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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

Page 8

by Lylah James

  My wrists were aching, and every time the rope pressed against my sensitive skin, I whimpered in pain. The skin was scratched raw and I’d been bleeding from my struggles.

  “What information did you give the bastards?” Viktor asked again. Viktor, Nikolay, and Phoenix took turns interrogating me, and I was beginning to notice they were exasperated by my answers.

  “I didn’t do it,” I said.

  Why would I support monsters like Alberto and my father? I loathed them. But Alessio and his men didn’t know that, because I hadn’t revealed the truth.

  My life was already in jeopardy. Admitting I was the daughter of Alfredo and the fiancée of Alberto wouldn’t help me.

  The truth would put me in more danger. I was Italian and their enemy, so they would never believe me.

  No matter how much I begged and sobbed, they wouldn’t listen. They refused to let me go. “Ayla, damn it! Lying is not going to get you out of here!” Nikolay yelled as he paced the room.

  Neither will the truth, I thought as I cried.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I winced at my dry throat. “Please…Viktor, Nikolay. I didn’t do it. Believe me. I don’t know anything,” I whispered, my voice scratchy from hours of crying. I could barely even talk from the constant throbbing pain in my throat.

  Nikolay stopped pacing and stared at me, his eyes full of pity. I shifted my gaze to Viktor and saw that he was looking at me with the same sympathy.

  I knew I was slowly weakening them. They wanted to believe me. They seemed almost convinced that I hadn’t done it. I just didn’t know how much longer I could stay strong. All I wanted was to go back to my bed and cuddle into my soft covers, forgetting about this nightmare.

  We were still staring at each other in silence when suddenly the door opened. I blinked several times, trying to get rid of the fog in my eyes. I felt my heart stutter in panic when Alessio walked in.

  He wore his regular three-piece black suit. His hands were bare—no black leather gloves. Alessio stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes blank.

  He stayed at the door and crossed his arms over his chest. Looking at Viktor, he gave him a nod. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when Viktor got up and came closer to me. Fear clawed its way inside me.

  A few seconds later, I felt his hands on the rope. There were a few tugs and I winced at the discomfort and pain.

  Then my hands were free.

  They believe me? I didn’t know what to do or how to act. Was I being released, or were they going to torture me some more?

  “Get up,” Alessio ordered in a gruff voice. I quickly did as I was told and cradled my wounded hands against my chest.

  “Go to your bedroom. You are free,” he said in the same emotionless voice. I sucked in a harsh breath, stumbling back against a hard chest. I didn’t have to turn around. I knew it was Viktor.

  He grasped my shoulders and held me up until my weak legs could support me. I shook so bad that if it hadn’t been for Viktor, I would have been on the floor.

  “Can you walk?” he asked, his voice strangely soft, as if he was talking to a wounded animal.

  I nodded and he let me go. I stumbled forward and slowly walked toward Alessio, my legs heavy. My eyes stayed focused on him as I made my way to the door. He didn’t move or say anything as he continued to stare at me.

  When I walked through the door, Alessio’s cold voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

  “Don’t even think of escaping.”

  I didn’t look at him when I nodded. Escaping didn’t even pass through my mind. I knew I couldn’t escape. There was no point.

  His men would just catch me, and in the end, I would have to pay for my defiance. I had no desire to come back to this basement or to feel Alessio’s wrath.

  I would live my life as a quiet maid and try to become as invisible as possible.

  I heard Artur’s voice. “Boss, why are you—”

  Alessio lifted his palm, silencing him. My shoulders sagged and I wanted to cry in relief.

  I followed Phoenix as he led the way. We climbed the stairs, bringing us to the main level. I couldn’t see anyone and the house was completely silent.

  “What time is it?” I asked nervously.

  “Two-thirty in the morning,” Phoenix replied.

  My steps faltered. Almost seventeen hours. I had been in that basement for almost seventeen hours.

