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Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2)

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by Sloan Storm


  Fastlane Series

  (Book #2)

  By Sloan Storm

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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  The Next Release in the Series

  February 26, 2016 - Burn (Fastlane Series: Book #3)


  “Do you think now is the right time to discuss this, Leopold?”

  My bosses, Bernard Millhouse and Leopold Baxter, sat across from me. In the distance, the sounds of a busy seaport captured my attention for a moment. It was my first trip to Monaco, and I couldn’t remember the last time I smelled salt in the air.

  “I don’t see why not,” Bernard replied, flashing his wristwatch. “We’ve only got a few minutes, but yes, I think this is as good a time as any.”

  The two men fell silent.

  Drawing my eyes up from the last-minute notes about our upcoming meeting, I paused and looked in their direction. When they stopped talking, I stopped writing. They exchanged silent glances. It was uncharacteristic behavior for them.

  “Yes?” I began, arching an eyebrow. “What is it?”

  Bernard nodded and leaned back in his chair. Drumming his fingertips on the long oak table, he cleared his throat and said, “Leopold and I think it’s time for you to take the next step with the firm, Dani.”

  It was the last thing I expected, especially minutes ahead of such an important meeting. Moisture left my mouth. I tried to stifle an awkward swallow. Leopold leaned forward, resting his elbows along the table’s edge.

  “We don’t have time to mince words, Dani. Bernard and I are ready to talk partnership with you.”

  Breaking eye contact with them for a split second, I glanced towards the entrance of the mega yacht’s main salon entrance before looking back at them.

  “Well, I-I’m not exactly sure what to say. You’ve obviously caught me off guard.”

  Bernard furrowed his brow.

  “Well, frankly, Dani, we expect you to say ‘yes’. At the very least, show a little enthusiasm. You know very well this could mean a seven-figure annual income for you.”

  I licked my lips. No one at the firm worked harder and brought in more business than I did in such a short period of time. I had no doubt this conversation would take place.

  I just didn’t expect it this instant.

  “I am enthusiastic and appreciative – but why now? Couldn’t this wait until we get back to New York?”

  No sooner had I asked the question than Bernard joined Leopold, leaning in my direction. He shook his head.

  “No, Dani, it can’t. This meeting is too important to the future of the firm. We want you to have a stake in what happens from now on.”

  I looked at them in silence, knowing exactly why they needed my help. The truth was, it didn’t bother me. Okay, maybe a little but… I’d learned to live with it.

  It’s a man’s world after all, and that’s never more the case than it is in my line of work. When you cut through all of the bullshit, I had assets no man did. I was well aware it opened doors for me, as well as the firm. And landing this prospect would mean massive growth for the company.

  The prospective client’s father had died suddenly, leaving him an inheritance worth billions. I knew he was a Formula One driver but not much more. I didn’t need to know. Judging by the way Bernard and Leopold were acting, it was clear what they expected from me. I had the sense they felt like they couldn’t do this deal without me.

  Playing it cool, I interlaced my fingers and rested them on top of my notepad.

  “I appreciate the offer,” I began, taking a moment to look at each of them before continuing. “Don’t think I don’t.”

  “But…” Leopold said, interrupting me and coaxing the rest of my sentence out with a leading tone. He seemed too eager. I waited for a moment before continuing.

  “Can I be frank with the both of you?”

  The two of them exchanged glances before looking back at me and nodding at the same time.

  “I understand the significance of today’s meeting and what it means to the firm, but when Miles made partner last year I don’t recall any strings attached to his deal.”

  “What are you talking about, Dani?” Bernard asked. “Who said anything about strings being attached?”

  I cleared my throat. “Okay, granted, you haven’t come right out and said it, but as I sit here it seems to me that you feel like you need me to help you close this deal.”

  Leopold nodded. “Of course we do. You wouldn’t be here with us right now if that wasn’t the case.”

  “Yes, exactly, Dani,” Bernard said, agreeing with Leopold. “What point are you trying to make?”

  “Just this…” I began, looking each of them in the eye. “I brought nearly one hundred million in business to the firm last year, and I know for a fact that Miles was nowhere near that level of production. So again, while I appreciate the offer, I don’t think it’s fair to make it so much harder for me than it was for him.”

  Bernard waved me off. “Dani, you’re a brilliant analyst and an even better closer, but there’s a lot that goes on at the firm you know nothing about.”

  Before I had a chance to respond, Leopold spoke, “Bernard is correct. The value of the firm has increased dramatically since Miles got his equity. Although it’s a difficult decision, Bernard and I have no choice but to demand greater production from future partners, yourself included.”

  I pinched the inside of my lip between my teeth. Of course the firm was more valuable. I’d brought in one hundred million in business! I didn’t appreciate the brush off but it really didn't matter.

  I cleared my throat. “So, what are you saying?”

  “It’s very simple, Dani,” Bernard said, staring at me without blinking. “If you want to be considered for partner, then you need to close this deal, today. We brought you with us because we believe you have potential, and now it’s time to prove it.”

