expect a Bethany Anne (or other Kurtherian Gambit) book to be taught in high school. But, wouldn’t that be some shit if it was?

  No…no… I imagine I don’t ever want to hear the parent’s gnashing of teeth on some of the stuff she does, or the guys for that matter.

  Hell, most of our characters are just too free and loose with the vocabulary.

  Oh well, so much for ever attaining ‘master of science fiction’-hood as an author title.

  So, before I went on that small rant, I was going to say that we are publishing, in this very hard month, NINE books.

  Why? Because our fucking fans don’t give a SHIT about what month it is… And we listen to our fans.

  Not the pundits. ;-)

  I wish you the BEST week you have ever had, and somewhere, know that I’m raising a Coke in your direction.

  Why? Because I’m blessed by my fans to be able to do it, and I wish you and …OH SHIT I REMEMBERED!

  Sonofabitch. I really just remembered ‘that one more thing.’

  I’m officially, unofficially announcing that we are going to do an Anthology of fan fiction in the Kurtherian Universe.

  I spoke w/ Lynne Stiegler … (ok, I messaged her in Slack) and she said ‘sounds like fun’ to corral a bunch of fans and their short stories (many who haven’t ever written anything in twenty years) and try to do something fan-fucking-tastic.

  I’m not sure she knows the meaning of the word ‘fun’, but that’s on her.

  Anyway, I’m thinking of HOW to make it happen, so stay tuned to the Kurtherian Gambit fan page and here is the bare-assed bones of the idea I have so far.

sp; For fans that write fanfiction about a Kurtherian Gambit story (about 8,000 words or so) and publish it on, you will have a chance to get your fiction into a “Fans write for Fans” book I will publish.

  The stories will not be canon, let’s make sure that is up front. (That means that it isn’t in the real timeline, but rather is a fun story.)

  I will expect solid writing, and the JIT teams (or others I get help from) will read ANY published Kurtherian Gambit short stories where we are notified on the Facebook page with a link to the story.

  Once the JIT team gives a thumbs-up (or not - because not all stories will be selected) we will contact you back on Facebook.

  You will be asked to work that story w/ Lynne (world-class editor) to get the story into shape. You WILL have to have YOUR version of Author Notes included with your short story. You don’t have to write those until you know your story is selected.

  We will have about 8-12 stories (depending on the amount of those willing to do this) and I’ll pay to have a cool cover made.

  EVERY short story included in the book will net the author-fan $250.00 for the rights to the story. (There is no way I can handle the long term aspect of paying, so it’s a one-time payment.)

  In short:

  1) Write a short story in the Kurtherian Gambit Universe - pay attention to the stories, so it feels like a real Kurtherian Gambit story. No making TOM (for example) an evil Kurtherian, it just won’t work. The JIT team doesn’t like shit that isn’t real to the canon, just warning you. (They bust my ass, so you don’t get any slack, either.)

  2) Put it up on - Label it Kurtherian Gambit. YOU CAN USE A PEN NAME ON THE WEBSITE! No one has to know your real name.

  3) On Facebook, post to us on the Page that your story is there, and that you want to be reviewed for consideration in the book.

  4) If the JIT team (or other team if they are busy) select it, then you will be notified and included in a special SLACK group to help get your story in shape for the book.

  5) When the book is published, you will be paid via Paypal $250.00 for all rights. If you can’t do Paypal, I’ll try to pay another way, but I can’t promise that we HAVE other options. So, assume it is Paypal.

  6) I’ll pay all editing, cover, advertising, etc. fees.

  7) This is for FUN, so - please support those fan’s who try!

  Best Regards,



  I can ALREADY hear those fans of mine saying “Well, what the hell is up with your next book (#18), Michael?”

  I’m glad you asked ;-)

  I released Forever Defend on July 1st, 2017. Since then, four books have been released with collaborators including:

  #2) Sanctioned (July 5th – Ell Leigh Clarke)

  #3) Born Into Flames (July 7th – Justin Sloan)

  #4) Shades of Dark (July 10th – Justin Sloan)

  #5) The Arcadian Druid (July 19th – Candy Crum)

  There are 4 more books due this month, including:

  #6) Rebirth (July 24th – Ell Leigh Clarke)

  #7) Storm Callers (July 26th – PT Hylton) WOOHOO THIS ONE!

  #8) Nomad’s Force (July 28th – Craig Martelle)

  AND – One more book, but in fact this is a whole NEW UNIVERSE.

  #9) Quest For Magic – (July 31st – Martha Carr)

  Before I explain MORE about what is going on, I want to say “I get it.” I get that for many of you, it isn’t about the other story lines. Many of you would rather I get the next book for Bethany Anne out sooner. However, I chose to bring more authors into the fold (such as Ell and PT) and frankly, I have to take time from Peter to pay Paul.

  Here are my personal desires, and how they play out for the future of The Kurtherian Gambit, my own stories, and the collaborations with other authors.


  She is the one that ALL of the Kurtherian Gambit revolves around (for better, or worse.) Right now, we have the following authors writing stories in the Kurtherian Gambit (In order of appearance):

  Michael Anderle

  Paul C. Middleton

  Justin Sloan

  Craig Martell

  Natalie Grey

  CM Raymond / LE Barbant

  Ell Leigh Clarke

  PT Hylton

  Candy Crum

  Here are the authors we are shepherding through to bring new series to you:

  Amy Hopkins (AOM)

  Brandon Barr (AOM)

  Amy DuBoff (AOE)

  JN Chaney (AOE)

  Holly Dodd (Etheric Empire)

  Hayley Lawson (Age of Madness)

  Tommy Donbonvand (AOE)


  Now, let’s add the Oriceran Universe (more on this later):

  Martha Carr

  SM Boyce

  Abby-Lynn Knorr

  Flint Maxwell

  Sarah Noffke


  We are producing audio for EVERY Kurtherian Gambit / Oriceran series we have in production. So, that is a large overhead of effort.

  AUDIO for Other Authors

  We have four authors running through LMBPN Publishing which we only do Audio for.


  I’m involved in every cover setup (I allow the collaborators to project manage, but I’m part of the discussions. This includes models, costumes, concepts etc.


  I have to make sure everyone gets paid.


  We (Craig, CM Raymond & LE Barbant, Martha Carr and myself) are working to bring the authors on board (new, support, etc.)


  I try to stay up to date on our Facebook efforts and whoever reaches out to me.


  We are working to bring about German Translations if possible (test going well so far).


  I do all of the emails announcing new books.

  Plus, all of the support for some other authors that I do ad hoc. Now, I don’t do all of this myself as Stephen Campbell is a big part of doing a LOT with this and I haven’t even started to say thank you to the JIT readers, other service providers we use for website / layout / art / editing etc. we work with, communicate with and everything else that goes on to make producing these stories and getting them out to your wonderful reading hands every month..

  So, I’m not personally surprised that my book dates are slipping a little. It is going to happen, unfortunately.

  I just promise that I WILL complete Bethany Anne’s story (21 books), Michael’s story (4 books) either by the end of this year (2017) or early 2018 barring something unforeseen.

  Then, I will plot out Bethany Anne’s next series.

  PT Hylton

  For a chance to see ALL of PT’s different Book Series

  Check out his website below!


  Michael Anderle Social


  Email List:

  Facebook Here:

  Michael Anderle

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  **New Series**

  The Second Dark Ages

  The Dark Mess
iah (01)

  The Darkest Night (02)

  The Boris Chronicles

  * With Paul C. Middleton *




  Restitution 2017

  Reclaiming Honor


  Justice Is Calling (01)

  Claimed By Honor (02)

  Judgement Has Fallen (03)


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