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Rodeo Song

Page 2

by Shannon Taylor Vannatter

  “This is my friend Tori Eaton.” She swallowed the boulder in her throat. “She wanted to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Garrett’s gaze never left Jenna’s face. “I just wanted to thank you for going along with me out there.”

  Please don’t ask me why I did.

  “We always do the lobby run, but I’ve never taken anyone onstage.” He took her hand, and his touch shot fireworks through her veins. “I saw you and just went with it. I think it added to the concert.” He winked at her. “Maybe you should travel with me and we could make it part of the act.”

  Steam would surely blow out her ears any minute. So he had used her. She was only part of his act.

  “I don’t think so.” At least she sounded calm. She looked past Garrett and tried to catch Tori’s eye. Her friend, busy getting autographs and visiting with the band, was completely oblivious to Jenna.

  “You’re not in a relationship, are you? I mean—I don’t want to worry about some irate boyfriend.”

  “Nothing to worry about there.” The only man she’d ever wanted a relationship with was him.

  “Then why couldn’t you travel with me?” He shot her a wicked grin.

  Her blood flared again. She could handle a lot of things, but not Garrett’s teasing. “Because I love my home in Aubrey, and my mother would be horrified if I took up country music. No offense.”

  “Probably as horrified as mine was.”

  His parents. Such wonderful people. He should be ashamed for all the embarrassment he’d caused them. But apparently he had no shame. “I run into your parents every once in a while. How are they?”

  “Enjoying travel. I finally convinced them to let me bankroll their early retirement.” He winced. “It was the least I could do for all the hurt I’ve put them through.”

  Maybe he did have shame.

  “It’s good to see you, Jenna.” His knuckles lightly grazed her cheek.

  The sound of her name on his lips numbed her brain as his touch ignited flames across her skin. Double whammy. She shivered. He’s only a man, she reminded herself. A very promiscuous man.

  “I knew you hadn’t changed a bit when I saw you standing there in the lobby.”

  Concentrate on his words instead of the tingling cheek. Maybe she hadn’t changed, but he had.

  “This thunderous storm swarmed around me and there you stood, so calm, the eye in the middle of my hurricane.” Seduction laced his voice. “Have dinner with me?”

  He’d probably used a similar line on countless other females. Yet his charm tempted her to do whatever he wanted. Had Eve’s serpent sounded like Garrett Steele?

  She took a step back. “I can’t. We need to go. It’s late.”

  “Wait.” He gently caught her arm. “You own some kind of business, don’t you?”

  “Worthwhile Designs, an interior-decorating boutique.” He’d never understood her dream. She sighed.

  A genuine smile made his eyes shimmer. “That’s awesome. You achieved your dream.”

  Not exactly. She’d dreamed of a store at the upscale mall Galleria Dallas. Instead, she sold custom designed horseshoe-embellished curtain rods and wagon-wheel light fixtures. And she’d dreamed of being married to Garrett.

  But Fort Worth had been good to her. “And you achieved yours.”

  “Somewhat.” He shrugged. “So do you actually do the designing?”

  “Yes. Tori and I met at design school and she works for me.” Jenna peered around him for Tori, but her friend had disappeared.

  “Do you work on Saturday?”

  “No.” Where had Tori gone? Her stomach twisted. They needed to leave. She needed to get away from Garrett and his beckoning green eyes.

  “Then you don’t need to rush off, since you don’t work tomorrow.” Garrett smiled.

  Oh, yes, she did need to rush off. She scanned the room. “Where’s Tori?” Her voice came out tight.

  He frowned and turned away. “Andy, where did the other girl go?”

  “Rick invited her to the party with the band.”

  “What?” Tori had left without her?

  “There’s always a party after the concert. I guess my band invited your friend. It’s at the Hyatt. Would you like to go?”

  “The only place I want to go is home.” Desperation sounded in her tone.

  The door opened. Let it be Tori.

  A woman entered. She exuded elegance. Flawless skin, sleek blond hair topped with a red cowgirl hat tipped just so. The red blingy dress hugged all the right curves and revealed long legs. Even with the stilettos, she still stood on tiptoe to kiss Sebastian.

  Jenna’s gaze darted away from the private moment.

  “Listen, I usually skip the party anyway. Join me for dinner? I have a suite. We can order room service, and one of my boys can bring your friend back in an hour or so.”

  “I’m not going to your suite.” She propped her hands on both hips. “Please get one of your boys to bring Tori back now.”

  “Hey, it’s me, Garrett. Have I ever tried anything with you?”

  Only sweet kisses. Her cheeks warmed. But that was before all his groupies and supermodels.

  “Just give me an hour. We can catch up.” He took her hand. “Look, your friend is having the time of her life, and she’d never forgive you if you ruined it for her.”

  Her heart pounded harder than the bass drum in Garrett’s band. Tori was a black belt. She could take care of herself. She probably did this sort of thing often. Mental note—never go anywhere with Tori outside of work again.

  “I’m not like Tori. I don’t go to hotels with men. Even if I used to know them.” All the sadness she felt came out in her tone. He used to know that about her. She didn’t know the Garrett he’d become.

