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Aries (Zodiac Killers Book 5)

Page 13

by WL Knightly

  He got to his car and looked at his phone for the address where he was supposed to go and investigate a shooting. Max had called to tell him that the call had just come in and the unit was on their way. Because it was a shooting and located in the same neighborhood where Victor Barnes had lived, they thought there might be some connection.

  He headed that way and got halfway there when Max called again. “False alarm, my friend. Don’t bother coming unless you want to process a suicide, too.”

  “What the hell happened?” Darek wasn’t going unless he had to. He’d already had a long day, and after what happened with Bay, he figured he better be one step ahead.

  “Well, we got reports that there was a shooting, and when we got to the house, we secured the location and found it empty, other than our victim. Neighbors said the husband and wife were arguing. Others said it might have been an intruder. They saw a man running away from the house, but some conflicting reports said he wasn’t involved. It’s a shitstorm of stories. Turns out, the husband was hiding in a closet in the basement. He must have been listening because as soon as they announced she was dead, we heard another gunshot. Dude shot himself just as I hung up with you.”

  “Damn. At least it’s not more work for me.” Darek had other ideas of where he wanted to go spend the next hour.

  “Yeah, no shit. I thought I’d catch you before you got all the way out here.”

  “I think I’ll head home and get a jump start on some sleep.” Even though the idea sounded like heaven, he took the next exit and headed toward the library where he’d gone once before.

  He had tried to do a reverse lookup on the phone before, but only through his phone which hadn’t been easy. He needed a computer with a screen large enough for him to read and a keyboard his fat fingers could handle.

  Ten minutes later, he drove up to the library and parked out front. He walked up the tall steps to get to the door and took the phone out of his pocket. There was no way to see if Bay had looked at it, but he’d worked it out in his mind all the way over, and Bay certainly had enough time to take a peek.

  He shouldn’t have taken the call away from the others, but with it being Max, there was no telling what it was about, and he didn’t want Bay knowing any of his business. So much for that.

  He walked over to the computers and found one that looked like it might work. The things were a bit antiquated for desktops, but he took a chair and logged onto the net. After a minute, he searched for a site to do a reverse trace on the number. If there was any information at all, it could come up. The account might have been activated using another number or a name, maybe an email, but when the search was finished, it came up empty. The killer had covered their bases.

  He looked at the thing and wondered if there was any way to learn anything from it. He might be able to trace it through the department, but to do so would mean he’d have to explain the evidence, and if he came up with a story, it could come back to bite him in the ass later. His best bet was to wait and see what was going on with Bay. And at least he knew that if Bay was going to try and trace anything, he’d have a hard time as well unless he had help.

  He thought of Corey Farrow, the Zodiac’s Gemini and IT guy. If there was anyone who could find out anything about the number, it was him. He had been a little bit miffed with the man about the old forum they shared, though, and when it came to discretion, he wasn’t sure if he could trust him. But if Bay had seen anything, much less got a number off the burner phone, he would ask Corey for help without a doubt.

  He decided he would beat him to the punch, and then maybe he could still be one step ahead of Bay. He shut off the computer and then got to his feet. He had to think of a good way to get Corey on his team but knew Bay could be very persuasive.

  He waited until he got home before he entertained the idea of calling Corey. And as he made himself a sandwich, he dialed his number.

  When Corey answered, the sound of gunshots rang out in the background, but Darek could tell it was coming from Corey’s video game obsession. “I hope this is good. I just became zombie food. Who the hell is this?”

  “It’s Darek Blake.”

  “Detective Blake,” said Corey. “I don’t know whether to feel special or suspicious when you call. You usually want something.”

  “Yeah, and this time is no different.”

  “Let me guess, you have a problem with your computer, or you have some porn you need wiped clean. I can walk you through that before the wife finds it.”

  “I’m divorced now, and I thought you might help me trace a phone number.”

  “What’s the matter, NYPD doesn’t have the skills? I’m sure you’ve got someone who could help you out.”

  “No, this is for me.”

  “Is it about the case? I’ve been working on that list of names in my spare time.”

  “Add this to the list, and I don’t want you to tell any of the others about this. It stays between us, you feel me?”

  “I heard about what happened to Logan and Finn. That’s a fucking mess up there. I’m glad I’m in Phoenix.”

  “I hope that’s far enough away from all this.” Darek wasn’t convinced. “Do you think you can trace the number and figure out the owner?”

  “I can, and I should be able to tell you where it’s being used or at least a general location. It’s a big city you’re in. It might take me a while.”

  Darek had a feeling his zombie games were coming before his favors, and that wouldn’t do. He needed answers as soon as possible. “Light a fire under it, Corey. I can’t wait too long. I’m trying to stay on top of this for all of us. Consider this you doing your part for the team.”

  Corey most likely still saw them as such, and with his insecurities, which were painfully obvious when they’d been kids, along with his desire to please, he’d most likely want to help if he felt important.

  “Oh, I’ll get right on it. No worries.”

  “Thanks, man. This is delicate shit, you know? I mean, you could save us all. We’ll be indebted if you can tell us anything that could help me catch this guy.”

