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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

Page 3

by Lylah James

  My breath went out in a whoosh as he stopped talking. Alessio’s lips quirked up in a tiny smile as he waited for my response.

  My eyes widened as I tried to think. I brought a shaky hand to my throat and rubbed it gently, a gesture of nervousness and discomfort.

  Option three was obviously not an option. I was not even taking it in consideration. Option two meant being homeless, no money, unsafe on the streets, and very easy for Alberto’s men to find me. Option one meant that I would have money and probably a place to live. But there was only one problem.

  I would be dead if he ever found out who I was.

  With my eyes still locked on his face, I thought about my options. But most importantly, I thought about my survival. And only one option could help me.

  “One,” I whispered hoarsely, as I stared into Alessio’s eyes. He seemed surprised, but then his lips stretched into a full smile.

  And I just knew.

  With that answer, I had signed myself over to him. I was no longer my own. I belonged to him.

  Alessio stood up and walked slowly to me, his steps confident. When he was close, he reached out and touched a dirty strand of my hair.

  “Good choice, Ayla,” Alessio said. The sound of my name coming from him made me shiver again. God, why did his voice have to sound so…intimate? My eyes widened with the sudden thought. No. No, Ayla. Don’t lose yourself.

  “I’m glad that you decided to…work for me.” The way he said those words made my body freeze. He stared at me, his eyes intense.

  Alessio stepped closer so that our bodies were pressed together. He moved his finger down my bruised cheek.

  “I’ll make sure that you won’t regret this decision,” he whispered huskily.

  Wait, what? Did he mean…? No, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

  Oh, but he would. He was Alessio Ivanshov. Nothing had ever been denied to him. And I just said yes to his offer.

  My breathing and the beat of my heart was too loud. I was sure he could hear it. Alessio bent down until his eyes were to my level.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.”

  I swallowed and licked my lips quickly. His gaze followed my movement as his blue eyes turned from cold to hot. He licked his own, and then he whispered, “Not unless you want me to.”

  I sucked in a shocked breath and it made my chest move against his. The friction made my body shiver. Was it apprehension? Or anticipation?

  “Umm…what…what did you…mean by…work?” I asked quietly, tripping over my own words.

  He took another step closer, forcing me to take a step back. Alessio crowded me, his presence so strong that it made me feel weak and small.

  “Exactly what it means…work,” he continued in a husky voice.

  Oh my God. Please no. Not that. Anything but that.

  “What…what work?” I asked again.

  Alessio stared into my eyes. Blue to green.

  We both stared at each other, unblinking. The tension vibrated around us. But I couldn’t understand what type of tension it was. No. I refused to understand it. I refused to acknowledge it.

  He suddenly took a step back. I breathed out at the movement, and my tensed muscles uncoiled with relief. Alessio stood to his full height, now looking down at me, his eyes hard again.

  “My maids need a little help. You’ll be helping with the cleaning and cooking,” he said briskly.

  Huh? He wanted me to clean and cook?

  I stared at him in confusion. Alessio must have been the most perplexing man I had ever met. Confusing, strange, and dangerous.

  “You want me to clean…and cook?” I asked in bewilderment. He cocked his head to the side, still looking at me. Then he smiled. The same malicious smile as before.

  “Yes,” he said as he took a step toward me, crowding my personal space again. “Did you think I meant something else?” he asked quietly, his tone suggestive as he traced a finger lightly up my right arm.

  Yes. Yes, I did think you meant something else. I thought you wanted me to be your wh—

  I halted the thought. Don’t go there, Ayla.

  I shook my head quickly, my hair covering my face with the brisk action. Alessio brought his hand up and moved my hair away, baring my face to him again.

  I swallowed nervously as I waited for his next move. His warm hand on my face was making the numbness of my body fade away. I hated that his touch could do that. I hated that he had such an effect on me. Already, it was clear he could make me tremble in fear one minute and make me feel warm the next. Inside and out.



  The woman standing in front me, with black hair and green eyes, her name was Ayla. I took my hand away from her face and moved several steps back, severing our connection.

  I stared at her and smiled. She thought she could fool me.

  Such an innocent little girl.

  It was obvious her name was not Blinov. She must have not known. I was the Pakhan. I knew when someone was lying. I could sense it. And her lies were written all over her face. She was a shitty liar and I couldn’t help but scoff at her nerves.

  Ayla. That was her name. I knew it because she didn’t stutter when she said it. She wasn’t lying about that, but the rest…all of it was a lie.

  I would find the truth, but that wasn’t the reason why I was keeping her.

  I stared at her, her arms wrapped around her waist. She looked so small. So innocent.

  Poor little girl. She didn’t know what she just brought upon herself.

  There was one thing everyone knew. What Alessio Ivanshov wanted, Alessio got. And the bruised and beaten up girl in front of me…

  I wanted her.

  Innocent kitten. I laughed at the thought. My kitten. She belonged to me now.

  I was going to play her just like a violin.

  And she would enjoy it.

  Chapter 4


  When Alessio stepped back, I felt my body warming up under his piercing gaze. It was like my body wasn’t my own under his careful and intense attention.