  I nodded. “As I already stated, I feel like I have proved myself. I’m the youngest senior manager at the firm and the only woman. I think that I’ve delivered at a level far above what Miles ever contributed.”

  While I spoke, the posture of both men stiffened. I was probably being foolish for being so blunt, but they had to know I wasn’t just going to take whatever offer they decided to make, especially in a situation like this.

  “Dani,” Leopold began, raising his hand. “Bernard and I founded this company more than thirty years ago, before you were born. In the history of the business, only three other people have been offered partnerships. You’re young. Trust us when we tell you that this is a good deal.”

  Bernard nodded.

  “Listen to Leopold, Dani. You’ve already achieved a lot for someone your age, but you don’t know everything. We can work out the details later, but for now, Leopold and I need you to be one hundred percent focused on closing this transaction.”

  “I am, Bernard. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  Leopold chuckled.

  “That’s what makes you so God damn good, Dani. It’s that confidence of yours. It’s infectious, and it’s just what we need at the firm’s highest level

  I wanted to say thank you, but in that instant it was the last thing I felt like doing. I’d visualized this day in my mind, rehearsed it over and over again. Funny how it wasn’t anything like I thought it would be. It wasn't that I didn’t appreciate their offer, I did. I also respected what they’d built. Being in this business, especially as long as they had, wasn’t easy, but they had to know I wouldn’t be happy about this proposal.

  Before I could say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, Bernard spoke again.

  “We won’t be the only ones trying to land this account. The competition is going to be fierce, and it’s already well underway. So, what's it going to be, Dani?”

  I exhaled and leaned back in my chair, dropping my hands in my lap. As much as I didn’t like the double standard being applied to me, I didn’t see how I had much of a choice. Whether it was with their firm or another, I'd basically always be in the same position because I was a woman. Now that I was this close to my goal, I’d be foolish not to just push through. I had little doubt Bernard and Leopold were well aware of that fact.

  “So if I’m able to get this deal done, then I make partner? Is that the offer you’re putting on the table?”

  The men nodded.

  “It is.” Leopold said. “Just do what you do best, and everything else will take care of itself. You have our word on that.”

  With reluctance, I took one last breath. “All right then. Fine.”

  The men smiled at me and began to stand from their chairs, extending their hands towards me in congratulations. With a slight bend at the waist, I reached in their direction to agree, with caution, to the offer. Our outstretched hands nearly met when I noticed the door to the salon open.

  At once, all three of us turned our heads.

  On the flight over from New York, I’d squeezed in as much research as I could. Most of the billionaires I’d met were old, overworked and overfed – fat cats. Even though I’d seen pictures of him and watched interviews, looking the man in the eye for the first time, I felt sensations I shouldn’t have. Something stirred between my thighs.

  Something dangerous, just like the cars he drove.

  “Ah!” Bernard said. “Mr. Rhys!”

  And just like that, before we’d even had a chance to seal our informal deal with a handshake, Bernard and Leopold turned away from me to greet him. I hesitated, following them with my eyes for a second or two.

  Marco Rhys stood in the doorway. His body language, not to mention the look on his face, suggested that this impromptu get-together was the last place he wanted to be. I smoothed the fabric of my skirt, pushing my breasts forward far enough to get the kind of attention I would need.

  Game on.


  “Mr. Rhys,” Leopold began, making his way around the end of the conference table. “Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice.”

  Bernard trailed behind Leopold, circling around to the opposite side of Marco. Seconds later, the three men exchanged handshakes with one another. Marco offered them a polite smile but not much else. It was around that time I approached the three of them. Bernard and Leopold stepped aside and Marco’s gaze snapped towards me.

  Our eyes met.

  Composing myself, I smiled at him and extended my hand.

  “It’s wonderful to meet you, Mr. Rhys. I’m Dani Simms.”

  Marco didn’t take my hand right away. Instead, he continued to look in my direction and offered me little more than a slow nod.

  Silence fell across the room.

  In all the time I’d worked at the firm, I’d never had a male client refuse my handshake. In fact, he made the gesture seem awkward, almost inappropriate. But just before I decided to drop my hand back to my side, one side of his mouth curled upwards in amusement.

  Just behind him, bright Monte Carlo midmorning sunlight shined into the decadent parlor of the yacht, illuminating his chocolate-colored irises with caramel streaks. Shadow wrapped around his square jaw, curling inward towards his perfect lips.

  Marco reached for me, gliding his fingers inside of my palm in a single, smooth motion. With a slight pressure, he turned my hand downward while drawing it towards his mouth. I felt my lips part while he moved his own towards the back of my hand.

  Before I realized it, he pressed his lips against my flesh.

  Hypnotized, I happened to notice a trace of stubble lining his jaw. My body tensed and my nipples tingled at the idea of him dragging the short, sharp hairs across the skin on my neck. I could almost feel the heat from the friction of it, setting my body on fire with lust. He lingered there for two seconds, maybe three. Either way, it was one too many for my liking. A blistering pulse of fire raced through me, nearly causing my knees to give way.