  “Does Bay know?” Corey popped his gum through the phone, and Darek cringed. He’d always hated the sound.

  “I’m not sure, but it’s best not to upset him, Corey, and if he happens to call you with a similar request, could you please let me know?”

  “Sure. Let’s have it.” Corey’s enthusiasm was at an all-time low from what Darek could tell by his voice.

  Darek rattled off the numbers, still a little unsure that Corey wouldn’t jump off the phone with him and call Bay. He probably had a red telephone on his desk for just such occasions.

  “I’ll get on it tonight. I might have you something in a few hours if it’s traceable. I hope you hurry up and catch whoever is doing this.”

  “Me too. Maybe keep on that list too, you know. I know there has to be something there.”

  “I’m so sick of looking at it. You need someone who is good with that kind of conspiracy shit. Have you been in touch with Justin lately?”

  “Justin Finch? No, why?”

  “He’s all into conspiracy theories and looking for shit that isn’t there in hopes of finding something that is. Maybe he could help with the names. If there is any relation to anything, he’ll most likely be able to find it.”

  “I might give him a call then.”

  “Well, be prepared for a lot of different theories. He’s a nutcase.”

  “Do you think he’s enough of a nutcase to be involved?”

  “Hell no, not that he doesn’t have a full arsenal, but I just mean that he’ll most likely throw out a lot of ideas and opinions. He thinks the government is out to get him, believes in aliens, and even has a theory on bigfoot being a government experiment gone bad. So just be ready.”

  “If he’s that much of a headcase, maybe I don’t need to stir him up?”

  “No, he’s sharp as a tack. Probably too sharp for his own mind is all, but he’s stable. Li
kes to talk a lot.”

  “Gotcha. I’d still like for you to take a look. I’m not sure I need to involve anyone else at this point. Let’s keep it between us until I think we need to hit him up.” Darek didn’t want to deal with any more crazy, and Justin had always been a wildcard.

  He ended the call hoping that if Bay called Corey with anything, he’d let Darek know. With any luck, though, Bay didn’t get the number or even know what the phone was for. The last thing Darek needed was suspicion on him.

  He picked up his sandwich, which he’d left untouched, and took a big bite. He closed his eyes and thought of the food they’d had on the trip. The cold sandwich was nothing compared to the greasy cheeseburgers and steak sandwiches, and it pissed him off that he couldn’t help but think of Lizzy. Everything reminded him of her, and since finding out that she’d been lying about her assignment taking her out of town, no matter if it was just to go somewhere and relax, it only showed him that he wasn’t that fucking important to her.

  He downed the sandwich, and while he returned his plate to the kitchen, he heard his phone make a sound he’d reserved only for her. He hated that he couldn’t wait to get to the phone and see what she wanted. The message wasn’t what he expected. Did you misplace the copy of the ME report for Hannah?

  Darek wanted to make a remark about the fact that she was looking over a case instead of relaxing, but he thought he’d better leave it alone. He typed his response: Should be there. Look again?

  His phone rang a moment later, and Lizzy didn’t bother with formalities. “I did look again three times, and I even looked in Mr. Wheeler’s file just to see if you’d put it there.”

  “Maybe it’s in my notebook. Let me look.” He went to his case where he kept his notebook and found the report inside. “It’s here.”

  “I wanted to look at it again. Could you bring it to me tomorrow?”

  “I’ll bring it over right now if you want it.”

  “No, it’s okay. It can wait.”

  “Right.” He still wasn’t convinced that she’d been away alone and decided there was only one way to find out. “You mind if I ask you something?”

  “You just did, and I didn’t mind.” Her laughter seemed half-hearted.

  “Were you alone?”

  “Alone? You mean over the weekend? Yes, why?”

  “You said you weren’t. I just wondered how many lies you’ve told.”

  “Darek, it isn’t like that. I care about you. I want us to be together, but I just think we’re moving too quickly, and this attitude of yours is just proof that I’m right.”

  “And your avoidance is proof that I was wrong. About us. It’s best we keep things as professional as possible, Lizzy. That’s the only way this is going to work, it seems.”

  “I think you’re overreacting. I’m not saying we have to end things, just maybe a little space and cool it with the third degree. You can save that for our suspects.”

  She was the only one he was suspicious of at the moment, or at least, the only one who mattered. “I’ll bring you the report tomorrow. I’ll see you then.”

  “Darek, wait. Are you seriously mad at me?”

  “I’m not mad, Lizzy. I’m disappointed. I thought you could trust me.” He hung up the phone and took a deep breath, wondering if he should call and work it out. He just couldn’t let himself. He felt like a hypocrite in a way, but Lizzy had been the one to act nonchalant about his going out to meet someone, and now he had a feeling he knew why.



  All in all, it had been a good day for Bay. He had gotten the word from Alan and Seth that the deal was ready, and both would be on their way to New York first thing the next morning. He breathed a sigh of relief that he was going to get his way with the property, and now he could make plans for another club.

  With the house quiet, he walked into the dimly lit kitchen to find Rose Marie at the breakfast table, sipping coffee and gathering up her tarot cards.