  I licked my suddenly dried lips and saw his eyes following the movement. He slowly licked his own, keeping his eyes on mine. He made the action look so sensual that I had to avert my gaze.

  Why was he doing this to me? One minute he acted like he wanted to kill me, while the next it appeared like he wanted to kiss me senseless. Was it all a game to him?

  I scoffed. Of course, it was a game. That’s what he did. I had heard rumors about him. He would play you masterfully, like the notes of a piano. And when he was done, he would cast you out without a second thought. Or kill you.

  I was only a pawn to him. And because of that, I had to tread smartly. If he was playing a game, then I would play one too, because one way or another, I had to get out of here alive.

  “Nikolay,” Alessio yelled suddenly. His harsh voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I jumped when the door banged open behind me.

  I swiveled around quickly to see an enormous man crowding the doorway. The way his feet were planted apart and with his wide shoulder, the man almost took up the whole doorway. His hair was cut very short. A long deep scar ran from the right side of his forehead and down to his chin. It made him look even more vicious. He wore a three-piece black suit, similar to Alessio’s. Two guns were attached to his holster.

  I felt myself shiver when the man gave me a hateful glare.

  “Nikolay, show Ayla the room beside mine. It’s hers now,” Alessio said in a familiar hard tone. My father and Alberto used the same tone when they ordered their men to do something. It meant they wanted immediate actions, without any questions or hesitations.

  “When she’s settled, you are to bring her down to the maids. She’ll be working with them,” he continued. The whole time, Nikolay’s face was emotionless. There was not even a twitch. And I was sure he didn’t even blink.

  When Alessio finished, Nikolay gave a sharp nod and waited for me to move. I looked back at
Alessio and saw that he was staring at me, waiting to see what I did.

  “Do I need any…umm…what do I need to do?” I stuttered nervously. With two big and powerful men in the room, it made me feel like prey. Maybe I was.

  Alessio stepped closer until we were only an inch apart. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Anything I tell you.”

  I stepped back quickly, my heart beating faster at his admission. “Excuse me?” I asked, my tone edgy.

  “For now, the maids will tell you what you need to do,” Alessio said as he moved a step closer. “But if I want you to do something else…” He left his sentence hanging, his gaze intensely on mine. “Then I’ll let you know.”

  His words did not soothe me in any way. In fact, they made me even more nervous. The way he finished his sentence, it was obvious that I had no say. Whatever he wanted me to do, I had to do it. Without any questions.

  “Nikolay, take her away. I’ve got business to do,” Alessio demanded, taking a step away. His gaze was fixed on mine as I felt Nikolay coming closer.

  Nikolay stepped so close that I felt his breath on my neck. I trembled and took a step forward, which brought me closer to Alessio. I was trapped either way. Between two vicious men, they made me want to scoot down and hide.

  “Come,” Nikolay said, his voice jarring to my ears. I stared at Alessio and saw him nod, as if giving me permission to go. Nikolay grabbed my arm roughly and started to pull me out of the bedroom. His hold was tight and I felt my arm going numb.

  With all the bruises covering my body, I hurt everywhere. Weakness began to take over my body and I felt suddenly dizzy.

  I tripped over my own feet but quickly straightened when Nikolay growled. I swallowed hard and tried my best to walk normally as he pulled me forcibly to the room next to Alessio’s.

  When he opened the door and pushed me inside, I gasped as indescribable pain took over my body. The room was dark, but all of a sudden, the light was on. And I gasped again, but for another reason.

  The bedroom was huge, at least three times the size of mine. But the best part of it was the magnificent view, which overlooked the beautiful back garden. As I walked closer to the window and peeked outside, a sense of peace overcame me. For a moment, I felt liberated.

  I wondered how it was possible for something to look so serene when the world around me was crashing down—a clear contradiction to my situation.

  “Clean up and then I’ll bring you down to the maids. Clothes will be brought to you.” Nikolay’s voice broke through my thoughts. I turned around to see him standing at the doorway. His arms were crossed over his chest, his muscles bulging.

  I swallowed hard against the lump growing in my throat. When I nodded, he stepped back and closed the door.

  I sighed in relief when his intense presence was no longer overwhelming the room. I looked around and saw the bed, which took up half the space in the room. A nightstand sat on either side of the bed, a matching wardrobe to my left. In front of the bed was a bench with two pillows on either end, much like in Alessio’s room.

  I walked over to the bed and sat on it, bouncing a little. The silky comforter was soft under my hands and all I wanted to do was sleep.

  My body felt feeble and tiredness clouded my vision. When I yawned, I slowly stretched out on the bed, then snuggled deeper into the soft mattress and comforter until my body went limp. Feeling warm and cozy, my eyes slowly drifted shut.

  Just for a few minutes, I thought.


  I woke up with a start when the door banged open. It slammed against the wall hard, and I jumped off the bed, shaking violently. Swaying to the side slightly, my body felt sluggish.

  My eyes were blurry with sleep, and I had to blink a few times to get myself accustomed to the lights. When I could finally see, I gulped hard. Nikolay was standing there, looking dangerously angry.