  “That’s not what I meant.” Garrett sighed. “You’re safe with me. You know that. Or you should. The party scene got old a year ago.”

  Her heart tightened. Had he really changed his ways? Was this Garrett closer to the one she used to know?

  “I want someone who cares about me.” Garrett squeezed her hand. “Not for my fame or money, but for me.”

  And he was looking straight at that someone.

  “A friend, that’s all I’m looking for. The road gets long and lonely. I could use somebody to touch base with, maybe call every once in a while. To keep me grounded. You were always great at that.” Loneliness echoed in his voice. “Say yes.”

  Jenna couldn’t form the words, and worse, she didn’t know what she’d say if she could.

  Chapter 2

  Garrett’s throat constricted. “An hour, Jenna. That’s all I’m asking.” An hour to rediscover the woman he’d never stopped loving.

  Indecision played over her features.

  Garrett longed to kiss her, but she didn’t trust him anymore. Why should she after all she’d probably heard about him in the news over the years they’d been apart?

  “Why not go to a restaurant instead of your hotel?” She nibbled her lip.

  “It’s midnight and I don’t get to go out in public like the rest of the world.” He sighed and pushed his hair away from his face. “That would be chaos. And besides, I want to have a quiet dinner. We’ll dine in one of the meeting rooms. Sebastian and his wife, Amanda, always join me for dinner since they don’t do the party scene, either.”

  Jenna’s gaze swung back to Amanda. She stood with her back against Sebastian and his arms around her waist.

  “They’re crazy about each other.” Garrett heard the longing in his tone. Did she? “She’s one of my backup singers and they’ve both toured with me for seven years.”

  “I’d rather go home.”

  What was so bad about the thought of spending an hour with him? “If you’re determi
ned to wait on your friend, what else are you going to do?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Okay.”

  “You don’t have to sound so excited about it.” He grinned, trying not to let his hurt show. “My chauffeur is waiting.”

  “I’d rather take my car.”

  “I thought you trusted me.”

  “I don’t want any of your employees or the hotel staff thinking I’m some groupie.” Her face bloomed pink.

  Ouch. “Are you always this stubborn?”


  “I was hoping you’d grown out of it.” The exact stubbornness that had made her refuse to go on the road with him all those years ago. He handed her a business card. “Here’s my contact info. Guard it with your life. Do you have a card? I can give it to my security detail so you don’t run into any problems at the hotel.”

  Obediently, she dug a card from her purse and gave it to him. “I’ll be fine.”

  He grabbed her hand. “I will see you there, won’t I? You won’t stand me up?” No woman had ever stood him up. But he wouldn’t put it past this one. And this was the only one who mattered.

  * * *

  Had any woman ever stood up Garrett Steele? She doubted it.

  “I’m not the one who walks out on people.” She deliberately infused bitterness into her tone to hide the hurt.

  Garrett winced. “I asked you to come with me, Jenna.”

  Yes, but he hadn’t been willing to stay for her. As soon as they’d graduated, he’d bolted—in hot pursuit of his dream. Leaving her behind. “Did you really think I could have run a decorating business from the road?”

  “I figured you could start up in Nashville, and then once my career took flight, you could let someone else run it.”

  “But I wanted my business in Texas. And I didn’t want to let someone else run it.” A frustrated sigh escaped. “I wanted the business, but I wanted to be a decorator, too.”

  “I guess I never thought about that.”

  “Exactly.” He’d expected her to drop her dream and follow his. But had she expected him to do the same? Or compromise and live in Aubrey, fly back and forth to Nashville, and never tour? With that plan, his career would never have found wings. But maybe he wouldn’t have lost himself.

  “That’s all ancient history.” She waved an unconcerned hand through the air. “We’re both happily living our dreams.” Apart. Maybe not so happily. On her end, anyway.

  Movement beside them caught her attention. Sebastian. “Sorry to interrupt, boss, but I’m taking my little lady back to the hotel.”

  Garrett took Jenna’s hand in his and her pulse rocketed. “Jenna Wentworth, you’ve already met Sebastian Smythe. This is his wife, Amanda.”

  “Your part in the show tonight was great.” Amanda playfully punched Garrett on the shoulder. “I couldn’t believe it when you came dragging her up to the stage.”

  “Just keeping things interesting.” Garrett shrugged. “Sebastian, can you see Jenna to her car? She’s agreed to join us for dinner in one of the private meeting rooms at the hotel tonight.”

  “Sure.” Sebastian frowned and opened the door for her. “This way, Miss Wentworth.”

  But as Jenna exited, a woman burst through. Jet-black hair, red lips, slinky dress. The woman’s gaze locked on Garrett.

  “Desiree, what are you doing here?” Shock and discomfort filled Garrett’s tone.

  So he knew the woman.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you.” Seduction laced the woman’s voice.

  Who was she? A girlfriend? A groupie?

  “Excuse me.” Jenna sidestepped the woman.

  “I’ll see you in about twenty minutes,” Garrett called after her.

  Sebastian shuffled her through the waiting crowd and out into the evening air.

  “I’m three blocks away. You don’t have to take me to my car.”