  What was happening to me? Jesus Christ, Dani!

  These were the kinds of situations I was always in control of, but suddenly, it seemed quite the opposite. Instinctively, I attempted to pull my hand free of his grasp. Marco took notice. Looking at me, he arched a brow and smiled for an instant before releasing me and looking at me in silence.

  “Is it?” he asked, at last, still smiling.

  I blinked a couple of times.

  Is it?

  What is it?


  Glancing at Leopold and Bernard, I noticed their faces wrinkle with looks of concern. I sensed Marco still staring at me. I turned to look at him once again. Reaching up, I tugged a strand of hair behind my ear. I pulled my shoulders back a bit, lifted my chin towards him and straightened my spine.

  “Is it… what?” I replied.

  Marco stepped towards me. Confidence oozed from him but, it was far from the sleazy, playboy variety. He seemed completely at ease with his behavior. Standing less than a foot from me, he continued.

  “You said it was wonderful to meet me. Is it?”

  I blinked again. My mouth drifted open, searching for a reply. Poker-faced, Marco made no effort to help me with a response. Instead, he nodded and started walking, headed in the direction of the conference table.

  “Think about it,” he said, passing by me.

  My head turned on a swivel. Half-dazed, I followed him with my eyes, still not sure what happened. Just then, I felt a palm press into my lower back. I turned to see Leopold standing there. I noticed Bernard walking towards the table to join Marco.

  “Dani,” Leopold began, leaning into me. He continued in a voice barely above a whisper, “What’s going on with you?”

  I shook my head, muttering a reply to him in return.

  “Nothing. I’m fine,” I lied, trying to refocus.

  Leopold leaned away, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Okay,” he said, dropping his hand away from my backside. “Come on then.”

  I took advantage of the fifteen feet or so between the entrance to the parlor and the conference table to collect myself. Red hot race car driver or not, the simple fact was Marco Rhys was just another rich guy – one I was more than capable of handling.

  Come on Dani.

  By the time I reached the table, Bernard started to speak.

  “Please accept our condolences for the passing of your father, Mr. Rhys. Antonio was a giant.”

  Marco listened, nodding, until Bernard finished. At last, he replied, “Yes, many people viewed him that way.”

  I eased into my chair, two seats down from Marco. I frowned at his strange, guarded response. His answer was consistent with what little I knew about his family. Intensely private, his father had used his vast fortune to keep his personal life a well-guarded secret.

  Leopold sat between Marco and me.

  Marco turned his attention towards him and spoke. “I’d like to get through this meeting as quickly as possible. I’ve got a very busy day ahead.”

  Clearing his throat, Leopold leaned forward in his chair, bracing himself against the table’s edge with his elbows.

  I’d never seen him so nervous.

  “Absolutely, sir,” he began, clearing his throat for a
second time. “We all understand how busy you are.”

  I looked down towards the end of the table to see Marco staring at me.


  Since our awkward greeting a few minutes earlier, I did manage to collect myself. Staring back at him, I began to feel the control tilt in my favor. The look in his eyes was the kind of thing I’d grown accustomed to seeing from men in this line of work. I suddenly felt much better about my chances.

  Bernard began to speak. “We won’t waste any of your time, Mr. Rhys,” he started, nodding his head as he leaned in towards the table in full salesman mode. “I think that our track record as an investment banking firm speaks for itself. We’ve got nearly one hundred billion under management and…”

  Marco lifted his arm, showing his palm to Bernard.

  “I’d like to hear from Ms. Simms. I’d prefer it if she would tell me why I should give your firm my money.”

  I swallowed, ready to accept the challenge. This was what I lived for, making the deal. I sensed I had him right where I wanted him. All of sudden, it almost felt too easy. In a matter of minutes, I’d managed to turn the situation completely in my favor. Now all I had to do was use my gifts of persuasion along with the firm’s rock solid history, and he’d be ours.

  With all three men now looking at me, I nodded and offered a polite smile to him before beginning. I reached for my briefcase and pulled out the prospectus we’d put together for him. Opening it, I placed it on the table in front of me and began my sales pitch.

  “Thank you,” I began, nodding towards Bernard for an instant. I looked at Mr. Rhys again and continued, “Well, Mr. Rhys, as Bernard mentioned, the firm has been in business for more than three decades. We manage billions in assets and if there’s one thing that matters when it comes to taking care of fortunes, it’s that you pick the right partner.”

  I placed my hand on top of the folder, opening it and pointing towards it at the same time.

  “As you’ll see here, our analysts have put together a comprehensive offering for you. I think that you will be extremely pleased with what we can do for someone with an estate of your size.”


  I chuckled. Reaching for the arms of my chair, I wrapped my hands around them and started to stand. I’d heard the same pitch from half a dozen of these investment banks. I wouldn’t have even considered meeting with these three if they hadn’t come to Monte Carlo.


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