  “Are you coming or not?” he asked when I stopped. Nodding, I followed him to the stairs as he led me to my room.

  “Go take a shower and sleep,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, looking down as I hid my tears from him.

  I walked inside and he closed the door behind me. Blindly looking for the light switch, I turned it on and the room was instantly illuminated in light.

  I was tired, weak, hungry, sleepy, and numb. All I wanted to do was sleep and never wake up.

  Quickly shedding my clothes, I got into the shower. The warm water cascaded around me and I felt the warmth cover my cold body. My teeth chattered as I washed myself. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks. Tears of relief. I sank on the shower floor and cried while letting the warm water fall over my weak body. I didn’t know how long I stayed in the shower, but when my body felt fully warmed and my tears had finally dried, I got up and walked out.

  After putting my black pajamas on, I felt myself smile. I would sleep and forget everything. But that smile turned into a gasp of horror when I saw Alessio sitting on my bed. Staggering back, I curled into myself, fear spreading through my body.

  He hastily got up from the bed when he saw me cowering behind the door. “Shhh, don’t be scared. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  My eyes widened in surprise at his tone, which was gentle and soft.

  I have lost my mind. I must be dreaming.

  I shook my head and sputtered. “You…you…I…”

  My head grew dizzy when I saw him giving me a sweet smile. My legs gave out, but before I could fall on the floor, he rushed forward and grabbed onto my arms, pulling me into him. He cradled me to his chest, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and held on, scared he would let me go.

  “It’s okay. I got you,” he whispered, walking to my bed and gently placing me down.

  He sat on the mattress, and that was when I noticed the first aid kit on the bed. Alessio pulled it onto his lap and removed some bandages and a bag of antiseptic wipes. He looked up and our gazes met. I froze when I saw his eyes glistening with emotion.

  Leaning forward, Alessio gently grabbed my hands and placed them on his knees. He took the wipes out of the packet and gently rubbed my raw wrists. I hissed and he quickly mumbled, “Sorry.”

  Did he really say that?

  Bending down, he blew on my wrists and continued cleaning the small wound. It stung, but with him gently blowing on the burning skin, the pain slowly started to diminish.

  My eyes were closed when he wrapped the bandages around my wrists.

  “There. All done,” he whispered, slowly rubbing his finger on the bandage.

  I opened my eyes and stared at him. Why was he doing this? My heart stuttered when he brought my wrists up and placed a single kiss on each of them. My mouth hung open. This wasn’t actually happening, right? “I’m sorry, Ayla,” Alessio said against my wrist. I stopped breathing for a second. He apologized to me. The Russian mafia boss, Alessio Ivanshov, a man who probably never uttered the word sorry to anyone, had just apologized to me.

  I was in a state of shock. My heart was beating wildly in my chest and I fought to breathe. He looked up at me and my body started to warm up under his soft gaze.

  This is not possible. Alessio couldn’t be sitting in front of me right now and apologizing. He couldn’t be this…gentle.

  “I shouldn’t have treated you like that. I can’t apologize enough. But please know that I am so very sorry,” he continued as he placed my hands on his knees again. Bringing his hand up to my face, he moved
my hair behind my ears, letting his fingers linger on my cheek. “I believe you,” Alessio added.

  I gasped, then gulped hard, and continued to stare at him, my eyes wide. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t.

  “Please forgive me for my horrible actions. This won’t happen again. You are safe here. Nobody will ever mistreat you again,” he muttered, his voice a little rough but still gentle.

  He stared at me for a few more seconds, his blue eyes twinkling with something I couldn’t quite pinpoint. Alessio was always rude, arrogant, mean, vulgar, and menacing.

  But this side of Alessio was strange, and against my own resolve, my heart did a flip. His kindness and softness was unnatural, but my heart grasped onto it and held it tight.

  For a man like him to apologize, it meant something, right?

  Suddenly, he drew away, but then his lips tilted upward in a small smile. “There’s food here.” He nodded toward my nightstand where a tray of food sat.