  “Three blocks is no problem. I’d like to ask you something anyway. Are you a Christian?”

  She blinked. This night kept getting weirder. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

  “I overheard part of your conversation backstage with Garrett. Most women fall at his feet. My wife and I are Christians. We’ve been trying to witness to him for years but can’t seem to get anywhere.”

  Her insides quivered. Garrett was a Christian, too. But he’d forgotten.

  “He needs someone like you in his life, to keep him focused.”

  “Until tonight, I hadn’t seen him in years.” Her heart hitched. She gulped the fresh chill of January evening air.

  At least the crowd was gone. No one stalked her for her autograph as they neared the block where her car was parked.

  “Here’s my car.” One of only a few left in the lot. The horn beeped as she aimed her clicker.

  “See you at the hotel.” Sebastian opened her door.


  “And, Miss Wentworth, please pray about what I said.”

  His words, almost a plea, echoed in her ears. He needs someone like you in his life. She’d once thought so, too.

  * * *

  “You’re the one who quit, Desiree.” Garrett tugged her arms from around his neck and backed away from her.

  “I was angry. I’d obviously gotten emotionally attached to you and then I caught you with that groupie.”

  “Look, I appreciate everything you did for my career and I’m sorry for the way I treated you, but it was a long time ago. I was a kid.” And she’d initiated their relationship, taking advantage of his broken heart.

  “We could pick up where we left off. With business and pleasure.” She stepped closer.

  Garrett took another step back and signaled to security.

  “I’m sorry, miss.” A security guard cut her off. “I need to clear the room. Mr. Steele has an appointment.”

  “Really, Garrett? You’re siccing security on me?”

  “I’m sorry, Desiree. But I have an agent. I can give you a recommendation for your résumé.”

  “A recommendation.” Her tone dripped sarcasm. “After all we were to each other? You’ll regret this, Garrett Steele.” She stalked away.

  He blew out a big breath as Amanda marched toward him. From one woman’s ire to another. He shot her his most charming smile, hoping to defuse her.

  “Garrett Steele, you will not use Sebastian and me to secure your latest conquest.” She propped her hands on both hips. “You didn’t even ask us about dinner and I’m tired. All I want is to go to our room.”

  “I’m sorry, Amanda, but she wouldn’t agree to have dinner with me alone. This one is different. She’s not my latest conquest. Jenna is special.” She always has been.

  She pinned him with a knowing gaze. “I’ve known you a long time and you’ve thought every female you’ve ever laid eyes on was special.”

  “I know, but this one really is.” Garrett chuckled. “You don’t have to stay long, Mandy. Just until Jenna feels comfortable with me. I’ll buy you something wonderful for the new house.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, but you can’t buy me.” She smiled and linked her arm through his. “So tell me about her.”

  “We grew up together, from about the sixth grade all through high school.”

  “High school sweethearts?”

  “Yes.” Of the most serious kind. “She wanted to stay in Aubrey and I wanted to be a star. Our dreams didn’t mix, so I had to choose.” Had he made the right choice? After seeing her again, he wasn’t so sure. In fact, he hadn’t been so sure for a few years now.

  “But you still have feelings for her.” Her gaze narrowed, measuring him.

  “How do you do that?”

  “You’ve never taken anyone onstage before. And I saw the way you looked at her.”

Had Jenna noticed how he looked at her? Why had he insisted she have dinner with him? To prolong the agony? He was leaving in the morning for the next stop on his tour. He couldn’t even remember where that was.

  “She still cares about you, too.”

  Garrett’s steps stalled. “Why do you say that?”

  “She didn’t have to go onstage with you.” Amanda shrugged.

  A heart-deep grin tugged at his lips. One he couldn’t wipe off if he tried. Jenna still cared.

  Somehow, he had to hold on to her this time.

  “So what about dinner?”

  “Promise your intentions with this girl are completely honorable.” She jabbed his shoulder with her finger.

  He saluted her. “Boy Scout’s honor.”

  How long had it been since he’d done anything honorable with a woman? But he wasn’t that guy anymore. And he couldn’t let Jenna Wentworth slip through his fingers again.

  * * *

  The valet opened her car door and Jenna handed him her keys. A chill wound around her. She pulled her suede jacket tighter and hurried into the spacious pillared lobby.

  It was a little past midnight, and she wasn’t hungry at all, but she’d driven to a fancy hotel to meet a man she barely knew anymore.

  Yet he was so familiar. The man she’d connected with tonight seemed quite different than the image she saw of him on television. Like the old Garrett. The one who’d left her behind, because she’d expected him to give up his dream just as he’d expected her to abandon hers.

  But something about him drew her to him. She couldn’t rationalize it any more than she could rationalize why she had taken his hand at the concession stand tonight.

  The hotel lobby was quiet this time of night. She’d been here a few times for design expos, appreciated the glamorous decor and knew her way around a bit.

  But this was different. How to explain to the host whom she planned to meet? He’d surely think she was some groupie. She caught a glimpse of herself in a gilt-framed mirror. She looked the part.

  Her top and black slim-fit jeans hugged her figure. As a designer, she loved interesting fabrics and textures, but, oh, to have worn something less flashy tonight.


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