  “It’s just me, Rose Marie. Don’t let me stop one of your readings.” She liked to sit alone at times and feel the cards. Bay walked over to the cookie jar, knowing there would be some of his favorite cookies waiting there. He’d never opened a cookie jar and not found it containing one of his favorites, but that was because everyone knew to stay out of Rose Marie’s cookies. She made them special for her boy and no one else.

  “I am glad you’re here,” she said. “I need to talk to you about Lila.”

  “Is she being disrespectful?” He went to the fridge and poured a glass of milk and then joined her at the table.

  Rose Marie’s jaw was set tight, her mouth held at an angle before she finally spoke. “She said that her mother and you would be the only two in the room when the baby is born.”

  Bay could see the anger in Rose Marie’s eyes. “I’ll have a talk with her, Rose Marie. I’m not sure why she would say such a thing.”

  “I’ve waited for this day for years, and now she thinks she can just push me out?” She looked up and glared. “I don’t ask for much from that spoiled bitch, but I will not be treated like this. She doesn’t have to like me, but she has to respect me and my position in this family.”

  “Of course. What else did she say?” He narrowed his eyes as she hesitated.

  “She said I’m not even family and I have no right to be in the room. She also said she doesn’t want me around the baby with my voodoo as she called it.”

  Bay’s temper flared even more. “I’ll take care of it. She had better hope this is a side effect of the pregnancy, and she’s lucky I can’t slap her fucking mouth.”

  “I think it’s about time you spring Mia on her. Let her know that she’s not so damned special.” Rose Marie knew every move Bay made. She had been his closest confidant since the day he was born.

  “I’m going to wait until she’s a bit further along. I don’t want her running down for an abortion or anything. She’s bound to become unstable, and I don’t have time to fuck with her and her stupidity. I’ve got to close on that deal tomorrow.”

  “I’m worried about you, Bay.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m taking steps to ensure that I’m not targeted. Whoever this killer is, they might as well give up now.”

  “It’s a dangerous game. You better make sure you listen to me and take extra precautions that nothing can come back on you. I know you trust Darek Blake to be too afraid to turn, but things like this weigh on a normal man, Bay. They aren’t as strong as you.”

  She had always considered him a god and knew that he wasn’t like any normal man. She’d been the one to explain to him that he didn’t have the same emotional grid, the same weaknesses as others. The things that made him tick, the pain of others, the control over them, it made him unique and powerful.

  “I know, Rose Marie. Don’t worry.” If there was anyone he could honestly say he loved in the world, it was this woman.

  She gathered up her cards and then laid her hand on his. “I love you, my son, to the moon and back again.” She leaned over and kissed his lips and then gave him a big smile before she turned and left him alone with his thoughts. He didn’t tell her about his plans because he didn’t want a lecture, which he knew he’d get. Rose Marie had always told him not to play with fire, but this was one time where he wasn’t going to take her advice. He was going to play with it until he caused an inferno and then control the fire, hoping it burned the killer into a corner; one where they’d have no choice but to come out.

  He picked up his phone and dialed the number, but there was no answer. He decided to text, and hopefully, whoever Darek had been talking to would talk to him too.

  Bay mumbled to himself as he typed, “Hello, asshole.” He hit send and waited, not sure how long he’d have to wait. He passed the time filling up on cookies, and after he washed down his last bite, he messaged again. “You’re not very good with manners. I will say, I’m a lot better with secrets than Darek Blake, so maybe you’d rather talk to me.�
� His voice was practically robotic as he spoke softly.

  A message came through on the other side: Who is this?

  Bay wasn’t going to make it too easy. He was having too much fun with it. He found the Scorpio emoji and hit send.

  Ah, the fearless leader. The head coward.

  Bay laughed. He liked that this person interacted with him. “And here I thought you knew so much about me.”

  I do. I know everything, especially about you.

  The message made him smile. “Like what?” Bay whispered to his phone, his thumbs working double time.

  You’re a killer.

  No one can prove that, he sent, the words doing nothing more than feeding his ego.

  The killer sent their next message. I can. Just watch me.

  “What an ego this bastard has.” Bay typed in his words and hit send. You’re pretty sure of yourself. I can’t wait to meet you.

  You already have, came a moment later.

  And what do you expect to gain by killing my Zodiacs? They were his. He owned them fair and square, and if anyone was going to use them, it was him.

  You’re the only one killing them. Why?

  Bay laughed. Sucks don’t it, when you find out you’re not in control? Thought you should know who was.

  Wrong, that’s just how I want it. I want you to destroy each other.

  The grin left Bay’s lips. Why? What have we done to you?

  Bay read the words they sent: You killed me first, and I’ll make you pay.

  Bay still wasn’t fazed. What’s funny is that you really believe it. I’m going to find out who you are and you’re going down.

  If he didn’t know that Emily Johnson’s father was dead, he might have thought it was related to her. But every lead he’d had that led to Emily had come up with nothing. He’d even had Lou go down and check it out. He’d had him start those fires at the camp to make sure nothing could be recovered there, too.

  Sounds like you’re already at a disadvantage, Mr. Collins. I already know who you are. How’s the wife? Packing on the baby bump yet?


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