  I looked back at him when he continued. “Please eat. You must be feeling weak. I will tell Lena that you are not going to work tomorrow. You need rest.”

  I nodded, still looking into his eyes, trying to find any sign of deception or trickery. But I only saw honest feelings. He really did feel guilty.

  Still confused at the new turn of events, I stayed speechless. Alessio sighed when I didn’t say anything. Moving away, he stood up and stared down at me.

  “Goodnight,” he said in the same smooth voice.

  His expression was sad and dejected. Almost mournful.

  My heart constricted and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why was I feeling sad for him? He deserved to feel the guilt and sorrow over causing me unnecessary pain. But why did I feel bad for him?

  As I tried to understand my own feelings over this whole ordeal, he gave me a final look and turned around. Without saying anything else, Alessio walked out of my bedroom and closed the door behind him.

  I was left on my bed, speechless and confused.

  Who was this new Alessio?

  Chapter 13

  I looked at the tray of food and my stomach growled.

  But then I looked back at the closed door, my heart hammering as I expected Alessio to barge in and drag me back into the basement.

  When none of that happened, I leaned against my headboard and looked down at my bandaged wrist.

  He had bandaged my wrist, brought me food, and apologized. My feelings were all over the place. I was scared, but his kindness had warmed my heart. Was he being genuine?

  Oh God, I hope so.

  Rubbing my thumb over my wrist, I thought about how he kissed my wrists gently, almost like he was scared of hurting me. I never thought him capable of being gentle, but he proved me wrong.

  His eyes had shown guilt and remorse. Looking back at the door, my heart constricted.

  Either he really meant his apology or he was a really good actor.

  There were so many uncertainties running through my head and none of them were helpful. They all led to the same conclusion.

  Alessio was unpredictable.

  I couldn’t trust him, not after the way he had treated me. Not when I knew the type of man he was. I felt vulnerable, and sometimes I could be gullible, but I wasn’t that stupid.

  But for now, I was still alive. And that was all that mattered.

  Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath and felt my muscles relaxing.

  I was hungry, sore, and tired. My gaze went to the tray and my stomach growled again. I leaned over and brought the tray to my lap. My muscles protested with the movement and I groaned.

  I ate until my stomach felt like it would burst. Eggs, rice, curry, fruits.

  I sighed, feeling content. Sometimes this new life felt better than my old life—my life with Alberto. After placing the tray back in its original spot, I pulled the covers over me and snuggled deeper into the softness.

  I stared at the door, blinking several times when my vision became hazy. Sleepiness took over my body and I had no desire to fight it. My body was languid and my eyes drifted shut.

  When I couldn’t hold them open any longer, I gave the door a final glance and then closed my eyes, slowly surrendering myself to exhaustion. Before I succumbed to the darkness, a strange thought ran through my head.

  Don’t fall for him.

  But I never had a chance to analyze it. Sleep had already taken over my body.



  “We haven’t found her yet.”

  “Fuck!” I roared before throwing my phone across the room.

  Pushing my chair away from my desk, I stood up and paced my office. That bitch. One week. One week since she fucking escaped.

  One week since she tricked everyone and left. And all this time, I had been looking for her. I had dozens of men looking for her. Day and night. But no one found her yet.

  Where the fuck could she be?

  Punching the wall in rage, I felt my control slowly snapping. She would pay for leaving me.

  She was mine, only mine.

  She belonged to me. Her place was in my bed, with her legs spread, waiting for me.

  Since she was seven, her fate had been entwined with mine. When I saw her for the first time, I knew I had to have her. She was meant for me.

  But she left.

  And I would make her bleed for leaving me. She would regret ever stepping a foot outside my estate.

  When the door opened, I swiveled around to see Alfredo coming in.

  “Have they found her yet?” he asked.

  I shook my head, leaning back against the wall, watching him pace.

  “Where could she be? How is it possible that none of our men have found her yet? They are the best trackers we have,” he growled, raking his hand through his hair.