  “You were supposed to get clean,” he said through gritted teeth. Nikolay walked inside the room, his steps hard against the wood. “Listen, Boss gives orders and you follow them. Without any problems. Got it?”

  I nodded only because I couldn’t bring myself to form any words.

  Nikolay scared me. He looked like someone who didn’t take any nonsense from anyone. Most importantly, he was also a killer. If I wasn’t wrong, a brutal one at that. Everyone was a killer here. There was no innocence in this life.

  Without any other words, he pointed to the door at my left. I walked toward it nervously, my body hyperaware of his presence.

  I opened the white door, and at the sight of a bathtub, shower, shampoo, and soaps, I felt tears prickling my eyes. When I ran away from home, I thought that I would be living on the streets, trying to fend for myself, desperate for basic necessities.

  But I stood in front of a fabulous bathroom, I had a big bedroom with a cozy bed. I had a job and food. Even though it was not my ideal situation, gratefulness filled my body.

  As I closed the door behind me, I noticed there were no female accessories. I shrugged and whispered, “Cleaning is all that matters.”

  I glanced at the mirror and my eyes widened in shock.

  I was dirty. Grimy. My face was red with bruises and some parts were already green. My white dress was filthy and shredded. All I wanted to do was soak in the tub but I could only take a quick shower.

  I winced as I quickly removed my dress. I looked back at the mirror and noticed scratches on my arms.

  I looked horrible. Was I really standing in front of Alessio, looking like this? Why wasn’t he disgusted? Most importantly, why did he even keep me? I was frightened just by looking at my reflection in the mirror.

  Shaking my head, I stepped into the shower. The moment the warm water hit me, sliding down my bare body, warming the numbness, I felt my tense muscles loosening. At first my bruises itched and were aching under the warm water, but after a few minutes, all I felt was warmth.

  I sucked in a deep breath as my body went limp. Lifting my face up into the spray, I let the water cascade around me. A feeling of happiness consumed me as I reached up, squeezed out some shampoo in my palm and started to massage it through my dirty hair.

  I let the water sluice through my hair. Brown water, leaves, and small twigs swirled through the drain. When the water finally ran clear, I started to wash my body. After I was done, I stayed under the water for a few more minutes, letting the heat penetrate my body.

  I stepped out of the shower on wobbling legs, and when the cool air hit my body, I shivered. Grabbing a towel from a nearby rack, I started to dry my hair and then my body. I wrapped the towel around me and went to stand in front of the mirror.

  I looked much better. My bruises didn’t appear as horrible as they were before. My face was no longer pale. My cheeks were red from the warm water and my green eyes shone brightly. Giving my reflection a smile, I opened the door and peeked outside.

  When I saw that Nikolay was not there, I stepped out and walked over to the bed, where a black dress was waiting for me with a pair of underwear.

  The cotton dress was simple, and when I put it on, it came down to mid-thigh. It flowed from the hips and fit me perfectly, showing my curves. Putting on the black flats I found beside the bench, I walked back into the bathroom.

  I opened several drawers, looking for a hairbrush. When I finally found one, I combed my messy, tangled hair until it was smooth and shiny.

  After giving myself a pinch on each cheek and biting down my lips, reddening them further, I was ready. I walked toward the door, my steps confident and my shoulders straight. Opening it, I saw Nikolay waiting for me, leaning against the wall.

  When he looked at me, his eyes flared for a moment, his expression one of surprise.

  “C’mon,” he said after masking his emotions again. His face was hard and he glared at me. It’s probably the only thing he knows. Glaring, growling, and anger.

  Without waiting for my response, he started to walk toward the stairs. I followed him, my steps close behind his.
  I was ready for this. Whatever would be thrown at me, I was ready. Because this time, I was going to fight for my freedom.

  Chapter 5


  I was leaning back on my sofa chair, head tilted toward the ceiling, my eyes closed when the door opened. I knew who it was without opening my eyes. Only one person would dare come into my room without permission.

  Opening my eyes, I caught sight of Viktor strolling in. He closed the door behind him, leaned against it, and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Seriously?” he asked as he stared at me, his face expressionless.

  “I need a full background check on Ayla Blinov,” I fired back without answering his question. I knew what he was talking about, but I had no desire to discuss that matter. It was none of his business who I decided to keep or not.

  I stood up and walked over to the small bar. “I’m sure her last name is not Blinov, but I still want a check, in case you find something.”

  After I poured some whiskey in two glasses, Viktor took one from my hand and sipped slowly.

  We both stared at each other, the air tense around us. When his glass was empty, he placed it on the bar and turned back toward me.

  “What are you planning, Alessio?” he asked, giving me a strange look.

  I shrugged. “Why do you think I’m planning something?”

  Viktor scoffed and shook his head. “Because you never do anything without a plan. The girl trespassed and you are keeping her. Sounds like a plan to me.” He paused for a second and then asked slowly, “Is she a rat? Is that why you are keeping her? To know who she’s working with?”

  Shaking my head, I glared at him. If it was someone else questioning my decision, they would be on the ground writhing in pain. But Viktor was my second in command.

  We were born two weeks apart. His father was my father’s second in command. When I took over, it was never a question that he would be my second. He was my brother.


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