  “I don’t know,” I said through gritted teeth. I was getting tired of the old man questioning me all the time.

  Taking a step forward, Alfredo sent me a piercing glare.

  “She was in your care! And I come back to find my daughter gone? I am rethinking your position as my second in command, Alberto. So you better fucking find her, and soon!” He stalked out of the room and closed the door behind him with a bang.

  That fucking old man. I was done with his bullshit.

  Second in command. I huffed at his words and let out a harsh laugh.

  I was the motherfucking boss.

  “Your time is done, Alfredo,” I hissed, glaring at the closed door.

  As I turned toward the window, I caught a glimpse of Ayla’s photo on my desk. She was wearing a black gown and I had my arms wrapped around her waist. Her smile stiff as always. Her eyes empty and soulless.

  You better hope that I don’t find you. Because when I do, you will regret ever being born.

  Chapter 14


  I awoke to the sound of continuous knocking. It vibrated through my ears and I groaned.

  Pushing the comforter away from my face, I looked up, but quickly closed my eyes against the bright sunlight streaming into my room.

  The day before was blurred and everything felt surreal. Blinking again, I stared at the door in confusion. Why was I in my room? Wasn’t I in the basement?

  But then my eyes widened when the rest of my memories came crashing back. Alessio had let me go and apologized for his behavior. He had bandaged my wrists and brought me food.

  Letting my head fall back on the pillow, I let out a loud sigh. It must have been a dream. A beautiful dream. When I heard the rapping against the door again, I called out without thinking, “Come in.” But as soon as the words left my mouth, I tensed.

  Oh God. What if it’s Alessio?

  Quickly sitting up, I brought the covers up to my chin and stared at the door nervously. I saw the knob turning and then the door slowly opened.

  I trembled slightly in fear, but when Maddie poked her head in, my muscles relaxed and I sagged against the pillows in relief.

  Maddie was Lena’s daughte
r. She was a few years older than me, but we instantly connected. Apart from Lena, Maddie was someone I had begun to trust.

  “Ayla,” she whispered, walking into my room and closing the door behind her. She ran to me and sat down on my bed, her expression filled with worry.

  “Oh my God, we were so worried!” she exclaimed, taking my hand in hers. When she saw the bandages, a shocked gasp escaped her lips.

  “Oh, Ayla,” Maddie whispered. She bit her lips and her eyebrows furrowed.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay,” I mumbled, withdrawing my hand, not wanting any more attention drawn to it.

  “Ayla, it’s not okay. How could he do that to you? When we heard you were brought to the basement, I think my mom almost had a heart attack!” She rose to her feet, putting her hands on her hips.

  My chest ached at the thought of Lena being worried, and I looked down sadly. “He thought I was a traitor,” I whispered as tears started building in my eyes. I sniffled, blinking the tears away.

  Instead, I began to weep, but stopped myself, swiping away the tears.

  “I know,” Maddie replied, sitting back on the bed again.

  “But I’m not!” Looking back up, I stared into her eyes with conviction and hoped that she believed me. But Maddie just smiled.

  “We know, Ayla. It’s clear as day you aren’t. But Alessio is stubborn. If he suspects that you are a spy, he isn’t going to let you go.”

  I nodded, turning my head to the side a little, looking at Maddie in confusion. “But he did let me go. And he apologized for treating me badly. So, I don’t understand.”

  I saw her eyes widen in shock and then she smiled again. Placing her palm over my hand, she gave it a gentle squeeze. “Alessio is very unpredictable. But if he apologized, which he never does, and he let you go, then he probably really meant it. So, don’t worry too much. You are safe now.”

  Her voice was soft, and I found myself relaxing, any doubts quickly evaporating.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  Maddie nodded and gave me a small smile. “Yes. I’m sure. Trust me, babe, Alessio never apologizes. I mean, it’s weird that he did. That should pretty much erase all your doubts.”


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